def r_events_files(infiles): fmt = formatter.formatter() db = dbinserter.inserter() tt_dict_type_num = {} for f in infiles: #Apr.1-May.2 d_t_n = r_events_file(f, fmt, db, 1427817600, 1430536956) for etype, num in d_t_n.items(): #print etype, num if etype not in tt_dict_type_num.keys(): tt_dict_type_num[etype] = 0 tt_dict_type_num[etype] += num db.close() return tt_dict_type_num
def build(plugin): actions = [] attributes = [] for attribute in plugin.text_attributes: attributes += [PLUGIN_ATTRIBUTE.format(**attribute)] for action in plugin.actions: action_attributes = [] for attribute, value in action.text_attributes: value = formatter(value) action_attributes += [ACTION_ATTRIBUTE.format(**attribute)] actions += [ ACTION.format(, description=action.description, attributes=''.join(action_attributes)) ]
def test_formatting3(): assert_equals(formatter("{}, {blah:d}", "k", blah=1), "k, 1")
def test_formatter2(): assert_equals(formatter("{}, {}", "c", "b"), "c, b")
def formatter(self, topic, opts): return formatter.formatter(self, topic, opts)
import pandas as pd import time from ast import literal_eval import numpy as np from sklearn import preprocessing from multiprocessing import pool from functools import partial import sys import time import pickle matchID = 'E3G2nI5H' start = time.time() sys.path.insert(1, './') from formatter import formatter k = formatter(matchID) k.to_csv('./csv/asdfasdf.csv', index=False) print(k.shape) r, l = 'Pandur I.', 'Mishakin V.' df = pd.read_csv('./csv/working.csv') df = df[(df['Player_left'] == l) | (df['Player_left'] == r) | (df['Player_right'] == l) | (df['Player_right'] == r)] print(df.shape) print(k.eq(df)) # print(df[['datetime_left', 'datetime_right', 'lastScore_ave_left', 'lastScore_ave_right']]) # df.shape # df[df['id'] == '6civ8qu0'][['Player_left', 'Player_right']] # df = df[(df['Player_left'] == 'Mishakin V.') | (df['Player_left'] == 'Belugin 0.') | (df['Player_right'] == 'Mishakin V.') | (df['Player_right'] == 'Belugin 0.') ] # print(df.shape, k.shape)
from ast import literal_eval import numpy as np from sklearn import preprocessing from multiprocessing import pool from functools import partial import sys import time import pickle sys.path.insert(1, './') from formatter import formatter start = time.time() df = pd.read_csv('./matchDF.csv') Player = 'Mishakin V.' df = df[(df['lPlayer'] == Player) | (df['rPlayer'] == Player)] lenargs = len(sys.argv) if lenargs == 1: df = formatter(df) elif lenargs == 2: if sys.argv[1] == 'test': df = formatter(df[0:2000], True) else: print('not recognized') elif lenargs == 3: if sys.argv[1] == 'test': df = formatter(df[0:int(sys.argv[2])], True) else: print('not recognized') df.to_csv('./csv/working_subsection.csv', index=False) print(time.time() - start)
def parser(action, text, cmdname, source, fmt, trace, igc, test): ttid = 0 NEXT = [] SCOPE = [] branch = [] BRANCHES = [] oneliner = -1 chain = [] CCHAINS = [] ubids = [] FLAGS = {} flag = {} setting = [] SETTINGS = [] variable = [] VARIABLES = [] USED_VARS = {} USER_VARS = {} VARSTABLE = builtins(cmdname) vindices = {} (tokens, ttypes, ttids, dtids) = tokenizer(text) i = 0 l = len(tokens) S = { "tid": -1, "filename": source, "text": text, "LINESTARTS": LINESTARTS, "tokens": tokens, "ttypes": ttypes, "ttids": ttids, "dtids": dtids, "args": { "action": action, "source": source, "fmt": fmt, "trace": trace, "igc": igc, "test": test, }, "ubids": ubids, "excludes": [], "warnings": {}, "warn_lines": set(), "warn_lsort": set() } def err(tid, message, pos="start", scope=""): # When token ID points to end-of-parsing token, # reset the id to the last true token before it. if tokens[tid]["kind"] == "tkEOP": tid = ttids[-1] token = tokens[tid] line = token["line"] index = token[pos] # msg = f"{message}" col = index - LINESTARTS[line] if message.endswith(":"): message += f" '{tkstr(tid)}'" # # Add token debug information. # dbeugmsg = "\n\n\033[1mToken\033[0m: " # dbeugmsg += "\n - tid: " + str(token["tid"]) # dbeugmsg += "\n - kind: " + token["kind"] # dbeugmsg += "\n - line: " + str(token["line"]) # dbeugmsg += "\n - start: " + str(token["start"]) # dbeugmsg += "\n - end: " + str(token["end"]) # dbeugmsg += "\n __val__: [" + tkstr(tid) + "]" # dbeugmsg += "\n\n\033[1mExpected\033[0m: " # for n in NEXT: # if not n: n = "\"\"" # dbeugmsg += "\n - " + n # dbeugmsg += "\n\n\033[1mScopes\033[0m: " # for s in SCOPE: # dbeugmsg += "\n - " + s # decor = "-" * 15 # msg += "\n\n" + decor + " TOKEN_DEBUG_INFO " + decor # msg += dbeugmsg # msg += "\n\n" + decor + " TOKEN_DEBUG_INFO " + decor Issue().error(S["filename"], line, col, message) def warn(tid, message): token = tokens[tid] line = token["line"] index = token["start"] col = index - LINESTARTS[line] if message.endswith(":"): message += f" '{tkstr(tid)}'" if line not in S["warnings"]: S["warnings"][line] = [] S["warnings"][line].append([S["filename"], line, col, message]) S["warn_lines"].add(line) def hint(tid, message): token = tokens[tid] line = token["line"] index = token["start"] col = index - LINESTARTS[line] if message.endswith(":"): message += f" '{tkstr(tid)}'" Issue().hint(S["filename"], line, col, message) def tkstr(tid): if tid == -1: return "" if tokens[tid]["kind"] == "tkSTR": if "$" in tokens[tid]: return tokens[tid]["$"] return text[tokens[tid]["start"]:tokens[tid]["end"] + 1] def addtoken(i): # Interpolate/track interpolation indices for string. if tokens[i]["kind"] == "tkSTR": value = tkstr(i) tokens[i]["$"] = value if action != "format" and i not in vindices: end = 0 pointer = 0 tmpstr = "" vindices[i] = [] # [] # [] for match in re.finditer(r, value): start = match.span()[0] end = len( + start varname =[2:-1].strip() if varname not in VARSTABLE: # Note: Modify token index to point to # start of the variable position. tokens[S["tid"]]["start"] += start err(ttid, "Undefined variable", scope="child") USED_VARS[varname] = 1 vindices[i].append([start, end]) tmpstr += value[pointer:start] sub = VARSTABLE.get(varname, "") # Unquote string if quoted. tmpstr += sub if sub[0] not in ("\"", "'") else sub[1:-1] pointer = end # Get tail-end of string. tmpstr += value[end:] tokens[i]["$"] = tmpstr if not vindices[i]: del vindices[i] nonlocal BRANCHES BRANCHES[-1].append(tokens[i]) def expect(*args): nonlocal NEXT NEXT.clear() for a in args: NEXT.append(a) def clearscope(): nonlocal SCOPE SCOPE.clear() def addscope(s): nonlocal SCOPE SCOPE.append(s) def popscope(pops=1): nonlocal SCOPE while pops: SCOPE.pop() pops -= 1 def hasscope(s): return s in SCOPE def prevscope(): return SCOPE[-1] def hasnext(s): return s in NEXT def nextany(): return NEXT[0] == "" def addbranch(): nonlocal branch, BRANCHES BRANCHES.append(branch) def newbranch(): nonlocal branch branch = [] def prevtoken(): return tokens[dtids[S["tid"]]] # Command chain/flag grouping helpers. # ================================ def newgroup(): nonlocal chain chain = [] def addtoken_group(i): nonlocal chain chain.append(i) def addgroup(g): nonlocal CCHAINS CCHAINS.append([g]) def addtoprevgroup(): nonlocal chain, CCHAINS newgroup() CCHAINS[-1].append(chain) # ============================ def newflag(): nonlocal flag, FLAGS flag = { "tid": -1, "alias": -1, "boolean": -1, "assignment": -1, "multi": -1, "union": -1, "values": [] } index = len(CCHAINS) - 1 if index not in FLAGS: FLAGS[index] = [] FLAGS[index].append(flag) setflagprop("tid") def newvaluegroup(prop): nonlocal flag flag[prop].append([-1]) def setflagprop(prop, prev_val_group=False): index = len(CCHAINS) - 1 if prop != "values": FLAGS[index][-1][prop] = S["tid"] else: if not prev_val_group: FLAGS[index][-1][prop].append([S["tid"]]) else: FLAGS[index][-1][prop][-1].append(S["tid"]) # Setting/variable grouping helpers. # ================================ def newgroup_stn(): nonlocal setting setting = [] def addtoken_stn_group(i): nonlocal setting setting.append(i) def addgroup_stn(g): nonlocal SETTINGS SETTINGS.append(g) # def addtoprevgroup_stn(): # nonlocal setting, SETTINGS # newgroup_stn() # SETTINGS[-1].append(setting) # ============================ def newgroup_var(): nonlocal variable variable = [] def addtoken_var_group(i): nonlocal variable variable.append(i) def addgroup_var(g): nonlocal VARIABLES VARIABLES.append(g) # def addtoprevgroup_var(): # nonlocal variable, VARIABLES # newgroup_var() # VARIABLES[-1].append(variable) # ============================ def __stn__asg(kind): addtoken_stn_group(S["tid"]) expect("tkSTR", "tkAVAL") def __stn__str(kind): addtoken_stn_group(S["tid"]) expect("") vstring(S) def __stn__aval(kind): addtoken_stn_group(S["tid"]) expect("") vsetting_aval(S) def __var__asg(kind): addtoken_var_group(S["tid"]) expect("tkSTR") def __var__str(kind): addtoken_var_group(S["tid"]) VARSTABLE[tkstr(BRANCHES[-1][-3]["tid"])[1:]] = tkstr(S["tid"]) expect("") vstring(S) def __cmd__asg(kind): # If a universal block, store group id. if S["tid"] in dtids: prevtk = prevtoken() if prevtk["kind"] == "tkCMD" and text[prevtk["start"]] == "*": ubids.append(len(CCHAINS) - 1) expect("tkBRC_LB", "tkFLG", "tkKYW") def __cmd__brc_lb(kind): addscope(kind) expect("tkFLG", "tkKYW", "tkBRC_RB") # # [TODO] Pathway needed? # def __cmd__brc_rb(kind): # expect("", "tkCMD") def __cmd__flg(kind): newflag() addscope(kind) expect("", "tkASG", "tkQMK", "tkDCLN", "tkFVAL", "tkDPPE", "tkBRC_RB") def __cmd__kyw(kind): newflag() addscope(kind) expect("tkSTR", "tkDLS") def __cmd__ddot(kind): expect("tkCMD", "tkBRC_LC") def __cmd__cmd(kind): addtoken_group(S["tid"]) expect("", "tkDDOT", "tkASG", "tkDCMA") def __cmd__brc_lc(kind): addtoken_group(-1) addscope(kind) expect("tkCMD") def __cmd__dcma(kind): # If a universal block, store group id. if S["tid"] in dtids: prevtk = prevtoken() if prevtk["kind"] == "tkCMD" and text[prevtk["start"]] == "*": ubids.append(len(CCHAINS) - 1) addtoprevgroup() addscope(kind) expect("tkCMD") def __brc_lc__cmd(kind): addtoken_group(S["tid"]) expect("tkDCMA", "tkBRC_RC") def __brc_lc__dcma(kind): expect("tkCMD") def __brc_lc__brc_rc(kind): addtoken_group(-1) popscope() expect("", "tkDDOT", "tkASG", "tkDCMA") def __flg__dcln(kind): if prevtoken()["kind"] != "tkDCLN": expect("tkDCLN") else: expect("tkFLGA") def __flg__flga(kind): setflagprop("alias") expect("", "tkASG", "tkQMK", "tkDPPE") def __flg__qmk(kind): setflagprop("boolean") expect("", "tkDPPE") def __flg__asg(kind): setflagprop("assignment") expect("", "tkDCMA", "tkMTL", "tkDPPE", "tkBRC_LP", "tkFVAL", "tkSTR", "tkDLS", "tkBRC_RB") def __flg__dcma(kind): setflagprop("union") expect("tkFLG", "tkKYW") def __flg__mtl(kind): setflagprop("multi") expect("", "tkBRC_LP", "tkDPPE") def __flg__dls(kind): addscope(kind) # Build cmd-string. expect("tkBRC_LP") def __flg__brc_lp(kind): addscope(kind) expect("tkFVAL", "tkSTR", "tkFOPT", "tkDLS", "tkBRC_RP") def __flg__flg(kind): newflag() if hasscope("tkBRC_LB") and token["line"] == prevtoken()["line"]: err(S["tid"], "Flag same line (nth)", scope="child") expect("", "tkASG", "tkQMK", "tkDCLN", "tkFVAL", "tkDPPE") def __flg__kyw(kind): newflag() # [TODO] Investigate why leaving flag scope doesn't affect # parsing. For now remove it to keep scopes array clean. popscope() if hasscope("tkBRC_LB") and token["line"] == prevtoken()["line"]: err(S["tid"], "Keyword same line (nth)", scope="child") addscope(kind) expect("tkSTR", "tkDLS") def __flg__str(kind): setflagprop("values") expect("", "tkDPPE") def __flg__fval(kind): setflagprop("values") expect("", "tkDPPE") def __flg__dppe(kind): expect("tkFLG", "tkKYW") def __flg__brc_rb(kind): popscope() expect("") def __brc_lp__fopt(kind): prevtk = prevtoken() if prevtk["kind"] == "tkBRC_LP": if prevtk["line"] == line: err(S["tid"], "Option same line (first)", scope="child") addscope("tkOPTS") expect("tkFVAL", "tkSTR", "tkDLS") def __brc_lp__fval(kind): setflagprop("values") expect("tkFVAL", "tkSTR", "tkDLS", "tkBRC_RP", "tkTBD") # Disable pathway for now. # def __brc_lp__tbd(kind): # setflagprop("values") # expect("tkFVAL", "tkSTR", "tkDLS", "tkBRC_RP", "tkTBD") def __brc_lp__str(kind): setflagprop("values") expect("tkFVAL", "tkSTR", "tkDLS", "tkBRC_RP", "tkTBD") def __brc_lp__dls(kind): addscope(kind) expect("tkBRC_LP") # # [TODO] Pathway needed? # def __brc_lp__dcma(kind): # expect("tkFVAL", "tkSTR") def __brc_lp__brc_rp(kind): popscope() expect("", "tkDPPE") prevtk = prevtoken() if prevtk["kind"] == "tkBRC_LP": warn(prevtk["tid"], "Empty scope (flag)") # # [TODO] Pathway needed? # def __brc_lp__brc_rb(kind): # popscope() # expect("") def __dls__brc_lp(kind): newvaluegroup("values") setflagprop("values", prev_val_group=True) expect("tkSTR") def __dls__dls(kind): expect("tkSTR") def __dls__str(kind): expect("tkDCMA", "tkBRC_RP") def __dls__dcma(kind): expect("tkSTR", "tkDLS") def __dls__brc_rp(kind): popscope() setflagprop("values", prev_val_group=True) # Handle: 'program = --flag=$("cmd")' # Handle: 'program = default $("cmd")' if prevscope() in ("tkFLG", "tkKYW"): if hasscope("tkBRC_LB"): popscope() expect("tkFLG", "tkKYW", "tkBRC_RB") else: # Handle: oneliner command-string # 'program = --flag|default $("cmd", $"c", "c")' # 'program = --flag::f=(1 3)|default $("cmd")|--flag' # 'program = --flag::f=(1 3)|default $("cmd")|--flag' # 'program = default $("cmd")|--flag::f=(1 3)' # 'program = default $("cmd")|--flag::f=(1 3)|default $("cmd")' expect("", "tkDPPE", "tkFLG", "tkKYW") # Handle: 'program = --flag=(1 2 3 $("c") 4)' elif prevscope() in ("tkBRC_LP"): expect("tkFVAL", "tkSTR", "tkFOPT", "tkDLS", "tkBRC_RP") # Handle: long-form # 'program = [ # --flag=( # - 1 # - $("cmd") # - true # ) # ]' elif prevscope() in ("tkOPTS"): expect("tkFOPT", "tkBRC_RP") def __opts__fopt(kind): if prevtoken()["line"] == line: err(S["tid"], "Option same line (nth)", scope="child") expect("tkFVAL", "tkSTR", "tkDLS") def __opts__dls(kind): addscope("tkDLS") # Build cmd-string. expect("tkBRC_LP") def __opts__fval(kind): setflagprop("values") expect("tkFOPT", "tkBRC_RP") def __opts__str(kind): setflagprop("values") expect("tkFOPT", "tkBRC_RP") def __opts__brc_rp(kind): popscope(2) expect("tkFLG", "tkKYW", "tkBRC_RB") def __brc_lb__flg(kind): newflag() if hasscope("tkBRC_LB") and token["line"] == prevtoken()["line"]: err(S["tid"], "Flag same line (first)", scope="child") addscope(kind) expect("tkASG", "tkQMK", "tkDCLN", "tkFVAL", "tkDPPE", "tkBRC_RB") def __brc_lb__kyw(kind): newflag() if hasscope("tkBRC_LB") and token["line"] == prevtoken()["line"]: err(S["tid"], "Keyword same line (first)", scope="child") addscope(kind) expect("tkSTR", "tkDLS", "tkBRC_RB") def __brc_lb__brc_rb(kind): popscope() expect("") prevtk = prevtoken() if prevtk["kind"] == "tkBRC_LB": warn(prevtk["tid"], "Empty scope (command)") def __kyw__str(kind): setflagprop("values") # Collect exclude values for use upstream. if S["tid"] in dtids: prevtk = prevtoken() if (prevtk["kind"] == "tkKYW" and tkstr(prevtk["tid"]) == "exclude"): excl_values = tkstr(S["tid"])[1:-1].strip().split(";") for exclude in excl_values: S["excludes"].append(exclude) # [TODO] This pathway re-uses the flag (tkFLG) token # pathways. If the keyword syntax were to change # this will need to change as it might no loner work. popscope() addscope("tkFLG") # Re-use flag pathways for now. expect("", "tkDPPE") def __kyw__dls(kind): addscope(kind) # Build cmd-string. expect("tkBRC_LP") # # [TODO] Pathway needed? # def __kyw__brc_rb(kind): # popscope() # expect("") # # [TODO] Pathway needed? # def __kyw__flg(kind): # expect("tkASG", "tkQMK", # "tkDCLN", "tkFVAL", "tkDPPE") # # [TODO] Pathway needed? # def __kyw__kyw(kind): # addscope(kind) # expect("tkSTR", "tkDLS") def __kyw__dppe(kind): # [TODO] Because the flag (tkFLG) token pathways are # reused for the keyword (tkKYW) pathways, the scope # needs to be removed. This is fine for now but when # the keyword token pathway change, the keyword # pathways will need to be fleshed out in the future. if prevscope() in ("tkKYW"): popscope() addscope("tkFLG") # Re-use flag pathways for now. expect("tkFLG", "tkKYW") def __dcma__cmd(kind): addtoken_group(S["tid"]) popscope() expect("", "tkDDOT", "tkASG", "tkDCMA") command = tkstr(S["tid"]) if command != "*" and command != cmdname: warn(S["tid"], "Unexpected command:") DISPATCH = { "tkSTN": { "tkASG": __stn__asg, "tkSTR": __stn__str, "tkAVAL": __stn__aval, }, "tkVAR": { "tkASG": __var__asg, "tkSTR": __var__str }, "tkCMD": { "tkASG": __cmd__asg, "tkBRC_LB": __cmd__brc_lb, # "tkBRC_RB": __cmd__brc_rb, "tkFLG": __cmd__flg, "tkKYW": __cmd__kyw, "tkDDOT": __cmd__ddot, "tkCMD": __cmd__cmd, "tkBRC_LC": __cmd__brc_lc, "tkDCMA": __cmd__dcma }, "tkBRC_LC": { "tkCMD": __brc_lc__cmd, "tkDCMA": __brc_lc__dcma, "tkBRC_RC": __brc_lc__brc_rc }, "tkFLG": { "tkDCLN": __flg__dcln, "tkFLGA": __flg__flga, "tkQMK": __flg__qmk, "tkASG": __flg__asg, "tkDCMA": __flg__dcma, "tkMTL": __flg__mtl, "tkDLS": __flg__dls, "tkBRC_LP": __flg__brc_lp, "tkFLG": __flg__flg, "tkKYW": __flg__kyw, "tkSTR": __flg__str, "tkFVAL": __flg__fval, "tkDPPE": __flg__dppe, "tkBRC_RB": __flg__brc_rb }, "tkBRC_LP": { "tkFOPT": __brc_lp__fopt, "tkFVAL": __brc_lp__fval, # "tkTBD": __brc_lp__tbd, "tkSTR": __brc_lp__str, "tkDLS": __brc_lp__dls, # "tkDCMA": __brc_lp__dcma, "tkBRC_RP": __brc_lp__brc_rp # "tkBRC_RB": __brc_lp__brc_rb }, "tkDLS": { "tkBRC_LP": __dls__brc_lp, "tkDLS": __dls__dls, "tkSTR": __dls__str, "tkDCMA": __dls__dcma, "tkBRC_RP": __dls__brc_rp }, "tkOPTS": { "tkFOPT": __opts__fopt, "tkDLS": __opts__dls, "tkFVAL": __opts__fval, "tkSTR": __opts__str, "tkBRC_RP": __opts__brc_rp }, "tkBRC_LB": { "tkFLG": __brc_lb__flg, "tkKYW": __brc_lb__kyw, "tkBRC_RB": __brc_lb__brc_rb, }, "tkKYW": { "tkSTR": __kyw__str, "tkDLS": __kyw__dls, # "tkFLG": __kyw__flg, # "tkKYW": __kyw__kyw, # "tkBRC_RB": __kyw__brc_rb, "tkDPPE": __kyw__dppe, }, "tkDCMA": { "tkCMD": __dcma__cmd } } while i < l: token = tokens[i] kind = token["kind"] line = token["line"] start = token["start"] end = token["end"] S["tid"] = token["tid"] if kind == "tkNL": i += 1 continue if kind != "tkEOP": ttid = i if kind == "tkTRM": if not SCOPE: addbranch() addtoken(ttid) newbranch() expect("") else: addtoken(ttid) if NEXT and not nextany(): err(ttid, "Improper termination", scope="child") i += 1 continue if not SCOPE: oneliner = -1 if BRANCHES: ltoken = BRANCHES[-1][-1] # Last branch token. if line == ltoken["line"] and ltoken["kind"] != "tkTRM": err(ttid, "Improper termination", scope="parent") if kind != "tkEOP": addbranch() addtoken(ttid) if kind in ("tkSTN", "tkVAR", "tkCMD"): addscope(kind) if kind == "tkSTN": newgroup_stn() addgroup_stn(setting) addtoken_stn_group(S["tid"]) vsetting(S) expect("", "tkASG") elif kind == "tkVAR": newgroup_var() addgroup_var(variable) addtoken_var_group(S["tid"]) varname = tkstr(S["tid"])[1:] VARSTABLE[varname] = "" if varname not in USER_VARS: USER_VARS[varname] = [] USER_VARS[varname].append(S["tid"]) vvariable(S) expect("", "tkASG") elif kind == "tkCMD": addtoken_group(S["tid"]) addgroup(chain) expect("", "tkDDOT", "tkASG", "tkDCMA") command = tkstr(S["tid"]) if command != "*" and command != cmdname: warn(S["tid"], "Unexpected command:") else: if kind == "tkCMT": newbranch() expect("") else: # Handle unexpected parent tokens. err(S["tid"], "Unexpected token:", scope="parent") else: if kind == "tkCMT": addtoken(ttid) i += 1 continue # Remove/add necessary tokens when parsing long flag form. if hasscope("tkBRC_LB"): if hasnext("tkDPPE"): NEXT.remove("tkDPPE") NEXT.append("tkFLG") NEXT.append("tkKYW") NEXT.append("tkBRC_RB") if NEXT and not hasnext(kind): if nextany(): clearscope() newbranch() newgroup() continue else: err(S["tid"], "Unexpected token:", scope="child") addtoken(ttid) # Oneliners must be declared on oneline, else error. if BRANCHES[-1][0]["kind"] == "tkCMD" and ( ((hasscope("tkFLG") or hasscope("tkKYW")) or kind in ("tkFLG", "tkKYW")) and not hasscope("tkBRC_LB")): if oneliner == -1: oneliner = token["line"] elif token["line"] != oneliner: err(S["tid"], "Improper oneliner", scope="child") if kind in DISPATCH[prevscope()]: DISPATCH[prevscope()][kind](kind) else: err(tokens[S["tid"]]["tid"], "Unexpected token:", pos="end") i += 1 # Check for any unused variables and give warning. for uservar in USER_VARS: if uservar not in USED_VARS: for tid in USER_VARS[uservar]: warn(tid, f"Unused variable: '{uservar}'") S["warn_lsort"].add(tokens[tid]["line"]) # Sort warning lines and print issues. warnlines = list(S["warn_lines"]) warnlines.sort() for warnline in warnlines: # Only sort lines where unused variable warning(s) were added. if warnline in S["warn_lsort"] and len(S["warnings"][warnline]) > 1: # [] S["warnings"][warnline].sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1, 2)) for warning in S["warnings"][warnline]: Issue().warn(*warning) if action == "make": return acdef(BRANCHES, CCHAINS, FLAGS, SETTINGS, S, cmdname) else: return formatter(tokens, text, BRANCHES, CCHAINS, FLAGS, SETTINGS, S)
def test_named_args_2(): assert_equals(formatter("{a}, {b}, {a}", a="b", b="a"), "b, a, b")
def test_named_args_1(): assert_equals(formatter("{a}", a="b"), "b")
def test_positional_mix(): assert_equals(formatter("{1}, {}, {2}, {}, {0}", "a", "b", "c"), "b, a, c, b, a")
def test_positional_multi(): assert_equals(formatter("{1}, {0}, {2}, {1}, {0}", "a", "b", "c"), "{1}, {0}, {2}, {1}, {0}".format("a", "b", "c"))
def test_positional(): assert_equals(formatter("{1}, {0}", "a", "b"), "b, a")
def test_formatter4(): formatter("{}, {}, {}")
def test_formatter3(): assert_equals(formatter("{}, {}, {}", "c", "b", "z"), "c, b, z")
def test_whatever(): formatter("{:d}", "blah")
def test_formatter(): assert_equals(formatter("{}, {}", "a", "b"), "a, b")
def test_named_args_3(): assert_equals(formatter("{a}, {0}", "a", a="b"), "b, a")
def parse(self, response): url = response.request.url domain = urlparse(url).netloc if not domain in self.allowed_domains: return lastmod = response.request.meta["lastmod"] sel = Selector(response) title = sel.xpath('//title/text()').extract_first() if self.image_xpath is not None: image_urls = self._get_image( sel.xpath(self.image_xpath), response, allow_outer_domain=True) else: image_urls = self._get_image( sel.xpath("//article//img"), response, allow_outer_domain=True) if len(image_urls) == 0: image_urls = self._get_image( sel.xpath("//img"), response, allow_outer_domain=True) user_meta = {} obj = formatter(sel) #obj = dict() #exec(self.json_format, {"sel": sel, # "re": re, "logger": self.logger}, obj) user_meta = obj # ["res"] title = (title.replace('\n', '')) passage = title + "\n" if self.document_xpath is not None: passageXPath = self.document_xpath else: passageXPath = "//*[self::h1 or self::h2 or self::h3 or self::h4 or self::h5 or self::h6]/text()|//article//div/text()|//article//p/text()" passage_word_list = sel.xpath(passageXPath).extract() regex = r".+" for p in passage_word_list: pp = (p.replace('\n', '')) pp = (pp.replace(' ', '')) passage += " " + pp lang = detect(passage) if lang == 'ja': words = self.molph_mecab(passage) else: words = self.molph_nltk(passage) json_words = json.dumps(words) if True: if len(words) > 0: objectId = ObjectId() molphed = self.URL(url=url) molphed.title = title # one molphed.lang = lang molphed.words = words molphed.words_len = len(words) molphed.imageUrls = image_urls molphed.passage = passage molphed.user_meta = user_meta molphed.lastmod = lastmod molphed.requestId = self.request_id return
def test_escape(): assert_equals(formatter("{{}}"), "{{}}".format())
import sys from query import query from formatter import formatter # do cli parsing tings word = sys.argv[1] # pass arg parsed from cli into query function # results will be a dictionary w/ google, wikipedia and reddit as keys and links as values results = query(word) # formatter takes in results and returns appropriately formatted text to print message = formatter(**results) # print message to cmd print(message)
def test_int2(): assert_equals(formatter("{0}", 1), "1")
import time s_serialPort = serial.Serial() s_recvInterval = 0.05 s_plotInterval = 0.05 s_recvStatusFieldIndex = 0 s_sendStatusFieldIndex = 1 s_infoStatusFieldIndex = 2 s_recvStatusStr = 'Recv: ' s_recvTotalBytes = 0 s_sendStatusStr = 'Send: ' s_sendTotalBytes = 0 s_formatter = formatter.formatter() s_lastRecvFormat = None s_lastSendFormat = None m_plot = '' ax = [] ay = [] def tcplink(sock, addr): print('Accept new connection from %s:%s...' % addr) sock.send(b'Welcome!') while True: data = sock.recv(1024) time.sleep(0.01)
def test_int3(): assert_equals(formatter("{bla}", bla=1), "1")
def test_formatting(): assert_equals(formatter("{:d}", 1), "1")
def scrapeBets(): matchDF_filename = './csv/static/matchDF.csv' test = False if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == 'test': test = True else: url = sys.argv[1] search_regex = '.offering-games__table-row' time_regex = '.offering-games__link' def processGamesPlaying(driver): url = '' def doSomething(driver): button = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="live-table"]/div[1]/div/div[2]/div[1]') page_source, driver = doSomethingFetchPageSource( url, driver=driver, doSomething=[doSomething]) text_file = open("./temp/gamesPlaying.txt", "w") text_file.write(page_source) text_file.close() search_regex = '.event__participant' s = BeautifulSoup(str(page_source), 'html.parser') players = k = [] for (index, player) in enumerate(players): p = player.text p = p[:p.find('(')].strip() k.append(p) return k cols = ['time', 'lTeam', 'rTeam', 'lLine', 'rLine', 'link'] def processBetOnline(driver): url = '' base = '' page_source = fetchPS(url, test, driver) text_file = open("./temp/betonline.txt", "w") text_file.write(page_source) text_file.close() def formatTeamNames(teams): def formatSide(side): end = side.find(',') return (side[:end] + ' ' + side[end + 2:end + 3] + '.').strip() return [formatSide(teams[0].text), formatSide(teams[1].text)] s = BeautifulSoup(str(page_source), 'html.parser') df = pd.DataFrame([], columns=cols) search_regex = '.offering-today-games__table-row' time_regex = '.offering-today-games__link' matches = for (index, match) in enumerate(matches): teams ='.lines-row__team-name') lines ='.lines-row__money') time = teams = formatTeamNames(teams) link = base + time[0].get('href') k = pd.DataFrame([[ time[0].text, teams[0], teams[1], lines[0].text.strip('()'), lines[1].text.strip('()'), link ]], columns=cols) df = df.append(k) df['platform'] = url return df.reset_index(0, drop=True) def processBovada(driver): url = '' base = '' page_source = fetchPS(url, test, driver, waitFor=['class', 'grouped-events']) text_file = open("./temp/bovada_ps.txt", "w") text_file.write(page_source) text_file.close() def formatLines(lines): def formatLine(line): l = line.strip() if l == 'EVEN': return '+100' return l if len(lines) > 2: return [formatLine(lines[2].text), formatLine(lines[3].text)] return [formatLine(lines[0].text), formatLine(lines[1].text)] def formatTeamNames(teams): def formatSide(side): end = side.find(',') if end == -1: end = side.find(' ') return (side[end:] + ' ' + side[0:1] + '.').strip() return (side[:end] + ' ' + side[end + 2:end + 3] + '.').strip() return [formatSide(teams[0].text), formatSide(teams[1].text)] def formatTime(time): text = time[0].text e = text.find(' ', 2) return text[e + 1:] s = BeautifulSoup(str(page_source), 'html.parser') df = pd.DataFrame([], columns=cols) search_regex = '.coupon-content.more-info' time_regex = '.period' s ='.next-events-bucket') if len(s) == 0: return df s = s[0] matches = for (index, match) in enumerate(matches): teams ='.competitor-name') link ='.game-view-cta') link = link[0].find_all('a', href=True)[0].get('href') link = base + link lines ='.bet-price') time = lines = formatLines(lines) teams = formatTeamNames(teams) time = formatTime(time) k = pd.DataFrame([[ time, teams[0], teams[1], lines[0].strip('()'), lines[1].strip('()'), link ]], columns=cols) df = df.append(k) df['platform'] = url return df.reset_index(0, drop=True) def findCorresponding(df, l, r): # print(l, r) today = d = today.strftime("%d.%m") k = df.loc[((df['lPlayer'] == r.strip()) & (df['rPlayer'] == l.strip())) | ((df['lPlayer'] == l.strip()) & (df['rPlayer'] == r.strip()))] return k def getCorrespondingGames(df): gameDF = pd.read_csv(matchDF_filename) gameDF = gameDF.loc[gameDF['lScore'] == '-'] d = pd.DataFrame() o = pd.DataFrame() for index, i in df.iterrows(): k = findCorresponding(gameDF, i['lTeam'], i['rTeam']) if k.shape[0] != 0: d = d.append(k.iloc[0]) i['merge_index'] =[0] o = o.append(i) return d, o def fetchPS(url, test, driver, **kwargs): ps = '' if test == False: if 'waitFor' in kwargs: ps, driver = fetchPageSource(url, waitFor=kwargs['waitFor'], driver=driver) else: ps, driver = fetchPageSource(url, driver=driver) text_file = open("./Debug/ps.txt", "w") text_file.write(ps) text_file.close() else: file = open('./Debug/ps.txt', 'r') ps = file.close() return ps driver = createDriver() gamesPlaying = processGamesPlaying(driver) k = processBetOnline(driver) l = processBovada(driver) k.to_csv('./temp/betOnline.csv') l.to_csv('./temp/bovada.csv') bettingSitesDF = [k, l] df = pd.concat(bettingSitesDF) def formatLines(df): df.loc[df['rTeam'].str.strip() > df['lTeam'].str.strip(), ['lTeam', 'rTeam', 'lLine', 'rLine']] = df.loc[ df['rTeam'].str.strip() > df['lTeam'].str.strip()][[ 'rTeam', 'lTeam', 'rLine', 'lLine' ]].values df = df.sort_values('time') df.to_csv('./temp/combined.csv') return df df.to_csv('./temp/bettingSitesDF.csv') df = formatLines(df).reset_index() cdf, cbdf = getCorrespondingGames(df) print(cdf.to_csv('./temp/cdf.csv')) print(cbdf.to_csv('./temp/cbdf.csv')) ul = set(list(cdf['lPlayer'].unique()) + list(cdf['rPlayer'].unique())) mdf = pd.read_csv(matchDF_filename) udf = mdf[(mdf['lPlayer'].isin(ul)) | (mdf['rPlayer'].isin(ul))] udf.to_csv('./test_before.csv') formatted = formatter(udf, True, ignore_ids=cdf['id']) formatted = formatted[formatted['id'].isin(cdf['id'])] formatted = formatted.merge(mdf, on='id') def formatSequencer(df, seq): df.loc[df[seq].str.contains(' ') == False, seq] = df[seq] + '0000' df.loc[df[seq].str.contains(' '), seq] = df[seq].str[0:6] + '2020' + df[seq].str[-5:] df[seq] = df[seq].str.replace('.', '') df[seq] = df[seq].str.replace(':', '') df[seq] = df[seq].str[4:8] + df[seq].str[2:4] + df[seq].str[0:2] + df[ seq].str[8:] k = df[df[seq].str.contains(' ')][[seq]] df[seq] = df[seq].astype(int) return df formatted = formatSequencer(formatted, 'datetime') formatted.to_csv('./temp/merged.csv') predictions = predict(formatted) formatted['predictions'] = predictions.tolist() formatted['rWinPred'] = formatted['predictions'].apply(lambda x: x[0]) formatted['lWinPred'] = formatted['predictions'].apply(lambda x: x[1]) formatted = formatted.merge(cbdf, left_on='id', right_on='merge_index') formatted.to_csv('./temp/formatted.csv') formatted = formatted[formatted['lLine'] != ''] formatted = formatted[formatted['rLine'] != ''] formatted = swap(formatted, ['lTeam', 'Player_left'], [['lTeam', 'rTeam'], ['lLine', 'rLine']]) formatted['lOdds'] = formatted['lLine'].astype(int).apply( americanToImplied) formatted['rOdds'] = formatted['rLine'].astype(int).apply( americanToImplied) formatted['ledge'] = round(formatted['lWinPred'] - formatted['lOdds'], 4) formatted['redge'] = round(formatted['rWinPred'] - formatted['rOdds'], 4) formatted['lOdds'] = round(formatted['lOdds'], 4) formatted['rOdds'] = round(formatted['rOdds'], 4) formatted['lWinPred'] = round(formatted['lWinPred'], 4) formatted['rWinPred'] = round(formatted['rWinPred'], 4) formatted = formatted.sort_values('datetime') formatted = getLargestInGroup(formatted, ['id'], 'ledge', 'redge') formatted = formatted.sort_values('datetime') formatted = filterOnlyNew(formatted, gamesPlaying, 'datetime') formatted = formatted.sort_values('datetime') cols = [ 'datetime', 'id', 'lTeam', 'rTeam', 'Player_left', 'Player_right', 'lWinPred', 'rWinPred', 'lOdds', 'rOdds', 'lLine', 'rLine', 'ledge', 'redge', 'platform', 'link' ] formatted[cols].to_csv('./predictions.csv') print("done")
def test_formatting2(): assert_equals(formatter("{}, {:d}", "k", 1), "k, 1")