class SRLPredictor(RequestPackingProcessor): """ An Semantic Role labeler trained according to `He, Luheng, et al. "Jointly predicting predicates and arguments in neural semantic role labeling." <>`_. """ word_vocab: char_vocab: model: LabeledSpanGraphNetwork def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.device = torch.device( torch.cuda.current_device() if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" ) def initialize(self, resources: Resources, configs: Optional[Config]): super().initialize(resources, configs) model_dir = configs.storage_path if configs is not None else None"restoring SRL model from %s", model_dir) # initialize the batcher if configs: self.batcher.initialize(configs.batcher) self.word_vocab = os.path.join(model_dir, "embeddings/word_vocab.english.txt") ) self.char_vocab = os.path.join(model_dir, "embeddings/char_vocab.english.txt") ) model_hparams = LabeledSpanGraphNetwork.default_hparams() model_hparams["context_embeddings"]["path"] = os.path.join( model_dir, model_hparams["context_embeddings"]["path"] ) model_hparams["head_embeddings"]["path"] = os.path.join( model_dir, model_hparams["head_embeddings"]["path"] ) self.model = LabeledSpanGraphNetwork( self.word_vocab, self.char_vocab, model_hparams ) self.model.load_state_dict( torch.load( os.path.join(model_dir, "pretrained/"), map_location=self.device, ) ) self.model.eval() def predict(self, data_batch: Dict) -> Dict[str, List[Prediction]]: text: List[List[str]] = [ sentence.tolist() for sentence in data_batch["Token"]["text"] ] text_ids, length = [ self.word_vocab.map_tokens_to_ids_py(sentence) for sentence in text ] ) text_ids = torch.from_numpy(text_ids).to(device=self.device) length = torch.tensor(length, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device) batch_size = len(text) batch = batch_size, text=text, text_ids=text_ids, length=length, srl=[[]] * batch_size, ) self.model = batch_srl_spans = self.model.decode(batch) # Convert predictions into annotations. batch_predictions: List[Prediction] = [] for idx, srl_spans in enumerate(batch_srl_spans): word_spans = data_batch["Token"]["span"][idx] predictions: Prediction = [] for pred_idx, pred_args in srl_spans.items(): begin, end = word_spans[pred_idx] # TODO cannot create annotation here. # Need to convert from Numpy numbers to int. pred_span = Span(begin.item(), end.item()) arguments = [] for arg in pred_args: begin = word_spans[arg.start][0].item() end = word_spans[arg.end][1].item() arg_annotation = Span(begin, end) arguments.append((arg_annotation, arg.label)) predictions.append((pred_span, arguments)) batch_predictions.append(predictions) return {"predictions": batch_predictions} def pack( self, pack: DataPack, predict_results: Dict[str, List[Prediction]], _: Optional[Annotation] = None, ): batch_predictions = predict_results["predictions"] for predictions in batch_predictions: for pred_span, arg_result in predictions: pred = PredicateMention(pack, pred_span.begin, pred_span.end) for arg_span, label in arg_result: arg = PredicateArgument(pack, arg_span.begin, arg_span.end) link = PredicateLink(pack, pred, arg) link.arg_type = label @classmethod def default_configs(cls): """ This defines the default configuration structure for the predictor. """ return { "storage_path": None, "batcher": { "batch_size": 4, "context_type": "ft.onto.base_ontology.Sentence", "requests": {"ft.onto.base_ontology.Token": []}, }, }
class SRLPredictor(FixedSizeBatchProcessor): """ An Semantic Role labeler trained according to `He, Luheng, et al. "Jointly predicting predicates and arguments in neural semantic role labeling." <>`_. """ word_vocab: char_vocab: model: LabeledSpanGraphNetwork def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.define_context() self.batch_size = 4 self.batcher = self.define_batcher() self.device = torch.device(torch.cuda.current_device() if torch.cuda. is_available() else 'cpu') def initialize(self, _: Resources, configs: Optional[HParams]): model_dir = configs.storage_path if configs is not None else None"restoring SRL model from %s", model_dir) self.word_vocab = os.path.join(model_dir, "embeddings/word_vocab.english.txt")) self.char_vocab = os.path.join(model_dir, "embeddings/char_vocab.english.txt")) model_hparams = LabeledSpanGraphNetwork.default_hparams() model_hparams["context_embeddings"]["path"] = os.path.join( model_dir, model_hparams["context_embeddings"]["path"]) model_hparams["head_embeddings"]["path"] = os.path.join( model_dir, model_hparams["head_embeddings"]["path"]) self.model = LabeledSpanGraphNetwork(self.word_vocab, self.char_vocab, model_hparams) self.model.load_state_dict( torch.load(os.path.join(model_dir, "pretrained/"), map_location=self.device)) self.model.eval() def define_context(self): self.context_type = Sentence # pylint: disable=no-self-use def _define_input_info(self) -> DataRequest: input_info: DataRequest = {Token: []} return input_info def predict(self, data_batch: Dict) -> Dict[str, List[Prediction]]: text: List[List[str]] = [ sentence.tolist() for sentence in data_batch["Token"]["text"] ] text_ids, length =[ self.word_vocab.map_tokens_to_ids_py(sentence) for sentence in text ]) text_ids = torch.from_numpy(text_ids).to(device=self.device) length = torch.tensor(length, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device) batch_size = len(text) batch =, text=text, text_ids=text_ids, length=length, srl=[[]] * batch_size) self.model = batch_srl_spans = self.model.decode(batch) # Convert predictions into annotations. batch_predictions: List[Prediction] = [] for idx, srl_spans in enumerate(batch_srl_spans): word_spans = data_batch["Token"]["span"][idx] predictions: Prediction = [] for pred_idx, pred_args in srl_spans.items(): begin, end = word_spans[pred_idx] # TODO cannot create annotation here. pred_span = Span(begin, end) arguments = [] for arg in pred_args: begin = word_spans[arg.start][0] end = word_spans[arg.end][1] arg_annotation = Span(begin, end) arguments.append((arg_annotation, arg.label)) predictions.append((pred_span, arguments)) batch_predictions.append(predictions) return {"predictions": batch_predictions} def pack(self, data_pack: DataPack, inputs: Dict[str, List[Prediction]]) -> None: batch_predictions = inputs["predictions"] for predictions in batch_predictions: for pred_span, arg_result in predictions: pred = data_pack.add_entry( PredicateMention(data_pack, pred_span.begin, pred_span.end)) for arg_span, label in arg_result: arg = data_pack.add_or_get_entry( PredicateArgument(data_pack, arg_span.begin, arg_span.end)) link = PredicateLink(data_pack, pred, arg) link.set_fields(arg_type=label) data_pack.add_or_get_entry(link) @staticmethod def default_hparams(): """ This defines a basic Hparams structure :return: """ hparams_dict = { 'storage_path': None, } return hparams_dict