def search_direction_multi(f, graphs, gs, ods, L, grad):
    # extension of search_direction routine in frank_wolfe_2.py
    # for the heterogeneous game

    #start timer
    start_time1 = timeit.default_timer()

    links = graphs[0].shape[0]
    types = len(graphs)
    for j, (graph, g, od) in enumerate(zip(graphs, gs, ods)):

        #start timer
    	start_time2 = timeit.default_timer()

        l, gr = search_direction(np.sum(np.reshape(f,(types,links)).T,1), \
            graph, g, od)

    	#end of timer
    	#elapsed2 = timeit.default_timer() - start_time2;
    	#print ("step0 too %s seconds" % elapsed1)

        L[(j*links) : ((j+1)*links)] = l
        grad[(j*links) : ((j+1)*links)] = gr

    #end of timer
    #elapsed1 = timeit.default_timer() - start_time1;
    #print ("Search_direction for all pairs: %s seconds" % elapsed1)

    return L, grad
def search_direction_multi(f, graphs, gs, ods, L, grad):
    # extension of search_direction routine in frank_wolfe_2.py
    # for the heterogeneous game
    links = graphs[0].shape[0]
    types = len(graphs)
    for j, (graph, g, od) in enumerate(zip(graphs, gs, ods)):
        l, gr = search_direction(np.sum(np.reshape(f, (types, links)).T, 1),
                                 graph, g, od)
        L[(j * links):((j + 1) * links)] = l
        grad[(j * links):((j + 1) * links)] = gr
    return L, grad
def search_direction_multi(f, graphs, gs, ods, L, grad):
    # extension of search_direction routine in frank_wolfe_2.py
    # for the heterogeneous game
    links = graphs[0].shape[0]
    types = len(graphs)
    for j, (graph, g, od) in enumerate(zip(graphs, gs, ods)):
        l, gr = search_direction(np.sum(np.reshape(f,(types,links)).T,1), \
            graph, g, od)
        L[(j*links) : ((j+1)*links)] = l
        grad[(j*links) : ((j+1)*links)] = gr
    return L, grad
def fw_heterogeneous_2(graphs,
    Frank-Wolfe algorithm on the heterogeneous game
    given a list of graphs in the format
    g = [[link_id from to a0 a1 a2 a3 a4]]
    and demand in the format
    d = [[o d flow]]
    assert past <= q, "'q' must be bigger or equal to 'past'"
    # construct graph and demand objects suiteable for AoN_igraph
    gs = [construct_igraph(graph) for graph in graphs]
    ods = [construct_od(demand) for demand in demands]
    # construct empty vector to be filled in with values
    links = graphs[0].shape[0]
    types = len(graphs)
    # initial flow assignment is null
    f = np.zeros(links * types, dtype="float64")
    fs = np.zeros((links * types, past), dtype="float64")
    L = np.zeros(links * types, dtype="float64")
    grad = np.zeros(links * types, dtype="float64")
    L2 = np.zeros(links * types, dtype="float64")
    grad2 = np.zeros(links * types, dtype="float64")
    error = 'N/A'
    # compute re-normalization constant
    K = sum([total_free_flow_cost(g, od) for g, od in zip(gs, ods)])
    if K < eps:
        K = sum([np.sum(demand[:, 2]) for demand in demands])
    elif display >= 1:
        print 'average free-flow travel time', \
            K / sum([np.sum(demand[:, 2]) for demand in demands])
    # compute iterations
    for i in range(max_iter):
        if display >= 1:
            print 'iteration: {}, error: {}'.format(i + 1, error)
        # construct weighted graph with latest flow assignment
        # print 'f', f
        # print 'reshape', np.reshape(f,(links,types))
        total_f = np.sum(np.reshape(f, (types, links)).T, 1)
        # print 'total flow', total_f
        for j, (graph, g, od) in enumerate(zip(graphs, gs, ods)):
            l, gr = search_direction(total_f, graph, g, od)
            L[(j * links):((j + 1) * links)] = l
            grad[(j * links):((j + 1) * links)] = gr
        # print 'L', L
        # print 'grad', grad
        fs[:, i % past] = L
        w = L - f
        if i >= 1:
            error = -grad.dot(w) / K
            # if error < stop and error > 0.0:
            if error < stop:
                if display >= 1:
                    print 'stop with error: {}'.format(error)
                return np.reshape(f, (types, links)).T
        if i > q:
            # step 3 of Fukushima
            v = np.sum(fs, axis=1) / min(past, i + 1) - f
            norm_v = np.linalg.norm(v, 1)
            if norm_v < eps:
                if display >= 1:
                    print 'stop with norm_v: {}'.format(norm_v)
                return np.reshape(f, (types, links)).T
            norm_w = np.linalg.norm(w, 1)
            if norm_w < eps:
                if display >= 1:
                    print 'stop with norm_w: {}'.format(norm_w)
                return np.reshape(f, (types, links)).T
            # step 4 of Fukushima
            gamma_1 = grad.dot(v) / norm_v
            gamma_2 = grad.dot(w) / norm_w
            if gamma_2 > -eps:
                if display >= 1:
                    print 'stop with gamma_2: {}'.format(gamma_2)
                return np.reshape(f, (types, links)).T
            d = v if gamma_1 < gamma_2 else w
            # step 5 of Fukushima
            s = line_search(
                lambda a: merit(f + a * d, graphs, gs, ods, L2, grad2))
            # print 'step', s
            if s < eps:
                if display >= 1:
                    print 'stop with step_size: {}'.format(s)
                return np.reshape(f, (types, links)).T
            f = f + s * d
            f = f + 2. * w / (i + 2.)
    return np.reshape(f, (types, links)).T
    # used to keep track of iteration for indexing in path_flow_* default dicts
    index = 0
    for alpha in np.linspace(0, 1, granularity):
        with open('{}/LA_net_od_2_alpha_{}.txt'.format(in_folder, alpha),
                  'r') as infile:
            run = pickle.loads(infile.read())

        fs = run['f']
        f = np.array([l[0] + l[1] for l in fs])
        tt = (graph[:, 3] + graph[:, 7] * f**4) / 60

        tts += [tt]

        if calculate_nd:
            g = construct_igraph(graph)
            L, grad, path_flows = search_direction(f, graph, g, od)
            nd = np.dot(tt, f - L)
            nds += [nd]
            print nd

        # produce OD data json needed for dashboard
        if make_dash_data:
            od_paths = {}
            od2id = {}
            path2id = {}

            for k in run['h'].keys():
                odp = (k[0], k[1])
                if odp not in od2id:
                    od2id[odp] = len(od2id)
                if od2id[odp] not in od_paths:
def fw_heterogeneous_2(graphs, demands, past=10, max_iter=100, eps=1e-8, q=50, \
    display=0, stop=1e-8):
    Frank-Wolfe algorithm on the heterogeneous game
    given a list of graphs in the format 
    g = [[link_id from to a0 a1 a2 a3 a4]]
    and demand in the format
    d = [[o d flow]]
    assert past <= q, "'q' must be bigger or equal to 'past'"
    # construct graph and demand objects suiteable for AoN_igraph 
    gs = [construct_igraph(graph) for graph in graphs]
    ods = [construct_od(demand) for demand in demands]
    # construct empty vector to be filled in with values
    links = graphs[0].shape[0]
    types = len(graphs)
    f = np.zeros(links*types,dtype="float64") # initial flow assignment is null
    fs = np.zeros((links*types,past),dtype="float64")
    L = np.zeros(links*types,dtype="float64")
    grad = np.zeros(links*types,dtype="float64")
    L2 = np.zeros(links*types,dtype="float64")
    grad2 = np.zeros(links*types,dtype="float64")
    # compute re-normalization constant
    K = sum([total_free_flow_cost(g, od) for g,od in zip(gs, ods)])
    if K < eps:
        K = sum([np.sum(demand[:,2]) for demand in demands])
    elif display >= 1:
        print 'average free-flow travel time', \
            K / sum([np.sum(demand[:,2]) for demand in demands])
    # compute iterations
    for i in range(max_iter):
        if display >= 1:
            if i <= 1:
                print 'iteration: {}'.format(i+1)
                print 'iteration: {}, error: {}'.format(i+1, error)
        # construct weighted graph with latest flow assignment
        #print 'f', f
        #print 'reshape', np.reshape(f,(links,types))
        total_f = np.sum(np.reshape(f,(types,links)).T,1)
        #print 'total flow', total_f
        for j, (graph, g, od) in enumerate(zip(graphs, gs, ods)):
            l, gr = search_direction(total_f, graph, g, od)
            L[(j*links) : ((j+1)*links)] = l
            grad[(j*links) : ((j+1)*links)] = gr
        #print 'L', L
        #print 'grad', grad
        fs[:,i%past] = L
        w = L - f
        if i >= 1:
            error = -grad.dot(w) / K
            # if error < stop and error > 0.0:
            if error < stop:
                if display >= 1: print 'stop with error: {}'.format(error)
                return np.reshape(f,(types,links)).T
        if i > q:
            # step 3 of Fukushima
            v = np.sum(fs,axis=1) / min(past,i+1) - f
            norm_v = np.linalg.norm(v,1)
            if norm_v < eps: 
                if display >= 1: print 'stop with norm_v: {}'.format(norm_v)
                return np.reshape(f,(types,links)).T
            norm_w = np.linalg.norm(w,1)
            if norm_w < eps: 
                if display >= 1: print 'stop with norm_w: {}'.format(norm_w)
                return np.reshape(f,(types,links)).T
            # step 4 of Fukushima
            gamma_1 = grad.dot(v) / norm_v
            gamma_2 = grad.dot(w) / norm_w
            if gamma_2 > -eps: 
                if display >= 1: print 'stop with gamma_2: {}'.format(gamma_2)
                return np.reshape(f,(types,links)).T
            d = v if gamma_1 < gamma_2 else w
            # step 5 of Fukushima
            s = line_search(lambda a: merit(f+a*d, graphs, gs, ods, L2, grad2))
            # print 'step', s
            if s < eps: 
                if display >= 1: print 'stop with step_size: {}'.format(s)
                return np.reshape(f,(types,links)).T
            f = f + s*d
            f = f + 2. * w/(i+2.)
    return np.reshape(f,(types,links)).T