    def _stats(self, withDb=True):
        self.t0 = time.time()
        total = 0

        msg = '\n'
        tiles = TerrainTiles(self.dbConfigFile, self.tmsConfig, self.t0)
        geodetic = getTileGrid(4326)(tmsCompatible=True)
        bounds = (tiles.minLon, tiles.minLat, tiles.maxLon, tiles.maxLat)
        zooms = range(tiles.tileMinZ, tiles.tileMaxZ + 1)

        db = DB('configs/terrain/database.cfg')
            with db.userSession() as session:
                for i in xrange(0, len(zooms)):
                    zoom = zooms[i]
                    model = modelsPyramid.getModelByZoom(zoom)
                    nbObjects = None
                    if withDb:
                        nbObjects = session.query(model).filter(
                    # top letf corner
                    tileMinX, tileMinY = geodetic.tileAddress(
                        zoom, [bounds[0], bounds[3]])
                    # bottom right
                    tileMaxX, tileMaxY = geodetic.tileAddress(
                        zoom, [bounds[2], bounds[1]])
                    tileBounds = geodetic.tileBounds(zoom, tileMinX, tileMinY)
                    xCount = tileMaxX - tileMinX + 1
                    yCount = tileMaxY - tileMinY + 1
                    nbTiles = xCount * yCount
                    total += nbTiles
                    pointA = transformCoordinate(
                        'POINT(%s %s)' % (tileBounds[0], tileBounds[1]), 4326,
                    pointB = transformCoordinate(
                        'POINT(%s %s)' % (tileBounds[2], tileBounds[3]), 4326,
                    length = int(round(c2d.distance(pointA, pointB)))
                    msg += 'At zoom %s:\n' % zoom
                    msg += 'We expect %s tiles overall\n' % nbTiles
                    msg += 'Min X is %s, Max X is %s\n' % (tileMinX, tileMaxX)
                    msg += '%s columns over X\n' % xCount
                    msg += 'Min Y is %s, Max Y is %s\n' % (tileMinY, tileMaxY)
                    msg += '%s rows over Y\n' % yCount
                    msg += '\n'
                    msg += 'A tile side is around %s meters' % length
                    if nbTiles > 0 and nbObjects is not None:
                        msg += 'We have an average of about %s triangles ' \
                               'per tile\n' % int(round(nbObjects / nbTiles))
                    msg += '\n\n'
            msg += '%s tiles in total.' % total
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error('An error occured during statistics collection')
            logger.error('%s' % e, exc_info=True)
            raise Exception(e)

        return (total, msg)
    def populateLakes(self):
        logger.info('Action: populateLakes()')

        # For now we never reproject lakes
        with self.userSession() as session:
            shpFile = self.config.get('Data', 'lakes')

            if not os.path.exists(shpFile):
                logger.error('Shapefile %s does not exists' % (shpFile))

            count = 1
            shp = ShpToGDALFeatures(shpFile)
            logger.info('Processing %s' % (shpFile))
            bulk = BulkInsert(Lakes, session, withAutoCommit=1000)

            for feature in shp.getFeatures():
                polygon = feature.GetGeometryRef()
                # Force 2D for lakes
                # add shapefile path to dict
                # self.shpFilePath
                    dict(the_geom=WKTElement(polygon.ExportToWkt(), 4326)))
                count += 1
            logger.info('Commit %s features for %s.' % (count, shpFile))
            # Once all features have been commited, start creating all
            # the simplified versions of the lakes
            logger.info('Simplifying lakes')
            tiles = TerrainTiles(self.dbConfigFile, tmsConfig, time.time())
            geodetic = GlobalGeodetic(True)
            bounds = (tiles.minLon, tiles.minLat, tiles.maxLon, tiles.maxLat)
            zooms = range(tiles.tileMinZ, tiles.tileMaxZ + 1)
            for i in xrange(0, len(zooms)):
                zoom = zooms[i]
                tablename = 'lakes_%s' % zoom
                tileMinX, tileMinY = geodetic.LonLatToTile(
                    bounds[0], bounds[1], zoom)
                tileMaxX, tileMaxY = geodetic.LonLatToTile(
                    bounds[2], bounds[3], zoom)
                tileBounds = geodetic.TileBounds(tileMinX, tileMinY, zoom)
                pointA = transformCoordinate(
                    'POINT(%s %s)' % (tileBounds[0], tileBounds[1]), 4326,
                pointB = transformCoordinate(
                    'POINT(%s %s)' % (tileBounds[2], tileBounds[3]), 4326,
                length = c2d.distance(pointA, pointB)
                pixelArea = pow(length, 2) / pow(256.0, 2)
                pixelLength = math.sqrt(pixelArea)
                    create_simplified_geom_table(tablename, pixelLength))
                logger.info('Commit table public.%s with %s meters '
                            'tolerance' % (tablename, pixelLength))
    def _stats(self, withDb=True):
        self.t0 = time.time()
        total = 0

        msg = "\n"
        tiles = Tiles(self.dbConfigFile, self.tmsConfig, self.t0)
        geodetic = GlobalGeodetic(True)
        bounds = (tiles.minLon, tiles.minLat, tiles.maxLon, tiles.maxLat)
        zooms = range(tiles.tileMinZ, tiles.tileMaxZ + 1)

        db = DB("database.cfg")
        self.DBSession = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=db.userEngine))

        for i in xrange(0, len(zooms)):
            zoom = zooms[i]
            model = modelsPyramid.getModelByZoom(zoom)
            nbObjects = None
            if withDb:
                nbObjects = self.DBSession.query(model).filter(model.bboxIntersects(bounds)).count()
            tileMinX, tileMinY = geodetic.LonLatToTile(bounds[0], bounds[1], zoom)
            tileMaxX, tileMaxY = geodetic.LonLatToTile(bounds[2], bounds[3], zoom)
            # Fast approach, but might not be fully correct
            if tiles.fullonly == 1:
                tileMinX += 1
                tileMinY += 1
                tileMaxX -= 1
                tileMaxY -= 1
            tileBounds = geodetic.TileBounds(tileMinX, tileMinY, zoom)
            xCount = tileMaxX - tileMinX + 1
            yCount = tileMaxY - tileMinY + 1
            nbTiles = xCount * yCount
            total += nbTiles
            pointA = transformCoordinate("POINT(%s %s)" % (tileBounds[0], tileBounds[1]), 4326, 21781).GetPoints()[0]
            pointB = transformCoordinate("POINT(%s %s)" % (tileBounds[2], tileBounds[3]), 4326, 21781).GetPoints()[0]
            length = c2d.distance(pointA, pointB)
            if tiles.fullonly == 1:
                msg += "WARNING: stats are approximative because fullonly is activated!\n"
            msg += "At zoom %s:\n" % zoom
            msg += "We expect %s tiles overall\n" % nbTiles
            msg += "Min X is %s, Max X is %s\n" % (tileMinX, tileMaxX)
            msg += "%s columns over X\n" % xCount
            msg += "Min Y is %s, Max Y is %s\n" % (tileMinY, tileMaxY)
            msg += "%s rows over Y\n" % yCount
            msg += "\n"
            msg += "A tile side is around %s meters long\n" % int(round(length))
            if nbTiles > 0 and nbObjects is not None:
                msg += "We have an average of about %s triangles per tile\n" % int(round(nbObjects / nbTiles))
            msg += "\n"

        return (total, msg)
    def _stats(self, withDb=True):
        self.t0 = time.time()
        total = 0

        msg = '\n'
        tiles = TerrainTiles(self.dbConfigFile, self.tmsConfig, self.t0)
        geodetic = GlobalGeodetic(True)
        bounds = (tiles.minLon, tiles.minLat, tiles.maxLon, tiles.maxLat)
        zooms = range(tiles.tileMinZ, tiles.tileMaxZ + 1)

        db = DB('configs/terrain/database.cfg')
            with db.userSession() as session:
                for i in xrange(0, len(zooms)):
                    zoom = zooms[i]
                    model = modelsPyramid.getModelByZoom(zoom)
                    nbObjects = None
                    if withDb:
                        nbObjects = session.query(model).filter(
                    tileMinX, tileMinY = geodetic.LonLatToTile(
                        bounds[0], bounds[1], zoom
                    tileMaxX, tileMaxY = geodetic.LonLatToTile(
                        bounds[2], bounds[3], zoom
                    # Fast approach, but might not be fully correct
                    if tiles.fullonly == 1:
                        tileMinX += 1
                        tileMinY += 1
                        tileMaxX -= 1
                        tileMaxY -= 1
                    tileBounds = geodetic.TileBounds(tileMinX, tileMinY, zoom)
                    xCount = tileMaxX - tileMinX + 1
                    yCount = tileMaxY - tileMinY + 1
                    nbTiles = xCount * yCount
                    total += nbTiles
                    pointA = transformCoordinate('POINT(%s %s)' % (
                        tileBounds[0], tileBounds[1]), 4326, 21781
                    pointB = transformCoordinate('POINT(%s %s)' % (
                        tileBounds[2], tileBounds[3]), 4326, 21781
                    length = c2d.distance(pointA, pointB)
                    if tiles.fullonly == 1:
                        msg += 'WARNING: stats are approximative because ' \
                               'fullonly is activated!\n'
                    msg += 'At zoom %s:\n' % zoom
                    msg += 'We expect %s tiles overall\n' % nbTiles
                    msg += 'Min X is %s, Max X is %s\n' % (tileMinX, tileMaxX)
                    msg += '%s columns over X\n' % xCount
                    msg += 'Min Y is %s, Max Y is %s\n' % (tileMinY, tileMaxY)
                    msg += '%s rows over Y\n' % yCount
                    msg += '\n'
                    msg += 'A tile side is around %s meters' % int(round(length))
                    if nbTiles > 0 and nbObjects is not None:
                        msg += 'We have an average of about %s triangles ' \
                               'per tile\n' % int(round(nbObjects / nbTiles))
                    msg += '\n\n'
            msg += '%s tiles in total.' % total
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error('An error occured during statistics collection')
            logger.error('%s' % e, exc_info=True)
            raise Exception(e)

        return (total, msg)
文件: db.py 项目: escribano/3d-forge
    def populateLakes(self):
        logger.info('Action: populateLakes()')

        # For now we never reproject lakes
        with self.userSession() as session:
            shpFile = self.config.get('Data', 'lakes')

            if not os.path.exists(shpFile):
                logger.error('Shapefile %s does not exists' % (shpFile))

            count = 1
            shp = ShpToGDALFeatures(shpFile)
            logger.info('Processing %s' % (shpFile))
            bulk = BulkInsert(Lakes, session, withAutoCommit=1000)

            for feature in shp.getFeatures():
                polygon = feature.GetGeometryRef()
                # Force 2D for lakes
                # add shapefile path to dict
                # self.shpFilePath
                    the_geom = WKTElement(polygon.ExportToWkt(), 4326)
                count += 1
            logger.info('Commit %s features for %s.' % (count, shpFile))
            # Once all features have been commited, start creating all
            # the simplified versions of the lakes
            logger.info('Simplifying lakes')
            tiles = TerrainTiles(self.dbConfigFile, tmsConfig, time.time())
            geodetic = GlobalGeodetic(True)
            bounds = (tiles.minLon, tiles.minLat, tiles.maxLon, tiles.maxLat)
            zooms = range(tiles.tileMinZ, tiles.tileMaxZ + 1)
            for i in xrange(0, len(zooms)):
                zoom = zooms[i]
                tablename = 'lakes_%s' % zoom
                tileMinX, tileMinY = geodetic.LonLatToTile(
                    bounds[0], bounds[1], zoom
                tileMaxX, tileMaxY = geodetic.LonLatToTile(
                    bounds[2], bounds[3], zoom
                tileBounds = geodetic.TileBounds(tileMinX, tileMinY, zoom)
                pointA = transformCoordinate('POINT(%s %s)' % (
                    tileBounds[0], tileBounds[1]), 4326, 21781
                pointB = transformCoordinate('POINT(%s %s)' % (
                    tileBounds[2], tileBounds[3]), 4326, 21781
                length = c2d.distance(pointA, pointB)
                pixelArea = pow(length, 2) / pow(256.0, 2)
                pixelLength = math.sqrt(pixelArea)
                    create_simplified_geom_table(tablename, pixelLength)
                logger.info('Commit table public.%s with %s meters '
                    'tolerance' % (tablename, pixelLength))
    def _stats(self, withDb=True):
        self.t0 = time.time()
        total = 0

        msg = '\n'
        tiles = TerrainTiles(self.dbConfigFile, self.tmsConfig, self.t0)
        geodetic = GlobalGeodetic(True)
        bounds = (tiles.minLon, tiles.minLat, tiles.maxLon, tiles.maxLat)
        zooms = range(tiles.tileMinZ, tiles.tileMaxZ + 1)

        db = DB('configs/terrain/database.cfg')
            with db.userSession() as session:
                for i in xrange(0, len(zooms)):
                    zoom = zooms[i]
                    model = modelsPyramid.getModelByZoom(zoom)
                    nbObjects = None
                    if withDb:
                        nbObjects = session.query(model).filter(
                    tileMinX, tileMinY = geodetic.LonLatToTile(
                        bounds[0], bounds[1], zoom)
                    tileMaxX, tileMaxY = geodetic.LonLatToTile(
                        bounds[2], bounds[3], zoom)
                    # Fast approach, but might not be fully correct
                    if tiles.fullonly == 1:
                        tileMinX += 1
                        tileMinY += 1
                        tileMaxX -= 1
                        tileMaxY -= 1
                    tileBounds = geodetic.TileBounds(tileMinX, tileMinY, zoom)
                    xCount = tileMaxX - tileMinX + 1
                    yCount = tileMaxY - tileMinY + 1
                    nbTiles = xCount * yCount
                    total += nbTiles
                    pointA = transformCoordinate(
                        'POINT(%s %s)' % (tileBounds[0], tileBounds[1]), 4326,
                    pointB = transformCoordinate(
                        'POINT(%s %s)' % (tileBounds[2], tileBounds[3]), 4326,
                    length = c2d.distance(pointA, pointB)
                    if tiles.fullonly == 1:
                        msg += 'WARNING: stats are approximative because ' \
                               'fullonly is activated!\n'
                    msg += 'At zoom %s:\n' % zoom
                    msg += 'We expect %s tiles overall\n' % nbTiles
                    msg += 'Min X is %s, Max X is %s\n' % (tileMinX, tileMaxX)
                    msg += '%s columns over X\n' % xCount
                    msg += 'Min Y is %s, Max Y is %s\n' % (tileMinY, tileMaxY)
                    msg += '%s rows over Y\n' % yCount
                    msg += '\n'
                    msg += 'A tile side is around %s meters' % int(
                    if nbTiles > 0 and nbObjects is not None:
                        msg += 'We have an average of about %s triangles ' \
                               'per tile\n' % int(round(nbObjects / nbTiles))
                    msg += '\n\n'
            msg += '%s tiles in total.' % total
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error('An error occured during statistics collection')
            logger.error('%s' % e, exc_info=True)
            raise Exception(e)

        return (total, msg)