def test_formatter_get_chat(self): """ Ensures that the BaseFormatter is able to fetch the expected entities when using a date parameter. """ chat = types.Chat( id=123, title='Some title', photo=types.ChatPhotoEmpty(), participants_count=7,, version=1 ) dumper = Dumper(self.dumper_config) fmt = BaseFormatter(dumper.conn) for month in range(1, 13): await dumper.dump_chat(chat, None, timestamp=int(datetime( year=2010, month=month, day=1 ).timestamp())) dumper.commit() cid = tl_utils.get_peer_id(chat) # Default should get the most recent version date = fmt.get_chat(cid).date_updated assert date == datetime(year=2010, month=12, day=1) # Expected behaviour is to get the previous available date target = datetime(year=2010, month=6, day=29) date = fmt.get_chat(cid, target).date_updated assert date == datetime(year=2010, month=6, day=1) # Expected behaviour is to get the next date if previous unavailable target = datetime(year=2009, month=12, day=1) date = fmt.get_chat(cid, target).date_updated assert date == datetime(year=2010, month=1, day=1)
def test_dump_msg_entities(self): """Show that entities are correctly parsed and stored""" message = types.Message( id=1, to_id=types.PeerUser(321),, message='No entities' ) dumper = Dumper(self.dumper_config) fmt = BaseFormatter(dumper.conn) # Test with no entities await dumper.dump_message(message, 123, None, None) dumper.commit() assert not next(fmt.get_messages_from_context(123, order='DESC')).formatting # Test with many entities text, entities = markdown.parse( 'Testing message with __italic__, **bold**, inline ' '[links]( and [mentions](@hi), ' 'as well as `code` and ``pre`` blocks.' ) entities[3] = types.MessageEntityMentionName( entities[3].offset, entities[3].length, 123 ) = 2 -= timedelta(days=1) message.message = text message.entities = entities await dumper.dump_message(message, 123, None, None) dumper.commit() msg = next(fmt.get_messages_from_context(123, order='ASC')) assert utils.decode_msg_entities(msg.formatting) == message.entities
def test_formatter_get_messages(self): """ Ensures that the BaseFormatter is able to correctly yield messages. """ dumper = Dumper(self.dumper_config) msg = types.Message( id=1, to_id=123, date=datetime(year=2010, month=1, day=1), message='hi' ) for _ in range(365): await dumper.dump_message(msg, 123, forward_id=None, media_id=None) += 1 += timedelta(days=1) msg.to_id = 300 - msg.to_id # Flip between two IDs dumper.commit() fmt = BaseFormatter(dumper.conn) # Assert all messages are returned assert len(list(fmt.get_messages_from_context(123))) == 365 # Assert only messages after a date are returned min_date = datetime(year=2010, month=4, day=1) assert all( >= min_date for m in fmt.get_messages_from_context( 123, start_date=min_date )) # Assert only messages before a date are returned max_date = datetime(year=2010, month=4, day=1) assert all( <= max_date for m in fmt.get_messages_from_context( 123, end_date=max_date )) # Assert messages are returned in a range assert all(min_date <= <= max_date for m in fmt.get_messages_from_context( 123, start_date=min_date, end_date=max_date )) # Assert messages are returned in the correct order desc = list(fmt.get_messages_from_context(123, order='DESC')) assert all(desc[i - 1] > desc[i] for i in range(1, len(desc))) asc = list(fmt.get_messages_from_context(123, order='ASC')) assert all(asc[i - 1] < asc[i] for i in range(1, len(asc)))
def test_interrupted_dump(self): """ This method will ensure that all messages are retrieved even on weird conditions. """ if not ALLOW_NETWORK: raise unittest.SkipTest('Network tests are disabled') dumper = Dumper(self.dumper_config) dumper.chunk_size = 1 SEND, DUMP = True, False actions = ( (3, SEND), (2, DUMP), (2, SEND), (2, DUMP), # Actually one will be dumped then back to start (1, SEND), (2, DUMP), (1, SEND), (2, DUMP), # Actually one will be saved and the other updated (2, SEND), (3, DUMP), (1, SEND), (1, DUMP), (1, DUMP), ) self.client(functions.messages.DeleteHistoryRequest('me', 0)) downloader = Downloader(self.client, self.dumper_config, dumper, loop=asyncio.get_event_loop()) which = 1 for amount, what in actions: if what is SEND: print('Sending', amount, 'messages...') for _ in range(amount): self.client.send_message('me', str(which)) which += 1 time.sleep(1) else: print('Dumping', amount, 'messages...') chunks = (amount + dumper.chunk_size - 1) // dumper.chunk_size dumper.max_chunks = chunks downloader.start('me') messages = self.client.get_message_history('me', limit=None) print('Full history') for msg in reversed(messages): print('ID:',, '; Message:', msg.message) print('Dumped history') fmt = BaseFormatter(dumper.conn) my_id = self.client.get_me().id dumped = list(fmt.get_messages_from_context(my_id, order='DESC')) for msg in dumped: print('ID:',, '; Message:', msg.text) print('Asserting dumped history matches...') assert len(messages) == len(dumped), 'Not all messages were dumped' assert all( == and a.message == b.text for a, b in zip(messages, dumped)),\ 'Dumped messages do not match' print('All good! Test passed!') self.client.disconnect()