def testCanonicalizeLabel(self): self.assertEqual(None, framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(None)) self.assertEqual('FooBar', framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel('Foo Bar ')) self.assertEqual('Foo.Bar', framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel('Foo . Bar ')) self.assertEqual('Foo-Bar', framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel('Foo - Bar '))
def ParsePersonData(self, mr, post_data): """Parse the POST data for a project member. Args: mr: common information parsed from the user's request. post_data: dictionary of lists of values for each HTML form field. Returns: A tuple with user_id, role, extra_perms, and notes. """ if not mr.specified_user_id: raise exceptions.InputException('Field user_id is missing') role = post_data.get('role', '').lower() extra_perms = [] for ep in post_data.getall('extra_perms'): perm = framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(ep) # Perms with leading underscores are reserved. perm = perm.strip('_') if perm: extra_perms.append(perm) notes = post_data.get('notes', '').strip() ac_exclusion = not post_data.get('ac_include', False) no_expand = not post_data.get('ac_expand', False) return (mr.specified_user_id, role, extra_perms, notes, ac_exclusion, no_expand)
def SetConfigLabels(project_config, well_known_labels): """Internal method to set the well-known labels of a ProjectIssueConfig.""" project_config.well_known_labels = [] for label, docstring, deprecated in well_known_labels: canonical_label = framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(label) project_config.well_known_labels.append( tracker_pb2.LabelDef(label=canonical_label, label_docstring=docstring, deprecated=deprecated))
def _ParseOneRule(cnxn, predicate, action_type, action_value, user_service, rule_num, error_list): """Parse one FilterRule based on the action type.""" if action_type == 'default_status': status = framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(action_value) rule = MakeRule(predicate, default_status=status) elif action_type == 'default_owner': if action_value: try: user_id = user_service.LookupUserID(cnxn, action_value) except user_svc.NoSuchUserException: user_id = framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED error_list.append('Rule %d: No such user: %s' % (rule_num, action_value)) else: user_id = framework_constants.NO_USER_SPECIFIED rule = MakeRule(predicate, default_owner_id=user_id) elif action_type == 'add_ccs': cc_ids = [] for email in re.split('[,;\s]+', action_value): if not email.strip(): continue try: user_id = user_service.LookupUserID(cnxn, email.strip(), autocreate=True) cc_ids.append(user_id) except user_svc.NoSuchUserException: error_list.append('Rule %d: No such user: %s' % (rule_num, email.strip())) rule = MakeRule(predicate, add_cc_ids=cc_ids) elif action_type == 'add_labels': add_labels = framework_constants.IDENTIFIER_RE.findall(action_value) rule = MakeRule(predicate, add_labels=add_labels) elif action_type == 'also_notify': add_notify = [] for addr in re.split('[,;\s]+', action_value): if validate.IsValidEmail(addr.strip()): add_notify.append(addr.strip()) else: error_list.append('Rule %d: Invalid email address: %s' % (rule_num, addr.strip())) rule = MakeRule(predicate, add_notify=add_notify) else:'unexpected action type, probably tampering:%r', action_type) raise monorailrequest.InputException() return rule
def SetConfigStatuses(project_config, well_known_statuses): """Internal method to set the well-known statuses of ProjectIssueConfig.""" project_config.well_known_statuses = [] for status, docstring, means_open, deprecated in well_known_statuses: canonical_status = framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(status) project_config.well_known_statuses.append( tracker_pb2.StatusDef(status_docstring=docstring, status=canonical_status, means_open=means_open, deprecated=deprecated))
def _StandardizeArtifact(artifact, well_known_artifacts): """Attempt to match a user-supplied artifact with standard artifact values. Args: artifact: User-supplied artifact string. well_known_artifacts: List of well known values of the artifact. Returns: A canonicalized artifact string, that matches a standard project value, if found. """ artifact = framework_bizobj.CanonicalizeLabel(artifact) for wka in well_known_artifacts: if artifact.lower() == wka.lower(): return wka # No match - use user-supplied artifact. return artifact