    def rhs_noslip(self, x, source):
        """ add the vorticity source term along the boundary to enforce
        zero tangential velocity (=no-slip) """

        ip = self.varname_list.index('psi')
        # iu = self.varname_list.index('u')
        # iv = self.varname_list.index('v')
        iw = self.varname_list.index(self.whosetspsi)

        fo.cornertocell(x[ip], self.work)

        meansource = fo.computenoslipsourceterm(self.msknoslip, x[ip],
                                                self.work, self.dx, self.dy,

        # K = self.dx*self.dy * 0.25
        # self.work2[:, :] = self.work[:, :]
        # for kt in range(2):
        #     fo.add_diffusion(self.msk, self.work, self.dx,
        #                      self.nh, K, self.work2)
        #     self.fill_halo(self.work2)
        #     fo.add_diffusion(self.msk, self.work2, self.dx,
        #                      self.nh, K, self.work)
        #     self.fill_halo(self.work)

        # # self.work =  self.work/(self.dx**2)*self.mskbc

        source[:, :] = self.work

        # this step is SUPER important to ensure GLOBAL vorticity conservation
        meansource = self.domain_integration(source) / self.bcarea

        source -= meansource * self.mskbc

        if self.enforce_momentum:
            xr = self.xr0
            yr = self.yr0
            # this step ensures the zero momentum
            px = fd.computedotprod(self.msk, source, xr, self.nh)
            py = fd.computedotprod(self.msk, source, yr, self.nh)
            cst = self.mpitools.local_to_global([(px, 'sum'), (py, 'sum')])

            px, py = cst[0] / self.x2bc, cst[1] / self.y2bc
            source -= (px * xr + py * yr) * self.mskbc

        x[iw] -= source
    def diagnostics(self, var, t):
        """ should provide at least 'maxspeed' (for cfl determination) """
        u = var.get('u')
        v = var.get('v')
        trac = var.get('vorticity')
        psi = var.get('psi')
        source = self.var.get('source')

        xr = self.xr
        yr = self.yr

        ke, maxu = fd.computekemaxu(self.msk, u, v, self.nh)
        # ke = fd.computekewithpsi(self.msk, trac, psi, self.nh)

        z, z2 = fd.computesumandnorm(self.msk, trac, self.nh)

        px = fd.computedotprod(self.msk, trac, xr, self.nh)
        py = fd.computedotprod(self.msk, trac, yr, self.nh)

        angmom = fd.computesum(self.msk, psi, self.nh)
        sce = fd.computedotprod(self.msk, trac, source, self.nh)

        cst = self.mpitools.local_to_global([(maxu, 'max'), (ke, 'sum'),
                                             (z, 'sum'), (z2, 'sum'),
                                             (px, 'sum'), (py, 'sum'),
                                             (angmom, 'sum'), (sce, 'sum')])

        self.diags['maxspeed'] = cst[0]
        self.diags['ke'] = cst[1] / self.area
        self.diags['vorticity'] = cst[2] / self.area
        self.diags['enstrophy'] = 0.5 * cst[3] / self.area
        self.diags['px'] = cst[4] / self.area
        self.diags['py'] = cst[5] / self.area
        self.diags['angmom'] = cst[6] / self.area
        self.diags['source'] = cst[7] / self.area
