def dotest(outputname, nostamp): try: from bidi.algorithm import get_display except ImportError: from unittest import SkipTest raise SkipTest("Need python-bidi") pdf = FPDF() if nostamp: pdf._putinfo = lambda: common.test_putinfo(pdf) pdf.compress = False pdf.add_page() pdf.add_font('DejaVu', '', \ os.path.join(common.basepath, 'font/DejaVuSans.ttf'), uni=True) pdf.set_font('DejaVu', '', 14) # this will be displayed wrong as actually it is stored LTR: text= u"این یک متن پارسی است. This is a Persian text !!" pdf.write(8, text) pdf.ln(8) # Reverse the RLT using the Bidirectional Algorithm to be displayed correctly: # ( rtl_text = get_display(text) pdf.write(8, rtl_text) pdf.output(outputname, 'F')
def pdf_convert(fname, data): pdf = FPDF() pdf.set_margins(left=10, top=15, right=10) pdf.add_page() pdf.add_font('calibri', fname=r'c:\Windows\Fonts\calibri.ttf', uni=True) pdf.image('gables.jpg', x=90, w=30) pdf.set_font("calibri", size=12) pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, txt=data) pdf.output(fname)
def dotest(outputname, nostamp): # filename - output filename # nostamp - do no use stamp in result file pdf = FPDF() if nostamp: pdf._putinfo = lambda: common.test_putinfo(pdf) pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 16) pdf.write(8, "Test template") pdf.output(outputname, 'F')
def test_hello_world(self): pdf=FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial','B',16) pdf.cell(40,10,hello_world) pdf.output(hello_world_file,'F') self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(hello_world_file))
def randompdf (path) : numpdf = (randint(1500,2000)) for i in range(10): name = path + ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(randint(5,15))]) + ".pdf" numwords = (randint(200,1000)) pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) words =[] for i in range(numwords): randomword = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(randint(5,15))]) words.append(randomword) wordsinstring = ''.join(words) pdf.cell(200, 10, txt=wordsinstring, align="C") pdf.output(name) for i in range(numpdf): dupli = path + ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(randint(5,15))]) + ".pdf" copyfile(name, dupli)
def generate(pdfname): datamanager = DataManager('', 27017) pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_author('GRE Master') pdf.set_title('GRE Word') #pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 16) pdf.add_font('eunjin', '', 'Eunjin.ttf', uni=True) pdf.set_font('eunjin', '', 16) pdf.add_font('bangwool', '', 'Bangwool.ttf', uni=True) pdf.set_font('bangwool', '', 16) #pdf.add_font('DejaVu', '', 'DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf', uni=True) #pdf.set_font('DejaVu', '', 16) for row in datamanager.find(): text = row['text'] meanings = row['meaning'] synonyms = row['synonyms'] meaning = ','.join(meanings) synonym = u','.join(synonyms) line = '%s : %s \n synonyms : %s' % (text, meaning, synonym) #pdf.cell(20, 10, row['text'], 0, 0)# + ' ' + ','.join(row['meaning'])) pdf.multi_cell(0, 8, line, 1, 'J') pdf.output(pdfname, 'F')
def createPDF(self, name=None, size='10kb'): from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter from fpdf import FPDF import os import random name = os.path.basename(name) tmp_name = '/tmp/' + name output_name = self.sharepath + '/' + name if size == '10kb': randlength = random.randint(10000,90000) elif size == '100kb': randlength = random.randint(100000,900000) elif size == '1mb': randlength = random.randint(1000000,9000000) #create file pdf=FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial','B',8) pdf.cell(0,0,os.urandom(randlength)) pdf.output(tmp_name, "F") #encrypt it output = PdfFileWriter() input1 = PdfFileReader(open(tmp_name, "rb")) output.encrypt(user_pwd="ihasapass") output.addPage(input1.getPage(0)) outputStream = file(output_name, "wb") output.write(outputStream) outputStream.close()
def generate_pdf(self,qrs,pdf_filename): self.progress.setValue(0) self.label.setText('Writing PDF...') pdf=FPDF() pdf.add_page() col = 10 row = 20 pdf.set_font('Arial','B',20) pdf.text(10, 10, 'QRS') pdf.set_font('Arial','',5) c = 1 for qr in qrs: if col > 250: row = row + 40 col = 10 pdf.text(col+3,row-3,qr) pdf.image('qrs/'+qr+'.png',col,row,30) col = col + 40 self.progress.setValue((c*100)/len(qrs)) c = c + 1 try: if not os.path.exists('pdfs'): os.makedirs('pdfs') pdf.output('pdfs/'+pdf_filename+'.pdf','F') self.messageBox('PDF', 'Pdf is Done! ' + 'pdfs/'+pdf_filename+'.pdf') self.label.setText('') path = os.getcwd() os.startfile(path.replace('\\','/')+'/pdfs/'+pdf_filename+'.pdf') except Exception as e: self.messageBox('PDF.', str(e))
def write_cover_letter(cover_letter, skills): # open csv file and read input with open(skills) as skills_csv: reader = csv.reader(skills_csv) rownum = 0 for row in reader: pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4') # portrait mode, mm , A4 size paper pdf.add_page() # new blank page pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 12) # font, Style (B,U,I) , fontsize in pt. #ignore the header row if rownum == 0: pass else: model_cover_letter = open(cover_letter, 'r') for line in model_cover_letter: line = line.replace('#website', row[0]) line = line.replace('#inserttools', ','.join(row[1].split('#'))) # skills are seperated by '#' split and join them line = line.replace('#toolproficient', row[2]) line = line.replace('#toolyr', row[3]) line = line.replace('#company', row[4]) pdf.write(6, line) pdf.output('cover_letters/Cover Letter - ' + row[4] + '.pdf', 'F') pdf.close() rownum = rownum + 1
def print_receipt(Student): """ Print receipts related to specified Student Contain all three amounts paid - mess fees, room rent, amenities charge """ pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4') pdf.add_page('P') pdf.set_font('Times', 'B', 14) pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, 'Student Dues Payment Receipt') pdf.ln() pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, ('Student ID: %s' % Student.student_ID)) pdf.ln() pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, ('Name: %s' % pdf.ln() pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, ('Mess Fees: %s' % Student.mess_charge)) pdf.ln() if Student.room_type == "S": room_rent = db.get("hall", Student.hall_ID, "single_room_rent")[0] elif Student.room_type == "D": room_rent = db.get("hall", Student.hall_ID, "double_room_rent")[0] pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, ('Room Rent: %s' % room_rent)) pdf.ln() pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, ('Amenities Charge: %s' % str(db.get("hall", Student.hall_ID, "amenities_charge")[0]))) pdf.ln() pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, ('Total Amount Paid: %s' % str(Student.total_dues))) pdf.ln() # Write generated output file to PDF pdf.output(('receipt_%s.pdf' % Student.hall_ID), 'F')
def generate_salary_list(Hall): """ Print list of all employees and respective salary details for specified hall Take dict of Worker objects as parameter """ pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4') pdf.add_page('P') pdf.set_font('Times', 'B', 14) pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, ('Hall Salary List: Hall %s' % Hall.hall_ID)) pdf.ln() worker_list = dbr.rebuild("worker") title = "Role" wage = 0 for key in worker_list: if worker_list[key].hall_ID == Hall.hall_ID: if isinstance(worker_list[key], mess_manager.MessManager): title = "Mess Manager" wage = worker_list[key].monthly_salary elif isinstance(worker_list[key], clerk.Clerk): title = "Clerk" wage = worker_list[key].monthly_salary elif isinstance(worker_list[key], attendant.Attendant): title = "Attendant" wage = worker_list[key].daily_wage pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, ('%s: %s (%s) - Rs. %s' % (worker_list[key].worker_ID, worker_list[key].name, title, wage))) pdf.ln() # Write generated output file to PDF pdf.output(('hall_salary_%s.pdf' % Hall.hall_ID), 'F')
class Document(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.pdf = FPDF(**kwargs) self.pdf.add_page() self.pdf.set_margins(20, 20, 0) self.pdf.ln() self._add_font('DejaVu', 'DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf') self._add_font('DejaVu-Bold', 'DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold.ttf') def _add_font(self, font_name, file_name): self.pdf.add_font(font_name, '', asset_path(file_name), uni=True) def _font(self, size, bold=False): font_name = 'DejaVu' if not bold else 'DejaVu-Bold' self.pdf.set_font(font_name, '', size) def _text_cell(self, w, h, text, size=10, bold=False, align='L', border=BORDER_DEBUG): self._font(size, bold=bold) self.pdf.cell(w, h, text, align=align, border=border) def _multi_cell(self, w, h, text, size=10, bold=False, align='L', border=BORDER_DEBUG): self._font(size, bold=bold) self.pdf.multi_cell(w, h, text, align=align, border=border) def output(self): return self.pdf.output(dest='S')
def gerarPDF(qtd_img, Tamanho, qtd_Arq, diretorio): pdf = FPDF(orientation='P', format='A4', unit=u'mm') pdf.set_font(u'Arial', size=18) pdf.set_line_width(0.1) # evita quebra automatica da pagina, ao chegar perto da borda inferior pdf.set_auto_page_break(False) pdf.set_margins(8, 8) pdf.add_page() pdf.text(60, 50, txt=u'Relatório de Contagem de Imagens') pdf.ln("") pdf.set_font_size(size=10) pdf.text(10, 60, txt=u'Total de Imagens = %s' %qtd_img) pdf.text(80, 60, txt=u'Espaço Ocupado = %s' %Tamanho) pdf.text(150, 60, txt=u'Total de Arquivos = %s' %qtd_Arq) pdf.text(10, 70, txt=u'Data = %s às %s' %('%d/%m/%Y'),'%H:%M:%S'))) pdf.ln("") pdf.text(10, 80, txt=u'Diretório Raiz= %s' %diretorio) pdf.output(u'./relatório.pdf', u'F') # gerarPDF(0,0,0,0)
def createPDF(tFile): # Create PDF output dir if not exist if args.op.split("/")[0] not in listdir(curdir): mkdir(args.op) # Set fuzzed pdf name sPfile = tFile.split(".ttf")[0] tempPDF = FPDF() # Add our fuzzed ttf into PDF try: tempPDF.add_font(sPfile, "", args.o + "/" + tFile, uni=True) except: return tempPDF.set_font(sPfile, "", 16) # Create blank page and fill it with data tempPDF.add_page() tempPDF.cell(40, 10, "PDF TEST FILE") # Create fuzzed PDF try: tempPDF.output(args.op + sPfile + ".pdf", "F") except: return tempPDF.close()
def hourpdf(request): # use to see working of temporary employee. pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4') pdf.add_page() ganY = [46, 54] # line bettwen collumn. pdf.add_font('Kinnari', '', 'Kinnari.ttf', uni=True) pdf.set_font('Kinnari', '', 12) gen_single_text(pdf, 60, u'ใบลงเวลาทำงานลูกจ้างชั่วคราวรายชั่วโมง') gen_single_text(pdf, 45, u'มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าพระนครเหนือ') gen_single_text(pdf, 70, u'ชื่อ') pdf.ln(8) pdf.cell(0, 18, u' วัน วันที่ เดือน ปี เวลาทำงาน รวมชั่วโมง ลายมือชื่อ หมายเหตุ') drawAttr2(pdf, ganY[0], ganY[1], True) gen_single_text(pdf, 90, u'รวมจำนวนชั่วโมง ' + u'ชั่วโมง') # call spacial funtion to write a text per line. gen_single_text(pdf, 90, u'อัตรา 45.45 บาท ชั่วโมง') gen_single_text(pdf, 90, u'รวมเป็นเงินทั้งสิ้น' + u'บาท') gen_single_text(pdf, 90, u'( )') gen_single_text(pdf, 90, u'ได้ตรวจสอบถูกต้องแล้ว') gen_single_text(pdf, 75, u'ลงชื่อ.......................................................') gen_single_text(pdf, 80, u'(...................................................)') pdf.output("group3/hour.pdf", 'F') with open('group3/hour.pdf', 'rb') as pdf: # path to pdf in directory views. response = HttpResponse(,content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'filename=hour.pdf' return response pdf.closed
def issue_student_admission_letter(Student, body): """ Print letter for Student at time of admission Contains details as provided by the Student """ pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4') pdf.add_page('P') pdf.set_font('Times', 'B', 14) pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, 'Student Admission Letter') pdf.ln() pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, ('Name: %s' % pdf.ln() pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, ('Address: %s' % Student.address)) pdf.ln() pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, ('Contact Number: %s' % Student.contact_number)) pdf.ln() pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, ('Hall Allotted: %s' % str(db.get("hall", Student.hall_ID, "name")[0]))) pdf.ln() pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, ('Room Allotted: %s' % Student.room_no)) pdf.ln() pdf.ln() pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, ('%s' % body)) pdf.ln() # Write generated output file to PDF pdf.output(('admission_letter_%s.pdf' % Student.student_ID), 'F')
def test_pdf_write(self): pdf=FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial','',12) pdf.write(30, 'small text') pdf.set_font('Arial','',24) pdf.write(30, 'Large text') pdf.output('out/fpdf/test_pdf_write.pdf', 'F')
def render(self, outfile): pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page(); pdf.set_font('Arial','B',16); for field in self.fields.values(): self.handlers[field['type'].upper()](pdf, **field) pdf.output(outfile,"F")
def test_ttf(self): pdf=FPDF() pdf.add_font('test','','font/lmroman7-italic.ttf',uni=True) pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('test', '', 14) pdf.write(10, 'hello') pdf.set_font('test', '', 24) pdf.write(10, 'hello') pdf.output('out/fpdf/test_ttf.pdf', 'F')
def get(self): pdf=FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.add_font('DejaVu','','font/DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf',uni=True) pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',16) #pdf.set_font('Arial','B',16) pdf.cell(40,10,u'Hello World! Здравствуй мир') pdf.image('images/LoadFile.png', 0, 50) self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/pdf' self.response.write(pdf.output('', 'S'))
def pdfGen(Input,fontName,Output): pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() ttfName=fontName+'.ttf' pdf.add_font(fontName, '', ttfName, uni=True) pdf.set_font(fontName, '', 14) linestring = open(Input, 'r').read() pdf.write(8,linestring) pdf.ln(20) pdf.output(Output, 'F')
def dotest(outputname, nostamp): pdf = FPDF(orientation = "L", format = "A5") pdf.compress = False if nostamp: pdf._putinfo = lambda: common.test_putinfo(pdf) pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 14) for i in range(10): o = ["p", "L", "P", "l"][i % 4] page(pdf, "Page %d from 10\nOrientation: %s" % (i + 1, o), o) pdf.output(outputname, 'F')
def test_unicode_font(self): pdf=FPDF() pdf.add_page() #pdf.add_font('DejaVu','','font/DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf',uni=True) pdf.add_font('DejaVu','I','font/DejaVuSerif-Italic.ttf',uni=True) pdf.set_font('DejaVu','I',16) #pdf.set_font('Arial','B',16) pdf.cell(40,10,u'Здравствуй мир \u2200 x \u2203 y \u223c \u221e') pdf.output('HelloWorld.pdf', 'F')
def fpdf(): pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 16) pdf.cell(40, 10, 'Reporte') pdf.output('reporte.pdf', 'F') import os try: os.startfile('reporte.pdf') except Exception: os.system("xdg-open \"%s\"" % 'reporte.pdf')
def create_pdf(traceback): traceback = traceback.split("\n") pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 12) pdf.cell(40, 10, "Send this error report to the administrator if the problem occurs again: \n", 0, 1) for x in xrange(0, len(traceback)): pdf.cell(40, 10, traceback[x], 0, 1) print traceback[x] pdf.output('pdf/stack.pdf', 'F')
def dotest(outputname, nostamp): pdf = FPDF(orientation = "L", format = (100, 250)) pdf.compress = False if nostamp: pdf._putinfo = lambda: common.test_putinfo(pdf) pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 14) for i in range(16): o = ["p", "l"][i % 2] f = ["a3", "a4", "a5", "letter", "legal", "", (100, 250), (320, 240)][i % 8] page(pdf, "Page %d from 16\nFormat: %s\nOrientation: %s" % (i + 1, f, o), o, f) pdf.output(outputname, 'F')
def createPDF(values): pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", "B", 24) pdf.cell(0, 20, TITLE_PDF, border=0,align="C", ln=1) #pdf.image(LETTERHEAD_PNG,5, 5, 0, 0) #### COMENTED OUT TO DUE NO IMAGE pdf.set_font("Courier", "", 10) i = 0 for i in range(len(values)): pdf.multi_cell(0, 6, values["res"+str(i)], border=1) ## Must be dynamic i += 1 curUTC = strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%SZ", gmtime(time())) pdf.output(PDF_SAVE_TEMPLATE + "-" + curUTC + ".pdf", "F")
def test_greek_letters(self): pdf=FPDF() initPDF(pdf) setFontPDF(pdf,'symbol') p = lp.ListParser( lp.CommandParser(lp.ParagraphItemCreator) ) s = r'\alpha\beta\gamma' p.match( s ) self.assertTrue( p.hasMatch() ) res = p[0].docItem.writePDF()+' '+p[1].docItem.writePDF()+' '+p[2].docItem.writePDF() self.assertEquals( res, u'\u03b1 \u03b2 \u03b3') pdf.write(0, res) pdf.add_font('djv','','font/DejaVuSans.ttf',uni=True) pdf.set_font('djv','',12) pdf.write(0, u' \u23a8 \u23a7 \u23a9 \u23aa \u239e \u2320 \u2321 \u23ae') pdf.ln(10) pdf.add_font('smb','','font/Symbola.ttf',uni=True) pdf.set_font('smb','',12) pdf.write(0, u' \u23b7 \u03b1 \u03b2 \u03b3') pdf.ln(10) pdf.add_font('jax','','font/mathjax_amsregular.ttf',uni=True) pdf.set_font('jax','',12) pdf.write(0, u' abc \u23b7 \u03b1 \u03b2 \u03b3') pdf.ln(10) pdf.add_font('jax','','font/MathJax/ttf/mathjax_size1regular.ttf',uni=True) pdf.set_font('jax','',12) pdf.write(0, u' abc \u23b7 \u03b1 \u03b2 \u03b3') pdf.output('out/latex/test_greek_letters.pdf', 'F')
def print_results(top_hosts,hosts): pdf=FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial','B',24) pdf.cell(60,10,'PCAP Analysis results','C') pdf.ln(20) for i in range(1,len(top_hosts)): pdf.set_font('Arial','B',16) pdf.ln(10) pdf.cell(70,20,"top%d"%i) pdf.ln(10) pdf.set_font('Arial','B',12) pdf.cell(70,20,"host:"+str(top_hosts[i-1][0])) pdf.ln(10) pdf.cell(70,20,"num:"+str(hosts[top_hosts[i-1][0]]['num'])) pdf.ln(10) pdf.cell(70,20,"start static time:"+str(hosts[top_hosts[i-1][0]]['start_time'])) pdf.ln(10) pdf.cell(70,20,"end static time:"+str(hosts[top_hosts[i-1][0]]['start_time'])) pdf.ln(10) pdf.cell(70,20,"flow:"+str(float(hosts[top_hosts[i-1][0]]['flow'])/1024)+"kb") pdf.ln(10) pdf.cell(70,20,"visitors:") pdf.set_font('Arial','B',10) for visitor in hosts[top_hosts[i-1][0]]['visitors']: pdf.ln(7) pdf.cell(200,20," time: "+time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime(float(visitor[0])))+" srcip: "+str(visitor[1])+" country: "+str(visitor[2])+" dstip: "+str(visitor[3])+" country:"+str(visitor[4])) pdf.output('result.pdf','F')
def pdfGen(request): pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() #pdf.add_font('gargi', '', 'gargi.ttf', uni=True) #pdf.set_font('gargi', '', 14) #pdf.write(8, u'Hindi: एक अमरीकि') pdf.add_font('Kedage-b', '', 'Kedage-b.ttf', uni=True) pdf.set_font('Kedage-b', '', 14) #pdf.add_font('TSCu_SaiIndira', '', 'TSCu_SaiIndira.ttf', uni=True) #pdf.set_font('TSCu_SaiIndira', '', 14) linestring = open('DigiFiles/KannadaInput.txt', 'r').read() pdf.write(8,linestring) pdf.ln(20) pdf.output("DigiFiles/KannadaOutput.pdf", 'F')
#font_dir = fpdf.FPDF_FONT_DIR font_dir = os.path.join(base, 'font') with open(os.path.join(base, 'HelloWorld.txt')) as file: txt = # Add a Unicode font (uses UTF-8) for font in os.listdir(font_dir): if font.lower().endswith('.ttf'): fontpath = os.path.join(font_dir, font) print(fontpath) t0 = time.time() pdf.add_font(font, '', fontpath, uni=True) t1 = time.time() pdf.set_font(font, '', 14) t2 = time.time() pdf.write(8, font) pdf.ln() pdf.write(8, txt) pdf.ln() t3 = time.time() print("ttf loading time", t1 - t0) print("ttf total time", t3 - t0) print() fn = 'unifonts.pdf' pdf.output(fn, 'F') import os try: os.startfile(fn)
def create_chart(): name = input("\nEnter name of student: ") pdf_file_name = input("Enter preferred output file name (must end in .pdf): ") all_schools = [] school_keys = [] other_info = [] category = ["School", "Grades", "Location", "Deadline", "Application", "Testing", "Learning Support", "URL"] categories = [category] n = int(input("Enter number of Schools you would like to include in the green zone then type their keys out, " "followed by an enter : ")) for i in range(0, n): ele = str(input()) school_keys.append(ele) for key in school_keys: s ='test_shelf.db') try: existing = s[key] all_schools.append([existing['name'], existing['age'], existing['location'], existing['application deadline'], existing['application method'], existing['testing accepted'], existing['learning support'], existing['other']]) other_info.append([existing['name'], existing['extra']]) finally: s.close() yellow_schools = [] yellow_school_keys = [] n = int(input("Enter number of Schools you would like to include in the yellow zone then type their keys out" "followed by an enter : ")) for i in range(0, n): ele = str(input()) yellow_school_keys.append(ele) # adding the element for key in yellow_school_keys: s ='test_shelf.db') try: existing = s[key] yellow_schools.append([existing['name'], existing['age'], existing['location'], existing['application deadline'], existing['application method'], existing['testing accepted'], existing['learning support'], existing['other']]) other_info.append([existing['name'], existing['extra']]) finally: s.close() red_schools = [] red_school_keys = [] n = int(input("Enter number of Schools you would like to include in the red zone then type their keys out" "followed by an enter : ")) for i in range(0, n): ele = str(input()) red_school_keys.append(ele) # adding the element for key in red_school_keys: s ='test_shelf.db') try: existing = s[key] red_schools.append([existing['name'], existing['age'], existing['location'], existing['application deadline'], existing['application method'], existing['testing accepted'], existing['learning support'], existing['other']]) other_info.append([existing['name'], existing['extra']]) finally: s.close() pdf = FPDF(format=(266.7, 457.2)) # Add a page pdf.add_page() # set style and size of font # that you want in the pdf pdf.set_font("Times", size=11) pdf.image("hall.jpg", 82, 10, 105) pdf.cell(0, 10, ln=1, align='C') pdf.cell(0, 10, ln=1, align='C') pdf.cell(0, 10, ln=1, align='C') pdf.cell(0, 10, ln=1, align='C') pdf.set_font("Times", 'B', size=11) title_string = "Initial School Exploration List: " + name pdf.cell(0, 10, txt=title_string, ln=1, align='L') pdf.set_font("Times", size=11) pdf.line(10, 58, 255, 58) pdf.set_font("Times", 'B', size=11) pdf.cell(13, 7, txt="Green: ", align='L') pdf.set_font("Times", size=11) pdf.cell(0, 7, txt="Schools we should actively pursue now.", ln=1, align='L') pdf.set_font("Times", 'B', size=11) pdf.cell(15, 7, txt="Yellow: ", align='L') pdf.set_font("Times", size=11) pdf.cell(0, 7, txt="Schools we would like you to proceed with, although not as strong a fit.", ln=1, align='L') pdf.set_font("Times", 'B', size=11) pdf.cell(10, 7, txt="Red: ", align='L') pdf.set_font("Times", size=11) pdf.cell(0, 7, txt="These schools could be a fit but less likely than the yellow and green.", ln=1, align='L') pdf.ln(1) epw = pdf.w - 2 * pdf.l_margin pdf.set_font('Times', 'B', 10) col_width = epw / 8 th = pdf.font_size pdf.set_fill_color(0, 230, 0) pdf.rect(pdf.x, pdf.y, epw, 7, style='DF') pdf.cell(0, 7, txt="Green: Schools we should actively pursue now.", ln=1, align='C') pdf.set_font("Times", 'B', size=10) for row in categories: for datum in row: pdf.cell(col_width, 2 * th, str(datum), border=1) pdf.ln(2 * th) pdf.set_font('Times', '', 7) link_counter = 0 for row in all_schools: for datum in row: link_counter = link_counter + 1 if link_counter == 8: pdf.cell(col_width, 2 * th, str(datum), border=1) - col_width, pdf.y - (2 * th), 3, 3, str(datum)) else: pdf.cell(col_width, 2 * th, str(datum), border=1) link_counter = 0 pdf.ln(2 * th) pdf.set_fill_color(255, 255, 0) pdf.rect(pdf.x, pdf.y, epw, 7, style='DF') pdf.set_font('Times', 'B', 10) pdf.cell(0, 7, txt="Yellow: Schools we should pursue, but not as strong as green.", ln=1, align='C') pdf.set_font('Times', '', 7) link_counter = 0 for row in yellow_schools: for datum in row: link_counter = link_counter + 1 if link_counter == 8: pdf.cell(col_width, 2 * th, str(datum), border=1) - col_width, pdf.y - (2 * th), 3, 3, str(datum)) else: pdf.cell(col_width, 2 * th, str(datum), border=1) link_counter = 0 pdf.ln(2 * th) pdf.set_fill_color(255, 0, 0) pdf.rect(pdf.x, pdf.y, epw, 7, style='DF') pdf.set_font('Times', 'B', 10) pdf.cell(0, 7, txt="Red: These schools could be a fit but less likely than " "the yellow and green.", ln=1, align='C') pdf.set_font('Times', '', 7) link_counter = 0 for row in red_schools: for datum in row: link_counter = link_counter + 1 if link_counter == 8: pdf.cell(col_width, 2 * th, str(datum), border=1) - col_width, pdf.y - (2 * th), 3, 3, str(datum)) else: pdf.cell(col_width, 2 * th, str(datum), border=1) link_counter = 0 pdf.ln(2 * th) pdf.set_font("Times", 'B', size=14) pdf.cell(0, 13, txt="Extra Information", ln=1, align='C') pdf.set_font("Times", size=11) for entry in other_info: if entry[1] != "": input_string = entry[0] + ": " + entry[1] pdf.cell(0, 7, txt=input_string, ln=1, align='L') pdf.output(pdf_file_name) main()
def resumenPDF(inicial, final): global alimentosConCantitdadTotal, dias,cc pdf=FPDF(orientation='P', unit='mm', format='A4') pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=15,style='B') textoAEscribir=f'Información comida del {inicial.strftime("%A %d-%m-%Y")} al {final.strftime("%A %d-%m-%Y")}' pdf.cell(200, 10, txt=textoAEscribir, ln=1, align="C") textoAEscribir="Información de cada comida: " pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12,style='B') pdf.cell(200, 10, txt=textoAEscribir, ln=2, align="C") i=3 for dia in dias.keys(): textoAEscribir=f'{dia.strftime("%A %d-%m-%Y")}\n' pdf.set_font("Arial", size=10,style='B') pdf.cell(200, 10, txt=textoAEscribir, ln=i) i+=1 comidasDeEseDia=dias[dia] for comidaActual in comidasDeEseDia.keys(): textoAEscribir=f"\t{comidaActual}" pdf.set_font("Arial", size=10) pdf.set_text_color(255,0,0) pdf.cell(200, 10, txt=textoAEscribir, ln=i) pdf.set_text_color(0,0,0) i+=1 alimentosComidaActual = comidasDeEseDia[comidaActual] for alimiento in alimentosComidaActual.keys(): textoAEscribir="\t\t"+str(alimentosComidaActual[alimiento]) pdf.set_font("Arial", size=8) pdf.cell(200, 10, txt=textoAEscribir, ln=i) i+=1 textoAEscribir="Información para la lista de la compra" pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12,style='B') pdf.cell(200, 10, txt=textoAEscribir, ln=i+2) i+=1 for alimento in alimentosConCantitdadTotal.keys(): textoAEscribir="\t"+str(alimentosConCantitdadTotal[alimento]) pdf.set_font("Arial", size=8,) pdf.cell(200, 10, txt=textoAEscribir, ln=i) i+=1 i+=1 return pdf.output(dest="S").encode("latin-1")
def PDF_maker(self, fname, lname, month, percent_month, percent, rank_month, overall_rank, file_location): percent = round(percent) percent_month = round(percent_month) pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4') pdf.add_page() pdf.set_fill_color(200, 220, 255) pdf.image(self.cwd + "\\Other_necessary_items\\" + "campusX_logo.png", x=10, y=5, w=20) if percent >= 92: pdf.image(self.cwd + "\\Other_necessary_items\\" + "grade-aa.jpg", x=168, y=2, w=27) elif (percent >= 84) & (percent < 92): pdf.image(self.cwd + "\\Other_necessary_items\\" + "grade-a.jpg", x=168, y=2, w=27) elif (percent >= 75) & (percent < 84): pdf.image(self.cwd + "\\Other_necessary_items\\" + "grade-b.jpg", x=168, y=2, w=27) elif (percent >= 60) & (percent < 75): pdf.image(self.cwd + "\\Other_necessary_items\\" + "grade-c.jpg", x=168, y=2, w=27) else: pdf.image(self.cwd + "\\Other_necessary_items\\" + "grade-d.jpg", x=168, y=2, w=27) pdf.set_font("times", 'B', size=50) pdf.cell(0, 10, txt="Report Card", ln=1, align="C") pdf.cell(0, 20, ln=2) pdf.set_font("times", 'B', size=18) pdf.cell(0, 7, txt="Name :- " + fname + " " + lname, ln=2, align="L") if overall_rank == 1: pdf.cell(0, 7, txt="Overall Rank :- " + str(overall_rank) + "st", ln=2, align="L") elif overall_rank == 3: pdf.cell(0, 7, txt="Overall Rank :- " + str(overall_rank) + "nd", ln=2, align="L") elif overall_rank == 4: pdf.cell(0, 7, txt="Overall Rank :- " + str(overall_rank) + "rd", ln=2, align="L") else: pdf.cell(0, 7, txt="Overall Rank :- " + str(overall_rank) + "th", ln=2, align="L") pdf.cell(0, 7, txt="Overall Percentage :- " + str(percent) + "%", ln=2, align="L") pdf.cell(0, 7, ln=2) pdf.set_font("times", 'B', size=18) pdf.cell(0, 7, txt="Your Stats for " + month + " is as follows :- ", ln=2, align="L") pdf.image(self.cwd + "\\Student_images\\" + fname + "_" + lname + ".jpg", x=158, y=35, w=40) pdf.image(self.cwd + "\\Report_card\\" + month + "\\" + fname + "_" + lname + "\\styled_table.jpg", x=5, y=77, w=200) pdf.set_font("times", 'I', size=11) pdf.cell(0, 73, ln=2) pdf.set_font("times", 'B', size=16) pdf.cell(0, 7, ln=2) pdf.cell( 0, 7, txt= "Graphs showing your performance throughout this month are given below :-", border=0, ln=1, align="L") pdf.set_font("times", 'BU', size=14) pdf.image(self.cwd + "\\Report_card\\" + month + "\\" + fname + "_" + lname + "\\radar_plot.jpg", x=36, y=164, w=135) pdf.cell(0, 107, ln=2) pdf.cell( 0, 5, txt= "These skills were tested this month and here is your performance.", align='C', ln=1) pdf.cell( 0, 5, txt= "Your vs the topper vs average performance of each task is given below.", align='C', ln=1) pdf.image(self.cwd + "\\Report_card\\" + month + "\\" + fname + "_" + lname + "\\comparison.jpg", x=38, y=18, w=135) pdf.cell(0, 108, ln=2) pdf.cell(0, 5, txt="Now, where do you stand compared to previous months.", align='C', ln=1) pdf.image(self.cwd + "\\Report_card\\" + month + "\\" + fname + "_" + lname + "\\monthlygraph.jpg", x=40, y=130, w=130) pdf.cell(0, 93, ln=2) pdf.cell(0, 6, ln=2) pdf.set_font("times", 'B', size=17) if rank_month == 1: pdf.set_font("times", 'B', size=16) pdf.cell( 0, 5, txt= "Congo! You have achieved 1st position this month with a percentage of " + str(percent_month) + "%.", border=0, ln=2, align="U") elif rank_month == 2: pdf.set_font("times", 'B', size=16) pdf.cell( 0, 5, txt= "Congo! You have achieved 2nd position this month with a percentage of " + str(percent_month) + "%.", border=0, ln=2, align="U") elif rank_month == 3: pdf.set_font("times", 'B', size=16) pdf.cell( 0, 5, txt= "Congo! You have achieved 3rd position this month with a percentage of " + str(percent_month) + "%.", border=0, ln=2, align="U") elif (rank_month == 4) | (rank_month == 5): pdf.cell(0, 5, txt="Well Done! You are in top 5 and have ranked " + str(rank_month) + "th this month with a", border=0, ln=2, align="U") pdf.cell(0, 5, txt="percentage of " + str(percent_month) + "%.", border=0, ln=2, align="U") elif (rank_month >= 6) & (rank_month <= 10): pdf.cell(0, 5, txt="Well Done! You are in top 10 and have ranked " + str(rank_month) + "th this month with a", border=0, ln=2, align="U") pdf.cell(0, 5, txt="percentage of " + str(percent_month) + "%.", border=0, ln=2, align="U") else: pdf.cell(0, 5, txt="Your have ranked " + str(rank_month) + "th this month with a percentage of " + str(percent_month) + "% and your", border=0, ln=2, align="U") pdf.cell(0, 5, txt="performance needs to improve.", border=0, ln=2, align="U") pdf.cell(0, 5, ln=2) pdf.set_font("times", 'I', size=14) pdf.cell( 0, 5, txt= "N.B.:- The tasks which have been performed by other students and evaluated this month are", ln=2, align='U') pdf.cell( 0, 5, txt= " considered above. Previous tasks are not taken into consideration.", ln=2, align='U') pdf.cell(0, 8, ln=1) pdf.set_font("times", 'B', size=18) pdf.cell( 0, 8, ln=2, txt="Date :- " + str( + " Place :- Kolkata", align='L') pdf.cell(0, 5, ln=1) pdf.set_font("times", 'I', size=12) pdf.cell( 0, 2, ln=2, txt= "**This is a computer generated document. If you have any queries, please contact +91 8420166148." ) pdf.output(file_location + "" + fname + "_" + lname + ".pdf")
def make_combined_pdf(pid, obj_file_uri, fileobj, obj, lang_user): """Make the cover-page-combined PDF file. :param pid: PID object :param file_uri: URI of the file object :param lang_user: LANGUAGE of access user :return: cover-page-combined PDF file object """ lang_filepath = current_app.config['PDF_COVERPAGE_LANG_FILEPATH']\ + lang_user + current_app.config['PDF_COVERPAGE_LANG_FILENAME'] pidObject = PersistentIdentifier.get('recid', pid.pid_value) item_metadata_json = ItemsMetadata.get_record(pidObject.object_uuid) item_type = ItemsMetadata.get_by_object_id(pidObject.object_uuid) item_type_id = item_type.item_type_id type_mapping = Mapping.get_record(item_type_id) item_map = get_mapping(type_mapping, "jpcoar_mapping") with open(lang_filepath) as json_datafile: lang_data = json.loads( # Initialize Instance pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4') pdf.add_page() pdf.set_margins(20.0, 20.0) pdf.set_fill_color(100, 149, 237) pdf.add_font('IPAexg', '', current_app.config["JPAEXG_TTF_FILEPATH"], uni=True) pdf.add_font('IPAexm', '', current_app.config["JPAEXM_TTF_FILEPATH"], uni=True) # Parameters such as width and height of rows/columns w1 = 40 # width of the left column w2 = 130 # width of the right column footer_w = 90 # width of the footer cell # url_oapolicy_h = 7 # height of the URL & OA-policy # height of the URL & OA-policy url_oapolicy_h = current_app.config['URL_OA_POLICY_HEIGHT'] # title_h = 8 # height of the title title_h = current_app.config['TITLE_HEIGHT'] # height of the title # header_h = 20 # height of the header cell header_h = current_app.config['HEADER_HEIGHT'] # height of the header cell # footer_h = 4 # height of the footer cell footer_h = current_app.config['FOOTER_HEIGHT'] # height of the footer cell # meta_h = 9 # height of the metadata cell # height of the metadata cell meta_h = current_app.config['METADATA_HEIGHT'] max_letters_num = 51 # number of maximum letters that can be contained \ # in the right column cc_logo_xposition = 160 # x-position of Creative Commons logos # Get the header settings record = PDFCoverPageSettings.find(1) header_display_type = record.header_display_type header_output_string = record.header_output_string header_output_image = record.header_output_image header_display_position = record.header_display_position # Set the header position positions = {} if header_display_position == 'left': positions['str_position'] = 'L' positions['img_position'] = 20 elif header_display_position == 'center' or header_display_position is None: positions['str_position'] = 'C' positions['img_position'] = 85 elif header_display_position == 'right': positions['str_position'] = 'R' positions['img_position'] = 150 # Show header(string or image) if header_display_type == 'string': pdf.set_font('IPAexm', '', 22) pdf.multi_cell(w1 + w2, header_h, header_output_string, 0, positions['str_position'], False) else: pdf.image(header_output_image, x=positions['img_position'], y=None, w=0, h=30, type='') pdf.set_y(55) # Title settings title = item_metadata_json['title'] pdf.set_font('IPAexm', '', 20) pdf.multi_cell(w1 + w2, title_h, title, 0, 'L', False) pdf.ln(h='15') # Metadata fg = WekoFeedGenerator() fe = fg.add_entry() _file = 'file.URI.@value' _file_item_id = None if _file in item_map: _file_item_id = item_map[_file].split('.')[0] _creator = 'creator.creatorName.@value' _creator_item_id = None if _creator in item_map: _creator_item_id = item_map[_creator].split('.')[0] publisher_attr_lang = '[email protected]:lang' publisher_value = 'publisher.@value' publisher_item_id = None publisher_lang_id = None publisher_text_id = None keyword_attr_lang = '[email protected]:lang' keyword_attr_value = 'subject.@value' keyword_base = None keyword_lang = None pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 14) pdf.set_font('IPAexg', '', 14) if item_metadata_json['lang'] == 'en': item_metadata_json['lang'] = 'English' elif item_metadata_json['lang'] == 'ja': item_metadata_json['lang'] = 'Japanese' try: lang = item_metadata_json.get('lang') except (KeyError, IndexError): lang = None try: publisher_item_id = item_map[publisher_attr_lang].split('.')[0] publisher_lang_id = item_map[publisher_attr_lang].split('.')[1] publisher_text_id = item_map[publisher_value].split('.')[1] publisher = None default_publisher = None publishers = item_metadata_json[publisher_item_id] for publisher_data in publishers: if publisher_data[publisher_lang_id] == lang_user: publisher = publisher_data[publisher_text_id] if publisher_data[publisher_lang_id] == 'en': default_publisher = publisher_data[publisher_text_id] if publisher is None: publisher = default_publisher except (KeyError, IndexError): publisher = None try: pubdate = item_metadata_json.get('pubdate') except (KeyError, IndexError): pubdate = None try: keyword_item_id = item_map[keyword_attr_lang].split('.')[0] keyword_item_lang = item_map[keyword_attr_lang].split('.')[1] keyword_item_value = item_map[keyword_attr_value].split('.')[1] keyword_base = item_metadata_json.get(keyword_item_id) if keyword_base: keyword_lang = keyword_base.get(keyword_item_lang) if keyword_lang == 'ja': keywords_ja = keyword_base.get(keyword_item_value) keywords_en = None elif keyword_lang == 'en': keywords_en = keyword_base.get(keyword_item_value) keywords_ja = None else: keywords_ja = None keywords_en = None except (KeyError, IndexError): keywords_ja = None keywords_en = None creator_item = item_metadata_json.get(_creator_item_id) try: creator_mail = creator_item['creatorMails'][0].get('creatorMail') except (KeyError, IndexError): creator_mail = None try: creator_name = None default_creator_name = None for creator_metadata in creator_item['creatorNames']: if creator_metadata.get('creatorNameLang') == lang_user: creator_name = creator_metadata.get('creatorName') if creator_metadata.get('creatorNameLang') == 'en': default_creator_name = creator_metadata.get('creatorName') if creator_name is None: creator_name = default_creator_name except (KeyError, IndexError): creator_name = None try: affiliation = creator_item['affiliation'][0].get('affiliationNames') except (KeyError, IndexError): affiliation = None metadata_dict = { "lang": lang, "publisher": publisher, "pubdate": pubdate, "keywords_ja": keywords_ja, "keywords_en": keywords_en, "creator_mail": creator_mail, "creator_name": creator_name, "affiliation": affiliation } # Change the values from None to '' for printing for key in metadata_dict: if metadata_dict[key] is None: metadata_dict[key] = '' metadata_list = [ "{}: {}".format(lang_data["Metadata"]["LANG"], metadata_dict["lang"]), "{}: {}".format(lang_data["Metadata"]["PUBLISHER"], metadata_dict["publisher"]), "{}: {}".format(lang_data["Metadata"]["PUBLICDATE"], metadata_dict["pubdate"]), "{} (Ja): {}".format(lang_data["Metadata"]["KEY"], metadata_dict["keywords_ja"]), "{} (En): {}".format(lang_data["Metadata"]["KEY"], metadata_dict["keywords_en"]), "{}: {}".format(lang_data["Metadata"]["AUTHOR"], metadata_dict["creator_name"]), "{}: {}".format(lang_data["Metadata"]["EMAIL"], metadata_dict["creator_mail"]), "{}: {}".format(lang_data["Metadata"]["AFFILIATED"], metadata_dict["affiliation"]) ] metadata = '\n'.join(metadata_list) metadata_lfnum = int(metadata.count('\n')) for item in metadata_list: metadata_lfnum += int( get_east_asian_width_count(item)) // max_letters_num url = '' # will be modified later url_lfnum = int(get_east_asian_width_count(url)) // max_letters_num oa_policy = '' # will be modified later oa_policy_lfnum = int( get_east_asian_width_count(oa_policy)) // max_letters_num # Save top coordinate top = pdf.y # Calculate x position of next cell offset = pdf.x + w1 pdf.multi_cell( w1, meta_h, lang_data["Title"]["METADATA"] + '\n' * (metadata_lfnum + 1), 1, 'C', True) # Reset y coordinate pdf.y = top # Move to computed offset pdf.x = offset pdf.multi_cell(w2, meta_h, metadata, 1, 'L', False) top = pdf.y pdf.multi_cell(w1, url_oapolicy_h, lang_data["Title"]["URL"] + '\n' * (url_lfnum + 1), 1, 'C', True) pdf.y = top pdf.x = offset pdf.multi_cell(w2, url_oapolicy_h, url, 1, 'L', False) top = pdf.y pdf.multi_cell( w1, url_oapolicy_h, lang_data["Title"]["OAPOLICY"] + '\n' * (oa_policy_lfnum + 1), 1, 'C', True) pdf.y = top pdf.x = offset pdf.multi_cell(w2, url_oapolicy_h, oa_policy, 1, 'L', False) pdf.ln(h=1) # Footer pdf.set_font('Courier', '', 10) pdf.set_x(108) license = item_metadata_json[_file_item_id][0].get('licensetype') if license == 'license_free': # Free writing txt = item_metadata_json[_file_item_id][0].get('licensefree') if txt is None: txt = '' pdf.multi_cell(footer_w, footer_h, txt, 0, 'L', False) elif license == 'license_0': # Attribution txt = lang_data["License"]["LICENSE_0"] src = blueprint.root_path + "/static/images/creative_commons/by.png" lnk = "" pdf.multi_cell(footer_w, footer_h, txt, 0, 1, 'L', False) pdf.ln(h=2) pdf.image(src, x=cc_logo_xposition, y=None, w=0, h=0, type='', link=lnk) elif license == 'license_1': # Attribution-ShareAlike txt = lang_data["License"]["LICENSE_1"] src = blueprint.root_path + "/static/images/creative_commons/by-sa.png" lnk = "" pdf.multi_cell(footer_w, footer_h, txt, 0, 1, 'L', False) pdf.ln(h=2) pdf.image(src, x=cc_logo_xposition, y=None, w=0, h=0, type='', link=lnk) elif license == 'license_2': # Attribution-NoDerivatives txt = lang_data["License"]["LICENSE_2"] src = blueprint.root_path + "/static/images/creative_commons/by-nd.png" lnk = "" pdf.multi_cell(footer_w, footer_h, txt, 0, 'L', False) pdf.ln(h=2) pdf.image(src, x=cc_logo_xposition, y=None, w=0, h=0, type='', link=lnk) elif license == 'license_3': # Attribution-NonCommercial txt = lang_data["License"]["LICENSE_3"] src = blueprint.root_path + "/static/images/creative_commons/by-nc.png" lnk = "" pdf.multi_cell(footer_w, footer_h, txt, 0, 'L', False) pdf.ln(h=2) pdf.image(src, x=cc_logo_xposition, y=None, w=0, h=0, type='', link=lnk) elif license == 'license_4': # Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike txt = lang_data["License"]["LICENSE_4"] src = blueprint.root_path + "/static/images/creative_commons/\ by-nc-sa.png" lnk = "" pdf.multi_cell(footer_w, footer_h, txt, 0, 'L', False) pdf.ln(h=2) pdf.image(src, x=cc_logo_xposition, y=None, w=0, h=0, type='', link=lnk) elif license == 'license_5': # Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives txt = lang_data["License"]["LICENSE_5"] src = blueprint.root_path + "/static/images/creative_commons/\ by-nc-nd.png" lnk = "" pdf.multi_cell(footer_w, footer_h, txt, 0, 'L', False) pdf.ln(h=2) pdf.image(src, x=cc_logo_xposition, y=None, w=0, h=0, type='', link=lnk) else: pdf.multi_cell(footer_w, footer_h, '', 0, 'L', False) """ Convert PDF cover page data as bytecode """ output = pdf.output(dest='S').encode('latin-1') b_output = io.BytesIO(output) # Combine cover page and existing pages cover_page = PdfFileReader(b_output) f = open(obj_file_uri, "rb") existing_pages = PdfFileReader(f) # In the case the PDF file is encrypted by the password, ''(i.e. not # encrypted intentionally) if existing_pages.isEncrypted: try: existing_pages.decrypt('') except BaseException: # Errors such as NotImplementedError return ObjectResource.send_object( obj.bucket, obj, expected_chksum=fileobj.get('checksum'), logger_data={ 'bucket_id': obj.bucket_id, 'pid_type': pid.pid_type, 'pid_value': pid.pid_value, }, as_attachment=False) # In the case the PDF file is encrypted by the password except '' if existing_pages.isEncrypted: return ObjectResource.send_object( obj.bucket, obj, expected_chksum=fileobj.get('checksum'), logger_data={ 'bucket_id': obj.bucket_id, 'pid_type': pid.pid_type, 'pid_value': pid.pid_value, }, as_attachment=False) combined_pages = PdfFileWriter() combined_pages.addPage(cover_page.getPage(0)) for page_num in range(existing_pages.numPages): existing_page = existing_pages.getPage(page_num) combined_pages.addPage(existing_page) # Download the newly generated combined PDF file try: combined_filename = 'CV_' +'%Y%m%d') + '_' + \ item_metadata_json[_file_item_id][0].get("filename") except (KeyError, IndexError): combined_filename = 'CV_' + title + '.pdf' combined_filepath = "/code/invenio/{}.pdf".format(combined_filename) combined_file = open(combined_filepath, "wb") combined_pages.write(combined_file) combined_file.close() return send_file(combined_filepath, as_attachment=True, attachment_filename=combined_filename, mimetype='application/pdf', cache_timeout=-1)
def create_pdf(bank_name, inn, kpp, bik, recipient, account_number1, account_number2, doc_number, date, provider, customer, reason): header = [['Банк получателя: ' + bank_name, 'БИК: ' + bik], [ "ИНН: " + inn + " " + "КПП: " + kpp, 'Сч. №' + account_number1 ], ['Получатель: ' + recipient, 'Сч. №' + account_number2]] pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.add_font('DejaVu', '', './fonts/DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf', uni=True) pdf.add_font('DejaVu', 'B', './fonts/DejaVuSansCondensed-Bold.ttf', uni=True) pdf.set_font('DejaVu', '', 12) # header col_width = pdf.w / 2.2 row_height = pdf.font_size spacing = 2 for row in header: for item in row: pdf.cell(col_width, row_height * spacing, txt=item, border=1) pdf.ln(row_height * spacing) font_size = 16 pdf.set_font('DejaVu', 'B', font_size) pdf.ln(font_size / 2) pdf_common_line(pdf, font_size, "Счёт на оплату №{} от {}г.".format(doc_number, date)) pdf_common_line(pdf, font_size, "_" * 74) font_size = 12 pdf.ln(font_size) pdf.set_font('DejaVu', '', font_size) pdf_common_line(pdf, font_size, "Поставщик") pdf_common_line(pdf, font_size, "(Исполнитель): {}".format(provider)) pdf_common_line(pdf, font_size, "") pdf_common_line(pdf, font_size, "Покупатель") pdf_common_line(pdf, font_size, "(Заказчик): {}".format(customer)) pdf_common_line(pdf, font_size, "") pdf_common_line(pdf, font_size, "Основание: {}".format(reason)) pdf_common_line(pdf, font_size, "") # table font_size = 10 row_height = pdf.font_size pdf.set_font('DejaVu', '', font_size) table = [['№', "Товары (работы, услуги)", "Кол-во", "Ед.", "Сумма"]] counter = 1 # in calls for in_record in in_calls: table.append([ str(counter), "Входящий звонок от {}".format(in_record[0]), "{} мин.".format(in_record[1]), "{} руб.".format(in_min_cost), "{} руб.".format(in_record[1] * in_min_cost) ]) counter += 1 if in_min_free: min_to_calc = min(in_min_free, res_count_in) table.append([ str(counter), "Бесплатные минуты входящих звонков", "{} мин.".format(in_min_free), '', "{} руб.".format(min_to_calc * in_min_cost * -1) ]) counter += 1 # out calls for out_record in out_calls: table.append([ str(counter), "Исходящий звонок к {}".format(out_record[0]), "{} мин.".format(out_record[1]), "{} руб.".format(out_min_cost), "{} руб.".format(out_record[1] * out_min_cost) ]) counter += 1 if out_min_free: min_to_calc = min(out_min_free, res_count_out) table.append([ str(counter), "Бесплатные минуты исходящих звонков", "{} мин.".format(out_min_free), '', "{} руб.".format(min_to_calc * out_min_cost * -1) ]) counter += 1 # sms for sms_record in sms_list: table.append([ str(counter), "SMS для {}".format(sms_record[0]), "{} шт.".format(sms_record[1]), "{} руб.".format(sms_cost), "{} руб.".format(sms_record[1] * sms_cost) ]) counter += 1 if sms_free: min_to_calc = min(sms_free, res_count_sms) table.append([ str(counter), "Бесплатные SMS", "{} шт.".format(sms_free), '', "{} руб.".format(min_to_calc * sms_cost * -1) ]) counter += 1 # internet table.append([ str(counter), "Интернет трафик (за МБ)", "{} МБ".format(traffic_mb), "{} руб.".format(Mb_cost), "{} руб.".format(net_cost) ]) table.append(['', "ВСЕГО", '', '', "{} руб.".format(cost_tel + net_cost)]) one_part = pdf.w / 18 for row in table: pdf.cell(one_part * 1, row_height * spacing, txt=row[0], border=1) # number pdf.cell(one_part * 8, row_height * spacing, txt=row[1], border=1) # title pdf.cell(one_part * 2, row_height * spacing, txt=row[2], border=1) # count pdf.cell(one_part * 2, row_height * spacing, txt=row[3], border=1) # cost per one pdf.cell(one_part * 3, row_height * spacing, txt=row[4], border=1) # total cost pdf.ln(row_height * spacing) # footer font_size = 16 pdf.set_font('DejaVu', 'B', font_size) pdf_common_line(pdf, font_size, "Всего к оплате: {} руб.".format(cost_tel + net_cost)) pdf_common_line(pdf, font_size, "") font_size = 8 pdf.set_font('DejaVu', '', font_size) pdf_common_line(pdf, font_size, "Внимание!") pdf_common_line( pdf, font_size, "Оплата данного счёта означает согласие с условиями поставки товара/предоставления услуг." ) pdf_common_line(pdf, font_size, "") font_size = 16 pdf.set_font('DejaVu', 'B', font_size) pdf.ln(font_size / 2) pdf_common_line(pdf, font_size, "_" * 74) font_size = 12 pdf.set_font('DejaVu', '', font_size) pdf.ln(font_size / 2) pdf_common_line( pdf, font_size, "Руководитель " + "_" * 20 + " " * 25 + "Бухгалтер " + "_" * 20) pdf.output(name=PDF_FILE, dest='F').encode('utf-8')
def process(self, output_file_name=None, dpi=150, offset=0, fps=10, height_mm=50, margins=Margin(10, 10, 10, 10), paper_format='a4'): def draw_raster(): for ix in range(0, nx + 1): xx = x0 + ix * total.width pdf.line(xx, y0, xx, y1) if offset > 0 and ix != nx: pdf.line(xx + offset, y0, xx + offset, y1) for iy in range(0, ny + 1): yy = y0 + iy * total.height pdf.line(x0, yy, x1, yy) height_mm = float(height_mm) tmp_files = [] if self.clip: if fps != self.clip.fps: if self.verbosity > 0: print 'Transcoding from {} fps to {} fps ...'.format(self.clip.fps, fps) self.clip.write_videofile('tmp.mp4', fps=fps, audio=False) tmp_files.append('tmp.mp4') self.clip = VideoFileClip('tmp.mp4') self.fps = self.clip.fps self.frame_count = int(self.clip.duration * self.fps) clip_size = Size.from_tuple(self.clip.size) elif self.frames: clip_size = Size.from_tuple( paper = self.PAPER_SIZES[paper_format.lower()] printable_area = Size(paper.width - margins.left - margins.right, paper.height - - margins.bottom) frame_mm = Size(height_mm / clip_size.height * clip_size.width, height_mm) total = Size(offset + frame_mm.width, frame_mm.height) frame = Size(int(frame_mm.width / 25.4 * dpi), int(frame_mm.height / 25.4 * dpi)) nx = int(printable_area.width / total.width) ny = int(printable_area.height / total.height) if self.verbosity > 0: print 'Input: {} fps, {}x{}, {} frames'\ '\n from: {}'\ .format( self.fps, clip_size.width, clip_size.height, self.frame_count, self.input_file_name ) print 'Output: {}dpi, {}x{}, {:.2f}mm x {:.2f}mm, {}x{} tiles'\ '\n to: {}'\ .format( dpi, frame.width, frame.height, frame_mm.width, frame_mm.height, nx, ny, output_file_name ) pdf = FPDF(unit='mm', format=paper_format.upper(), orientation='L') pdf.set_compression(True) pdf.set_title('Funny video') pdf.set_author('Oliver Lau <*****@*****.**> - Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG') pdf.set_creator('flippy') pdf.set_keywords('flip-book, video, animated GIF') pdf.set_draw_color(128, 128, 128) pdf.set_line_width(0.1) pdf.set_font('Helvetica', '', 12) pdf.add_page() i = 0 page = 0 tx, ty = -1, 0 x0, y0 = margins.left, x1, y1 = x0 + nx * total.width, y0 + ny * total.height if self.clip: all_frames = self.clip.iter_frames() elif self.frames: all_frames = AnimatedGif( else: all_frames = [] for f in all_frames: ready = float(i + 1) / self.frame_count if self.verbosity: sys.stdout.write('\rProcessing frames |{:30}| {}%' .format('X' * int(30 * ready), int(100 * ready))) sys.stdout.flush() tx += 1 if type(f) == GifImagePlugin.GifImageFile: f.putpalette(self.palette) self.last_im.paste(f) im = self.last_im.convert('RGBA') else: im = Image.fromarray(f) im.thumbnail(frame.to_tuple()) if tx == nx: tx = 0 ty += 1 if ty == ny: ty = 0 draw_raster() pdf.add_page() page += 1 temp_file = 'tmp-{}-{}-{}.jpg'.format(page, tx, ty) tmp_files.append(temp_file) x = x0 + tx * total.width y = y0 + ty * total.height pdf.image(temp_file, x=x + offset, y=y, w=frame_mm.width, h=frame_mm.height) text = Point(x, y + frame_mm.height - 2) if offset > 0: pdf.rotate(90, text.x, text.y) pdf.text(text.x, text.y + 5, '{}'.format(i)) pdf.rotate(0) i += 1 if y != 0 and x != 0: draw_raster() if self.verbosity > 0: print '\nGenerating PDF ...' pdf.output(name=output_file_name) if self.verbosity > 0: print 'Removing temporary files ...' for temp_file in tmp_files: os.remove(temp_file)
class MathWorksheetGenerator: """class for generating math worksheet of specified size and main_type""" def __init__(self, type_: str, max_number: int): self.main_type = type_ self.max_number = max_number self.pdf = FPDF() self.small_font_size = 10 self.middle_font_size = 15 self.large_font_size = 30 self.size = 21 self.tiny_pad_size = 2 self.pad_size = 10 self.large_pad_size = 30 self.num_x_cell = 4 self.num_y_cell = 2 self.total_question = 80 # Must be a multiple of 40 self.font_1 = 'Times' self.font_2 = 'Arial' def generate_question(self) -> QuestionInfo: """Generates each question and calculate the answer depending on the type_ in a list To keep it simple, number is generated randomly within the range of 0 to 100 :return: list of value1, main_type, value2, and answer for the generated question """ num_1 = random.randint(0, self.max_number) num_2 = random.randint(0, self.max_number) if self.main_type == 'mix': current_type = random.choice(['+', '-', 'x']) else: current_type = self.main_type if current_type == '+': answer = num_1 + num_2 elif current_type == '-': # avoid having a negative answer which is an advanced concept num_1, num_2 = sorted((num_1, num_2)) answer = num_1 - num_2 elif current_type == 'x': answer = num_1 * num_2 else: raise RuntimeError( f'Question main_type {current_type} not supported') return num_1, current_type, num_2, answer def get_list_of_questions(self) -> List[QuestionInfo]: """Generate all the questions for the worksheet in a list. Initially trying for unique questions, but allowing duplicates if needed (e.g. asking for 80 addition problems with max size 3 requires duplication) :return: list of questions """ questions = [] duplicates = 0 while len(questions) < self.total_question: new_question = self.generate_question() if new_question not in questions or duplicates >= 10: questions.append(new_question) else: duplicates += 1 return questions def make_question_page(self, data: List[QuestionInfo]): """Prepare a single page of questions""" total_page = int(self.total_question / (self.num_x_cell * self.num_y_cell)) for page in range(total_page): self.pdf.add_page(orientation='L') self.print_question_row(data, page * (2 * self.num_x_cell)) self.print_horizontal_separator() self.print_question_row( data, page * (2 * self.num_x_cell) + self.num_x_cell) def print_top_row(self, question_num: str): """Helper function to print first character row of a question row""" self.pdf.set_font(self.font_1, size=self.middle_font_size) self.pdf.cell(self.pad_size, self.pad_size, txt=question_num, border='LT', align='C') self.pdf.cell(self.size, self.pad_size, border='T', align='C') self.pdf.cell(self.size, self.pad_size, border='T', align='C') self.pdf.cell(self.pad_size, self.pad_size, border='TR', align='C') def print_second_row(self, num: int): """Helper function to print second character row of a question row""" self.pdf.set_font(self.font_2, size=self.large_font_size) self.pdf.cell(self.pad_size, self.size, border='L', align='C') self.pdf.cell(self.size, self.size, align='C') self.pdf.cell(self.size, self.size, txt=str(num), align='R') self.pdf.cell(self.pad_size, self.size, border='R', align='C') def print_third_row(self, num: int, current_type: str): """Helper function to print third character row of a question row""" self.pdf.set_font(self.font_2, size=self.large_font_size) self.pdf.cell(self.pad_size, self.size, border='L', align='C') self.pdf.cell(self.size, self.size, txt=current_type, align='L') self.pdf.cell(self.size, self.size, txt=str(num), align='R') self.pdf.cell(self.pad_size, self.size, border='R', align='C') def print_bottom_row(self): """Helper function to print bottom row of question""" self.pdf.set_font(self.font_2, size=self.large_font_size) self.pdf.cell(self.pad_size, self.size, border='LB', align='C') self.pdf.cell(self.size, self.size, border='TB', align='C') self.pdf.cell(self.size, self.size, border='TB', align='R') self.pdf.cell(self.pad_size, self.size, border='BR', align='C') def print_edge_vertical_separator(self): """Print space between question for the top or bottom row""" self.pdf.cell(self.pad_size, self.pad_size) def print_middle_vertical_separator(self): """Print space between question for the second or third row""" self.pdf.cell(self.pad_size, self.size) def print_horizontal_separator(self): """Print line breaker between two rows of questions""" self.pdf.cell(self.size, self.size, align='C') self.pdf.ln() def print_question_row(self, data: List[QuestionInfo], offset: int): """Print a single row of questions (total question in a row is set by num_x_cell)""" for x in range(self.num_x_cell): self.print_top_row(str(x + 1 + offset)) self.print_edge_vertical_separator() self.pdf.ln() for x in range(self.num_x_cell): self.print_second_row(data[x + offset][0]) self.print_middle_vertical_separator() self.pdf.ln() for x in range(self.num_x_cell): self.print_third_row(data[x + offset][2], data[x + offset][1]) self.print_middle_vertical_separator() self.pdf.ln() for _ in range(self.num_x_cell): self.print_bottom_row() self.print_edge_vertical_separator() self.pdf.ln() def make_answer_page(self, data): """Print answer sheet""" self.pdf.add_page(orientation='L') self.pdf.set_font(self.font_1, size=self.large_font_size) self.pdf.cell(self.large_pad_size, self.large_pad_size, txt='Answers', ln=1, align='C') for i in range(len(data)): self.pdf.set_font(self.font_1, size=self.small_font_size) self.pdf.cell(self.pad_size, self.pad_size, txt=f'{i + 1}:', border='TLB', align='R') self.pdf.set_font(self.font_2, size=self.small_font_size) self.pdf.cell(self.pad_size, self.pad_size, txt=str(data[i][3]), border='TB', align='R') self.pdf.cell(self.tiny_pad_size, self.pad_size, border='TRB', align='R') self.pdf.cell(self.tiny_pad_size, self.pad_size, align='C') if i >= 9 and (i + 1) % 10 == 0: self.pdf.ln()
#new_lot_string = lot_string[:index] + "\n" + lot_string[index:] #return new_lot_string else: return lot_string # the size of the pdf doc in pts height = 1080 width = 1920 # prep pdf doc pdf = FPDF(orientation='L', unit='pt', format=(height, width)) pdf.set_fill_color(0, 0, 0) pdf.set_text_color(252, 255, 48) pdf.set_font("Arial", "B", size=350) pdf.set_margins(0, 0, 0) pdf.set_auto_page_break(False, 0) # open the csv file of lot info with open('import.csv', newline='') as csvfile: lot_list = list(csv.reader(csvfile)) length = len(lot_list) i = 1 #start at index 1 since row 1 of csv is column headers while i < length: # create slide for group lots group = get_lot_group(lot_list[i]) if group != "": count = 1 #counter to track number of lots in group
def export_to_pdf(self): """ Exporting report to pdf. """ pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", "B", size=20) pdf.cell( 200, 10, txt="Analysis for {} on YouTube".format(self.keyword), ln=1, align="C" ) pdf.set_font("Arial", size=14) pdf.cell( 200, 10, txt="Between {} and {}".format(self.start_date[0:10], self.end_date[0:10]), ln=2, align="C", ) pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="", ln=3, align="C") pdf.set_font("Arial", "B", size=14) pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="Overall statistics", ln=4, align="L") pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) pdf.cell( 200, 10, txt="No. of views: {}".format(self.sum_views), ln=5, align="L" ) pdf.cell( 200, 10, txt="No. of comments: {}".format(self.sum_comments), ln=6, align="L", ) pdf.cell( 200, 10, txt="No. of likes: {}".format(self.sum_likes), ln=7, align="L" ) pdf.cell( 200, 10, txt="No. of dislikes: {}".format(self.sum_dislikes), ln=8, align="L", ) pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="", ln=9, align="L") pdf.set_font("Arial", "B", size=14) new_inx = 10 if "yearly" in self.analysis_type: pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="Yearly breakdown of statistics", ln=10, align="L") pdf.image(self.path + "/yearly_stats.png", w=150, h=150) new_inx = new_inx + 1 if "monthly" in self.analysis_type: pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="Monthly breakdown of statistics", ln=11, align="L") pdf.image(self.path + "/monthly_views.png", w=150, h=90) pdf.image(self.path + "/monthly_comments.png", w=150, h=90) pdf.image(self.path + "/monthly_likes.png", w=150, h=90) pdf.image(self.path + "/monthly_dislikes.png", w=150, h=90) new_inx = new_inx + 1 pdf.cell( 200, 10, txt="The content spoken about in the published videos", ln=new_inx, align="L", ) pdf.image(self.path + "/videos.png", w=75, h=75) pdf.cell( 200, 10, txt="The locations mentioned in comments", ln=new_inx + 1, align="L", ) pdf.image(self.path + "/comment_locations.png", w=75, h=75) output_path = self.path + "/{}_report.pdf".format(self.keyword.replace(" ", "_")) pdf.output(output_path) return output_path
def Comandos(): if request.form.get('Enviar') == 'Enviar': global comando comando = request.form['comando'] now = newDirName = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y") database_entry = { 'Usuario:': usuario, 'Comado:': comando, 'Hora y Fecha:': newDirName, 'Ip Del Servidor:': request.remote_addr } todos.insert_one(database_entry) os.system(comando + " > Respuesta.txt") with open("Respuesta.txt", "r") as myfile: data ='\n', ' ') myfile.close() if not data: data = "Comando invalido, intenta con uno nuevo!" else: data = data return render_template("Comandos.html", data=data) elif request.form.get('Excel') == 'Excel': datos = pd.read_csv('Respuesta.txt', error_bad_lines=False, engine="python", index_col=False, header=None) datos.to_excel("Excel.xlsx", index=False, header=False) Fuente = request.form.get("Fuente") Tamaño = request.form.get("Tamaño") Color = request.form.get("Color") if Color == "Negro": Colorfont = "000000" elif Color == "Rojo": Colorfont = "DB0000" elif Color == "Verde": Colorfont = "0B6623" file = 'Excel.xlsx' wb = load_workbook(filename=file) ws = wb['Sheet1'] colorfuente = Font(name=Fuente, color=Colorfont, size=Tamaño) for cell in ws["A"]: cell.font = colorfuente print("\nEl archivo excel se ha creado con exito!") # Iniciamos los parámetros del script remitente = '*****@*****.**' destinatarios = correo asunto = '[FLASK]Resultado del comando ' + comando + ' en formato Excel' cuerpo = 'EL siguiente archivo contiene el resultado del comando solicitado!' ruta_adjunto = 'Excel.xlsx' nombre_adjunto = 'Excel.xlsx' mensaje = MIMEMultipart() mensaje['From'] = remitente mensaje['To'] = destinatarios mensaje['Subject'] = asunto mensaje.attach(MIMEText(cuerpo, 'plain')) archivo_adjunto = open(ruta_adjunto, 'rb') adjunto_MIME = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream') adjunto_MIME.set_payload((archivo_adjunto).read()) encoders.encode_base64(adjunto_MIME) adjunto_MIME.add_header('Content-Disposition', "attachment; filename= %s" % nombre_adjunto) mensaje.attach(adjunto_MIME) sesion_smtp = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) sesion_smtp.starttls() sesion_smtp.login('*****@*****.**', 'Solariumdelvalle') texto = mensaje.as_string() sesion_smtp.sendmail(remitente, destinatarios, texto) sesion_smtp.quit() return render_template("ExcelE.html", datos=datos) elif request.form.get('Pdf') == 'Pdf': with open("Respuesta.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as myfile: data ='\n', ' ') myfile.close() Fuente = request.form.get("Fuente") Tamaño = request.form.get("Tamaño") Orientacion = request.form.get("Orientacion") Color = request.form.get("Color") if Color == "Negro": R = 0 G = 0 B = 0 elif Color == "Rojo": R = 255 G = 0 B = 0 elif Color == "Verde": R = 0 G = 255 B = 0 pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font(Fuente, "", int(Tamaño)) pdf.set_text_color(R, G, B) pdf.set_margins(10, 10, 10) pdf.multi_cell(0, 6, data, 0, Orientacion) pdf.ln(h="") pdf.output("PDF.pdf", "f") print("\nEl archivo pdf se ha creado con exito!") remitente = '*****@*****.**' destinatarios = correo asunto = '[FLASK]Resultado del comando ' + comando + ' en formato PDF' cuerpo = 'EL siguiente archivo contiene el resultado del comando solicitado!' ruta_adjunto = 'PDF.pdf' nombre_adjunto = 'PDF.pdf' mensaje = MIMEMultipart() mensaje['From'] = remitente mensaje['To'] = destinatarios mensaje['Subject'] = asunto mensaje.attach(MIMEText(cuerpo, 'plain')) archivo_adjunto = open(ruta_adjunto, 'rb') adjunto_MIME = MIMEBase('application', 'octet-stream') adjunto_MIME.set_payload((archivo_adjunto).read()) encoders.encode_base64(adjunto_MIME) adjunto_MIME.add_header('Content-Disposition', "attachment; filename= %s" % nombre_adjunto) mensaje.attach(adjunto_MIME) sesion_smtp = smtplib.SMTP('', 587) sesion_smtp.starttls() sesion_smtp.login('*****@*****.**', 'Solariumdelvalle') texto = mensaje.as_string() sesion_smtp.sendmail(remitente, destinatarios, texto) sesion_smtp.quit() return render_template("PdfE.html", data=data) return render_template("Comandos.html")
class PdfGenerator(object): """ Allows a pdf file to be created. The user of class can use the various methods available to manually create data in a given Pdf file. For example by calling the title method the user can add a title to the top of the page or change the color by calling the color method. The class also allows the use to add a single line of data to a cell but to add multiple data to a cell the insert_data_multiple_cell must be called """ def __init__(self, file_name, font_family="Arial", size=10, style="B"): self.file_name = file_name self._pdf = FPDF(unit="pt", format="A4") self._pdf.add_page() self._pdf.set_font(family=font_family, size=size, style=style) def generate(self): """when called this creates the full pdf file and stores it in the root folder.""" self._pdf.output(self.file_name) def change_font_color(self, red: int, green: int, blue: int) -> None: """change_font_color(red:int, green: int, blue: int)" Uses the RGB color system to change the font color of a text. In order to change the text of a color this method must be called first then unless this is called again and new color system added any text added will be the color that was set when this method was called """ self._pdf.set_text_color(r=red, g=green, b=blue) def change_font(self, font_family="Arial", style="", size=16): """change_font(font_family: str, style:str, size: int) -> returns None When this is called allows the font text to be set. This style and the size of the font can also be set. :parameter style: The style takes three options B: Bold I: Italic U: Underline The style can also be combined in the following ways For example: BI: This makes the text bold and italic BU: This makes the text bold and then underline BIU: This makes the text bold, italic and then underlines the text """ self._pdf.set_font(family=font_family, style=style, size=size) def insert_title(self, title, cell_height, cell_width=0, border=0, align="C"): """insert_title(title: str, cell_height:int, cell_width: int, border: int, align: str) """ self._pdf.cell(cell_width, cell_height, txt=str(title), border=border, align=align) def insert_data_multiple_cell(self, cell_width, cell_height, data_txt, align="L", border=0): self._pdf.multi_cell(w=cell_width, h=cell_height, txt=str(data_txt), border=border, align=align) def insert_data_single_cell(self, cell_width, cell_height, data_txt, align="L", border=0): self._pdf.cell(cell_width, cell_height, data_txt, align=align, border=border) def add_new_line(self): self._pdf.ln() def add_img(self, img, width, height): self._pdf.image(img, w=width, h=height)
def generate_pdf(uncommon, dow_data): # convert numeric days to words dayOfWeek = { 0: 'Monday', 1: 'Tuesday', 2: 'Wednesday', 3: 'Thursday', 4: 'Friday', 5: 'Saturday', 6: 'Sunday' } dow_data = pd.DataFrame({ 'day': dow_data.index, 'avg_visits': dow_data.values }) dow_data['weekday'] = dow_data['day'].map(dayOfWeek) from fpdf import FPDF pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 16) pdf.cell(40, 10, 'Vector Space Member Data Report') pdf.cell(10, 40,'%m-%d-%Y')) pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 10) pdf.image('percent_active.png', x=None, y=None, w=180, type='', link='') pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 10) pdf.cell( 40, 20, 'The following people have keyed into the space in the last 90 days, but not in the last 30 days.', 0, 2, "L") for i in range(0, len(uncommon)): if i % 2 == 0: pdf.cell(50, 8, '%s' % (uncommon['member'].loc[i]), 0, 0, 'C') else: pdf.cell(50, 8, '%s' % (uncommon['member'].loc[i]), 0, 2, 'C') pdf.cell(-50) pdf.add_page() pdf.cell(40, 20, 'Average number of unique entries by day of week.', 0, 2, "L") dow_data = dow_data.drop(columns=['day']) dow_data = dow_data.set_index('avg_visits') data = dow_data.sort_values(by=['avg_visits'], ascending=False).to_string() for line in data.splitlines()[1:]: pdf.cell(50, 8, '%s' % (line), 0, 2, 'R') pdf.add_page() today ='%Y-%m-%d') pdf.image('weekly_visits_' + today + '.png', x=None, y=None, w=180, type='', link='') pdf.add_page() pdf.image('daily_uniques.png', x=None, y=None, w=180, type='', link='') pdf.add_page() pdf.image('monthly_visits_' + today + '.png', x=None, y=None, w=180, type='', link='') Path("./reports").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) pdf.output('./reports/member-data_' + today + '.pdf', 'F') # cleanup plots fileList = glob.glob( '/vsfs01/home/aspontarelli/Documents/member_data_analysis/*.png') for filePath in fileList: try: os.remove(filePath) except: print("Error while deleting file : ", filePath)
def generatePDFshares(splits, threshold, shared_key, txid): for i in range(splits): pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() try: pdf.image('Flo.png', 80, 20, 33) pdf.ln(50) except: pdf.set_font('Courier', '', 12) pdf.cell(40, 40, 'No Image', 1, 10, 'C') pdf.ln(10) pdf.set_font('Courier', '', 50) pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, 'FLO Secret', 0, 'C', False) pdf.set_font('Courier', '', 12) pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, 'Powered by the FLO Blockchain', 0, 'C', False) pdf.set_font('Times', '', 16) pdf.ln(20) pdf.multi_cell( 0, 10, 'A secret has been encrypted and stored on the blockchain of the FLO cryptocurrency and your Secret ID is : ', 0, 'J', False) pdf.set_font('Courier', '', 12) pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, str(txid), 1, 'C', False) pdf.set_font('Times', '', 16) pdf.ln(10) pdf.multi_cell( 0, 10, 'The key to decrypt this secret has been split in ' + str(splits) + ' shares like this one. By design, the secret can be decrypted with any ' + str(threshold) + ' of these shares.', 0, 'J', False) pdf.ln(10) pdf.multi_cell( 0, 10, 'Below is the part of the key that belongs to this share', 0, 'J', False) pdf.set_font('Courier', '', 12) pdf.multi_cell(0, 5, str(shared_key[i]), 1, 'L', False) pdf.set_font('Times', '', 16) pdf.ln(10) pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, 'Use the FLO Secret app to decrypt the secret', 0, 'J', False) pdf.multi_cell(0, 20, 'Download FLO Secret from the below link', 0, 'J', False) pdf.set_font('Courier', '', 14) pdf.cell(0, 0, '', 0, 0, 'L', False, "") filename = 'Flo_Secret_' + txid + '/sharedkey_' + str(i + 1) + '.pdf' os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) pdf.output(filename, 'F')
def get(self, data = None): out_type = self.get_argument('type', 'html') components = [] components = self.get_query_arguments('action[]', []) multiply = int(self.get_argument('multiply', 5)) layout = self.get_argument('template', '70x40_simple') skip = int(self.get_argument('skip', 0)) #print("Soucastky..",components) if len(components) > 0: comp = list(self.mdb.stock.find({'_id' : {'$in' : components}})) else: comp = list(self.mdb.stock.find().sort([("category", 1), ("_id",1)])) page = 0 #print("Budeme tisknout:", comp) if layout == 'souhrn_01': autori = self.get_query_argument('autor', None) if not autori: autori = ['autory vlozite pridanim autoru do adresy s parametrem "autor"', 'autoru muze byt vice, pouzijte vice parametru', 'Například pridanim tohoto na konec adresy: &autor=Tester První'] datum = self.get_argument('datum', ">>pro specifikovani pridejte parametr 'datum' do GET parametru<<") page = 1 money_sum = 0 Err = [] print ("pozadovany format je:", layout) pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', format='A4') pdf.set_auto_page_break(False) pdf.add_font('pt_sans', '', 'static/pt_sans/PT_Sans-Web-Regular.ttf', uni=True) pdf.add_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 'static/pt_sans/PT_Sans-Web-Bold.ttf', uni=True) pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 12) pdf.add_page() pdf.set_xy(0, 40) pdf.cell(pdf.w, 0, 'Celkový přehled skladu', align='C', ln=2) pdf.set_xy(0, 46) pdf.cell(pdf.w, 0, 'Universal Scientific Technologies s.r.o.', align='C', ln=2) pdf.set_xy(20, 200) pdf.cell(1,0, 'Inventuru provedli:', ln=2) for x in autori: pdf.cell(1,20, x, ln=2) pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 8) pdf.set_xy(120, 288) pdf.cell(10, 0, "Generováno %s, strana %s z %s" %(, page, pdf.alias_nb_pages()) ) pdf.add_page() data = self.mdb.stock.aggregate([ {'$addFields': {'count': {'$sum': '$history.bilance'}}} ]) gen_time = datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 1) lastOid = ObjectId.from_datetime(gen_time) for i, component in enumerate(data): #for i, component in enumerate(list(data)[:30]): print(i, "=============================") print(component['_id']) try: ## Pokud je konec stránky if pdf.get_y() > pdf.h-20: pdf.line(10, pdf.get_y()+0.5, pdf.w-10, pdf.get_y()+0.5) pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 10) pdf.set_xy(150, pdf.get_y()+1) pdf.cell(100, 5, 'Součet strany: {:6.2f} Kč'.format(page_sum)) pdf.add_page() ## Pokud je nová strana if page != pdf.page_no(): pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 8) page = pdf.page_no() pdf.set_xy(120, 288) pdf.cell(10, 0, "Generováno %s, strana %s z %s" %(, page, pdf.alias_nb_pages()) ) pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 11) pdf.set_xy(10, 10) pdf.cell(100, 5, 'Skladová položka') pdf.set_x(95) pdf.cell(10, 5, "Počet kusů", align='R') pdf.set_x(120) pdf.cell(10, 5, "Cena za 1ks", align='R') pdf.set_x(180) pdf.cell(10, 5, "Cena položky (bez DPH)", align='R', ln=2) pdf.line(10, 15, pdf.w-10, 15) pdf.set_y(18) page_sum = 0 pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 10) count = component['count'] if count >0: price = 0 price_ks = 0 first_price = 0 pdf.set_x(10) pdf.cell(100, 5, component['_id']) pdf.set_x(95) pdf.cell(10, 5, "%5.d" %(count), align='R') pdf.set_x(10) pdf.cell(100, 5, "{:5.0f} {}".format(i, component['_id'])) inventura = False for x in reversed(component.get('history', [])): if x.get('operation', None) == 'inventory': print("inventura", x) if x['_id'].generation_time > lastOid.generation_time: print("#############") inventura = True count = x['absolute'] pdf.set_x(110) pdf.cell(1, 5, "i") break; pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 10) pdf.set_x(95) pdf.cell(10, 5, "{} j".format(count), align='R') rest = count for x in reversed(component.get('history', [])): if x.get('price', 0) > 0: if first_price == 0: first_price = x['price'] if x['bilance'] > 0: if x['bilance'] <= rest: price += x['price']*x['bilance'] rest -= x['bilance'] else: price += x['price']*rest rest = 0 print("Zbývá", rest, "ks, secteno", count-rest, "za cenu", price) if(count-rest): price += rest*first_price money_sum += price page_sum +=price if price == 0.0 and x.get('count', 0) > 0: Err.append('Polozka >%s< nulová cena, nenulový počet' %(component['_id'])) pdf.set_x(120) if count > 0: pdf.cell(10, 5, "%6.2f Kč" %(price/count), align='R') else: pdf.cell(10, 5, "%6.2f Kč" %(0), align='R') pdf.set_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 10) pdf.set_x(180) pdf.cell(10, 5, "%6.2f Kč" %(price), align='R') except Exception as e: Err.append('Err' + repr(e) + component['_id']) print(e) pdf.set_y(pdf.get_y()+4) pdf.line(10, pdf.get_y(), pdf.w-10, pdf.get_y()) pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 8) pdf.set_x(180) pdf.cell(10, 5, "Konec souhrnu", align='R') pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 10) pdf.set_xy(150, pdf.get_y()+3) pdf.cell(100, 5, 'Součet strany: {:6.2f} Kč'.format(page_sum)) = 1 pdf.set_xy(20,175) pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 12) pdf.cell(20,20, "Cena skladových zásob k %s je %0.2f Kč (bez DPH)" %(datum, money_sum)) if len(Err) > 0: pdf.set_xy(30,80) pdf.cell(1,6,"Pozor, chyby ve skladu:", ln=2) pdf.set_x(32) for ch in Err: pdf.cell(1,5,ch,ln=2) = page print(autori) if layout == '105x74_simple': page = 0 page_cols = 2 page_rows = 4 page_cells = page_cols * page_rows cell_w = 105 cell_h = 75 print ("pozadovany format je:", layout) pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', format='A4') pdf.add_font('pt_sans', '', 'static/pt_sans/PT_Sans-Web-Regular.ttf', uni=True) pdf.add_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 'static/pt_sans/PT_Sans-Web-Bold.ttf', uni=True) pdf.set_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 12) pdf.set_auto_page_break(False) pdf.add_page() for i, component in enumerate(comp): i += skip id = component['_id'].strip().replace('/', '') code128.image(component['_id']).save("static/barcode/%s.png"%(id)) if i != 0 and i%(page_cells) == 0: page += 1 pdf.add_page() print("New PAGE --- ", i, i%page_cells) row = int(i/page_cols)-page*page_rows column = i%page_cols cell_x = column*cell_w cell_y = row*cell_h print(component) pdf.set_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 14) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+5, cell_y+5) pdf.cell(cell_w-10, 0, component['_id']) pdf.set_xy(cell_x, cell_y+10) pdf.image('static/barcode/%s.png'%(id), w = cell_w, h=10) pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 11) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+5, cell_y+23) try: pdf.multi_cell(cell_w-10, 5, component['description']) except Exception as e: pdf.multi_cell(cell_w-10, 5, "ERR" + repr(e)) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+5, cell_y+cell_h-15) pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 8) pdf.cell(cell_w-10, 10, ', '.join(component['category']) + " | " + str( + " | " + "UST") if layout == '70x42-3_simple': page = 0 page_cols = 3 page_rows = 7 page_cells = page_cols * page_rows cell_w = 210/page_cols cell_h = 297/page_rows print ("pozadovany format je:", layout) pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', format='A4') pdf.add_font('pt_sans', '', 'static/pt_sans/PT_Sans-Web-Regular.ttf', uni=True) pdf.add_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 'static/pt_sans/PT_Sans-Web-Bold.ttf', uni=True) pdf.set_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 12) pdf.set_auto_page_break(False) pdf.add_page() for i, component in enumerate(comp): i += skip id = component['name'].strip().replace('/', '_') code128.image(component['_id']).save("static/barcode/%s.png"%(id)) if i != 0 and i%(page_cells) == 0: page += 1 pdf.add_page() print("New PAGE --- ", i, i%page_cells) row = int(i/page_cols)-page*page_rows column = i%page_cols cell_x = column*cell_w cell_y = row*cell_h pdf.set_xy(cell_x+5, cell_y+6.75) if len(component['name'])<23: pdf.set_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 14) else: pdf.set_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 10) pdf.cell(cell_w-10, 0, component['name'][:35]) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+2.5, cell_y+9) pdf.image('static/barcode/%s.png'%(id), w = cell_w-5, h=7) pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 11) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+4, cell_y+20) try: pdf.multi_cell(cell_w-8, 4, component['description'][:185]) except Exception as e: pdf.multi_cell(cell_w-10, 5, "ERR" + repr(e)) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+5, cell_y+cell_h-7) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+5, cell_y+13) pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 7.5) pdf.cell(cell_w-10, 10, ', '.join(component['category']) + " |" + str( + "| " + component['_id']) if layout == '105x48_simple': page = 0 page_cols = 2 page_rows = 6 page_cells = page_cols * page_rows #cell_w = 105 #cell_h = 48 cell_w = 210/page_cols cell_h = 297/page_rows print ("pozadovany format je:", layout) pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', format='A4') pdf.add_font('pt_sans', '', 'static/pt_sans/PT_Sans-Web-Regular.ttf', uni=True) pdf.add_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 'static/pt_sans/PT_Sans-Web-Bold.ttf', uni=True) pdf.set_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 12) pdf.set_auto_page_break(False) pdf.add_page() for i, component in enumerate(comp): i += skip id = component['_id'].strip().replace('/', '') code128.image(component['_id']).save("static/barcode/%s.png"%(id)) if i != 0 and i%(page_cells) == 0: page += 1 pdf.add_page() print("New PAGE --- ", i, i%page_cells) row = int(i/page_cols)-page*page_rows column = i%page_cols cell_x = column*cell_w cell_y = row*cell_h print(component) pdf.set_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 14) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+5, cell_y+5) pdf.cell(cell_w-10, 0, component['_id']) pdf.set_xy(cell_x, cell_y+10) pdf.image('static/barcode/%s.png'%(id), w = cell_w, h=10) pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 10) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+5, cell_y+20) try: pdf.multi_cell(cell_w-10, 4, component['description'][:275]) except Exception as e: pdf.multi_cell(cell_w-10, 4, "ERR" + repr(e)) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+5, cell_y+cell_h-10) pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 8) pdf.cell(cell_w-10, 10, ', '.join(component['category']) + " | " + str( + " | " + "UST") elif layout == '105x48_panorama': page = 0 page_cols = 6 page_rows = 2 page_cells = page_cols * page_rows cell_w = 48 cell_h = 105 print ("pozadovany format je:", layout) pdf = FPDF('L', 'mm', format='A4') pdf.add_font('pt_sans', '', 'static/pt_sans/PT_Sans-Web-Regular.ttf', uni=True) pdf.add_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 'static/pt_sans/PT_Sans-Web-Bold.ttf', uni=True) pdf.set_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 12) pdf.set_auto_page_break(False) pdf.add_page() for i, component in enumerate(comp): i += skip id = component['_id'].strip().replace('/', '') code128.image(component['_id']).save("static/barcode/%s.png"%(id)) if i != 0 and i%(page_cells) == 0: page += 1 pdf.add_page() print("New PAGE --- ", i, i%page_cells) row = int(i/page_cols)-page*page_rows column = i%page_cols cell_x = column*cell_w cell_y = row*cell_h print(component) pdf.set_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 14) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+5, cell_y+5) pdf.cell(cell_w-10, 0, component['_id']) pdf.set_xy(cell_x, cell_y+cell_h) pdf.rotate(90) pdf.image('static/barcode/%s.png'%(id), w = cell_h-5, h=10) pdf.rotate(0) pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 11) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+8, cell_y+20) try: pdf.multi_cell(cell_w-10, 5, component['description']) except Exception as e: pdf.multi_cell(cell_w-10, 5, "ERR" + repr(e)) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+5, cell_y+cell_h-15) pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 8) pdf.cell(cell_w-10, 10, ', '.join(component['category']) + " | " + str( + " | " + "UST") pdf.output("static/tmp/sestava.pdf") with open('static/tmp/sestava.pdf', 'rb') as f: self.set_header("Content-Type", 'application/pdf; charset="utf-8"') self.set_header("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=UST_tiskova_sestava.pdf") self.write( f.close()
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): from fpdf import FPDF pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_font('DejaVu','','rink/fonts/DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf',uni=True) roster = Roster.objects.filter(event__slug=self.event.slug) for roster_entry in roster: registration_data = roster_entry.registrationdata_set.first() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_margins(16, 2) pdf.ln(20) pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',16) pdf.cell(40,40,'Derby Name:') pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',48) pdf.cell(40,40, roster_entry.user.derby_name) pdf.ln(20) pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',16) pdf.cell(40,40,'Real Name:') pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',24) pdf.cell(40,40, roster_entry.user.first_name + " " + roster_entry.user.last_name) pdf.ln(20) pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',16) pdf.cell(60,40,'Date of Birth:') pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',24) pdf.cell(0,40, str(registration_data.emergency_date_of_birth)) pdf.ln(10) pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',16) pdf.cell(60,40,'Emergency Contact:') pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',24) pdf.cell(0,40, registration_data.emergency_contact) pdf.ln(10) pdf.cell(60,40,'') pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',24) pdf.cell(0,40, registration_data.emergency_phone) pdf.ln(10) pdf.cell(60,40,'') pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',24) pdf.cell(0,40, registration_data.emergency_relationship) pdf.ln(15) if registration_data.emergency_contact_second: pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',16) pdf.cell(60,40,'Emergency Contact #2:') pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',24) pdf.cell(0,40, registration_data.emergency_contact_second) pdf.ln(10) pdf.cell(60,40,'') pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',24) pdf.cell(0,40, registration_data.emergency_phone_second) pdf.ln(10) pdf.cell(60,40,'') pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',24) pdf.cell(0,40, registration_data.emergency_relationship_second) pdf.ln(15) pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',16) pdf.cell(60,40,'Hosptial Preference:') pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',24) pdf.cell(0,40, registration_data.emergency_hospital) pdf.ln(15) pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',12) pdf.multi_cell(0,40,'Medical Conditions:') pdf.ln(-15) pdf.set_font('DejaVu','',24) if registration_data.emergency_allergies == "": details = "<none>" else: details = registration_data.emergency_allergies pdf.write(12, details) pdf.ln(25) wftda = "" try: wftda = int(registration_data.derby_insurance_number) except: pass pdf.set_font('Courier','',7) pdf.write(4, 'RINK #' + str( + " | " + str( + " | WFTDA #" + str(wftda) + " | generated on " + strftime("%Y-%m-%d", gmtime())) pdf.output('/tmp/rink_medical.pdf', 'F') with open('/tmp/rink_medical.pdf', 'rb') as pdf: response = HttpResponse(, content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline;filename=rink_medical.pdf' os.remove('/tmp/rink_medical.pdf') return response
class MakePDF(FPDF): def __init__(self, result_dict: dict, filename: str): super().__init__() # try: self._result = SelectIndividual(result_dict) self._result_dict = self._result.get_result_dict() self.annotation = "Даний підбір виконано автоматично. Для підтвердження підбору зверніться у проектну організацію" self.title1 = "З/б балка Б-1. Опалубне креслення" self.title2 = "З/б балка Б-1. Армування" self.title3 = "Специфікація" if int(self._result_dict["Б-1"][2]) < 2500 and int(self._result_dict["Б-1"][3]) < 400: self.scale = 10 else: self.scale = 20 self.count_of_lines = 11 self.form3 = FPDF(orientation="L", unit="mm", format="A3") self.form3.add_page() self.form3.add_font("iso", "", "static/ISOCPEUR/ISOCPEUR.ttf", uni=True) self._draw_form_3() self._draw_specification(self._result_dict, 20, 184, self.title3) self._make() self.form3.output(f"static/{filename}") # except: # self.make_error() # def _initial_scale_dimension(self): # self.scale = 10 # self.l = (int(self._result_dict["Б-1"][2]) + 500) / self.scale # self.h = int(self._result_dict["Б-1"][3]) / self.scale # self.b = int(self._result_dict["Б-1"][4]) / self.scale # diam_pos1 = self._result_dict["1"][1] / self.scale # diam_pos2 = self._result_dict["2"][1] / self.scale # diam_pos3 = self._result_dict["3"][1] / self.scale # diam_pos4 = self._result_dict["4"][1] / self.scale # self.a = diam_pos1 / 2 + 20 / self.scale def make_error(self): return "Помилка! З даними параметрами неможливо виконати розрахунок. Збільшіть висоту перерізу." def _make(self): self._draw_beam(36, 30) self._draw_rainforcment(36, 110) def _draw_beam(self, x, y): x0 = x y0 = y l = (int(self._result_dict["Б-1"][2]) + 500) / self.scale h = int(self._result_dict["Б-1"][3]) / self.scale b = int(self._result_dict["Б-1"][4]) / self.scale self.form3.set_font("iso", "", 14) self.form3.text(x0 + l / 2.5, y0 - 5, self.title1) self.form3.set_line_width(0.5) self.form3.rect(x0, y0, l, h) self._dim_h(x0, y0 + h, l) self._dim_v(x0, y0, h) if l > 250: self.form3.rect(x0 + l + 16, y0, b, h) self._dim_h(x0 + l + 16, y0 + h, b) else: self.form3.rect(x0 + l + 30, y0, b, h) self._dim_h(x0 + l + 30, y0 + h, b) def _draw_rainforcment(self, x, y): x0 = x y0 = y l = (int(self._result_dict["Б-1"][2]) + 500) / self.scale h = int(self._result_dict["Б-1"][3]) / self.scale b = int(self._result_dict["Б-1"][4]) / self.scale self.form3.set_font("iso", "", 14) self.form3.text(x0 + l / 2.35, y0 - 5, self.title2) diam_pos1 = self._result_dict["1"][1] / self.scale diam_pos2 = self._result_dict["2"][1] / self.scale diam_pos3 = self._result_dict["3"][1] / self.scale diam_pos4 = self._result_dict["4"][1] / self.scale a = diam_pos1 / 2 + 20 / self.scale self.form3.set_line_width(0.05) self.form3.rect(x0, y0, l, h) pos1_l = int(self._result_dict["1"][3] / self.scale * 1000) pos2_l = int(self._result_dict["2"][3] / self.scale * 1000) self.form3.set_line_width(0.5) self.form3.line(x0 + 30 / self.scale, y0 + h - a, x0 + 30 / self.scale + pos1_l, y0 + h - 30 / self.scale) self.form3.line(x0 + 30 / self.scale, y0 + a, x0 + 30 / self.scale + pos2_l, y0 + 30 / self.scale) pos3_data = self._result.get_distance_position_3_4() def draw_pos3(x, y): self.form3.line( x, y + a - diam_pos2 / 2 - diam_pos3 / 2, x, y + h - a + diam_pos2 / 2 + diam_pos3 / 2, ) draw_pos3(x0 + (30 + 50) / self.scale, y0) draw_pos3(x0 + (30 + 50) / self.scale + pos3_data[1] * 1000 / self.scale, y0) draw_pos3(x0 + l - (30 + 50) / self.scale - pos3_data[1] * 1000 / self.scale, y0) draw_pos3(x0 + l - (30 + 50) / self.scale, y0) mid_dist_temp = round((pos2_l * self.scale - (50 + pos3_data[1] * 1000) * 2 - pos3_data[3] * 1000) / 2) mid_dist = mid_dist_temp / self.scale draw_pos3(x0 + 30 / self.scale + (50 + pos3_data[1] * 1000) / self.scale + mid_dist, y0) draw_pos3(x0 + 30 / self.scale + (50 + pos3_data[1] * 1000 + pos3_data[3] * 1000) / self.scale + mid_dist, y0) s = (b - 2 * a) / (self._result_dict["1"][0] - 1) if l > 250: self.form3.set_line_width(0.05) self.form3.rect(x0 + l + 16, y0, b, h) self.form3.set_line_width(0.5) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 16 + a - (diam_pos3 + diam_pos1) / 2, y0 + 10 / self.scale, x0 + l + 16 + a - (diam_pos3 + diam_pos1) / 2, y0 + h - 10 / self.scale ) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 16 + b - a + (diam_pos3 + diam_pos1) / 2, y0 + 10 / self.scale, x0 + l + 16 + b - a + (diam_pos3 + diam_pos1) / 2, y0 + h - 10 / self.scale ) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 16 + 10 / self.scale, y0 + a - (diam_pos3 + diam_pos2) / 2, x0 + l + 16 + b - 10 / self.scale, y0 + a - (diam_pos3 + diam_pos2) / 2 ) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 16 + 10 / self.scale, y0 + h - a + (diam_pos3 + diam_pos1) / 2, x0 + l + 16 + b - 10 / self.scale, y0 + h - a + (diam_pos3 + diam_pos1) / 2 ) self.form3.set_line_width(0.05) self.form3.ellipse(x0 + l + 16 + a - diam_pos1 / 2, y0 + a - diam_pos2 / 2, diam_pos2, diam_pos2, "FD") self.form3.ellipse(x0 + l + 16 - a + diam_pos1 / 2 + b - diam_pos2, y0 + a - diam_pos2 / 2, diam_pos2, diam_pos2, "FD") for i in range(self._result_dict["1"][0]): self.form3.ellipse(x0 + l + 16 + a - diam_pos1 / 2 + s * i, y0 + h - a - diam_pos1 / 2, diam_pos1, diam_pos1, "FD") else: self.form3.set_line_width(0.05) self.form3.rect(x0 + l + 30, y0, b, h) self.form3.set_line_width(0.5) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 30 + a - (diam_pos3 + diam_pos1) / 2, y0 + 10 / self.scale, x0 + l + 30 + a - (diam_pos3 + diam_pos1) / 2, y0 + h - 10 / self.scale ) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 30 + b - a + (diam_pos3 + diam_pos1) / 2, y0 + 10 / self.scale, x0 + l + 30 + b - a + (diam_pos3 + diam_pos1) / 2, y0 + h - 10 / self.scale ) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 30 + 10 / self.scale, y0 + a - (diam_pos3 + diam_pos2) / 2, x0 + l + 30 + b - 10 / self.scale, y0 + a - (diam_pos3 + diam_pos2) / 2 ) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 30 + 10 / self.scale, y0 + h - a + (diam_pos3 + diam_pos1) / 2, x0 + l + 30 + b - 10 / self.scale, y0 + h - a + (diam_pos3 + diam_pos1) / 2 ) self.form3.set_line_width(0.05) self.form3.ellipse(x0 + l + 30 + a - diam_pos1 / 2, y0 + a - diam_pos2 / 2, diam_pos2, diam_pos2, "FD") self.form3.ellipse(x0 + l + 30 - a + diam_pos1 / 2 + b - diam_pos2, y0 + a - diam_pos2 / 2, diam_pos2, diam_pos2, "FD") for i in range(self._result_dict["1"][0]): self.form3.ellipse(x0 + l + 30 + a - diam_pos1 / 2 + s * i, y0 + h - a - diam_pos1 / 2, diam_pos1, diam_pos1, "FD") self._dim_h(x0, y0 + h, 30 / self.scale, -3.5) self._dim_h(x0 + 30 / self.scale, y0 + h, 50 / self.scale, 5) self._dim_h( x0 + 30 / self.scale + 50 / self.scale, y0 + h, pos3_data[1] * 1000 / self.scale, -5, f"{pos3_data[0] - 1}x100={(pos3_data[0] - 1) * 100}" ) self._dim_h( x0 + 30 / self.scale + 50 / self.scale + pos3_data[1] * 1000 / self.scale, y0 + h, mid_dist ) self._dim_h( x0 + 30 / self.scale + 50 / self.scale + pos3_data[1] * 1000 / self.scale + mid_dist, y0 + h, pos3_data[3] * 1000 / self.scale, -5, f"{pos3_data[2] - 1}x200={(pos3_data[2] - 1) * 200}" ) self._dim_h( x0 + 30 / self.scale + 50 / self.scale + pos3_data[1] * 1000 / self.scale + mid_dist + pos3_data[3] * 1000 / self.scale, y0 + h, mid_dist ) self._dim_h( x0 + 30 / self.scale + 50 / self.scale + pos3_data[1] * 1000 / self.scale + 2 * mid_dist + pos3_data[3] * 1000 / self.scale, y0 + h, pos3_data[1] * 1000 / self.scale, -5, f"{pos3_data[0] - 1}x100={(pos3_data[0] - 1) * 100}" ) self._dim_h( x0 + 30 / self.scale + 50 / self.scale + 2 * pos3_data[1] * 1000 / self.scale + 2 * mid_dist + pos3_data[3] * 1000 / self.scale, y0 + h, 50 / self.scale, -4.5 ) self._dim_h( x0 + 30 / self.scale + 2 * 50 / self.scale + 2 * pos3_data[1] * 1000 / self.scale + 2 * mid_dist + pos3_data[3] * 1000 / self.scale, y0 + h, 30 / self.scale, 4 ) self._dim_v(x0, y0, a, 3) self._dim_v(x0, y0 + a, h - 2 * a) self._dim_v(x0, y0 - a + h, a, -3) if l > 250: self._dim_h(x0 + l + 16, y0 + h, a, -3) if self._result_dict['1'][0] > 2: self._dim_h( x0 + l + 16 + a, y0 + h, b - 2 * a, -1, f" " ) self.form3.set_line_width(0.05) self.form3.line(x0 + l + 16 + b / 2, y0 + h + 8, x0 + l + 16 + b / 2, y0 + h + 13) self.form3.line(x0 + l + 16 + b / 2, y0 + h + 13, x0 + l + 16 + b / 2 + 15, y0 + h + 13) self.form3.text( x0 + l + 16 + b / 2 + 1, y0 + h + 12.5, f"{self._result_dict['1'][0] - 1}x" f"{int(round((b - 2 * a) * self.scale / (self._result_dict['1'][0] - 1), 0))}=" f"{int(round((b - 2 * a) * self.scale, 0))}") else: self._dim_h( x0 + l + 16 + a, y0 + h, b - 2 * a, -1, f"{int(round((b - 2 * a) * self.scale / (self._result_dict['1'][0] - 1), 0))}" ) self._dim_h(x0 + l + 16 - a + b, y0 + h, a, 3.5) self._dim_v(x0 + l + 16, y0, a, 3) self._dim_v(x0 + l + 16, y0 + a, h - 2 * a) self._dim_v(x0 + l + 16, y0 - a + h, a, -3) else: self._dim_h(x0 + l + 30, y0 + h, a, -3) if self._result_dict['1'][0] > 2: self._dim_h( x0 + l + 30 + a, y0 + h, b - 2 * a, -1, " " #f"{self._result_dict['1'][0] - 1}x{int(round((b - 2 * a) * self.scale / (self._result_dict['1'][0] - 1), 0))}" ) self.form3.set_line_width(0.05) self.form3.line(x0 + l + 30 + b / 2, y0 + h + 8, x0 + l + 30 + b / 2, y0 + h + 13) self.form3.line(x0 + l + 30 + b / 2, y0 + h + 13, x0 + l + 30 + b / 2 + 15, y0 + h + 13) self.form3.text( x0 + l + 30 + b / 2 + 1, y0 + h + 12.5, f"{self._result_dict['1'][0] - 1}x" f"{int(round((b - 2 * a) * self.scale / (self._result_dict['1'][0] - 1), 0))}=" f"{int(round((b - 2 * a) * self.scale, 0))}") else: self._dim_h( x0 + l + 30 + a, y0 + h, b - 2 * a, 0, f"{int(round((b - 2 * a) * self.scale / (self._result_dict['1'][0] - 1), 0))}" ) self._dim_h(x0 + l + 30 - a + b, y0 + h, a, 3.5) self._dim_v(x0 + l + 30, y0, a, 3) self._dim_v(x0 + l + 30, y0 + a, h - 2 * a) self._dim_v(x0 + l + 30, y0 - a + h, a, -3) self.form3.set_line_width(0.05) self.form3.set_font("iso", "", 11) self.form3.line(x0 + l / 2 + 5, y0 + a, x0 + l / 2 + 5, y0 + a + 5) self.form3.line(x0 + l / 2 + 5, y0 + a + 5, x0 + l / 2 + 8, y0 + a + 5) self.form3.text(x0 + l / 2 + 6, y0 + a + 4.5, "2") self.form3.line(x0 + l / 2 - 5, y0 + h - a, x0 + l / 2 - 5, y0 + h - a - 5) self.form3.line(x0 + l / 2 - 5, y0 + h - a - 5, x0 + l / 2 - 2, y0 + h - a - 5) self.form3.text(x0 + l / 2 - 4, y0 + h - a - 5.5, "1") self.form3.line(x0 + 80 / self.scale, y0 + h / 2, x0 + 80 / self.scale + 8, y0 + h / 2) self.form3.text(x0 + 80 / self.scale + 6, y0 + h / 2 - 0.5, "3") self.form3.line( x0 + (80 + pos3_data[1] * 1000) / self.scale, y0 + h / 2, x0 + (80 + pos3_data[1] * 1000) / self.scale - 8, y0 + h / 2 ) self.form3.text(x0 + (80 + pos3_data[1] * 1000) / self.scale - 7, y0 + h / 2 - 0.5, "3") self.form3.line( x0 + (80 + pos3_data[1] * 1000) / self.scale + mid_dist, y0 + h / 2, x0 + (80 + pos3_data[1] * 1000) / self.scale + mid_dist + 8, y0 + h / 2 ) self.form3.text(x0 + (80 + pos3_data[1] * 1000) / self.scale + mid_dist + 6, y0 + h / 2 - 0.5, "3") self.form3.line( x0 + (80 + pos3_data[1] * 1000 + pos3_data[3] * 1000) / self.scale + mid_dist, y0 + h / 2, x0 + (80 + pos3_data[1] * 1000 + pos3_data[3] * 1000) / self.scale + mid_dist - 8, y0 + h / 2 ) self.form3.text(x0 + (80 + pos3_data[1] * 1000 + pos3_data[3] * 1000) / self.scale + mid_dist -7, y0 + h / 2 - 0.5, "3") self.form3.line( x0 + (80 + pos3_data[1] * 1000 + pos3_data[3] * 1000) / self.scale + 2 * mid_dist, y0 + h / 2, x0 + (80 + pos3_data[1] * 1000 + pos3_data[3] * 1000) / self.scale + 2 * mid_dist + 8, y0 + h / 2 ) self.form3.text(x0 + (80 + pos3_data[1] * 1000 + pos3_data[3] * 1000) / self.scale + 2 * mid_dist + 6, y0 + h / 2 - 0.5, "3") self.form3.line( x0 + (80 + 2 * pos3_data[1] * 1000 + pos3_data[3] * 1000) / self.scale + 2 * mid_dist, y0 + h / 2, x0 + (80 + 2 * pos3_data[1] * 1000 + pos3_data[3] * 1000) / self.scale + 2 * mid_dist - 8, y0 + h / 2 ) self.form3.text(x0 + (80 + 2 * pos3_data[1] * 1000 + pos3_data[3] * 1000) / self.scale + 2 * mid_dist - 7, y0 + h / 2 - 0.5, "3") if l > 250: for i in range(self._result_dict["1"][0]): self.form3.line( x0 + l + 16 + a + s * i, y0 + h - a, x0 + l + 16 + a + 2, y0 + h - a - 5 ) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 16 + a + 2, y0 + h - a - 5, x0 + l + 16 + a + 5, y0 + h - a - 5 ) self.form3.text(x0 + l + 16 + a + 3, y0 + h - a - 5.5, "1") self.form3.line( x0 + l + 16 + a - diam_pos2 / 2, y0 + a, x0 + l + 16 + a - diam_pos2 / 2 - 2, y0 + a - 5 ) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 16 + a - diam_pos2 / 2 - 2, y0 + a - 5, x0 + l + 16 + a - diam_pos2 / 2 - 5, y0 + a - 5 ) self.form3.text(x0 + l + 16 + a - diam_pos2 / 2 - 4, y0 + a - 5.5, "2") self.form3.line( x0 + l + 16 - a + b - diam_pos2 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2, y0 + a, x0 + l + 16 - a + b - diam_pos2 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2 + 2, y0 + a - 5 ) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 16 - a + b - diam_pos2 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2 + 2, y0 + a - 5, x0 + l + 16 - a + b - diam_pos2 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2 + 5, y0 + a - 5 ) self.form3.text(x0 + l + 16 - a + b - diam_pos2 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2 + 3, y0 + a - 5.5, "2") self.form3.line( x0 + l + 16 + a - (diam_pos3 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2), y0 + h / 2, x0 + l + 16 + a - (diam_pos3 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2) - 6, y0 + h / 2 ) self.form3.text(x0 + l + 16 + a - (diam_pos3 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2) - 5, y0 + h / 2 - 0.5, "3") self.form3.line( x0 + l + 16 - a + (diam_pos3 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2) + b, y0 + h / 2, x0 + l + 16 - a + (diam_pos3 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2) + b + 8, y0 + h / 2 ) self.form3.text(x0 + l + 16 - a + (diam_pos3 + diam_pos1) / 2 + b + 6, y0 + h / 2 - 0.5, "3") self.form3.line( x0 + l + 16 + b / 2, y0 + a - (diam_pos4 + diam_pos2) / 2, x0 + l + 16 + b / 2 - 2, y0 + a - (diam_pos4 + diam_pos2) / 2 - 5 ) self.form3.line(x0 + l + 16 + b / 2 - 2, y0 + a - (diam_pos4 + diam_pos2) / 2 - 5, x0 + l + 16 + b / 2 + 1, y0 + a - (diam_pos4 + diam_pos2) / 2 - 5) self.form3.text(x0 + l + 16 + b / 2 - 1, y0 + a - (diam_pos4 + diam_pos2) / 2 - 5.5, "4") self.form3.line( x0 + l + 16 + 3, y0 + h - a + (diam_pos4 + diam_pos1) / 2, x0 + l + 16 - 2, y0 + h - a + (diam_pos4 + diam_pos1) / 2 + 5 ) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 16 - 2, y0 + h - a + (diam_pos4 + diam_pos1) / 2 + 5, x0 + l + 16 - 5, y0 + h - a + (diam_pos4 + diam_pos1) / 2 + 5 ) self.form3.text(x0 + l + 16 - 4, y0 + h - a + (diam_pos4 + diam_pos1) / 2 + 4.5, "4") else: for i in range(self._result_dict["1"][0]): self.form3.line( x0 + l + 30 + a + s * i, y0 + h - a, x0 + l + 30 + a + 2, y0 + h - a - 5 ) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 30 + a + 2, y0 + h - a - 5, x0 + l + 30 + a + 5, y0 + h - a - 5 ) self.form3.text(x0 + l + 30 + a + 3, y0 + h - a - 5.5, "1") self.form3.line( x0 + l + 30 + a - diam_pos2 / 2, y0 + a, x0 + l + 30 + a - diam_pos2 / 2 - 2, y0 + a - 5 ) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 30 + a - diam_pos2 / 2 - 2, y0 + a - 5, x0 + l + 30 + a - diam_pos2 / 2 - 5, y0 + a - 5 ) self.form3.text(x0 + l + 30 + a - diam_pos2 / 2 - 4, y0 + a - 5.5, "2") self.form3.line( x0 + l + 30 - a + b - diam_pos2 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2, y0 + a, x0 + l + 30 - a + b - diam_pos2 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2 + 2, y0 + a - 5 ) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 30 - a + b - diam_pos2 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2 + 2, y0 + a - 5, x0 + l + 30 - a + b - diam_pos2 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2 + 5, y0 + a - 5 ) self.form3.text(x0 + l + 30 - a + b - diam_pos2 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2 + 3, y0 + a - 5.5, "2") self.form3.line( x0 + l + 30 + a - (diam_pos3 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2), y0 + h / 2, x0 + l + 30 + a - (diam_pos3 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2) - 6, y0 + h / 2 ) self.form3.text(x0 + l + 30 + a - (diam_pos3 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2) - 5, y0 + h / 2 - 0.5, "3") self.form3.line( x0 + l + 30 - a + (diam_pos3 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2) + b, y0 + h / 2, x0 + l + 30 - a + (diam_pos3 / 2 + diam_pos1 / 2) + b + 8, y0 + h / 2 ) self.form3.text(x0 + l + 30 - a + (diam_pos3 + diam_pos1) / 2 + b + 6, y0 + h / 2 - 0.5, "3") self.form3.line( x0 + l + 30 + b / 2, y0 + a - (diam_pos4 + diam_pos2) / 2, x0 + l + 30 + b / 2 - 2, y0 + a - (diam_pos4 + diam_pos2) / 2 - 5 ) self.form3.line(x0 + l + 30 + b / 2 - 2, y0 + a - (diam_pos4 + diam_pos2) / 2 - 5, x0 + l + 30 + b / 2 + 1, y0 + a - (diam_pos4 + diam_pos2) / 2 - 5) self.form3.text(x0 + l + 30 + b / 2 - 1, y0 + a - (diam_pos4 + diam_pos2) / 2 - 5.5, "4") self.form3.line( x0 + l + 30 + 3, y0 + h - a + (diam_pos4 + diam_pos1) / 2, x0 + l + 30 - 2, y0 + h - a + (diam_pos4 + diam_pos1) / 2 + 5 ) self.form3.line( x0 + l + 30 - 2, y0 + h - a + (diam_pos4 + diam_pos1) / 2 + 5, x0 + l + 30 - 5, y0 + h - a + (diam_pos4 + diam_pos1) / 2 + 5 ) self.form3.text(x0 + l + 30 - 4, y0 + h - a + (diam_pos4 + diam_pos1) / 2 + 4.5, "4") def _dim_h(self, x, y, l, x_text=0.0, text=""): x0 = x y0 = y x_t = x0 + x_text + l / 2 - 2 if len(text) == 0: dim_text = str(int(l * self.scale)) else: dim_text = text self.form3.set_line_width(0.05) self.form3.line(x0 - 2, y0 + 8, x0 + l + 2, y0 + 8) self.form3.line(x0, y0 + 2, x0, y0 + 10) self.form3.line(x0 + l, y0 + 2, x0 + l, y0 + 10) self.form3.set_line_width(0.5) self.form3.line(x0 - 0.9, y0 + 8.9, x0 + 0.9, y0 + 7.1) self.form3.line(x0 + l - 0.9, y0 + 8.9, x0 + l + 0.9, y0 + 7.1) self.form3.set_font("iso", "", 11) self.form3.text(x_t, y0 + 7.5, dim_text) def _dim_v(self, x, y, l, x_text=0.0, text=""): x0 = x y0 = y x_t = x0 + x_text - l / 2 - 2 self.form3.rotate(90, x0, y0) if len(text) == 0: dim_text = str(int(l * self.scale)) else: dim_text = text self.form3.set_line_width(0.05) self.form3.line(x0 + 2, y0 - 8, x0 - l - 2, y0 - 8) self.form3.line(x0, y0 - 2, x0, y0 - 10) self.form3.line(x0 - l, y0 - 2, x0 - l, y0 - 10) self.form3.set_line_width(0.5) self.form3.line(x0 + 0.9, y0 - 8.9, x0 - 0.9, y0 - 7.1) self.form3.line(x0 - l + 0.9, y0 - 8.9, x0 - l - 0.9, y0 - 7.1) self.form3.set_font("iso", "", 11) self.form3.text(x_t, y0 - 8.5, dim_text) self.form3.rotate(0) def _draw_form_3(self, y=0): y0 = y self.form3.set_line_width(0.5) self.form3.rect(20, y0 + 10, 390, y0 + 277) self.form3.rect(230, y0 + 232, 180, y0 + 55) self.form3.line(240, y0 + 232, 240, y0 + 257) self.form3.line(250, y0 + 232, 250, y0 + 287) self.form3.line(260, y0 + 232, 260, y0 + 257) self.form3.line(270, y0 + 232, 270, y0 + 287) self.form3.line(285, y0 + 232, 285, y0 + 287) self.form3.line(295, y0 + 232, 295, y0 + 287) self.form3.line(365, y0 + 257, 365, y0 + 287) self.form3.line(380, y0 + 257, 380, y0 + 272) self.form3.line(395, y0 + 257, 395, y0 + 272) self.form3.line(295, y0 + 242, 410, y0 + 242) self.form3.line(230, y0 + 252, 295, y0 + 252) self.form3.line(230, y0 + 257, 410, y0 + 257) self.form3.line(365, y0 + 262, 410, y0 + 262) self.form3.line(295, y0 + 272, 410, y0 + 272) self.form3.set_line_width(0.05) self.form3.line(230, y0 + 237, 295, y0 + 237) self.form3.line(230, y0 + 242, 295, y0 + 242) self.form3.line(230, y0 + 247, 295, y0 + 247) self.form3.line(230, y0 + 262, 295, y0 + 262) self.form3.line(230, y0 + 267, 295, y0 + 267) self.form3.line(230, y0 + 272, 295, y0 + 272) self.form3.line(230, y0 + 277, 295, y0 + 277) self.form3.line(230, y0 + 282, 295, y0 + 282) self.form3.set_font("iso", "", 11) self.form3.text(233, y0 + 255.75, "Зм.") self.form3.text(240.75, y0 + 255.75, "Кільк.") self.form3.text(252, y0 + 255.75, "Арк.") self.form3.text(260.5, y0 + 255.75, "№док.") self.form3.text(273, y0 + 255.75, "Підпис") self.form3.text(286, y0 + 255.75, "Дата") self.form3.text(231, y0 + 260.75, "Виконав") self.form3.text(251, y0 + 260.75, "Бережний") self.form3.text(367, y0 + 260.75, "Стадія") self.form3.text(382.5, y0 + 260.75, "Аркуш") self.form3.text(396.25, y0 + 260.75, "Аркушів") self.form3.text(296, y0 + 275.75, self.title1) self.form3.text(296, y0 + 280.75, self.title2) self.form3.text(296, y0 + 285.75, self.title3) self.form3.set_font("iso", "", 14) self.form3.text(370, y0 + 268.75, "ЕП") self.form3.text(386.5, y0 + 268.75, "1") self.form3.text(401.5, y0 + 268.75, "1") self.form3.text(336, y0 + 238.25, str(datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y—%m—%d %H:%M"))) self.form3.image("static/images/logo_dark.png", 366.25, y0 + 273.25, 42.5, 12.5) def _draw_specification(self, result_dict: dict, x=230, y=30, title: str = "Специфікація"): x0 = x y0 = y self.form3.set_line_width(0.5) self.form3.line(x0 + 0, y0 + 0, x0 + 180, y0 + 0) self.form3.line(x0 + 0, y0 + 15, x0 + 180, y0 + 15) self.form3.line(x0 + 0, y0 + 0, x0 + 0, y0 + 15 + self.count_of_lines * 8) self.form3.line(x0 + 15, y0 + 0, x0 + 15, y0 + 15 + self.count_of_lines * 8) self.form3.line(x0 + 75, y0 + 0, x0 + 75, y0 + 15 + self.count_of_lines * 8) self.form3.line(x0 + 135, y0 + 0, x0 + 135, y0 + 15 + self.count_of_lines * 8) self.form3.line(x0 + 145, y0 + 0, x0 + 145, y0 + 15 + self.count_of_lines * 8) self.form3.line(x0 + 160, y0 + 0, x0 + 160, y0 + 15 + self.count_of_lines * 8) self.form3.line(x0 + 180, y0 + 0, x0 + 180, y0 + 15 + self.count_of_lines * 8) y = y0 + 23 self.form3.set_line_width(0.05) i = 0 while i < self.count_of_lines: self.form3.set_font("iso", "", 11) self.form3.line(x0 + 0, y, x0 + 180, y) i += 1 y += 8 self.form3.set_font("iso", "", 14) self.form3.text(x0 + 85, y0 - 5, title) self.form3.set_font("iso", "", 11) self.form3.text(x0 + 5, y0 + 9.25, "Поз.") self.form3.text(x0 + 35, y0 + 9.25, "Позначення") self.form3.text(x0 + 94, y0 + 9.25, "Найменування") self.form3.text(x0 + 135.5, y0 + 9.25, "Кільк.") self.form3.text(x0 + 145.3, y0 + 7.25, "Маса од.,") self.form3.text(x0 + 151, y0 + 11, "кг") self.form3.text(x0 + 163, y0 + 9.25, "Примітка") self.form3.set_font("iso", "U", 11) self.form3.text(x0 + 88, y0 + 20.25 + 0 * 8, "Залізобетонні вироби") self.form3.text(x0 + 90, y0 + 20.25 + 2 * 8, "Арматурні вироби") self.form3.text(x0 + 96, y0 + 20.25 + 7 * 8, "Матеріали") self.form3.set_font("iso", "", 11) mark = [] for key in result_dict.keys(): mark.append(key) text0 = f"Залізобетонна балка {mark[0]}" mass = (int(self._result_dict[mark[0]][2]) + 500) * int(self._result_dict[mark[0]][3]) * int(self._result_dict[mark[0]][4]) * 2500 / 1e9 self.form3.text(x0 + 4, y0 + 20.25 + 1 * 8, mark[0]) self.form3.text(x0 + 76, y0 + 20.25 + 1 * 8, text0) self.form3.text(x0 + 139, y0 + 20.25 + 1 * 8, '1') self.form3.text(x0 + 148.5, y0 + 20.25 + 1 * 8, str(mass)) i = 3 for p in mark[1:]: diameter = self._result_dict[p][1] cl = self._result_dict[p][2] length = int(self._result_dict[p][3] * 1000) quantity = self._result_dict[p][0] text1 = f"∅{diameter}{cl}; L={length}" mass = round(pi * (diameter / 1000) ** 2 / 4 * 7850 * length / 1000, 3) total_mass = f"{round(mass * quantity, 3)} кг" self.form3.text(x0 + 6.5, y0 + 20.25 + i * 8, p) self.form3.text(x0 + 16, y0 + 20.25 + i * 8, "ДСТУ 3760:2019") self.form3.text(x0 + 76, y0 + 20.25 + i * 8, text1) self.form3.text(x0 + 139, y0 + 20.25 + i * 8, f"{quantity}") self.form3.text(x0 + 148.5, y0 + 20.25 + i * 8, f"{mass}") self.form3.text(x0 + 162.5, y0 + 20.25 + i * 8, f"{total_mass}") i += 1 volume = (int(self._result_dict[mark[0]][2]) + 500) * int(self._result_dict[mark[0]][3]) * int(self._result_dict[mark[0]][4]) / 1e9 self.form3.text(x0 + 16, y0 + 20.25 + 8 * 8, "ДСТУ Б В.2.7-176:2008") self.form3.text(x0 + 76, y0 + 20.25 + 8 * 8, "Бетон класу С20/25") self.form3.text(x0 + 162.5, y0 + 20.25 + 8 * 8, f"{volume}") self.form3.text(x0 + 171, y0 + 20.25 + 8 * 8, f"м") self.form3.set_font("iso", "", 7) self.form3.text(x0 + 173, y0 + 19.25 + 8 * 8, "3")
class Report: def __init__(self, data: DataSet): self.output_path = os.path.join(data.data_path, "stats") self.dataset_name = os.path.basename(data.data_path) self.mapi_light_light_green = [210, 245, 226] self.mapi_light_green = [5, 203, 99] self.mapi_light_grey = [218, 222, 228] self.mapi_dark_grey = [99, 115, 129] self.pdf = FPDF("P", "mm", "A4") self.pdf.add_page() self.title_size = 20 self.h1 = 16 self.h2 = 13 self.h3 = 10 self.text = 10 self.small_text = 8 self.margin = 10 self.cell_height = 7 self.total_size = 190 self.stats = self._read_stats_file("stats.json") def save_report(self, filename): self.pdf.output(os.path.join(self.output_path, filename), "F") def _make_table(self, columns_names, rows, row_header=False): self.pdf.set_font("Helvetica", "", self.h3) self.pdf.set_line_width(0.3) columns_sizes = [int(self.total_size / len(rows[0]))] * len(rows[0]) if columns_names: self.pdf.set_draw_color(*self.mapi_light_grey) self.pdf.set_fill_color(*self.mapi_light_grey) for col, size in zip(columns_names, columns_sizes): self.pdf.rect( self.pdf.get_x(), self.pdf.get_y(), size, self.cell_height, style="FD", ) self.pdf.set_text_color(*self.mapi_dark_grey) self.pdf.cell(size, self.cell_height, col, align="L") self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + self.cell_height) self.pdf.set_draw_color(*self.mapi_light_grey) self.pdf.set_fill_color(*self.mapi_light_light_green) for row in rows: for i, (col, size) in enumerate(zip(row, columns_sizes)): if i == 0 and row_header: self.pdf.set_draw_color(*self.mapi_light_grey) self.pdf.set_fill_color(*self.mapi_light_grey) self.pdf.rect( self.pdf.get_x(), self.pdf.get_y(), size, self.cell_height, style="FD", ) self.pdf.set_text_color(*self.mapi_dark_grey) if i == 0 and row_header: self.pdf.set_draw_color(*self.mapi_light_grey) self.pdf.set_fill_color(*self.mapi_light_light_green) self.pdf.cell(size, self.cell_height, col, align="L") self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + self.cell_height) def _read_stats_file(self, filename): file_path = os.path.join(self.output_path, filename) with io.open_rt(file_path) as fin: return io.json_load(fin) def _make_section(self, title): self.pdf.set_font("Helvetica", "B", self.h1) self.pdf.set_text_color(*self.mapi_dark_grey) self.pdf.cell(0, self.margin, title, align="L") self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + 1.5 * self.margin) def _make_subsection(self, title): self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() - 0.5 * self.margin) self.pdf.set_font("Helvetica", "B", self.h2) self.pdf.set_text_color(*self.mapi_dark_grey) self.pdf.cell(0, self.margin, title, align="L") self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + self.margin) def _make_centered_image(self, image_path, desired_height): width, height = resized_width = width * desired_height / height if resized_width > self.total_size: resized_width = self.total_size desired_height = height * resized_width / width self.pdf.image( image_path, self.pdf.get_x() + self.total_size / 2 - resized_width / 2, self.pdf.get_y(), h=desired_height, ) self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + desired_height + self.margin) def make_title(self): # title self.pdf.set_font("Helvetica", "B", self.title_size) self.pdf.set_text_color(*self.mapi_light_green) self.pdf.cell(0, self.margin, "OpenSfM Quality Report", align="C") self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.title_size) # version number try: out, _ = subprocess.Popen( ["git", "describe", "--tags"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ).communicate() version = out.strip().decode() except BaseException as e: logger.warning( f"Exception thrwon while extracting 'git' version, {e}") version = "" # indicate we don't know the version version = "unknown" if version == "" else version self.pdf.set_font("Helvetica", "", self.small_text) self.pdf.set_text_color(*self.mapi_dark_grey) self.pdf.cell(0, self.margin, f"Processed with OpenSfM version {version}", align="R") self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + 2 * self.margin) def make_dataset_summary(self): self._make_section("Dataset Summary") rows = [ ["Dataset", self.dataset_name], ["Date", self.stats["processing_statistics"]["date"]], [ "Area Covered", f"{self.stats['processing_statistics']['area']/1e6:.6f} km²", ], [ "Processing Time", f"{self.stats['processing_statistics']['steps_times']['Total Time']:.2f} seconds", ], ] self._make_table(None, rows, True) self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + self.margin) def _has_meaningful_gcp(self): return (self.stats["reconstruction_statistics"]["has_gcp"] and "average_error" in self.stats["gcp_errors"]) def make_processing_summary(self): self._make_section("Processing Summary") rec_shots, init_shots = ( self.stats["reconstruction_statistics"] ["reconstructed_shots_count"], self.stats["reconstruction_statistics"]["initial_shots_count"], ) rec_points, init_points = ( self.stats["reconstruction_statistics"] ["reconstructed_points_count"], self.stats["reconstruction_statistics"]["initial_points_count"], ) geo_string = [] if self.stats["reconstruction_statistics"]["has_gps"]: geo_string.append("GPS") if self._has_meaningful_gcp(): geo_string.append("GCP") ratio_shots = rec_shots / init_shots * 100 if init_shots > 0 else -1 rows = [ [ "Reconstructed Images", f"{rec_shots} over {init_shots} shots ({ratio_shots:.1f}%)", ], [ "Reconstructed Points", f"{rec_points} over {init_points} points ({rec_points/init_points*100:.1f}%)", ], [ "Reconstructed Components", f"{self.stats['reconstruction_statistics']['components']} component", ], [ "Detected Features", f"{self.stats['features_statistics']['detected_features']['median']} features", ], [ "Reconstructed Features", f"{self.stats['features_statistics']['reconstructed_features']['median']} features", ], ["Geographic Reference", " and ".join(geo_string)], ] row_gps_gcp = [" / ".join(geo_string) + " errors"] geo_errors = [] if self.stats["reconstruction_statistics"]["has_gps"]: geo_errors.append( f"{self.stats['gps_errors']['average_error']:.2f}") if self._has_meaningful_gcp(): geo_errors.append( f"{self.stats['gcp_errors']['average_error']:.2f}") row_gps_gcp.append(" / ".join(geo_errors) + " meters") rows.append(row_gps_gcp) self._make_table(None, rows, True) self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + self.margin / 2) topview_height = 130 topview_grids = [ f for f in os.listdir(self.output_path) if f.startswith("topview") ] self._make_centered_image( os.path.join(self.output_path, topview_grids[0]), topview_height) self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + self.margin) def make_processing_time_details(self): self._make_section("Processing Time Details") columns_names = list( self.stats["processing_statistics"]["steps_times"].keys()) formatted_floats = [] for v in self.stats["processing_statistics"]["steps_times"].values(): formatted_floats.append(f"{v:.2f} sec.") rows = [formatted_floats] self._make_table(columns_names, rows) self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + 2 * self.margin) def make_gps_details(self): self._make_section("GPS/GCP Errors Details") # GPS for error_type in ["gps", "gcp"]: rows = [] columns_names = [error_type.upper(), "Mean", "Sigma", "RMS Error"] if "average_error" not in self.stats[error_type + "_errors"]: continue for comp in ["x", "y", "z"]: row = [comp.upper() + " Error (meters)"] row.append( f"{self.stats[error_type + '_errors']['mean'][comp]:.3f}") row.append( f"{self.stats[error_type +'_errors']['std'][comp]:.3f}") row.append( f"{self.stats[error_type +'_errors']['error'][comp]:.3f}") rows.append(row) rows.append([ "Total", "", "", f"{self.stats[error_type +'_errors']['average_error']:.3f}", ]) self._make_table(columns_names, rows) self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + self.margin / 2) self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + self.margin / 2) def make_features_details(self): self._make_section("Features Details") heatmap_height = 60 heatmaps = [ f for f in os.listdir(self.output_path) if f.startswith("heatmap") ] self._make_centered_image(os.path.join(self.output_path, heatmaps[0]), heatmap_height) if len(heatmaps) > 1: logger.warning("Please implement multi-model display") columns_names = ["", "Min.", "Max.", "Mean", "Median"] rows = [] for comp in ["detected_features", "reconstructed_features"]: row = [comp.replace("_", " ").replace("features", "").capitalize()] for t in columns_names[1:]: row.append( f"{self.stats['features_statistics'][comp][t.replace('.', '').lower()]:.0f}" ) rows.append(row) self._make_table(columns_names, rows) self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + self.margin) def make_reconstruction_details(self): self._make_section("Reconstruction Details") rows = [ [ "Average Reprojection Error (normalized / pixels)", (f"{self.stats['reconstruction_statistics']['reprojection_error_normalized']:.2f} / " f"{self.stats['reconstruction_statistics']['reprojection_error_pixels']:.2f}" ), ], [ "Average Track Length", f"{self.stats['reconstruction_statistics']['average_track_length']:.2f} images", ], [ "Average Track Length (> 2)", f"{self.stats['reconstruction_statistics']['average_track_length_over_two']:.2f} images", ], ] self._make_table(None, rows, True) self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + self.margin / 1.5) residual_histogram_height = 60 residual_histogram = [ f for f in os.listdir(self.output_path) if f.startswith("residual_histogram") ] self._make_centered_image( os.path.join(self.output_path, residual_histogram[0]), residual_histogram_height, ) self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + self.margin) def make_camera_models_details(self): self._make_section("Camera Models Details") for camera, params in self.stats["camera_errors"].items(): residual_grids = [ f for f in os.listdir(self.output_path) if f.startswith("residuals_" + str(camera.replace("/", "_"))) ] if not residual_grids: continue initial = params["initial_values"] optimized = params["optimized_values"] names = [""] + list(initial.keys()) rows = [] rows.append(["Initial"] + [f"{x:.4f}" for x in initial.values()]) rows.append(["Optimized"] + [f"{x:.4f}" for x in optimized.values()]) self._make_subsection(camera) self._make_table(names, rows) self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + self.margin / 2) residual_grid_height = 100 self._make_centered_image( os.path.join(self.output_path, residual_grids[0]), residual_grid_height) def make_tracks_details(self): self._make_section("Tracks Details") matchgraph_height = 80 matchgraph = [ f for f in os.listdir(self.output_path) if f.startswith("matchgraph") ] self._make_centered_image( os.path.join(self.output_path, matchgraph[0]), matchgraph_height) histogram = self.stats["reconstruction_statistics"][ "histogram_track_length"] start_length, end_length = 2, 10 row_length = ["Length"] for length, _ in sorted(histogram.items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0])): if int(length) < start_length or int(length) > end_length: continue row_length.append(length) row_count = ["Count"] for length, count in sorted(histogram.items(), key=lambda x: int(x[0])): if int(length) < start_length or int(length) > end_length: continue row_count.append(f"{count}") self._make_table(None, [row_length, row_count], True) self.pdf.set_xy(self.margin, self.pdf.get_y() + self.margin) def add_page_break(self): self.pdf.add_page("P") def generate_report(self): self.make_title() self.make_dataset_summary() self.make_processing_summary() self.add_page_break() self.make_features_details() self.make_reconstruction_details() self.add_page_break() self.make_tracks_details() self.make_camera_models_details() self.add_page_break() self.make_gps_details() self.make_processing_time_details()
class Invoice: """ The model for the invoice resource """ def __init__(self, data): """ Creates an invoice instance with the passed data and the FPDF library """ self.pdf = FPDF() = data self.pdf.set_title(f'{["company_name"]} invoice') self.pdf.set_title('invoice') self.pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 8) def write_invoice_content(self, total, pages): """ The central function for writing invoice content based on invoice data in instance """ all_products =['products'] if len(all_products) <= 10: last_page = True # 10 or less products posted to service, thus only one page required self.pdf.add_page() self.write_header() self.write_content(total, all_products, last_page) else: # more than 10 products posted to service, 2 or more pages required for i in range(pages): if i == pages - 1: # if current page we're writing to is the last page, then set flag to true last_page = True else: last_page = False first_index = 0 + i * 10 second_index = 10 + i * 10 products = all_products[ first_index: second_index] # products on a given page will be a sublist of all products... # ... based on page number so that a page always has 10 products self.pdf.add_page() self.write_header() self.write_content(total, products, last_page) def write_header(self): """ Draws the generic header content on the first page of the invoice """ #image and title self.pdf.image('invoice_pic.png', 10, 8, 25, 25) self.pdf.set_font('Arial', size=22) self.write_text(34, 25, 'Generic Invoice Service') #invoice self.pdf.set_font('Arial', size=30) self.write_text(155, 30, 'Invoice') #date, invoice number, and period self.pdf.set_font('Arial', size=12) self.write_text(155, 38, f'Date: {["date"]}') self.write_text(155, 44, f'Invoice Number: {["invoice_number"]}') self.write_text(155, 50, f'Period: {["period"]}') #to and from self.write_text(35, 54, f'From: {["company_name"]}') self.write_text(35, 60, f'To: {["invoice_to"]}') def write_content(self, total, products, last_page): """ Draws the cells for products and the writes the products to the pages """ #draw cells self.pdf.set_line_width(0.2) self.pdf.set_xy(15, 70) self.pdf.cell(180, 190, '', border=1) self.pdf.set_xy(15, 70) self.pdf.cell(125, 190, '', border=1) self.pdf.set_xy(110, 70) self.pdf.cell(30, 190, '', border=1) self.pdf.set_xy(140, 70) self.pdf.cell(30, 190, '', border=1) #write titles and underline (line width 0.5mm, then reset to default) self.pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 12) self.write_text(18, 75, 'Product name:') self.write_text(112, 75, 'SKU:') self.write_text(142, 75, 'Quantity:') self.write_text(172, 75, 'Price:') self.pdf.set_line_width(0.3) self.pdf.line(15, 76.5, 195, 76.5) self.pdf.set_line_width(0.2) self.pdf.set_font('Arial', size=10) y = 81 for product in products: title = product['title'] quantity = product['quantity'] price = product['price'] sku = product['sku'] if len(title) > 30: title = title[ 0: 26] + '...' # truncating title and suffixing with dots, if product title longer than 30 chars self.write_text(18, y, title) self.write_text(112, y, str(sku)) self.write_text(142, y, str(quantity)) self.write_text(172, y, str(price)) y += 5 if last_page: #if the the page we're currently writing to is the last page, then.. #draw total amount cell self.pdf.set_xy(140, 260) self.pdf.cell(55, 15, '', border=1) #draw total amount value self.pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 22) self.write_text(145, 270, '$' + str(total) + ' due') def write_notes(self): """ Creates the last page and adds """ self.pdf.add_page() self.pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 14) self.write_text(10, 20, 'Notes:') self.pdf.set_line_width(0.5) self.pdf.line(10, 21, 25, 21) self.pdf.set_font('Arial', size=8) self.pdf.set_xy(10, 25) self.pdf.write(5,['notes']) def write_text(self, x, y, text): """ A function to write text to some coordinates on a page of the invoice """ self.pdf.text(x, y, text) def output(self, filename): """ A function to save the file locally with the passed filename """ self.pdf.output(filename, 'F')
class YaFTe(): def __init__(self, filename): with open(filename, 'r') as f: self.tconfig = yaml.load( self.tconfig.pop('templates', {}) self.elements = {} self.pdf = FPDF(**self.get_fpdfoptions(), unit="mm") self.add_fonts() self.set_docoptions() self.prepare_elements() self.pdf.set_auto_page_break(False) def get_fpdfoptions(self): options = {} try: options['format'] = self.tconfig['docoptions'].pop('format', 'A4') options['orientation'] = self.tconfig['docoptions'].pop( 'orientation', 'portrait') except: MissingParameterError('docoptions') return options def add_fonts(self): for name, spec in self.tconfig['docoptions'].pop('fonts', {}).items(): self.pdf.add_font(name, **spec) def add_page(self, debug=False, **kwargs): self.pdf.add_page() for key, element in sorted(self.elements.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['priority']): current_element = element.copy() if debug: current_element['text'] = key if current_element['type'] == 'image': current_element['type'] = 'text' elif key in kwargs: if 'format' in current_element: current_element['text'] = current_element['format'].format( kwargs[key]) else: current_element['text'] = str(kwargs[key]) self.add_to_page(current_element) pass def add_to_page(self, element): try: type = element.pop('type', 'unknown') getattr(self, 'element_{0}'.format(type))(**element) except Exception as e: print(e) pass def output(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.pdf.output(*args, **kwargs) def set_docoptions(self): for key, value in self.tconfig.pop('docoptions', {}).items(): getattr(self.pdf, 'set_{0}'.format(key))(value) def prepare_elements(self): defaults = self.tconfig.pop('defaults', {}) for key, telement in self.tconfig.items(): elem = defaults.copy() elem.update(telement) try: def setreplace(dct, key, replace): if not key in dct: dct[key] = replace(dct) except KeyError as ke: raise MissingParameterError(key) from ke self.elements[key] = elem def __getitem__(self, name): if name in self.elements: return self.elements[name]['text'] def __setitem__(self, name, value): if name in self.elements: self.elements[name]['text'] = value else: raise KeyError('{name} is no element'.format(name=name)) def element_text(self, x, y, w, h, text, font, size, style='', align='L', foreground=None, border=0, bordercolor=0, fill=False, background=None, multiline=False, **kwargs): if background is not None: self.pdf.set_fill_color(*rgb(background)) if foreground is not None: self.pdf.set_text_color(*rgb(foreground)) if bordercolor is not None: self.pdf.set_draw_color(*rgb(bordercolor)) self.pdf.set_font(font, style, size) self.pdf.set_xy(x, y) if not multiline in [1, True, 'true']: self.pdf.cell(w=w, h=h, txt=text, border=border, ln=0, align=align, fill=fill) else: self.pdf.multi_cell(w=w, h=self.pdf.k * size / 10 * 1.2, txt=text, border=border, align='J') def element_box(self, x, y, w, h, border, background=0, bordercolor=0xFFFFFF, style='D', **kwargs): if background is not None: self.pdf.set_fill_color(*rgb(background)) if bordercolor is not None: self.pdf.set_draw_color(*rgb(bordercolor)) self.pdf.rect(x, y, w, h, style=style) pass def element_rect(self, **kwargs): self.rect(**kwargs, style='F') pass def element_image(self, x, y, w, h, text, link='', type='', **kwargs): self.pdf.image(text, x, y, w, h, type=type, link=link) pass def element_unknown(self, type, **kwargs): print('detected unknown type: {0}'.format(type)) pass
# PyFPDF documentation # ################################################################# # First Page - Trying out the methods # ################################################################# # Generate FPDF object and add page # FPDF(orientation, unit, format) pdf = FPDF("P", "mm", "A4") pdf.add_page() # fpdf.set_font(family, style = '', size = 0) # Before writing text pdf.set_font("Arial", "B", 16) # fpdf.text(x: float, y: float, txt: str) # Must specify `x,y` """ pdf.text(10,10,"Hello, World") wi = pdf.get_string_width("Hello, World ") pdf.text(10+wi,10,"Goodbye, World") """ # fpdf.cell(w, h = 0, txt = '', border = 0, ln = 0, align = '', fill = False, link = '') # Rely on cursor for `x,y` pdf.cell(0, 10, "Hello, World", 1, 1, "C") pdf.set_font("Courier", "", 14) pdf.cell(95, 10, "print('Hello, World')", 1, 0, "C")
from fpdf import FPDF # -- источник pdf = FPDF(orientation='P', unit='mm', format='A4') pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="Welcome to Python!", ln=1, align="C") pdf.output("simple_demo.pdf")
def print_results(analysed_models): create_images(analysed_models) # create individual results output_file = open("./Results/inidivudal_results.txt", 'w') output_file.write( "------------------------------Analysis results---------------------------------------" + "\n" + "\n") output_file.write( "############################################################################" + "\n") output_file.write("Individual Model Samples: " + "\n") output_file.write( "############################################################################" + "\n" + "\n") for model in analysed_models: output_file.write("\t" + "metadata:" + "\n") output_file.write("\t" + "\t" + "Name: " + + "\n" + "\n") output_file.write("\t" + "Length metrics:" + "\n") output_file.write("\t" + "\t" + "Source Lines of Code (SLOC) = " + str(model.sloc) + "\n" + "\n") output_file.write("\t" + "Halstead metrics:" + "\n") output_file.write("\t" + "\t" + "Halstead Program Length = " + str(model.h_prog_length) + "\n") output_file.write("\t" + "\t" + "Halstead Vocabulary Length = " + str(model.h_vocab_length) + "\n") output_file.write("\t" + "\t" + "Halstead Program Volume = " + str(model.h_prog_vollume) + "\n") output_file.write("\t" + "\t" + "Halstead Program Difficulty = " + str(model.h_prog_diff) + "\n") output_file.write("\t" + "\t" + "Halstead Programming Effort = " + str(model.h_prog_effort) + "\n") output_file.write("\t" + "\t" + "Halstead Language Level = " + str(model.h_lang_lvl) + "\n") output_file.write("\t" + "\t" + "Halstead Intelligence Content = " + str(model.h_int_content) + "\n") output_file.write("\t" + "\t" + "Halstead Programming Time = " + str(model.h_prog_time) + "\n" + "\n") output_file.write("\t" + "Control Flow metrics:" + "\n") output_file.write("\t" + "\t" + "McCabe's Cyclomatic complexity = " + "TBD" + "\n") output_file.write( "############################################################################" + "\n" + "\n") #create PDF with overal image results pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_xy(0, 0) pdf.set_font('arial', 'B', 30) pdf.cell(60) pdf.cell(75, 10, "Analysis Results", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.cell(-60) pdf.set_font('arial', 'B', 20) pdf.cell(75, 10, "", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.cell(75, 10, "Full Sample results:", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.cell(75, 10, "", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.set_font('arial', 'B', 15) pdf.cell(75, 10, "Size metrics:", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.image("./Results/SLOC.png", x=None, y=None, w=200, h=175, type='', link='') pdf.cell(75, 10, "", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.cell(75, 10, "", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.cell(75, 10, "", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.cell(75, 10, "", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.cell(75, 10, "", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.cell(75, 10, "Halstead metrics:", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.image("./Results/prog_length.png", x=None, y=None, w=200, h=175, type='', link='') pdf.cell(75, 10, "", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.image("./Results/vocab_length.png", x=None, y=None, w=200, h=175, type='', link='') pdf.cell(75, 10, "", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.image("./Results/prog_vollume.png", x=None, y=None, w=200, h=175, type='', link='') pdf.cell(75, 10, "", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.image("./Results/prog_diffic.png", x=None, y=None, w=200, h=175, type='', link='') pdf.cell(75, 10, "", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.image("./Results/prog_effort.png", x=None, y=None, w=200, h=175, type='', link='') pdf.cell(75, 10, "", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.image("./Results/lang_level.png", x=None, y=None, w=200, h=175, type='', link='') pdf.cell(75, 10, "", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.image("./Results/i_cont.png", x=None, y=None, w=200, h=175, type='', link='') pdf.cell(75, 10, "", 0, 2, 'C') pdf.image("./Results/p_time.png", x=None, y=None, w=200, h=175, type='', link='') pdf.output('./Results/Sample_Results.pdf', 'F')
def gen_pdf_pages(mol_keys, results): sort_pages = [ mol_keys[i * 3:(i + 1) * 3] for i in range((len(mol_keys) + 3 - 1) // 3) ] counter = 1 pages = [] for page in sort_pages: pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_font("DejaVu", "", ttf_path, uni=True) pdf.add_page() img_place_y = 10 txt_place_y = 15 num_place_y = 98 for mol_n in page: pdf.set_font("DejaVu", "", 10) pdf.image(f"{mol_n}.png", 10, img_place_y, 90) os.remove(f"{mol_n}.png") pdf.rect(10, img_place_y, 190, 90) pdf.dashed_line(100, img_place_y, 100, img_place_y + 90) pdf.text(12, num_place_y, str(counter)) counter += 1 img_place_y += 94 num_place_y += 94 txt_space_y = 0 line_counter = 0 props_list = list(results[mol_n]["props"].items()) for tag in props_list: entry_length = len(str(tag[0])) + len(str(tag[1])) + 2 if entry_length <= 45: line_counter += 1 else: line_counter += 2 if line_counter <= 17: size = 10 write_props(pdf, props_list, txt_place_y, txt_space_y, size) elif 17 < line_counter <= 19: size = 9 write_props(pdf, props_list, txt_place_y, txt_space_y, size) elif 19 < line_counter <= 21: size = 8 write_props(pdf, props_list, txt_place_y, txt_space_y, size) elif 21 < line_counter <= 23: size = 7 write_props(pdf, props_list, txt_place_y, txt_space_y, size) elif 23 < line_counter <= 25: size = 6 write_props(pdf, props_list, txt_place_y, txt_space_y, size) elif 25 < line_counter <= 27: size = 5 write_props(pdf, props_list, txt_place_y, txt_space_y, size) else: size = 5 write_props_list = props_list[:27] write_props(pdf, write_props_list, txt_place_y, txt_space_y, size) txt_place_y += 94 out = f"{counter}.pdf" pdf.output(out) pages.append(f"{counter}.pdf") return pages
elif organism == "Mus musculus": picture = mouse red = 160 green = 160 blue = 160 alignment = "C" else: picture = sadness red = 255 green = 0 blue = 0 alignment = "L" pdf = FPDF() #creating a PDF file pdf.add_page() #adding a page to the newly created PDF file pdf.set_font('Courier', size=24) #specifying the font and size pdf.cell(100, 20, txt=query_name, ln=1, align="L") #first line is query name aligned left pdf.cell(100, 20, txt=query_length, ln=1, align="L") #second line is query length pdf.cell(100, 20, txt=hit_organism, ln=1, align="L") #third line is hit organism pdf.cell(100, 20, txt=hit_gene, ln=1, align="L") #fourth line is hit gene pdf.cell(100, 20, txt=evalue, ln=1, align="L") #fifth line is the evalue pdf.set_text_color(int(red), int(green), int(blue)) #changing the colour of the subsequent text pdf.multi_cell( 200, 10, txt=picture, align=alignment ) #over multiple lines, we are printing out the final organism picture ts = str(int(time.time())) #makes a time stamp so we don't write over files
def makePDF(customerData): # declare location of PDFs to use overlay_pdf_file_name = 'overlay_PDF.pdf' # textOverSuccess.pdf pdf_template_file_name = 'background.pdf' # base_PDF_template pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', 'letter') # paragraph oriented, millimeters measured, letter page sized pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 14) # font, style ('' means normal), 14pt ### test dictionary for overlay data ### WORKS # result_pdf_file_name = "./pdfs/" + customerData['person_name'] + ".pdf" form_dictionary = \ { 'form': 'ACCT', 'data': [ { 'x': 13, 'y': 146, 'w': 94, 'h': 5.5, 'value': customerData['person_name'] }, { 'x': 108, 'y': 146, 'w': 23, 'h': 5.5, 'value': '1450' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, ] } # adds form data to overlay pdf for field in range(0, len(form_dictionary['data'])): pdf.set_xy(form_dictionary['data'][field]['x'], form_dictionary['data'][field]['y']) pdf.cell(form_dictionary['data'][field]['w'], form_dictionary['data'][field]['h'], form_dictionary['data'][field]['value']) # ready to overlay to watermark template pdf.output('overlay_PDF.pdf') pdf.close() ### this takes the overlay data and merges it with the watermark template ### WORKS with open("./polls/background.pdf", 'rb') as pdf_template_file, open(overlay_pdf_file_name, 'rb') as overlay_PDF_file: # open watermark template pdf object pdf_template = PdfFileReader(pdf_template_file) # open overlay data pdf object overlay_PDF = PdfFileReader(overlay_PDF_file) template_total_pages = pdf_template.getNumPages() # iterate through each page to flatten overlay data and watermark template for page_number in range(0, template_total_pages): # get each page from watermark template template_page = pdf_template.getPage(page_number) # merge overlay data to watermark template template_page.mergePage(overlay_PDF.getPage(page_number)) # write result to new PDF output_pdf = PdfFileWriter() output_pdf.addPage(template_page) with open(result_pdf_file_name, 'wb') as result_pdf_file: output_pdf.write(result_pdf_file)
def Generate_Report(name, gender, age, mobile, sc, Scale, scan): #create pdf object pdf = FPDF( orientation='P', unit='mm', format='A4' ) #orientation = ['P','L'], unit = ['mm','cm'], format = ['A3','A4','A5','letter','legal'] #add a new page pdf.add_page() #set font to pdf object pdf.set_font("Arial", 'B', size=16) pdf.set_text_color(255, 0, 0) #add logo as header img_path = 'logo.png' sp = "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" title = 'Automated Diabetic Retinopathy Severity Identification' exs = 'Not Found' hms = 'Not Found' ma = 'Not Found' if (sc == 0): dr = 'Negative' else: dr = 'Positive' if Scale == 0: scale = 'None' ma = 'None' exs = 'None' hms = 'None' elif Scale == 1: scale = 'Mild' ma = 'Present' elif Scale == 2: scale = 'Moderate' ma = 'Present' elif Scale == 3: scale = 'Severe' ma = 'Present' exs = 'Formed' hms = 'Found' else: scale = 'Proliferative' ma = 'Present' exs = 'Formed' hms = 'Found' pdf.image(img_path, x=80, y=8, w=60, h=20) pdf.ln(20) # Add Title pdf.cell(20) pdf.cell(20, 5, title, ln=1) pdf.ln(0.2) pdf.set_font("Arial", size=10) pdf.set_text_color(0, 0, 0) pdf.cell(0, 5, 'Date: %s' %"%b-%d-%Y"), ln=0) pdf.cell(0, 5, "Shaik Nagur Shareef (+91 8309913300)", align="R", ln=1) #draw line pdf.set_line_width(0.5) pdf.line(10, 40, 200, 40) pdf.ln(2) pdf.set_font("Arial", 'B', size=12) pdf.set_text_color(0, 0, 255) pdf.cell(0, 5, "Patient Details", align="C", ln=1) pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) pdf.set_text_color(0, 0, 0) pdf.ln(5) pdf.cell(0, 5, "Name :" + sp + sp + sp + name, align="L", ln=1) pdf.ln(2) pdf.cell(0, 5, "Gender :" + sp + sp + sp + gender, align="L", ln=1) pdf.ln(2) pdf.cell(0, 5, "Age \t\t:" + sp + sp + sp + str(age) + " years", align="L", ln=1) pdf.ln(2) pdf.cell(0, 5, "Mobile \t\t:" + sp + sp + sp + str(mobile), align="L", ln=1) pdf.ln(5) pdf.set_font("Arial", 'B', size=12) pdf.set_text_color(0, 0, 255) pdf.cell(0, 5, "Diagonosis Report", align="C", ln=1) pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) pdf.set_text_color(0, 0, 0) pdf.ln(5) pdf.cell(0, 5, "Diabetic Retinopathy :" + sp + sp + dr, align="L", ln=1) pdf.ln(2) pdf.cell(0, 5, "Severity \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t:" + sp + sp + scale, align="L", ln=1) pdf.ln(2) pdf.cell(0, 5, "Micro Aneurysms \t\t\t\t\t\t:" + sp + sp + ma, align="L", ln=1) pdf.ln(2) pdf.cell(0, 5, "Hemorrhages \t\t:" + sp + sp + hms, align="L", ln=1) pdf.ln(2) pdf.cell(0, 5, "Exudates \t\t\t\t\t\t:" + sp + sp + exs, align="L", ln=1) pdf.ln(10) #add Scan pdf.image(scan, x=40, y=140, w=128, h=128) # save file pdf.output("static/Reports/" + name + ".pdf")
def stickers_simple(col = 3, rows = 7, skip = 0, comp = [], store = None, pozice = None): page = 0 page_cols = col page_rows = rows page_cells = page_cols * page_rows cell_w = 210/page_cols cell_h = 297/page_rows stock_identificator = store print ("pozadovany format je 70x42") pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', format='A4') pdf.add_font('pt_sans', '', 'static/pt_sans/PT_Sans-Web-Regular.ttf', uni=True) pdf.add_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 'static/pt_sans/PT_Sans-Web-Bold.ttf', uni=True) pdf.set_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 12) pdf.set_auto_page_break(False) pdf.add_page() for i, component in enumerate(comp): i += skip # id = component['name'].strip().replace('/', '_') id = str(component['_id']) barcode = str(int(id, 16)) code128.image(barcode).save("static/tmp/barcode/%s.png"%(id)) if i != 0 and i%(page_cells) == 0: page += 1 pdf.add_page() print("New PAGE --- ", i, i%page_cells) row = int(i/page_cols)-page*page_rows column = i%page_cols cell_x = column*cell_w cell_y = row*cell_h pdf.set_xy(cell_x+3, cell_y+6.75) if len(component['name'])<23: pdf.set_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 14) else: pdf.set_font('pt_sans-bold', '', 10) pdf.cell(cell_w-10, 0, component['name'][:35]) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+1, cell_y+9) pdf.image('static/tmp/barcode/%s.png'%(id), w = cell_w-2, h=6) pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 9.5) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+3, cell_y+22) try: pdf.multi_cell(cell_w-6, 3.4, component['description'][:190]) except Exception as e: pdf.multi_cell(cell_w-10, 5, "ERR" + repr(e)) #pdf.set_xy(cell_x+3, cell_y+12) #pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 7.5) #pdf.cell(cell_w-10, 10, id + " | " + str( ) pos = pozice(bson.ObjectId(id), stock = stock_identificator['_id'], primary = True) if len(pos) > 0: pos = pos[0]['info'][0]['name'] print("POZ", pos) else: pos = "" pdf.set_font('pt_sans', '', 7.5) #pdf.set_xy(cell_x+3, cell_y+15) #pdf.cell(cell_w-10, 10, str(stock_identificator['code']) + " | " + str(pos) + " | " + ','.join(component['category'])) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+3, cell_y+12) pdf.cell(cell_w-10, 10, str( + " | " + ','.join(component['category'])) pdf.set_xy(cell_x+3, cell_y+15) pdf.cell(cell_w-10, 10, str(stock_identificator['code']) + " | " + str(pos)) print("Generovani pozice...") return pdf
# Example of unicode support based on tfPDF # from fpdf import FPDF import sys pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() # Add a Unicode font (uses UTF-8) pdf.add_font('DejaVu', '', 'DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf', uni=True) pdf.set_font('DejaVu', '', 14) fn = 'ex.pdf' # Load a UTF-8 string from a file and print it txt = open('HelloWorld.txt').read() pdf.write(8, txt) # Select a standard font (uses windows-1252) pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 14) pdf.ln(10) pdf.write(5, 'The file size of this PDF is only 12 KB.') pdf.output(fn, 'F') import os try: os.startfile(fn) except: os.system("evince %s" % fn)
""" Example PDF file generation using PyPDF package. See documentation at git clone sudo python3 install """ from fpdf import FPDF pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page(orientation='L', format='A4') pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 16) pdf.cell(40, 10, 'Hello World!') pdf.output('pyfpdf_output.pdf', 'F')