def __updateInfo(self, initial=False): if not initial: self.user = foursquare.get_user("self", foursquare.CacheOrGet)['user'] if self.manualUpdate: QMaemo5InformationBox.information(self, "Stats updated!", 1500) self.manualUpdate = False badges = "<b>" + str(self.user['badges']['count']) + "</b> badges" mayorships = "<b>" + str(self.user['mayorships']['count']) + "</b> mayorships" checkins = "<b>" + str(self.user['checkins']['count']) + "</b> checkins" if 'items' in self.user['checkins']: location = self.user['checkins']['items'][0]['venue']['name'] lastSeen = self.user['checkins']['items'][0]['createdAt'] lastSeen = datetime.fromtimestamp(lastSeen).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X") location = "Last seen @" + location # + "</b>, at <i>" + lastSeen + "</i>" else: location = "Never checked in anywhere!" text = location + "<br>" + badges + " | " + mayorships + " | " + checkins self.textLabel.setText(text) = QImage(foursquare.image(self.user['photo'])) self.photo_label.setPixmap(QPixmap(
def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Profile, self).__init__(parent) self.manualUpdate = False self.user = foursquare.get_user("self", foursquare.Cache.CacheOrGet)['user'] self.photo_label = QLabel() self.textLabel = QLabel() self.textLabel.setWordWrap(True) self.__updateInfo(True) name = "" if 'firstName' in self.user: name += self.user['firstName'] + " " if 'lastName' in self.user: name += self.user['lastName'] self.nameTitle = Title(name) profileLayout = QGridLayout() self.setLayout(profileLayout) profileLayout.addWidget(self.photo_label, 0, 0, 2, 1) profileLayout.addWidget(self.nameTitle, 0, 1) profileLayout.addWidget(self.textLabel, 1, 1) profileLayout.setColumnStretch(1, 5) profileLayout.setSpacing(5) profileLayout.setContentsMargins(11, 11, 11, 11) clicked = Signal() self.connect(self, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.__clicked) selfUpdated = Signal() self.connect(self, SIGNAL("selfUpdated()"), self.__updateInfo) foursquare.add_checkin_hook(self.checkin)
def __showUser(self): time.sleep(0.15) self.close() self.uid = self.user['user']['id'] user = foursquare.get_user(self.uid, foursquare.CacheOrNull) if user: self.userWindow = UserDetailsWindow(user, self)
def user_selected(self, index): self.uid = self.list.getUser(index)['user']['id'] user = foursquare.get_user(self.uid, foursquare.CacheOrNull) if user: self.userWindow = UserDetailsWindow(user, self) else: t = UserDetailsThread(self.uid, self) t.start()
def run(self): try: user = foursquare.get_user(self.userId, foursquare.ForceFetch) photo = user['user']['photo'] foursquare.image(photo) self.__parent.hideWaitingDialog.emit() self.__parent.showUser.emit() except IOError: self.__parent.hideWaitingDialog.emit() self.__parent.networkError.emit() self.exec_() self.exit(0)
def start(): app = QApplication(sys.argv) token_present = foursquare.config_get("access_token") != None if not token_present: msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setText("Hi! It looks like this is the first run!\n\nI'm going to open a browser window now, and I need you to authorize me so I can get data/do your check-ins, etc.") msgBox.setWindowTitle("First run") msgBox.addButton("Ok", QMessageBox.AcceptRole) msgBox.addButton("Cancel", QMessageBox.RejectRole) msgBox.exec_() if msgBox.buttonRole(msgBox.clickedButton()) == QMessageBox.AcceptRole: foursquare_auth.fetch_code() foursquare_auth.fetch_token() token_present = True d = QMessageBox() d.setWindowTitle("Image cache") d.setText("In order to save bandwidth, category images are cached. To download these images for a first time, click \"Update image cache\". This'll take some time, but will <b>really</b> speed up searches.") d.addButton("Ok", QMessageBox.YesRole) d.exec_() if token_present: try: foursquare.get_user("self", foursquare.CacheOrGet) except IOError: d = QMessageBox() d.setWindowTitle("Network Error") d.setText("I couldn't connect to foursquare to retrieve data. Make sure yo're connected to the internet, and try again (keep in mind that it may have been just a network glitch).") d.addButton("Ok", QMessageBox.YesRole) d.exec_() main_window = MainWindow() sys.exit(app.exec_())
def run(self): try: foursquare.get_user("self", foursquare.ForceFetch) self.__parent.selfUpdated.emit() except IOError: self.__parent.networkError.emit()
def __showUser(self): user = foursquare.get_user(self.uid, foursquare.CacheOrNull) self.userWindow = UserDetailsWindow(user, self)