def emit(self): """ Return the data! """ self.coalesce_properties() output_format = self.config.get('output_format', 'markdown') output = '' frontmatter = backmatter = '' if 'property_index_boilerplate' in self.config: boilerplate = self.config['property_index_boilerplate'] frontmatter, backmatter = boilerplate.split('[insert property index]') if output_format == 'html': from format_utils import HtmlUtils formatter = HtmlUtils() if frontmatter: output = formatter.markdown_to_html(frontmatter) else: output = formatter.head_one("Property Index", 0) output += self.format_tabular_output(formatter) output += formatter.markdown_to_html(backmatter) toc = self.generate_toc(output) if '[add_toc]' in output: output = output.replace('[add_toc]', toc, 1) output = self.add_html_boilerplate(output) if output_format == 'markdown': from format_utils import FormatUtils formatter = FormatUtils() if frontmatter: output = frontmatter else: output = formatter.head_one("Property Index", 0) output += self.format_tabular_output(formatter) output += backmatter if output_format == 'csv': output = self.output_csv() return output
class HtmlGenerator(DocFormatter): """Provides methods for generating markdown from Redfish schemas. """ def __init__(self, property_data, traverser, config, level=0): super(HtmlGenerator, self).__init__(property_data, traverser, config, level) self.separators = {'inline': ', ', 'linebreak': '<br>'} self.formatter = HtmlUtils() self.table_of_contents = '' self.css_content = """ <style> * {margin: 0; padding: 0;} body {font: 0.8125em Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #222; background: #FFF; width: 90%; margin: 2em auto;} h1, h3, h4{margin:1em 0 .5em;} h2 {margin: 2em 0 .5em;} h3 { border-bottom: 1px solid #000000 } h4 { text-decoration: underline #000000 } ul, ol {margin-left: 2em;} li {margin: 0 0 0.5em;} p {margin: 0 0 0.5em;} div.toc {margin: 0 0 2em 0;} .toc ul {list-style-type: none;} ul.nobullet { list-style-type: none } table{ max-width: 100%; background-color: transparent; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; margin-bottom: 1.25em; border: 1px solid #999999; border-width: 0 1px 1px 0; } td, th{ padding: .5em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; border: 1px solid #999999; border-width: 1px 0 0 1px; }{ width: 100%; } table.uris tr td:nth-child(2) { word-break: break-all; } .property-details-content { margin-left: 5em; } pre.code{ font-size: 1em; margin-left: 5em; color: #0000FF } .codehilite .hll { background-color: #ffffcc } .codehilite { background: #f8f8f8; } .codehilite .c { color: #408080; font-style: italic } /* Comment */ .codehilite .err { border: 1px solid #FF0000 } /* Error */ .codehilite .k { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */ .codehilite .o { color: #666666 } /* Operator */ .codehilite .ch { color: #408080; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Hashbang */ .codehilite .cm { color: #408080; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Multiline */ .codehilite .cp { color: #BC7A00 } /* Comment.Preproc */ .codehilite .cpf { color: #408080; font-style: italic } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ .codehilite .c1 { color: #408080; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Single */ .codehilite .cs { color: #408080; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Special */ .codehilite .gd { color: #A00000 } /* Generic.Deleted */ .codehilite .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ .codehilite .gr { color: #FF0000 } /* Generic.Error */ .codehilite .gh { color: #000080; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Heading */ .codehilite .gi { color: #00A000 } /* Generic.Inserted */ .codehilite .go { color: #888888 } /* Generic.Output */ .codehilite .gp { color: #000080; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Prompt */ .codehilite .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ .codehilite .gu { color: #800080; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Subheading */ .codehilite .gt { color: #0044DD } /* Generic.Traceback */ .codehilite .kc { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */ .codehilite .kd { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */ .codehilite .kn { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */ .codehilite .kp { color: #008000 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ .codehilite .kr { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */ .codehilite .kt { color: #B00040 } /* Keyword.Type */ .codehilite .m { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number */ .codehilite .s { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String */ .codehilite .na { color: #7D9029 } /* Name.Attribute */ .codehilite .nb { color: #008000 } /* Name.Builtin */ .codehilite .nc { color: #0000FF; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */ .codehilite .no { color: #880000 } /* Name.Constant */ .codehilite .nd { color: #AA22FF } /* Name.Decorator */ .codehilite .ni { color: #999999; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Entity */ .codehilite .ne { color: #D2413A; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */ .codehilite .nf { color: #0000FF } /* Name.Function */ .codehilite .nl { color: #A0A000 } /* Name.Label */ .codehilite .nn { color: #0000FF; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */ .codehilite .nt { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ .codehilite .nv { color: #19177C } /* Name.Variable */ .codehilite .ow { color: #AA22FF; font-weight: bold } /* Operator.Word */ .codehilite .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */ .codehilite .mb { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ .codehilite .mf { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .codehilite .mh { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .codehilite .mi { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .codehilite .mo { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .codehilite .sa { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ .codehilite .sb { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .codehilite .sc { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Char */ .codehilite .dl { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ .codehilite .sd { color: #BA2121; font-style: italic } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .codehilite .s2 { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .codehilite .se { color: #BB6622; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .codehilite .sh { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .codehilite .si { color: #BB6688; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .codehilite .sx { color: #008000 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .codehilite .sr { color: #BB6688 } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .codehilite .s1 { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .codehilite .ss { color: #19177C } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .codehilite .bp { color: #008000 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .codehilite .fm { color: #0000FF } /* Name.Function.Magic */ .codehilite .vc { color: #19177C } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .codehilite .vg { color: #19177C } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .codehilite .vi { color: #19177C } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .codehilite .vm { color: #19177C } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .codehilite .il { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ </style> """ def format_property_row(self, schema_ref, prop_name, prop_info, prop_path=[], in_array=False): """Format information for a single property. Returns an object with 'row', 'details', 'action_details', and 'profile_conditional_details': 'row': content for the main table being generated. 'details': content for the Property Details section. 'action_details': content for the Actions section. 'profile_conditional_details': populated only in profile_mode, formatted conditional details This may include embedded objects with their own properties. """ traverser = self.traverser formatted = [] # The row itself current_depth = len(prop_path) if in_array: current_depth = current_depth - 1 # strip_top_object is used for fragments, to allow output of just the properties # without the enclosing object: if self.config.get('strip_top_object') and current_depth > 0: indentation_string = ' ' * 6 * (current_depth - 1) else: indentation_string = ' ' * 6 * current_depth # If prop_path starts with Actions and is more than 1 deep, we are outputting for an Action Details # section and should dial back the indentation by one level. if len(prop_path) > 1 and prop_path[0] == 'Actions': indentation_string = ' ' * 6 * (current_depth - 1) collapse_array = False # Should we collapse a list description into one row? For lists of simple types has_enum = False if current_depth < self.current_depth: for i in range(current_depth, self.current_depth): if i in self.current_version: del self.current_version[i] self.current_depth = current_depth parent_depth = current_depth - 1 if isinstance(prop_info, list): meta = prop_info[0].get('_doc_generator_meta') has_enum = 'enum' in prop_info[0] elif isinstance(prop_info, dict): meta = prop_info.get('_doc_generator_meta') has_enum = 'enum' in prop_info if not meta: meta = {} # We want to modify a local copy of meta, deleting redundant version info meta = copy.deepcopy(meta) name_and_version = self.formatter.bold(html.escape(prop_name, False)) deprecated_descr = None version = meta.get('version') self.current_version[current_depth] = version # Don't display version if there is a parent version and this is not newer: if self.current_version.get(parent_depth) and version: if DocGenUtilities.compare_versions( version, self.current_version.get(parent_depth)) <= 0: del meta['version'] if meta.get('version', '1.0.0') != '1.0.0': version_text = html.escape(meta['version'], False) version_display = self.truncate_version(version_text, 2) + '+' if 'version_deprecated' in meta: version_depr = html.escape(meta['version_deprecated'], False) deprecated_display = self.truncate_version(version_depr, 2) name_and_version += ' ' + self.formatter.italic( '(v' + version_display + ', deprecated v' + deprecated_display + ')') deprecated_descr = html.escape( "Deprecated v" + deprecated_display + '+. ' + meta['version_deprecated_explanation'], False) else: name_and_version += ' ' + self.formatter.italic( '(v' + version_display + ')') elif 'version_deprecated' in meta: version_depr = html.escape(meta['version_deprecated'], False) deprecated_display = self.truncate_version(version_depr, 2) name_and_version += ' ' + self.formatter.italic( '(deprecated v' + deprecated_display + ')') deprecated_descr = html.escape( "Deprecated v" + deprecated_display + '+. ' + meta['version_deprecated_explanation'], False) formatted_details = self.parse_property_info(schema_ref, prop_name, prop_info, prop_path, meta.get('within_action')) if formatted_details.get('promote_me'): return ({ 'row': '\n'.join(formatted_details['item_description']), 'details': formatted_details['prop_details'], 'action_details': formatted_details.get('action_details') }) if self.config.get('strip_top_object') and current_depth == 0: # In this case, we're done for this bit of documentation, and we just want the properties of this object. formatted.append('\n'.join( formatted_details['object_description'])) return ({ 'row': '\n'.join(formatted), 'details': formatted_details['prop_details'], 'action_details': formatted_details.get('action_details'), 'profile_conditional_details': formatted_details.get('profile_conditional_details') }) # Eliminate dups in these these properties and join with a delimiter: props = { 'prop_type': self.separators['inline'], 'descr': self.separators['linebreak'], 'object_description': '\n', 'item_description': '\n' } for property_name, delim in props.items(): if isinstance(formatted_details[property_name], list): property_values = [] self.append_unique_values(formatted_details[property_name], property_values) formatted_details[property_name] = delim.join(property_values) if formatted_details['prop_is_object'] and not in_array: if formatted_details['object_description'] == '': name_and_version += ' { }' else: name_and_version += ' {' if formatted_details['prop_is_array']: if formatted_details['item_description'] == '': if formatted_details['array_of_objects']: name_and_version += ' [ { } ]' else: name_and_version += ' [ ] ' else: if formatted_details['array_of_objects']: name_and_version += ' [ {' else: collapse_array = True name_and_version += ' [ ] ' elif in_array: if formatted_details['prop_is_object']: name_and_version += ' [ { } ]' else: name_and_version += ' [ ] ' name_and_version = '<nobr>' + name_and_version + '</nobr>' if formatted_details['descr'] is None: formatted_details['descr'] = '' formatted_details['descr'] = self.formatter.markdown_to_html( html.escape(formatted_details['descr'], False), no_para=True) if formatted_details['add_link_text']: if formatted_details['descr']: formatted_details['descr'] += ' ' formatted_details['descr'] += formatted_details['add_link_text'] # Append reference info to descriptions, if appropriate: if not formatted_details.get('fulldescription_override'): # If there are prop_details (enum details), add a note to the description: if formatted_details[ 'has_direct_prop_details'] and not formatted_details[ 'has_action_details']: if has_enum: anchor = schema_ref + '|details|' + prop_name text_descr = 'See <a href="#' + anchor + '">' + prop_name + '</a> in Property Details, below, for the possible values of this property.' else: text_descr = 'See Property Details, below, for more information about this property.' if formatted_details['descr']: formatted_details[ 'descr'] += '<br>' + self.formatter.italic(text_descr) else: formatted_details['descr'] = self.formatter.italic( text_descr) # If this is an Action with details, add a note to the description: if formatted_details['has_action_details']: anchor = schema_ref + '|action_details|' + prop_name text_descr = 'For more information, see the <a href="#' + anchor + '">Action Details</a> section below.' formatted_details['descr'] += '<br>' + self.formatter.italic( text_descr) if deprecated_descr: formatted_details['descr'] += ' ' + self.formatter.italic( deprecated_descr) prop_type = html.escape(formatted_details['prop_type'], False) if has_enum: prop_type += '<br>(enum)' if formatted_details['prop_units']: prop_type += '<br>(' + formatted_details['prop_units'] + ')' if in_array: prop_type = 'array (' + prop_type + ')' if collapse_array: item_list = formatted_details['item_list'] if len(item_list): if isinstance(item_list, list): item_list = ', '.join([html.escape(x) for x in item_list]) prop_type += '<br>(' + item_list + ')' prop_access = '' if not formatted_details['prop_is_object']: if formatted_details['read_only']: prop_access = '<nobr>read-only</nobr>' else: prop_access = '<nobr>read-write</nobr>' if formatted_details['prop_required_on_create']: prop_access += ' <nobr>required on create</nobr>' elif formatted_details['prop_required'] or formatted_details.get( 'required_parameter'): prop_access += ' <nobr>required</nobr>' if formatted_details['nullable']: prop_access += ' (null)' # If profile reqs are present, massage them: profile_access = self.format_base_profile_access(formatted_details) descr = formatted_details['descr'] if formatted_details['profile_purpose']: descr += '<br>' + self.formatter.bold( "Profile Purpose: " + formatted_details['profile_purpose']) # Conditional Requirements cond_req = formatted_details['profile_conditional_req'] if cond_req: anchor = schema_ref + '|conditional_reqs|' + prop_name cond_req_text = 'See <a href="#' + anchor + '"> Conditional Requirements</a>, below, for more information.' descr += ' ' + self.formatter.nobr( self.formatter.italic(cond_req_text)) profile_access += "<br>" + self.formatter.nobr( self.formatter.italic('Conditional Requirements')) if not profile_access: profile_access = ' ' * 10 # Comparison if formatted_details['profile_values']: comparison_descr = ( 'Must be ' + formatted_details['profile_comparison'] + ' (' + ', '.join('"' + x + '"' for x in formatted_details['profile_values']) + ')') profile_access += '<br>' + self.formatter.italic(comparison_descr) row = [] row.append(indentation_string + name_and_version) if self.config.get('profile_mode'): row.append(profile_access) row.append(prop_type) if not self.config.get('profile_mode'): row.append(prop_access) row.append(descr) formatted.append(self.formatter.make_row(row)) if len(formatted_details['object_description']) > 0: formatted_object = formatted_details['object_description'] # Add a closing } to the last row of this object. formatted_object = self._add_closing_brace(formatted_object, indentation_string, '}') formatted.append(formatted_object) if not collapse_array and len( formatted_details['item_description']) > 0: formatted_array = formatted_details['item_description'] # Add closing }] or ] to the last row of this array: if formatted_details['array_of_objects']: formatted_array = self._add_closing_brace( formatted_array, indentation_string, '} ]') else: formatted_array = self._add_closing_brace( formatted_array, indentation_string, ']') formatted.append(formatted_array) return ({ 'row': '\n'.join(formatted), 'details': formatted_details['prop_details'], 'action_details': formatted_details.get('action_details'), 'profile_conditional_details': formatted_details.get('profile_conditional_details') }) def format_property_details(self, prop_name, prop_type, prop_description, enum, enum_details, supplemental_details, meta, anchor=None, profile=None): """Generate a formatted table of enum information for inclusion in Property Details.""" contents = [] contents.append( self.formatter.head_four( html.escape(prop_name, False) + ':', self.level, anchor)) parent_version = meta.get('version') enum_meta = meta.get('enum', {}) # Are we in profile mode? If so, consult the profile passed in for this property. # For Action Parameters, look for ParameterValues/RecommendedValues; for # Property enums, look for MinSupportValues/RecommendedValues. profile_mode = self.config.get('profile_mode') if profile_mode: if profile is None: profile = {} profile_values = profile.get('Values', []) profile_min_support_values = profile.get('MinSupportValues', []) profile_parameter_values = profile.get('ParameterValues', []) profile_recommended_values = profile.get('RecommendedValues', []) profile_all_values = (profile_values + profile_min_support_values + profile_parameter_values + profile_recommended_values) if prop_description: contents.append(self.formatter.para(prop_description)) if isinstance(prop_type, list): prop_type = ', '.join([html.escape(x, False) for x in prop_type]) else: prop_type = html.escape(prop_type, False) if supplemental_details: contents.append( self.formatter.markdown_to_html(supplemental_details)) if enum_details: headings = [prop_type, 'Description'] if profile_mode: headings.append('Profile Specifies') header_row = self.formatter.make_header_row(headings) table_rows = [] enum.sort(key=str.lower) for enum_item in enum: enum_name = html.escape(enum_item, False) enum_item_meta = enum_meta.get(enum_item, {}) version_display = None deprecated_descr = None if 'version' in enum_item_meta: version = enum_item_meta['version'] if not parent_version or DocGenUtilities.compare_versions( version, parent_version) > 0: version_text = html.escape(version, False) version_display = self.truncate_version( version_text, 2) + '+' if version_display: if 'version_deprecated' in enum_item_meta: version_depr = html.escape( enum_item_meta['version_deprecated'], False) deprecated_display = self.truncate_version( version_depr, 2) enum_name += ' ' + self.formatter.italic( '(v' + version_display + ', deprecated v' + deprecated_display + ')') if enum_item_meta.get( 'version_deprecated_explanation'): deprecated_descr = html.escape( 'Deprecated v' + deprecated_display + '+. ' + enum_item_meta[ 'version_deprecated_explanation'], False) else: enum_name += ' ' + self.formatter.italic( '(v' + version_display + ')') elif 'version_deprecated' in enum_item_meta: version_depr = html.escape( enum_item_meta['version_deprecated'], False) deprecated_display = self.truncate_version(version_depr, 2) enum_name += ' ' + self.formatter.italic( '(deprecated v' + deprecated_display + ')') if enum_item_meta.get('version_deprecated_explanation'): deprecated_descr = html.escape( 'Deprecated v' + deprecated_display + '+. ' + enum_item_meta['version_deprecated_explanation'], False) descr = html.escape(enum_details.get(enum_item, ''), False) if deprecated_descr: if descr: descr += ' ' + self.formatter.italic(deprecated_descr) else: descr = self.formatter.italic(deprecated_descr) cells = [enum_name, descr] if profile_mode: if enum_name in profile_values: cells.append('Required') elif enum_name in profile_min_support_values: cells.append('Required') elif enum_name in profile_parameter_values: cells.append('Required') elif enum_name in profile_recommended_values: cells.append('Recommended') else: cells.append('') table_rows.append(self.formatter.make_row(cells)) contents.append( self.formatter.make_table(table_rows, [header_row], 'enum enum-details')) elif enum: headings = [prop_type] if profile_mode: headings.append('Profile Specifies') header_row = self.formatter.make_header_row(headings) table_rows = [] enum.sort(key=str.lower) for enum_item in enum: enum_name = html.escape(enum_item, False) enum_item_meta = enum_meta.get(enum_item, {}) version_display = None if 'version' in enum_item_meta: version = enum_item_meta['version'] if not parent_version or DocGenUtilities.compare_versions( version, parent_version) > 0: version_text = html.escape(version, False) version_display = self.truncate_version( version_text, 2) + '+' if version_display: if 'version_deprecated' in enum_item_meta: version_depr = html.escape( enum_item_meta['version_deprecated'], False) deprecated_display = self.truncate_version( version_depr, 2) enum_name += ' ' + self.formatter.italic( '(v' + version_display + ', deprecated v' + deprecated_display + ')') if enum_item_meta.get( 'version_deprecated_explanation'): enum_name += '<br>' + self.formatter.italic( html.escape( 'Deprecated v' + deprecated_display + '+. ' + enum_item_meta[ 'version_deprecated_explanation'], False)) else: enum_name += ' ' + self.formatter.italic( '(v' + version_display + ')') elif 'version_deprecated' in enum_item_meta: version_depr = html.escape( enum_item_meta['version_deprecated'], False) deprecated_display = self.truncate_version(version_depr, 2) enum_name += ' ' + self.formatter.italic( '(deprecated v' + deprecated_display + ')') if enum_item_meta.get('version_deprecated_explanation'): enum_name += '<br>' + self.formatter.italic( html.escape( 'Deprecated v' + deprecated_display + '+. ' + enum_item_meta[ 'version_deprecated_explanation'], False)) cells = [enum_name] if profile_mode: if enum_name in profile_values: cells.append('Required') elif enum_name in profile_min_support_values: cells.append('Required') elif enum_name in profile_parameter_values: cells.append('Required') elif enum_name in profile_recommended_values: cells.append('Recommended') else: cells.append('') table_rows.append(self.formatter.make_row(cells)) contents.append( self.formatter.make_table(table_rows, [header_row], 'enum')) return '\n'.join(contents) + '\n' def format_action_details(self, prop_name, action_details): """Generate a formatted Actions section from supplemental markup.""" contents = [] contents.append( self.formatter.head_four( action_details.get('action_name', prop_name), self.level)) contents.append( self.formatter.markdown_to_html(action_details.get('text', ''))) if action_details.get('example'): example = '```json\n' + action_details['example'] + '\n```\n' contents.append(self.formatter.para('Example Action POST:')) contents.append(self.formatter.markdown_to_html(example)) return '\n'.join(contents) + '\n' def format_action_parameters(self, schema_ref, prop_name, prop_descr, action_parameters): """Generate a formatted Actions section from parameter data. """ formatted = [] anchor = schema_ref + '|action_details|' + prop_name if prop_name.startswith('#'): # expected prop_name_parts = prop_name.split('.') prop_name = prop_name_parts[-1] formatted.append( self.formatter.head_four(prop_name, self.level, anchor)) formatted.append(self.formatter.para(prop_descr)) if action_parameters: rows = [] # Add a "start object" row for this parameter: rows.append(self.formatter.make_row(['{', '', '', ''])) param_names = [x for x in action_parameters.keys()] param_names.sort(key=str.lower) for param_name in param_names: formatted_parameters = self.format_property_row( schema_ref, param_name, action_parameters[param_name], ['Actions', prop_name]) rows.append(formatted_parameters.get('row')) # Add a closing } to the last row: tmp_row = rows[-1] tmp_row = self._add_closing_brace(tmp_row, '', '}') rows[-1] = tmp_row formatted.append( self.formatter.para( 'The following table shows the parameters for the action which are included in the POST body to the URI shown in the "target" property of the Action.' )) formatted.append(self.formatter.make_table(rows)) else: formatted.append( self.formatter.para("(This action takes no parameters.)")) return "\n".join(formatted) def emit(self): """ Output contents thus far """ contents = [] for section in self.sections: contents.append(section.get('heading')) if section.get('description'): contents.append(section['description']) if section.get('uris'): contents.append(section['uris']) # something is awry if there are no properties if section.get('properties'): contents.append( self.formatter.make_table(section['properties'], None, 'properties')) if section.get('profile_conditional_details'): # sort them now; these can be sub-properties so may not be in alpha order. conditional_details = '\n'.join( sorted(section['profile_conditional_details'], key=str.lower)) deets = [] deets.append( self.formatter.head_three('Conditional Requirements', self.level)) deets.append( self.formatter.make_div(conditional_details, 'property-details-content')) contents.append( self.formatter.make_div('\n'.join(deets), 'property-details')) if len(section.get('action_details', [])): action_details = '\n'.join(section['action_details']) deets = [] deets.append( self.formatter.head_three('Action Details', self.level)) deets.append( self.formatter.make_div(action_details, 'property-details-content')) contents.append( self.formatter.make_div('\n'.join(deets), 'property-details')) if section.get('property_details'): deets = [] deets.append( self.formatter.head_three('Property Details', self.level)) deets.append( self.formatter.make_div( '\n'.join(section['property_details']), 'property-details-content')) contents.append( self.formatter.make_div('\n'.join(deets), 'property-details')) if section.get('json_payload'): contents.append( self.formatter.head_three('Example Response', self.level)) contents.append(section['json_payload']) self.sections = [] # Profile output may include registry sections for section in self.registry_sections: contents.append(section.get('heading')) contents.append(section.get('requirement')) if section.get('description'): contents.append(self.formatter.para(section['description'])) if section.get('messages'): contents.append( self.formatter.head_three('Messages', self.level)) message_rows = [ self.formatter.make_row(x) for x in section['messages'] ] header_cells = ['', 'Requirement'] if self.config.get('profile_mode') != 'terse': header_cells.append('Description') header_row = self.formatter.make_row(header_cells) contents.append( self.formatter.make_table(message_rows, [header_row], 'messages')) contents = '\n'.join(contents) return contents def output_document(self): """Return full contents of document""" supplemental = self.config.get('supplemental', {}) body = '' intro = supplemental.get('Introduction') if intro: intro = self.process_intro(intro) body += intro body += self.emit() if 'Postscript' in supplemental: body += self.formatter.markdown_to_html(supplemental['Postscript']) common_properties = self.generate_common_properties_doc() marker = False if '<p>[insert_common_objects]</p>' in body: marker = '<p>[insert_common_objects]</p>' elif '[insert_common_objects]' in body: marker = '[insert_common_objects]' if marker: body = body.replace(marker, common_properties, 1) else: if common_properties: warnings.warn( 'Supplemental file lacks "[insert_common_objects]" marker. Common object properties were found but will be omitted.' ) marker = False if '<p>[insert_collections]</p>' in body: marker = '<p>[insert_collections]</p>' elif '[insert_collections]' in body: marker = '[insert_collections]' if marker: collections_doc = self.generate_collections_doc() body = body.replace(marker, collections_doc, 1) if self.config.get('add_toc'): toc = self.generate_toc(body) if '[add_toc]' in body: body = body.replace('[add_toc]', toc, 1) else: body = toc + body doc_title = supplemental.get('Title') if not doc_title: doc_title = '' headlines = [ '<head>', '<meta charset="utf-8">', '<title>' + doc_title + '</title>' ] styles = self.css_content headlines.append(styles) headlines.append('</head>') head = '\n'.join(headlines) return '\n'.join([ '<!doctype html>', '<html>', head, '<body>', body, '</body></html>' ]) def generate_toc(self, html_blob): """ Generate a TOC for an HTML blob (probably the body of this document) """ toc = '' levels = ['h1', 'h2'] parser = ToCParser(levels) parser.feed(html_blob) toc_data = parser.close() current_level = 0 for entry in toc_data: level = levels.index(entry['level']) if level > current_level: toc += "<ul>\n" if level < current_level: toc += "</ul>\n" current_level = level toc += "<li>" + '<a href="#' + entry['link_id'] + '">' + entry[ 'text'] + "</a></li>\n" while current_level > 0: current_level = current_level - 1 toc += "</ul>\n" toc = '<div class="toc">' + "<ul>\n" + toc + "</ul>\n</div>\n" return toc def process_intro(self, intro_blob): """ Process the Intro markdown, pulling in any schema fragments """ parts = [] intro = [] part_text = [] fragment_config = { 'output_format': 'html', 'normative': self.config.get('normative'), 'cwd': self.config.get('cwd'), 'schema_supplement': {}, 'supplemental': {}, 'excluded_annotations': [], 'excluded_annotations_by_match': [], 'excluded_properties': [], 'excluded_by_match': [], 'excluded_schemas': [], 'excluded_schemas_by_match': [], 'escape_chars': [], 'uri_replacements': {}, 'units_translation': self.config.get('units_translation'), 'profile': self.config.get('profile'), 'profile_mode': self.config.get('profile_mode'), 'profile_resources': self.config.get('profile_resources', {}), 'wants_common_objects': self.config.get('wants_common_objects'), } for line in intro_blob.splitlines(): if line.startswith('#include_fragment'): if len(part_text): parts.append({ 'type': 'markdown', 'content': '\n'.join(part_text) }) part_text = [] fragment_id = line[17:].strip() fragment_content = self.generate_fragment_doc( fragment_id, fragment_config) parts.append({ 'type': 'fragment', 'content': fragment_content }) else: part_text.append(line) if len(part_text): parts.append({'type': 'markdown', 'content': '\n'.join(part_text)}) for part in parts: if part['type'] == 'markdown': intro.append(self.formatter.markdown_to_html(part['content'])) elif part['type'] == 'fragment': intro.append(part['content']) return '\n'.join(intro) def add_section(self, text, link_id=False): """ Add a top-level heading """ self.this_section = { 'properties': [], 'property_details': [], 'head': '', 'heading': '' } if text: section_text = html.escape(text, False) self.this_section['head'] = text self.this_section['heading'] = self.formatter.head_two( section_text, self.level, link_id) self.this_section['link_id'] = link_id self.sections.append(self.this_section) def add_description(self, text): """ Add the schema description """ self.this_section['description'] = self.formatter.markdown_to_html( text) def add_uris(self, uris): """ Add the URIs (which should be a list) """ uri_strings = [] for uri in sorted(uris, key=str.lower): uri_strings.append('<li>' + self.format_uri(uri) + '</li>') uri_block = '<ul class="nobullet">' + '\n'.join(uri_strings) + '</ul>' uri_content = '<h4>URIs:</h4>' + uri_block self.this_section['uris'] = uri_content def format_uri(self, uri): """ Format a URI for output. Includes creating links to Id'd schemas """ uri_parts = uri.split('/') uri_parts_highlighted = [] for part in uri_parts: if part.startswith('{') and part.endswith('}'): # Look up the schema and create a link, if documented. if part.endswith('Id}'): schema_name = part[1:-3] if self.get_ref_for_documented_schema_name(schema_name): part = '<a href="#' + schema_name + '">' + part + '</a>' # and italicize it part = self.formatter.italic(part) uri_parts_highlighted.append(part) uri_highlighted = '/'.join(uri_parts_highlighted) return uri_highlighted def add_json_payload(self, json_payload): """ Add a JSON payload for the current section This may include comments as well as a ```json block. """ if json_payload: self.this_section['json_payload'] = ( '<div class="json-payload">' + self.formatter.markdown_to_html(json_payload) + '</div>') else: self.this_section['json_payload'] = None def add_property_row(self, formatted_text): """Add a row (or group of rows) for an individual property in the current section/schema. formatted_row should be a chunk of text already formatted for output""" self.this_section['properties'].append(formatted_text) def add_property_details(self, formatted_details): """Add a chunk of property details information for the current section/schema.""" self.this_section['property_details'].append(formatted_details) def add_registry_reqs(self, registry_reqs): """Add registry messages. registry_reqs includes profile annotations.""" terse_mode = self.config.get('profile_mode') == 'terse' reg_names = [x for x in registry_reqs.keys()] reg_names.sort(key=str.lower) for reg_name in reg_names: reg = registry_reqs[reg_name] this_section = { 'head': reg_name, 'description': reg.get('Description', ''), 'messages': [] } heading = reg_name + ' Registry v' + reg['minversion'] + '+' if reg.get('current_release', reg['minversion']) != reg['minversion']: heading += ' (current release: v' + reg['current_release'] + ')' this_section['heading'] = self.formatter.head_two( heading, self.level) this_section['requirement'] = 'Requirement: ' + reg.get( 'profile_requirement', '') msgs = reg.get('Messages', {}) msg_keys = [x for x in msgs.keys()] msg_keys.sort(key=str.lower) for msg in msg_keys: this_msg = msgs[msg] if terse_mode and not this_msg.get('profile_requirement'): continue msg_row = [msg, this_msg.get('profile_requirement', '')] if not terse_mode: msg_row.append(this_msg.get('Description', '')) this_section['messages'].append(msg_row) self.registry_sections.append(this_section) def link_to_own_schema(self, schema_ref, schema_uri): """ Provide a link to schema_ref, preferring an in-document link to the schema_uri. """ schema_name = self.traverser.get_schema_name(schema_ref) if not schema_name: schema_name = schema_ref if self.is_documented_schema(schema_ref): return '<a href="#' + schema_name + '">' + schema_name + '</a>' else: return '<a href="' + schema_uri + '" target="_blank">' + schema_name + '</a>' return schema_name def link_to_common_property(self, ref_key): """ String for output. Override in HTML formatter to get actual links. """ ref_info = self.common_properties.get(ref_key) if ref_info and ref_info.get('_prop_name'): ref_id = 'common-properties-' + ref_info.get('_prop_name') # Get the version as well. version = ref_info.get('_latest_version') if not version: version = DocGenUtilities.get_ref_version( ref_info.get('_ref_uri', '')) if version: ref_id += '_v' + version return '<a href="#' + ref_id + '">' + ref_info.get( '_prop_name') + ' object' + '</a>' return ref_key def link_to_outside_schema(self, uri): """ Provide a link to a scheme in another namespace """ return '<a href="' + uri + '" target="_blank">' + uri + '</a>' def get_documentation_link(self, ref_uri): """ Provide a link to documentation, if provided """ target = self.get_documentation_uri(ref_uri) if target: return 'See <a href="' + target + '" target="_blank">' + target + '</a>' return False def _add_closing_brace(self, html_blob, indentation_string, brace_string): """ Add a closing } to the last row of this blob of rows. """ close_str = '<br>' + indentation_string + brace_string tmp_rows = html_blob.rsplit('<tr>', 1) if (len(tmp_rows) == 2): tmp_rows[1] = tmp_rows[1].replace('</td>', close_str + '</td>', 1) html_blob = '<tr>'.join(tmp_rows) return html_blob
class HtmlGenerator(DocFormatter): """Provides methods for generating markdown from Redfish schemas. """ def __init__(self, property_data, traverser, config, level=0): super(HtmlGenerator, self).__init__(property_data, traverser, config, level) self.separators = { 'inline': ', ', 'linebreak': '<br>', 'pattern': '\n\n' # This separator is applied prior to applying markdown_to_html } self.formatter = HtmlUtils() self.table_of_contents = '' self.css_content = """ <style> * {margin: 0; padding: 0;} body {font: 0.8125em Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #222; background: #FFF; width: 90%; margin: 2em auto;} h1, h3, h4{margin:1em 0 .5em;} h2 {margin: 2em 0 .5em;} h3 { border-bottom: 1px solid #000000 } h4 { text-decoration: underline #000000 } ul, ol {margin-left: 2em;} li {margin: 0 0 0.5em;} p {margin: 0 0 0.5em;} div.toc {margin: 0 0 2em 0;} .toc ul {list-style-type: none;} ul.nobullet { list-style-type: none } table{ max-width: 100%; background-color: transparent; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; margin-bottom: 1.25em; border: 1px solid #999999; border-width: 0 1px 1px 0; } td, th{ padding: .5em; text-align: left; vertical-align: top; border: 1px solid #999999; border-width: 1px 0 0 1px; }{ width: 100%; } table.uris tr td:nth-child(2) { word-break: break-all; } .property-details-content { margin-left: 5em; } pre.code{ font-size: 1em; margin-left: 5em; color: #0000FF } .codehilite .hll { background-color: #ffffcc } .codehilite { background: #f8f8f8; } .codehilite .c { color: #408080; font-style: italic } /* Comment */ .codehilite .err { border: 1px solid #FF0000 } /* Error */ .codehilite .k { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */ .codehilite .o { color: #666666 } /* Operator */ .codehilite .ch { color: #408080; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Hashbang */ .codehilite .cm { color: #408080; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Multiline */ .codehilite .cp { color: #BC7A00 } /* Comment.Preproc */ .codehilite .cpf { color: #408080; font-style: italic } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ .codehilite .c1 { color: #408080; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Single */ .codehilite .cs { color: #408080; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Special */ .codehilite .gd { color: #A00000 } /* Generic.Deleted */ .codehilite .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ .codehilite .gr { color: #FF0000 } /* Generic.Error */ .codehilite .gh { color: #000080; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Heading */ .codehilite .gi { color: #00A000 } /* Generic.Inserted */ .codehilite .go { color: #888888 } /* Generic.Output */ .codehilite .gp { color: #000080; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Prompt */ .codehilite .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ .codehilite .gu { color: #800080; font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Subheading */ .codehilite .gt { color: #0044DD } /* Generic.Traceback */ .codehilite .kc { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */ .codehilite .kd { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */ .codehilite .kn { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */ .codehilite .kp { color: #008000 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ .codehilite .kr { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */ .codehilite .kt { color: #B00040 } /* Keyword.Type */ .codehilite .m { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number */ .codehilite .s { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String */ .codehilite .na { color: #7D9029 } /* Name.Attribute */ .codehilite .nb { color: #008000 } /* Name.Builtin */ .codehilite .nc { color: #0000FF; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */ .codehilite .no { color: #880000 } /* Name.Constant */ .codehilite .nd { color: #AA22FF } /* Name.Decorator */ .codehilite .ni { color: #999999; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Entity */ .codehilite .ne { color: #D2413A; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */ .codehilite .nf { color: #0000FF } /* Name.Function */ .codehilite .nl { color: #A0A000 } /* Name.Label */ .codehilite .nn { color: #0000FF; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */ .codehilite .nt { color: #008000; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ .codehilite .nv { color: #19177C } /* Name.Variable */ .codehilite .ow { color: #AA22FF; font-weight: bold } /* Operator.Word */ .codehilite .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */ .codehilite .mb { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ .codehilite .mf { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .codehilite .mh { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .codehilite .mi { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .codehilite .mo { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .codehilite .sa { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ .codehilite .sb { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .codehilite .sc { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Char */ .codehilite .dl { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ .codehilite .sd { color: #BA2121; font-style: italic } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .codehilite .s2 { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .codehilite .se { color: #BB6622; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .codehilite .sh { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .codehilite .si { color: #BB6688; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .codehilite .sx { color: #008000 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .codehilite .sr { color: #BB6688 } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .codehilite .s1 { color: #BA2121 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .codehilite .ss { color: #19177C } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .codehilite .bp { color: #008000 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .codehilite .fm { color: #0000FF } /* Name.Function.Magic */ .codehilite .vc { color: #19177C } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .codehilite .vg { color: #19177C } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .codehilite .vi { color: #19177C } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .codehilite .vm { color: #19177C } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .codehilite .il { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ </style> """ def format_property_row(self, schema_ref, prop_name, prop_info, prop_path=[], in_array=False): """Format information for a single property. Returns an object with 'row', 'details', 'action_details', and 'profile_conditional_details': 'row': content for the main table being generated. 'details': content for the Property Details section. 'action_details': content for the Actions section. 'profile_conditional_details': populated only in profile_mode, formatted conditional details This may include embedded objects with their own properties. """ traverser = self.traverser formatted = [] # The row itself current_depth = len(prop_path) if in_array: current_depth = current_depth -1 # strip_top_object is used for fragments, to allow output of just the properties # without the enclosing object: if self.config.get('strip_top_object') and current_depth > 0: indentation_string = ' ' * 6 * (current_depth -1) else: indentation_string = ' ' * 6 * current_depth # If prop_path starts with Actions and is more than 1 deep, we are outputting for an Actions # section and should dial back the indentation by one level. if len(prop_path) > 1 and prop_path[0] == 'Actions': indentation_string = ' ' * 6 * (current_depth -1) collapse_array = False # Should we collapse a list description into one row? For lists of simple types has_enum = False if current_depth < self.current_depth: for i in range(current_depth, self.current_depth): if i in self.current_version: del self.current_version[i] self.current_depth = current_depth parent_depth = current_depth - 1 if isinstance(prop_info, list): meta = prop_info[0].get('_doc_generator_meta') has_enum = 'enum' in prop_info[0] is_excerpt = prop_info[0].get('_is_excerpt') or prop_info[0].get('excerptCopy') elif isinstance(prop_info, dict): meta = prop_info.get('_doc_generator_meta') has_enum = 'enum' in prop_info is_excerpt = prop_info.get('_is_excerpt') if not meta: meta = {} # We want to modify a local copy of meta, deleting redundant version info meta = copy.deepcopy(meta) name_and_version = self.formatter.bold(html.escape(prop_name, False)) deprecated_descr = None version = meta.get('version') self.current_version[current_depth] = version # Don't display version if there is a parent version and this is not newer: if self.current_version.get(parent_depth) and version: if DocGenUtilities.compare_versions(version, self.current_version.get(parent_depth)) <= 0: del meta['version'] if meta.get('version', '1.0.0') != '1.0.0': version_text = html.escape(meta['version'], False) version_display = self.truncate_version(version_text, 2) + '+' if 'version_deprecated' in meta: version_depr = html.escape(meta['version_deprecated'], False) deprecated_display = self.truncate_version(version_depr, 2) name_and_version += ' ' + self.formatter.italic('(v' + version_display + ', deprecated v' + deprecated_display + ')') deprecated_descr = html.escape("Deprecated v" + deprecated_display + '+. ' + meta['version_deprecated_explanation'], False) else: name_and_version += ' ' + self.formatter.italic('(v' + version_display + ')') elif 'version_deprecated' in meta: version_depr = html.escape(meta['version_deprecated'], False) deprecated_display = self.truncate_version(version_depr, 2) name_and_version += ' ' + self.formatter.italic('(deprecated v' + deprecated_display + ')') deprecated_descr = html.escape( "Deprecated v" + deprecated_display + '+. ' + meta['version_deprecated_explanation'], False) formatted_details = self.parse_property_info(schema_ref, prop_name, prop_info, prop_path, meta.get('within_action')) if formatted_details.get('promote_me'): return({'row': '\n'.join(formatted_details['item_description']), 'details':formatted_details['prop_details'], 'action_details':formatted_details.get('action_details')}) if self.config.get('strip_top_object') and current_depth == 0: # In this case, we're done for this bit of documentation, and we just want the properties of this object. formatted.append('\n'.join(formatted_details['object_description'])) return({'row': '\n'.join(formatted), 'details':formatted_details['prop_details'], 'action_details':formatted_details.get('action_details'), 'profile_conditional_details':formatted_details.get('profile_conditional_details')}) # Eliminate dups in these these properties and join with a delimiter: props = { 'prop_type': self.separators['inline'], 'descr': self.separators['linebreak'], 'object_description': '\n', 'item_description': '\n' } for property_name, delim in props.items(): if isinstance(formatted_details[property_name], list): property_values = [] self.append_unique_values(formatted_details[property_name], property_values) formatted_details[property_name] = delim.join(property_values) if formatted_details['prop_is_object'] and not in_array: if formatted_details['object_description'] == '': name_and_version += ' { }' else: name_and_version += ' {' if formatted_details['prop_is_array']: if formatted_details['item_description'] == '': if formatted_details['array_of_objects']: name_and_version += ' [ { } ]' else: name_and_version += ' [ ] ' else: if formatted_details['array_of_objects']: name_and_version += ' [ {' else: collapse_array = True name_and_version += ' [ ] ' elif in_array: if formatted_details['prop_is_object']: name_and_version += ' [ { } ]' else: name_and_version += ' [ ] ' name_and_version = '<nobr>' + name_and_version + '</nobr>' if formatted_details['descr'] is None: formatted_details['descr'] = '' if not formatted_details.get('verbatim_description', False): formatted_details['descr'] = self.formatter.markdown_to_html(html.escape(formatted_details['descr'], False), no_para=True) if formatted_details['add_link_text']: if formatted_details['descr']: formatted_details['descr'] += formatted_details['descr'] += self.formatter.italic(formatted_details['add_link_text']) # Append reference info to descriptions, if appropriate: if not formatted_details.get('fulldescription_override'): # If there are prop_details (enum details), add a note to the description: if formatted_details['has_direct_prop_details'] and not formatted_details['has_action_details']: if has_enum: anchor = schema_ref + '|details|' + prop_name text_descr = 'See <a href="#' + anchor + '">' + prop_name + '</a> in Property Details, below, for the possible values of this property.' else: text_descr = 'See Property Details, below, for more information about this property.' if formatted_details['descr']: formatted_details['descr'] += '<br>' + self.formatter.italic(text_descr) else: formatted_details['descr'] = self.formatter.italic(text_descr) # If this is an Action with details, add a note to the description: if formatted_details['has_action_details']: anchor = schema_ref + '|action_details|' + prop_name text_descr = 'For more information, see the <a href="#' + anchor + '">Actions</a> section below.' formatted_details['descr'] += '<br>' + self.formatter.italic(text_descr) if deprecated_descr: formatted_details['descr'] += ' ' + self.formatter.italic(deprecated_descr) prop_type = html.escape(formatted_details['prop_type'], False) if has_enum: prop_type += '<br>(enum)' if formatted_details['prop_units']: prop_type += '<br>(' + formatted_details['prop_units'] + ')' if is_excerpt: prop_type += '<br>(excerpt)' if in_array: prop_type = 'array (' + prop_type + ')' if collapse_array: item_list = formatted_details['item_list'] if len(item_list): if isinstance(item_list, list): item_list = ', '.join([html.escape(x) for x in item_list]) prop_type += '<br>(' + item_list + ')' prop_access = '' if not meta.get('is_pattern') and not formatted_details['prop_is_object']: if formatted_details['read_only']: prop_access = '<nobr>read-only</nobr>' else: prop_access = '<nobr>read-write</nobr>' if formatted_details['prop_required'] or formatted_details.get('required_parameter'): prop_access += ' <nobr>required</nobr>' elif formatted_details['prop_required_on_create']: prop_access += ' <nobr>required on create</nobr>' if formatted_details['nullable']: prop_access += ' (null)' # If profile reqs are present, massage them: profile_access = self.format_base_profile_access(formatted_details) descr = formatted_details['descr'] if formatted_details['profile_purpose']: descr += '<br>' + self.formatter.bold("Profile Purpose: " + formatted_details['profile_purpose']) # Conditional Requirements cond_req = formatted_details['profile_conditional_req'] if cond_req: anchor = schema_ref + '|conditional_reqs|' + prop_name cond_req_text = 'See <a href="#' + anchor + '"> Conditional Requirements</a>, below, for more information.' descr += ' ' + self.formatter.nobr(self.formatter.italic(cond_req_text)) profile_access += "<br>" + self.formatter.nobr(self.formatter.italic('Conditional Requirements')) if not profile_access: profile_access = ' ' * 10 # Comparison if formatted_details['profile_values']: comparison_descr = ('Must be ' + formatted_details['profile_comparison'] + ' (' + ', '.join('"' + x + '"' for x in formatted_details['profile_values']) + ')') profile_access += '<br>' + self.formatter.italic(comparison_descr) row = [] row.append(indentation_string + name_and_version) if self.config.get('profile_mode'): row.append(profile_access) row.append(prop_type) if not self.config.get('profile_mode'): row.append(prop_access) row.append(descr) formatted.append(self.formatter.make_row(row)) if len(formatted_details['object_description']) > 0: formatted_object = formatted_details['object_description'] # Add a closing } to the last row of this object. formatted_object = self._add_closing_brace(formatted_object, indentation_string, '}') formatted.append(formatted_object) if not collapse_array and len(formatted_details['item_description']) > 0: formatted_array = formatted_details['item_description'] # Add closing }] or ] to the last row of this array: if formatted_details['array_of_objects']: formatted_array = self._add_closing_brace(formatted_array, indentation_string, '} ]') else: formatted_array = self._add_closing_brace(formatted_array, indentation_string, ']') formatted.append(formatted_array) return({'row': '\n'.join(formatted), 'details':formatted_details['prop_details'], 'action_details':formatted_details.get('action_details'), 'profile_conditional_details':formatted_details.get('profile_conditional_details')}) def format_property_details(self, prop_name, prop_type, prop_description, enum, enum_details, supplemental_details, meta, anchor=None, profile=None): """Generate a formatted table of enum information for inclusion in Property Details.""" contents = [] contents.append(self.formatter.head_four(html.escape(prop_name, False) + ':', self.level, anchor)) parent_version = meta.get('version') enum_meta = meta.get('enum', {}) # Are we in profile mode? If so, consult the profile passed in for this property. # For Action Parameters, look for ParameterValues/RecommendedValues; for # Property enums, look for MinSupportValues/RecommendedValues. profile_mode = self.config.get('profile_mode') if profile_mode: if profile is None: profile = {} profile_values = profile.get('Values', []) profile_min_support_values = profile.get('MinSupportValues', []) profile_parameter_values = profile.get('ParameterValues', []) profile_recommended_values = profile.get('RecommendedValues', []) profile_all_values = (profile_values + profile_min_support_values + profile_parameter_values + profile_recommended_values) if prop_description: contents.append(self.formatter.para(prop_description)) if isinstance(prop_type, list): prop_type = ', '.join([html.escape(x, False) for x in prop_type]) else: prop_type = html.escape(prop_type, False) if supplemental_details: contents.append(self.formatter.markdown_to_html(supplemental_details)) if enum_details: headings = [prop_type, 'Description'] if profile_mode: headings.append('Profile Specifies') header_row = self.formatter.make_header_row(headings) table_rows = [] enum.sort(key=str.lower) for enum_item in enum: enum_name = html.escape(enum_item, False) enum_item_meta = enum_meta.get(enum_item, {}) version_display = None deprecated_descr = None if 'version' in enum_item_meta: version = enum_item_meta['version'] if not parent_version or DocGenUtilities.compare_versions(version, parent_version) > 0: version_text = html.escape(version, False) version_display = self.truncate_version(version_text, 2) + '+' if version_display: if 'version_deprecated' in enum_item_meta: version_depr = html.escape(enum_item_meta['version_deprecated'], False) deprecated_display = self.truncate_version(version_depr, 2) enum_name += ' ' + self.formatter.italic('(v' + version_display + ', deprecated v' + deprecated_display + ')') if enum_item_meta.get('version_deprecated_explanation'): deprecated_descr = html.escape('Deprecated v' + deprecated_display + '+. ' + enum_item_meta['version_deprecated_explanation'], False) else: enum_name += ' ' + self.formatter.italic('(v' + version_display + ')') elif 'version_deprecated' in enum_item_meta: version_depr = html.escape(enum_item_meta['version_deprecated'], False) deprecated_display = self.truncate_version(version_depr, 2) enum_name += ' ' + self.formatter.italic('(deprecated v' + deprecated_display + ')') if enum_item_meta.get('version_deprecated_explanation'): deprecated_descr = html.escape('Deprecated v' + deprecated_display + '+. ' + enum_item_meta['version_deprecated_explanation'], False) descr = html.escape(enum_details.get(enum_item, ''), False) if deprecated_descr: if descr: descr += ' ' + self.formatter.italic(deprecated_descr) else: descr = self.formatter.italic(deprecated_descr) cells = [enum_name, descr] if profile_mode: if enum_name in profile_values: cells.append('Required') elif enum_name in profile_min_support_values: cells.append('Required') elif enum_name in profile_parameter_values: cells.append('Required') elif enum_name in profile_recommended_values: cells.append('Recommended') else: cells.append('') table_rows.append(self.formatter.make_row(cells)) contents.append(self.formatter.make_table(table_rows, [header_row], 'enum enum-details')) elif enum: headings = [prop_type] if profile_mode: headings.append('Profile Specifies') header_row = self.formatter.make_header_row(headings) table_rows = [] enum.sort(key=str.lower) for enum_item in enum: enum_name = html.escape(enum_item, False) enum_item_meta = enum_meta.get(enum_item, {}) version_display = None if 'version' in enum_item_meta: version = enum_item_meta['version'] if not parent_version or DocGenUtilities.compare_versions(version, parent_version) > 0: version_text = html.escape(version, False) version_display = self.truncate_version(version_text, 2) + '+' if version_display: if 'version_deprecated' in enum_item_meta: version_depr = html.escape(enum_item_meta['version_deprecated'], False) deprecated_display = self.truncate_version(version_depr, 2) enum_name += ' ' + self.formatter.italic('(v' + version_display + ', deprecated v' + deprecated_display + ')') if enum_item_meta.get('version_deprecated_explanation'): enum_name += '<br>' + self.formatter.italic(html.escape('Deprecated v' + deprecated_display + '+. ' + enum_item_meta['version_deprecated_explanation'], False)) else: enum_name += ' ' + self.formatter.italic('(v' + version_display + ')') elif 'version_deprecated' in enum_item_meta: version_depr = html.escape(enum_item_meta['version_deprecated'], False) deprecated_display = self.truncate_version(version_depr, 2) enum_name += ' ' + self.formatter.italic('(deprecated v' + deprecated_display + ')') if enum_item_meta.get('version_deprecated_explanation'): enum_name += '<br>' + self.formatter.italic(html.escape('Deprecated v' + deprecated_display + '+. ' + enum_item_meta['version_deprecated_explanation'], False)) cells = [enum_name] if profile_mode: if enum_name in profile_values: cells.append('Required') elif enum_name in profile_min_support_values: cells.append('Required') elif enum_name in profile_parameter_values: cells.append('Required') elif enum_name in profile_recommended_values: cells.append('Recommended') else: cells.append('') table_rows.append(self.formatter.make_row(cells)) contents.append(self.formatter.make_table(table_rows, [header_row], 'enum')) return '\n'.join(contents) + '\n' def format_action_details(self, prop_name, action_details): """Generate a formatted Actions section from supplemental markup.""" contents = [] contents.append(self.formatter.head_four(action_details.get('action_name', prop_name), self.level)) contents.append(self.formatter.markdown_to_html(action_details.get('text', ''))) if action_details.get('example'): example = '```json\n' + action_details['example'] + '\n```\n' contents.append(self.formatter.para('Example Action POST:')) contents.append(self.formatter.markdown_to_html(example)) return '\n'.join(contents) + '\n' def format_action_parameters(self, schema_ref, prop_name, prop_descr, action_parameters): """Generate a formatted Actions section from parameter data. """ formatted = [] anchor = schema_ref + '|action_details|' + prop_name action_name = prop_name if prop_name.startswith('#'): # expected # Example: from #Bios.ResetBios, we want prop_name "ResetBios" and action_name "Bios.ResetBios" prop_name_parts = prop_name.split('.') prop_name = prop_name_parts[-1] action_name = action_name[1:] formatted.append(self.formatter.head_four(prop_name, self.level, anchor)) formatted.append(self.formatter.para(prop_descr)) # Add the URIs for this action. formatted.append(self.format_uri_block_for_action(action_name, self.current_uris)); if action_parameters: rows = [] # Add a "start object" row for this parameter: rows.append(self.formatter.make_row(['{', '','',''])) param_names = [x for x in action_parameters.keys()] param_names.sort(key=str.lower) for param_name in param_names: formatted_parameters = self.format_property_row(schema_ref, param_name, action_parameters[param_name], ['Actions', prop_name]) rows.append(formatted_parameters.get('row')) # Add a closing } to the last row: tmp_row = rows[-1] tmp_row = self._add_closing_brace(tmp_row, '', '}') rows[-1] = tmp_row formatted.append(self.formatter.para('The following table shows the parameters for the action which are included in the POST body to the URI shown in the "target" property of the Action.')) formatted.append(self.formatter.make_table(rows)) else: formatted.append(self.formatter.para("(This action takes no parameters.)")) return "\n".join(formatted) def emit(self): """ Output contents thus far """ contents = [] for section in self.sections: contents.append(section.get('heading')) if section.get('release_history'): contents.append(section['release_history']) if section.get('description'): contents.append(section['description']) if section.get('uris'): contents.append(section['uris']) # something is awry if there are no properties if section.get('properties'): contents.append(self.formatter.make_table(section['properties'], None, 'properties')) if section.get('profile_conditional_details'): # sort them now; these can be sub-properties so may not be in alpha order. conditional_details = '\n'.join(sorted(section['profile_conditional_details'], key=str.lower)) deets = [] deets.append(self.formatter.head_three('Conditional Requirements', self.level)) deets.append(self.formatter.make_div(conditional_details, 'property-details-content')) contents.append(self.formatter.make_div('\n'.join(deets), 'property-details')) if len(section.get('action_details', [])): action_details = '\n'.join(section['action_details']) deets = [] deets.append(self.formatter.head_three('Actions', self.level)) deets.append(self.formatter.make_div(action_details, 'property-details-content')) contents.append(self.formatter.make_div('\n'.join(deets), 'property-details')) if section.get('property_details'): deets = [] deets.append(self.formatter.head_three('Property Details', self.level)) deets.append(self.formatter.make_div('\n'.join(section['property_details']), 'property-details-content')) contents.append(self.formatter.make_div('\n'.join(deets), 'property-details')) if section.get('json_payload'): contents.append(self.formatter.head_three('Example Response', self.level)) contents.append(section['json_payload']) self.sections = [] # Profile output may include registry sections for section in self.registry_sections: contents.append(section.get('heading')) contents.append(section.get('requirement')) if section.get('description'): contents.append(self.formatter.para(section['description'])) if section.get('messages'): contents.append(self.formatter.head_three('Messages', self.level)) message_rows = [self.formatter.make_row(x) for x in section['messages']] header_cells = ['', 'Requirement'] if self.config.get('profile_mode') != 'terse': header_cells.append('Description') header_row = self.formatter.make_row(header_cells) contents.append(self.formatter.make_table(message_rows, [header_row], 'messages')) contents = '\n'.join(contents) return contents def output_document(self): """Return full contents of document""" supplemental = self.config.get('supplemental', {}) body = '' intro = supplemental.get('Introduction') if intro: intro = self.process_intro(intro) body += intro body += self.emit() if 'Postscript' in supplemental: body += self.formatter.markdown_to_html(supplemental['Postscript']) common_properties = self.generate_common_properties_doc() marker = False if '<p>[insert_common_objects]</p>' in body: marker = '<p>[insert_common_objects]</p>' elif '[insert_common_objects]' in body: marker = '[insert_common_objects]' if marker: body = body.replace(marker, common_properties, 1) else: if common_properties: warnings.warn('Supplemental file lacks "[insert_common_objects]" marker. Common object properties were found but will be omitted.') marker = False if '<p>[insert_collections]</p>' in body: marker = '<p>[insert_collections]</p>' elif '[insert_collections]' in body: marker = '[insert_collections]' if marker: collections_doc = self.generate_collections_doc() body = body.replace(marker, collections_doc, 1) if self.config.get('add_toc'): toc = self.generate_toc(body) if '[add_toc]' in body: body = body.replace('[add_toc]', toc, 1) else: body = toc + body # Replace pagebreak markers with pagebreak markup body = body.replace('~pagebreak~', '<p style="page-break-before: always"></p>') doc_title = supplemental.get('Title') if not doc_title: doc_title = '' headlines = ['<head>', '<meta charset="utf-8">', '<title>' + doc_title + '</title>'] styles = self.css_content headlines.append(styles) headlines.append('</head>') head = '\n'.join(headlines) return '\n'.join(['<!doctype html>', '<html>', head, '<body>', body, '</body></html>']) def generate_toc(self, html_blob): """ Generate a TOC for an HTML blob (probably the body of this document) """ toc = '' levels = ['h1', 'h2'] parser = ToCParser(levels) parser.feed(html_blob) toc_data = parser.close() current_level = 0 for entry in toc_data: level = levels.index(entry['level']) if level > current_level: toc += "<ul>\n" if level < current_level: toc += "</ul>\n" current_level = level toc += "<li>" + '<a href="#' + entry['link_id'] +'">' + entry['text'] + "</a></li>\n" while current_level > 0: current_level = current_level - 1 toc += "</ul>\n" toc = '<div class="toc">' + "<ul>\n" + toc + "</ul>\n</div>\n" return toc def process_intro(self, intro_blob): """ Process the Intro markdown, pulling in any schema fragments """ parts = [] intro = [] part_text = [] fragment_config = { 'output_format': 'html', 'normative': self.config.get('normative'), 'cwd': self.config.get('cwd'), 'schema_supplement': {}, 'supplemental': {}, 'excluded_annotations': [], 'excluded_annotations_by_match': [], 'excluded_properties': [], 'excluded_by_match': [], 'excluded_schemas': [], 'excluded_schemas_by_match': [], 'escape_chars': [], 'uri_replacements': {}, 'units_translation': self.config.get('units_translation'), 'profile': self.config.get('profile'), 'profile_mode': self.config.get('profile_mode'), 'profile_resources': self.config.get('profile_resources', {}), 'wants_common_objects': self.config.get('wants_common_objects'), 'actions_in_property_table': self.config.get('actions_in_property_table', True), } for line in intro_blob.splitlines(): if line.startswith('#include_fragment'): if len(part_text): parts.append({'type': 'markdown', 'content': '\n'.join(part_text)}) part_text = [] fragment_id = line[17:].strip() fragment_content = self.generate_fragment_doc(fragment_id, fragment_config) parts.append({'type': 'fragment', 'content': fragment_content}) else: part_text.append(line) if len(part_text): parts.append({'type': 'markdown', 'content': '\n'.join(part_text)}) for part in parts: if part['type'] == 'markdown': intro.append(self.formatter.markdown_to_html(part['content'])) elif part['type'] == 'fragment': intro.append(part['content']) return '\n'.join(intro) def add_section(self, text, link_id=False): """ Add a top-level heading """ self.this_section = { 'properties': [], 'property_details': [], 'head': '', 'heading': '' } if text: section_text = html.escape(text, False) self.this_section['head'] = text self.this_section['heading'] = self.formatter.head_two(section_text, self.level, link_id) self.this_section['link_id'] = link_id self.sections.append(self.this_section) def add_description(self, text): """ Add the schema description """ self.this_section['description'] = self.formatter.markdown_to_html(text) def add_uris(self, uris): """ Add the URIs (which should be a list) """ uri_strings = [] for uri in sorted(uris, key=str.lower): uri_strings.append('<li>' + self.format_uri(uri) + '</li>') uri_block = '<ul class="nobullet">' + '\n'.join(uri_strings) + '</ul>' uri_content = '<h4>URIs:</h4>' + uri_block self.this_section['uris'] = uri_content def format_uri_block_for_action(self, action, uris): """ Create a URI block for this action & the resource's URIs """ uri_strings = [] for uri in sorted(uris, key=str.lower): uri = uri + "/Actions/" + action uri_strings.append('<li>' + self.format_uri(uri) + '</li>') uri_block = '<ul class="nobullet">' + '\n'.join(uri_strings) + '</ul>' uri_content = '<h5>URIs:</h5>' + uri_block return uri_content def format_uri(self, uri): """ Format a URI for output. Includes creating links to Id'd schemas """ uri_parts = uri.split('/') uri_parts_highlighted = [] for part in uri_parts: if part.startswith('{') and part.endswith('}'): # Look up the schema and create a link, if documented. if part.endswith('Id}'): schema_name = part[1:-3] if self.get_ref_for_documented_schema_name(schema_name): part = '<a href="#' + schema_name + '">' + part + '</a>' # and italicize it part = self.formatter.italic(part) uri_parts_highlighted.append(part) uri_highlighted = '/'.join(uri_parts_highlighted) return uri_highlighted def format_json_payload(self, json_payload): """ Format a json payload for output. """ return ('<div class="json-payload">' + self.formatter.markdown_to_html(json_payload) + '</div>') def add_property_row(self, formatted_text): """Add a row (or group of rows) for an individual property in the current section/schema. formatted_row should be a chunk of text already formatted for output""" self.this_section['properties'].append(formatted_text) def add_property_details(self, formatted_details): """Add a chunk of property details information for the current section/schema.""" self.this_section['property_details'].append(formatted_details) def add_registry_reqs(self, registry_reqs): """Add registry messages. registry_reqs includes profile annotations.""" terse_mode = self.config.get('profile_mode') == 'terse' reg_names = [x for x in registry_reqs.keys()] reg_names.sort(key=str.lower) for reg_name in reg_names: reg = registry_reqs[reg_name] this_section = { 'head': reg_name, 'description': reg.get('Description', ''), 'messages': [] } heading = reg_name + ' Registry v' + reg['minversion'] + '+' if reg.get('current_release', reg['minversion']) != reg['minversion']: heading += ' (current release: v' + reg['current_release'] + ')' this_section['heading'] = self.formatter.head_two(heading, self.level) this_section['requirement'] = 'Requirement: ' + reg.get('profile_requirement', '') msgs = reg.get('Messages', {}) msg_keys = [x for x in msgs.keys()] msg_keys.sort(key=str.lower) for msg in msg_keys: this_msg = msgs[msg] if terse_mode and not this_msg.get('profile_requirement'): continue msg_row = [msg, this_msg.get('profile_requirement', '')] if not terse_mode: msg_row.append(this_msg.get('Description', '')) this_section['messages'].append(msg_row) self.registry_sections.append(this_section) def link_to_own_schema(self, schema_ref, schema_uri): """ Provide a link to schema_ref, preferring an in-document link to the schema_uri. """ schema_name = self.traverser.get_schema_name(schema_ref) if not schema_name: schema_name = schema_ref if self.is_documented_schema(schema_ref): return '<a href="#' + schema_name + '">' + schema_name + '</a>' else: return '<a href="' + schema_uri + '" target="_blank">' + schema_name + '</a>' return schema_name def link_to_common_property(self, ref_key): """ String for output. Override in HTML formatter to get actual links. """ ref_info = self.common_properties.get(ref_key) if ref_info and ref_info.get('_prop_name'): ref_id = 'common-properties-' + ref_info.get('_prop_name') # Get the version as well. version = ref_info.get('_latest_version') if not version: version = DocGenUtilities.get_ref_version(ref_info.get('_ref_uri', '')) if version: ref_id += '_v' + version return '<a href="#' + ref_id + '">' + ref_info.get('_prop_name') + ' object' + '</a>' return ref_key def link_to_outside_schema(self, uri): """ Provide a link to a scheme in another namespace """ return '<a href="' + uri + '" target="_blank">' + uri + '</a>' def get_documentation_link(self, ref_uri): """ Provide a link to documentation, if provided """ target = self.get_documentation_uri(ref_uri) if target: return 'See <a href="' + target + '" target="_blank">' + target + '</a>' return False def _add_closing_brace(self, html_blob, indentation_string, brace_string): """ Add a closing } to the last row of this blob of rows. """ close_str = '<br>' + indentation_string + brace_string tmp_rows = html_blob.rsplit('<tr>', 1) if (len(tmp_rows) == 2): tmp_rows[1] = tmp_rows[1].replace('</td>', close_str + '</td>', 1) html_blob = '<tr>'.join(tmp_rows) return html_blob