def send_to_neutral(): """ DON'T USE THIS ON REAL ROBOT!!! """ temp_pub = rospy.Publisher('/panda_simulator/motion_controller/arm/joint_commands',JointCommand, queue_size = 1, tcp_nodelay = True) # Create JointCommand message to publish commands pubmsg = JointCommand() pubmsg.names = names # names of joints (has to be 7) pubmsg.position = neutral_pose # JointCommand msg has other fields (velocities, efforts) for # when controlling in other control mode pubmsg.mode = pubmsg.POSITION_MODE # Specify control mode (POSITION_MODE, VELOCITY_MODE, IMPEDANCE_MODE (not available in sim), TORQUE_MODE) curr_val = deepcopy(vals) while all(abs(neutral_pose[i]-curr_val[i]) > 0.01 for i in range(len(curr_val))): temp_pub.publish(pubmsg) curr_val = deepcopy(vals)
elapsed_time_ = rospy.Duration(0.0) period = rospy.Duration(0.005) count = 0 # Create JointCommand message to publish commands pubmsg = JointCommand() pubmsg.names = names # names of joints (has to be 7 and in the same order as the command fields (positions, velocities, efforts)) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): elapsed_time_ += period delta = 3.14 / 16.0 * (1 - np.cos(3.14 / 5.0 * elapsed_time_.to_sec())) * 0.2 for j in range(len(vals)): if j == 4: vals[j] = initial_pose[j] - delta else: vals[j] = initial_pose[j] + delta pubmsg.position = vals # JointCommand msg has other fields (velocities, efforts) for # when controlling in other control mode # pubmsg.effort = [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.] pubmsg.mode = pubmsg.POSITION_MODE # Specify control mode (POSITION_MODE, VELOCITY_MODE, IMPEDANCE_MODE (not available in sim), TORQUE_MODE) pub.publish(pubmsg) rate.sleep()
import rospy from franka_core_msgs.msg import JointCommand if __name__ == "__main__": rospy.init_node("force_neutral_pose_startup") pub = rospy.Publisher( 'panda_simulator/motion_controller/arm/joint_commands', JointCommand, tcp_nodelay=True, queue_size=10) command_msg = JointCommand() command_msg.names = ["panda_joint%d" % (idx) for idx in range(1, 8)] command_msg.position = [0.000, -0.785, 0.0, -2.356, 0.0, 1.57, 0.785] command_msg.mode = JointCommand.POSITION_MODE rospy.sleep(0.5) start = rospy.loginfo("Attempting to force robot to neutral pose...") rospy.sleep(0.5) while not rospy.is_shutdown() and ( - start < 1.): # print command_msg.header.stamp = pub.publish(command_msg) rospy.loginfo("Robot forced to neutral pose. Complete!")