rospy.init_node("test_robot") r = ArmInterface( ) # create arm interface instance (see for all available methods for ArmInterface() object) cm = r.get_controller_manager( ) # get controller manager instance associated with the robot (not required in most cases) mvt = r.get_movegroup_interface( ) # get the moveit interface for planning and executing trajectories using moveit planners (see for documentation) elapsed_time_ = rospy.Duration(0.0) period = rospy.Duration(0.005) r.move_to_neutral() # move robot to neutral pose initial_pose = r.joint_angles() # get current joint angles of the robot jac = r.zero_jacobian() # get end-effector jacobian count = 0 rate = rospy.Rate(1000) rospy.loginfo("Commanding...\n") joint_names = r.joint_names() vals = r.joint_angles() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): elapsed_time_ += period delta = 3.14 / 16.0 * ( 1 - np.cos(3.14 / 5.0 * elapsed_time_.to_sec())) * 0.2 for j in joint_names:
time_cycle_start = rospy.get_time() # in seconds # time_cycle_start_wall = time.time() # in seconds # # Get joint values from robot vals_pos = robot.joint_angles() for i, j in enumerate(joint_names): q[i] = vals_pos[j] # End of the SENSING t_robot_sense = time.time() - time_cycle_start_wall # Start of MATRIX COMPUTATION t_matrix_start = time.time() # Compute the jacobian of the robot o_J_n = robot.zero_jacobian() # Note that, to be fully formally correct, I would need the Jacobian in the # end-effector frame, see e.g. # However ArmInterface gives me the Jacobian in the robot base frame, # thus I need to properly handle this with a proper transformation matrix _, n_q_o = tf_listener.lookupTransform('panda_hand', 'base',rospy.Time()) n_R_o = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(n_q_o)[0:3, 0:3] n_V_o = np.zeros((6, 6)) n_V_o[0:3, 0:3] = n_R_o n_V_o[3:6, 3:6] = n_R_o Jn = np.matmul(n_V_o, o_J_n) VJn = np.matmul(V, Jn)