def step4_load_sst_monthlies(latest_year, latest_month):
    files = step4_find_monthlies(latest_year, latest_month)
    if not files:
        print "No more recent sea-surface data files.\n"
        return None

    first_year = files[0][0][0]
    last_year = files[-1][0][0]
    n_years = last_year - first_year + 1

    # Read in the SST data for recent years
    sst = make_3d_array(360, 180, 12 * n_years)

    dates = []
    for (date, file) in files:
        (year, month) = date
        f = open_or_uncompress(file)
        print "reading", file
        f = fort.File(f, bos = ">")
        f.readline() # discard first record
        data = f.readline()
        month = 12 * (year - first_year) + month - 1
        p = 0
        for lat in range(180):
            for long in range(360):
                v, = struct.unpack(">f", data[p:p+4])
                p += 4
                sst[long][lat][month] = v

    return sst, dates
def zone_series(f):
    """Convert the Fortran data file *f* into a sequence of monthly
    anomalies for the zones.  The file must be a ZON.* file generated by
    GISTEMP Step 5.  The return value is an iterable over a sequence of
    pairs ((zone, year, month), datum) with *month* running from 0 to
    11; the datum is a float; when the datum is invalid, the
    corresponding pair is absent from the stream.

    bos = '>'  # Byte order and size (for struct.{un,}pack).
    f = fort.File(f, bos)

    # The first record is a header
    l = f.readline()
    info = struct.unpack('%s8i' % bos, l[:8 * 4])
    nmonths = info[3]
    first_year = info[5]
    missing = info[6]
    descriptor = bos + '%df80s' % (nmonths * 2)

    for z, r in enumerate(f):
        data = struct.unpack(descriptor, r)
        for i, v in enumerate(data[:nmonths]):
            if v != missing:
                yield ((z, first_year + i // 12, i % 12), v)
 def __init__(self, rawfile, bos='>'):
     self.bos = bos
     self.f = fort.File(rawfile, bos=self.bos)
     rec = self.f.readline()
     (self.mo1, kq, mavg, monm, monm4, yrbeg, missing_flag,
             title) = struct.unpack(self.bos + '8i80s', rec)
     self.meta = code.giss_data.SubboxMetaData(self.mo1, kq, mavg, monm,
             monm4, yrbeg, missing_flag, precipitation_flag, title)
     assert self.meta.mavg == 6, "Only monthly averages supported"
 def __init__(self, rawfile, bos='>'):
     self.bos = bos
     self.f = fort.File(rawfile, bos=self.bos)
     rec = self.f.readline()
     (self.min_month, kq, mavg, monm, monm4, yrbeg, missing_flag,
             precipitation_flag, self.max_month,
             title) = struct.unpack(self.bos + '9i80s', rec)
     self.meta = code.giss_data.StationMetaData(self.min_month, kq, mavg,
             monm, monm4, yrbeg, missing_flag, precipitation_flag,
             self.max_month, title)
def totext(file, output=sys.stdout, log=sys.stderr, metaonly=False, bos='>'):
    """Convert zonal monthly averages to text format.
    If metaonly is True then only the zonal metadata is output, the
    time series are not.

    # :todo: move into common module
    from zonav import swaw

    # The width of a standard word according to Python's struct module...
    w = len(struct.pack('=I', 0))

    f = fort.File(file, bos=bos)
    r = f.readline()

    # Number of words in header, preceding title.
    n = 8
    info = struct.unpack(bos + ('%di' % n), r[:n * w])
    output.write('\n%s\n' % r[n * w:n * w + 80])
    output.write('%s\n' % r[n * w + 80:])

    # m: time frames per year
    if info[2] == 6:
        m = 12
        m = 4
    first_year = info[5]
    months = info[3]
    years = months / m
    last_year = first_year + years - 1

    # Each line contains N ar values and N weight (area?) values,
    # followed by an 80-character title string.
    descriptor = bos + '%df80s' % (months * 2)

    for i in range(jzm):
        r = f.readline()
        if r is None:
            raise Error('Unexpected end of file.')
        data = struct.unpack(descriptor, r)
        output.write(swaw(data[-1]) + '\n')
        if metaonly:
        for set in range(2):
            for year in range(first_year, last_year + 1):
                offset = (year - first_year) * m + (months * set)
                output.write('%s[%4d]: %s\n' %
                             (['AR', 'WT'][set], year, ' '.join(
                                 map(repr, data[offset:offset + m]))))
def step4_load_clim():
    f = open_or_uncompress("input/oisstv2_mod4.clim")
    f = fort.File(f, bos='>')
    data = f.readline()

    clim_title = data[:80]
    clim = make_3d_array(360, 180, 12)
    p = 0
    for month in range(12):
        for lat in range(180):
            for long in range(360):
                v, = struct.unpack(">f", data[p+80:p+84])
                p += 4
                clim[long][lat][month] = v
    return clim
def step5_bx_output(data):
    bos = '>'
    box = open('result/BX.Ts.ho2.GHCN.CL.PA.1200', 'wb')
    boxf = fort.File(box, bos=bos)
    (info, title) = data.next()
    boxf.writeline(struct.pack('%s8i' % bos, *info) + title)
    yield (info, title)

    for record in data:
        (avgr, wtr, ngood, box) = record
        n = len(avgr)
        fmt = '%s%df' % (bos, n)
        boxf.writeline(struct.pack(fmt, *avgr) +
                       struct.pack(fmt, *wtr) +
                       struct.pack('%si' % bos, ngood) +
                       struct.pack('%s4i' % bos, *box))
        yield record
    print "Step5: Closing box file"
def totext(file, output=sys.stdout):
    """The file argument should be a binary file opened for reading.  It
    is treated as a Fortran binary file and converted to a text format,
    emitted on the file object output.  Each (binary) record is treated
    as a sequence of words (words being "standard-sized ints" in the native
    byte-ordering), followed by a possible remainder sequence of bytes
    (where the record length is not a multiple of a word).  The output
    format is one line per record, with each word being output as a
    fixed width hexadecimal number, and each trailing byte being output
    as a 2-digit hexadecimal number.  Spaces separate.  A "standard-size
    int" is interpreted the same way that struct.unpack('=I', x)
    interprets it.

    # Compute the width of a standard word according to Python's struct
    # module...
    w = len(struct.pack('=I', 0))
    # and a suitable string format.
    # http://www.python.org/doc/2.3.5/lib/typesseq-strings.html
    # The string format is of the form '%08x' but the value of 8 may be
    # replaced.
    fmt = '%%0%dx' % (2*w)

    f = fort.File(file)
    # Iterate over all the records
    for r in f:
        # We unpack as much as the record as we can as a sequence of
        # binary words (typically 32-bits each); then the rest as a
        # sequence of bytes.
        # Number of words
        n = len(r) // w
        sep = ''
        for i in struct.unpack('%dI' % n, r[:n*w]):
            output.write(sep + (fmt % i))
            sep = ' '
        # Remainder of record, as bytes
        for c in r[n*w:]:
            output.write(sep + ('%02x' % ord(c)))
            sep = ' '
def box_series(f):
    """Convert the Fortran data file *f* into a sequence of monthly
    anomalies for the geographical boxes. The file must be a BX.* file
    generated by GISTEMP step 5. The return value is an iterable over a
    sequence of pairs ((box, year, month), datum) with month running
    from 0 to 11; the datum is an integer; when the datum is invalid,
    the corresponding pair is absent from the stream.
    bos = '>'  # Byte order and size (for struct.{un,}pack).
    f = fort.File(f, bos)

    # The first record of the file is a header (see step5.SBBXtoBX).
    l = f.readline()
    info = struct.unpack('%s8i' % bos, l[:8 * 4])
    nmonths = info[3]  # Number of months in data series.
    nfields = info[4]  # Number of fields in each record.
    year = info[5]  # First year in the series.
    missing = info[6]  # Value for a missing datum.
    assert nfields == nmonths * 2 + 5

    # Each successive record contains a temperature anomaly series for
    # one box: first, 'nmonths' fields giving the anomalies for each
    # month; then 'nmonths' fields giving the weights for that box for
    # each month, then the number of good months in the series (?), then
    # four values describing the box (see eqarea.grid).
    box = 0
    while 1:
        l = f.readline()
        if l is None:
        assert len(l) == nfields * 4
        data = struct.unpack('%s%df' % (bos, nmonths), l[:4 * nmonths])
        for i in xrange(nmonths):
            if data[i] != missing:
                yield (((box, year + i // 12, i % 12), data[i]))
        box += 1
def totext(inp,
    Convert monthly averages to text format; *inp* is the input file
    and should be either a binary zone file (ZON.*) or a binary box file
    If metaonly is True then only the zonal metadata is output, the
    time series are not.

    # The width of a standard word according to Python's struct module.
    w = len(struct.pack('=I', 0))

    f = fort.File(inp, bos=bos)
    r = f.readline()

    # Number of words in header, preceding title.
    n = 8
    info = struct.unpack(bos + ('%di' % n), r[:n * w])
    title = r[n * w:]
    if 'zones' in title.lower():
        content = 'zones'
        content = 'boxes'

    if metaonly or 'v3' != format:
        output.write('\n' + title + '\n')
    if metaonly:
    if 'v3' == format:
        ghcnm_out = gio.GHCNV3Writer(file=output, scale=0.01)

    # m: time frames per year
    if info[2] == 6:
        m = 12
        m = 4
    first_year = info[5]
    months = info[3]
    years = months / m
    last_year = first_year + years - 1

    # Each line contains N ar values and N weight (area?) values,
    # followed by...
    #  - (for zones) an 80-character title string.
    #  - (for boxes) 5 words.
    rest = dict(zones=80, boxes=5 * w)[content]
    descriptor = bos + '%df%ds' % (months * 2, rest)

    # Number of records following header.
    N = dict(zones=16, boxes=80)[content]
    i = None
    for i, r in enumerate(f):
        data = struct.unpack(descriptor, r)
        suffix = data[-1]
        if format == 'v3':
            if 'zones' == content:
                title = id11fromzone(suffix)
                title = id11frombox(suffix, bos=bos)
            title = suffix
            output.write(title + '\n')
        for idx in range(2):
            if 'v3' == format and idx > 0:
                # Only output temps, not weights. :todo: fix this.
            for year in range(first_year, last_year + 1):
                offset = (year - first_year) * m + (months * idx)
                temps = data[offset:offset + m]
                if 'v3' == format:
                    assert 12 == m
                    element = ['TAVG', 'WGHT'][idx]
                    ghcnm_out.writeyear(title, element, year, temps)
                        '%s[%4d]: %s\n' %
                        (['AR', 'WT'][idx], year, ' '.join(map(repr, temps))))
    if i is None:
        raise Error('No records found in file %r.' % inp.name)
    if i != N - 1:
        way = "many" if i >= N else "few"
        raise Error('Too %s records. Expected %d, found %d.' % (way, N, i + 1))
def totext(file, output=sys.stdout, error=sys.stderr, metaflag=False):
    """The file argument should be a binary file opened for reading.  It
    is treated as a Fortran binary file and converted to a text format,
    emitted on the file object output.

    # Compute the width of a standard word according to Python's struct
    # module...
    w = len(struct.pack('=I', 0))
    # and a suitable string format.
    # http://www.python.org/doc/2.3.5/lib/typesseq-strings.html
    # The string format is of the form '%08x' but the value of 8 may be
    # replaced.
    fmt = '%%0%dx' % (2*w)

    f = fort.File(file)

    r = f.readline()
    # First record contains various INFO items.
    # When referring to comments in to.SBBXgrid.f recall that Fortran
    # arrays are typically indexed from 1 onwards; Python from 0
    # onwards.  Therefore INFO(2) corresponds to a[0]
    a = struct.unpack('9i', r[:9*w])
    mfirst = a[0]
    mlast = a[8]
    kq = a[1]
    mavg = a[2]
    monm = a[3]
    recsize = a[4]
    yrbeg = a[5]
    bad = a[6]
    trace = a[7]

    if metaflag:
        output.write('KQ=%d MAVG=%d MONM=%d YRBEG=%d BAD=%d TRACE=%d\n' %
            (kq, mavg, monm, yrbeg, bad, trace))

    # Length of record trail, the non-variable part, in bytes.
    ltrail = 15*w
    # Iterate over remaining records
    for r in f:
        trail = r[-ltrail:]
        lat,lon,id,height = struct.unpack('4i', trail[:4*w])
        lat *= 0.1
        lon *= 0.1
        if len(r[:-ltrail]) != w*(mlast-mfirst+1):
            error.write(('Station ID %09d has suspect record length.' +
                'mfirst=%s mlast=%d record-length=%d\n') %
                (id, mfirst, mlast, len(r)))
        name = trail[4*w:-2*w]
        # Some metadata is stored in the name field, *sigh*
        meta = name[-6:]
        name = name[:-6]
        # 3 digit country code
        cc = meta[3:6]
        meta = meta[0:3]
        # Prepend country code to station ID.  Note: id becomes a string.
        id = '%s%09d' % (cc, id)
        # Replace any spaces in meta with '*', mostly to preserve the
        # "words separated by spaces" format.  Note that all these
        # replacements are where (non US) stations do not have
        # USHCN-brightness indexes.
        meta = meta.replace(' ', '*')
        # It just so happens that underscore does not appear in any of
        # the "name" fields, so we use that instead of space.  That
        # preserves the "words separated by spaces" format.
        name = name.replace(' ', '_')
        # It's tidier if we return the trailing underscores back into
        # spaces.
        m = re.search('_*$', name)
        name = name[:m.start()] + ' '*(m.end() - m.start())
        if metaflag:
            output.write('ID %s %s %s %s M%04d\n' %
                (id, name, meta, iso6709(lat, lon, height), mfirst))
            n = len(r[:-ltrail])//w
            data = struct.unpack('%di' % n, r[:-ltrail])
            # Convert to 0 == January indexing:
            mfirst -= 1
            assert mfirst >= 0
            year = mfirst // 12
            year += yrbeg
            # Pad data at beginning...
            m = mfirst % 12
            data = (bad,)*m + data
            # ... and at end.
            m = (-len(data)) % 12
            data = data + (bad,)*m
            assert 0 == len(data) % 12
            def changebad(datum):
                """Convert to GHCN v2.mean BAD format."""
                if datum == bad:
                    return -9999
                return datum
            data = map(changebad, data)
            for y,yeardata in enumerate(data[i:i+12]
                                        for i in range(0,len(data),12)):
                output.write('%s%d' % (id, year + y))
                output.write(('%5d'*12 + '\n') % tuple(yeardata))
        mfirst, mlast = struct.unpack('2I', trail[-2*w:])
def cmp(a, b, dt=1e-4, dd=0.5, output=sys.stdout, error=sys.stderr):
    """Compare two files."""

    # Compute the width of a standard word according to Python's struct
    # module...
    w = len(struct.pack('=I', 0))
    # and a suitable string format.
    # http://www.python.org/doc/2.3.5/lib/typesseq-strings.html
    # The string format is of the form '%08x' but the value of 8 may be
    # replaced.
    fmt = '%%0%dx' % (2 * w)
    # Width of a float
    wf = len(struct.pack('f', 0.0))

    a = fort.File(a)
    b = fort.File(b)

    ra = a.readline()
    rb = b.readline()
    rn = 0

    # Number of words in header, preceding title.
    n = 8
    if ra[:n * w] != rb[:n * w]:
        error.write('headers differ:\n' +
                    str(struct.unpack('%di' % n, ra[:n * w])) +
                    str(struct.unpack('%di' % n, rb[:n * w])) + '\n')

    dmax = -1
    dmaxrn = None
    tmax = -1
    tmaxrni = ()

    while True:
        ra = a.readline()
        rb = b.readline()
        rn += 1
        if ra == None and rb == None:
        if ra == None or rb == None:
            error.write('files differ in size')
        if len(ra) != len(rb):
            error.write('Record %d is different size' % rn)

        traila = ra[-7 * w:]
        trailb = rb[-7 * w:]
        if traila[:4 * w] != trailb[:4 * w]:
            error.write('Record %d is for different boxes' % rn)
        counta = struct.unpack('2I', traila[4 * w:6 * w])
        countb = struct.unpack('2I', trailb[4 * w:6 * w])
        if counta[0] != countb[0]:
            output.write('Record %d NSTNS: %d %d\n' %
                         (rn, counta[0], countb[0]))
        if counta[1] != countb[1]:
            output.write('Record %d NSTMNS: %d %d\n' %
                         (rn, counta[1], countb[1]))
        da = struct.unpack('f', traila[6 * w:])[0]
        db = struct.unpack('f', trailb[6 * w:])[0]
        if abs(da - db) >= dd:
            output.write('Record %d D: %s %s\n' % (rn, repr(da), repr(db)))
        if abs(da - db) >= dmax:
            dmax = abs(da - db)
            dmaxrn = rn

        ra = ra[:-7 * w]
        rb = rb[:-7 * w]
        n = len(ra) // wf  # number of time series entries
        ta = struct.unpack('%df' % n, ra)
        tb = struct.unpack('%df' % n, rb)
        for i in range(n):
            d = abs(ta[i] - tb[i])
            if d >= dt:
                output.write('Record %d data %i: %s %s diff: %s\n' %
                             (rn, i, repr(ta[i]), repr(tb[i]), repr(d)))
            if d >= tmax:
                tmax = d
                tmaxrni = (rn, i)
    output.write('Maximum difference in d (record %d): %s\n' %
                 (dmaxrn, repr(dmax)))
    output.write('Maximum difference in t (record %d item %d): %s\n' %
                 (tmaxrni[0], tmaxrni[1], repr(tmax)))
def totext(file,
    """Convert binary gridded subbox file to text format.
    If metaonly is True then only the subbox metadata is output, the
    time series are not.
    `trimmed` determines whether the input file is trimmed; it can be
    one of ``True`` (file is trimmed), ``False`` (file is not trimmed),
    or ``'fromfile'`` (will examine file to determine if it is trimmed
    or not).

    assert trimmed in [True, False, 'fromfile']

    # Compute the width of a standard word according to Python's struct
    # module...
    w = len(struct.pack('=I', 0))
    # Width of a float
    wf = len(struct.pack('f', 0.0))
    # and a suitable string format.
    # http://www.python.org/doc/2.3.5/lib/typesseq-strings.html
    # The string format is of the form '%08x' but the value of 8 may be
    # replaced.
    fmt = '%%0%dx' % (2 * w)

    f = fort.File(file, bos=bos)

    r = f.readline()

    # Number of words in header, preceding title.
    n = 8
    info = struct.unpack(bos + ('%di' % n), r[:n * w])
    print info
    print r[n * w:]
    yrbeg = info[5]
    mavg = info[2]
    km = 1
    if mavg == 6:
        km = 12
    if trimmed == 'fromfile':
        trimmed = info[0] != 1
        print >> log, "Determined that trimmed=%s from file." % trimmed

    for r in f:
        if trimmed:
            meta = r[1 * w:8 * w]
            r = r[8 * w:]
            meta = r[-7 * w:]
            r = r[:-7 * w]
        box = struct.unpack(bos + '4i', meta[:4 * w])
        box = tuple(map(lambda x: x / 100.0, box))
        nstns, nstmns = struct.unpack(bos + '2I', meta[4 * w:6 * w])
        d = struct.unpack(bos + 'f', meta[6 * w:])[0]
        loc = '%+06.2f%+06.2f%+07.2f%+07.2f' % box
        n = len(r) // wf  # number of time series entries
        output.write('%s META %6d %3d %6d %f\n' % (loc, n, nstns, nstmns, d))
        if metaonly:

        t = struct.unpack(bos + ('%df' % n), r)
        # 12 entries per output line, which is usually one year's worth,
        # (but see km).
        p = 12
        for i in range(len(t) // p):
            output.write('%s %d' % (loc, (yrbeg + i * p // km)))
            for j in range(p):
                k = i * p + j
                output.write(' %s' % repr(t[k]))
def step5_output(data):
    (info, data, wt, ann, monmin, title) = data
    XBAD = 9999
    iy1tab = 1880

    zone_titles = step5_zone_titles()

    titl2 = ' zones:  90->64.2->44.4->23.6->0->-23.6->-44.4->-64.2->-90                      '
    iyrbeg = info[5]
    jzm = len(ann)
    iyrs = len(ann[0])
    monm = iyrs * 12
    out = ['ZonAnn', 'GLB', 'NH', 'SH']
    out = [open('result/'+bit+'.Ts.ho2.GHCN.CL.PA.txt', 'w')
            for bit in out]
    zono = open('result/ZON.Ts.ho2.GHCN.CL.PA.1200', 'wb')

    bos = '>'

    zono = fort.File(zono, bos)

    # Create and write out the header record of the output files.
    print >> out[0], ' Annual Temperature Anomalies (.01 C) - ' + title[28:80]
    for f in out[1:]:
        print >> f, title

    # iord literal borrowed exactly from Fortran...
    iord = [14,12,13, 9,10,11, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
    # ... and then adjusted for Python index convention.
    iord = map(lambda x: x-1, iord)
    # Display the annual means.
    def annasstr(z):
        """Helper function that returns the annual anomaly for zone *z*
        as a string representation of an integer (the integer is the
        anomaly scaled by 100 to convert to centikelvin).

        The returned value is a string that is 5 characters long.  If
        the integer will not fit into a 5 character string, '*****' is
        returned (this emulates the Fortran convention of formatting
        999900 (which is the XBAD value in centikelvin) as a '*****'.
        The year, *iy*, is lexically captured which is a bit horrible.
        x = int(math.floor(100*ann[z][iy] + 0.5))
        x = '%5d' % x
        if len(x) > 5:
            return '*****'
        return x

    iyrsp = iyrs
    # Check (and skip) incomplete year.
    if data[-1][-1][-1] > 8000:
        iyrsp -= 1
    banner = """
                           24N   24S   90S     64N   44N   24N   EQU   24S   44S   64S   90S
Year  Glob  NHem  SHem    -90N  -24N  -24S    -90N  -64N  -44N  -24N  -EQU  -24S  -44S  -64S Year
    for iy in range(iy1tab - iyrbeg, iyrsp):
        if (iy+iyrbeg >= iy1tab+5 and ((iy+iyrbeg) % 20 == 1) or
          iy == iy1tab - iyrbeg):
            print >> out[0]
            print >> out[0], banner
        iyr = iyrbeg+iy
        print >> out[0], ('%4d' + ' %s'*3 + '  ' + ' %s'*3 +
                          '  ' + ' %s'*8 + '%5d') % tuple([iyr] +
          [annasstr(iord[zone]) for zone in range(jzm)] + [iyr])
    # The trailing banner is just like the repeated banner, except that
    # "Year  Glob  NHem  SHem" appears on on the first line, not the
    # second line (and the same for the "Year" that appears at the end
    # of the line).  *sigh*.
    banner = banner.split('\n')
    banner[0] = banner[1][:24] + banner[0][24:] + ' Year'
    banner[1] = ' '*24 + banner[1][24:-5]
    banner = '\n'.join(banner)
    print >> out[0], banner
    print >> out[0]

    tit = ['    GLOBAL','N.HEMISPH.','S.HEMISPH.']
    # Shift the remaining 3 output files so that the indexing works out.
    out = out[1:]
    banner = 'Year   Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug' + \
      '  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec    J-D D-N    DJF  MAM  JJA  SON  Year'
    # All the "WRITE(96+J" stuff in the Fortran is replaced with this
    # enumeration into the *out* array (an array of file descriptors).
    for j,outf in enumerate(out):
        print >> outf, (tit[j] + ' Temperature Anomalies' + 
          ' in .01 C     base period: 1951-1980')
        for iy in range(iy1tab-iyrbeg, iyrs):
            iout = [100*XBAD]*18
            if (iy+iyrbeg >= iy1tab+5 and ((iy+iyrbeg) % 20 == 1) or
              iy == iy1tab - iyrbeg):
                print >> outf
                print >> outf, banner
            # *data* for this zone, avoids some duplication of code.
            zdata = data[iord[j]]
            # :todo: Would probably be better to have a little 4-long
            # seasonal array to do the computation in.
            awin = 9999
            if iy > 0:
                awin = zdata[iy-1][11] + zdata[iy][0] + zdata[iy][1]
            aspr = sum(zdata[iy][2:5])
            asmr = sum(zdata[iy][5:8])
            afl  = sum(zdata[iy][8:11])
            if awin < 8000:
                iout[14] = int(round(100.0*awin/3))
            if aspr < 8000:
                iout[15] = int(round(100.0*aspr/3))
            if asmr < 8000:
                iout[16] = int(round(100.0*asmr/3))
            if afl < 8000:
                iout[17] = int(round(100.0*afl/3))
            if ann2 < 8000:
                iout[13] = int(round(100.0*ann2/12))
            if iy == iyrs-1 and zdata[iy][-1] > 8000:
                ann1 = 9999
            if ann1 < 8000:
                iout[12] = int(round(100.0*ann[iord[j]][iy]))
            for m in range(12):
                iout[m] = int(round(100.0*zdata[iy][m]))
            iyr = iyrbeg+iy
            # Convert each of *iout* to a string, storing the results in
            # *sout*.
            sout = [None]*len(iout)
            for i,x in enumerate(iout):
                # All the elements of iout are formatted to width 5,
                # except for element 13 (14 in the Fortran code), which
                # is length 4.
                if i == 13:
                    x = '%4d' % x
                    if len(x) > 4:
                        x = '****'
                    x = '%5d' % x
                    if len(x) > 5:
                        x = '*****'
                sout[i] = x
            print >> outf, (
              '%4d ' + '%s'*12 + '  %s%s  ' + '%s'*4 + '%6d') % tuple(
              [iyr] + sout + [iyr])
        print >> outf, banner

    # Save monthly means on disk.
    zono.writeline(struct.pack(bos + '8i', *info) +
                   title + titl2)

    fmt_mon = bos + '%df' % monm
    for jz in range(jzm):
        zono.writeline(struct.pack(fmt_mon, *itertools.chain(*data[jz])) +
                       struct.pack(fmt_mon, *itertools.chain(*wt[jz])) +
    return "Step 5 Completed"
 def __init__(self, rawfile, bos='>'):
     self.bos = bos
     self.f = fort.File(rawfile, bos=self.bos)
     self.meta = None
     self.buf_record = None
 def __init__(self, rawfile, bos='>', trimmed=True):
     self.trimmed = trimmed
     self.bos = bos
     self.f = fort.File(rawfile, bos=self.bos)
     self.meta = None
     self.buf_record = None