def format_value(value, df, doc=None, currency=None):
    if df.get("fieldtype") == "Date":
        return formatdate(value)

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Currency" or (df.get("fieldtype") == "Float"
                                               and (df.options or "").strip()):
        return fmt_money(value,
                         precision=get_field_precision(df, doc),
                         currency=currency if currency else
                         (get_field_currency(df, doc) if doc else None))

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Float":
        precision = get_field_precision(df, doc)

        # show 1.000000 as 1
        # options should not specified
        if not df.options and value is not None:
            temp = cstr(value).split(".")
            if len(temp) == 1 or cint(temp[1]) == 0:
                precision = 0

        return fmt_money(value, precision=precision)

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Percent":
        return "{}%".format(flt(value, 2))

    if value is None:
        value = ""

    if df.get("fieldtype") in ("Text", "Small Text"):
        if not re.search("(\<br|\<div|\<p)", value):
            return value.replace("\n", "<br>")

    return value
def format_value(value, df, doc=None, currency=None):
	# Convert dict to object if necessary
	if (isinstance(df, dict)):
		df = frappe._dict(df)
	if df.get("fieldtype")=="Date":
		return formatdate(value)

	elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Currency" or (df.get("fieldtype")=="Float" and (df.options or "").strip()):
		return fmt_money(value, precision=get_field_precision(df, doc),
			currency=currency if currency else (get_field_currency(df, doc) if doc else None))

	elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Float":
		precision = get_field_precision(df, doc)

		# show 1.000000 as 1
		# options should not specified
		if not df.options and value is not None:
			temp = cstr(value).split(".")
			if len(temp)==1 or cint(temp[1])==0:
				precision = 0

		return fmt_money(value, precision=precision)

	elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Percent":
		return "{}%".format(flt(value, 2))

	if value is None:
		value = ""

	if df.get("fieldtype") in ("Text", "Small Text"):
		if not re.search("(\<br|\<div|\<p)", value):
			return value.replace("\n", "<br>")

	return value
def format_value(value, df, doc=None, currency=None, translated=False):
    # Convert dict to object if necessary
    if (isinstance(df, dict)):
        df = frappe._dict(df)

    if value is None:
        value = ""
    elif translated:
        value = frappe._(value)

    if not df:
        return value

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Date":
        return formatdate(value)

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Datetime":
        return format_datetime(value)

    elif value == 0 and df.get("fieldtype") in (
            "Int", "Float", "Currency",
            "Percent") and df.get("print_hide_if_no_value"):
        # this is required to show 0 as blank in table columns
        return ""

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Currency" or (df.get("fieldtype") == "Float"
                                               and (df.options or "").strip()):
        return fmt_money(value,
                         precision=get_field_precision(df, doc),
                         currency=currency if currency else
                         (get_field_currency(df, doc) if doc else None))

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Float":
        precision = get_field_precision(df, doc)

        # show 1.000000 as 1
        # options should not specified
        if not df.options and value is not None:
            temp = cstr(value).split(".")
            if len(temp) == 1 or cint(temp[1]) == 0:
                precision = 0

        return fmt_money(value, precision=precision)

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Percent":
        return "{}%".format(flt(value, 2))

    elif df.get("fieldtype") in ("Text", "Small Text"):
        if not re.search("(\<br|\<div|\<p)", value):
            return value.replace("\n", "<br>")

    return value
    def get_currency(self, fieldname, doc=None):
        df = self.meta.get_field(fieldname)
        if not df and fieldname in default_fields:
            from frappe.model.meta import get_default_df
            df = get_default_df(fieldname)

        val = 1

        if not doc:
            doc = getattr(self, "parent_doc", None) or self

        from frappe.model.meta import get_field_currency

        return get_field_currency(df, doc=doc)
def format_value(value, df, doc=None):
    if df.fieldtype == "Date":
        return formatdate(value)

    elif df.fieldtype == "Currency":
        return fmt_money(value,
                         precision=get_field_precision(df, doc),
                         currency=get_field_currency(df, doc))

    elif df.fieldtype == "Float":
        return fmt_money(value)

    elif df.fieldtype == "Percent":
        return "{}%".format(flt(value, 2))

    return value
def format_value(value, df, doc=None, currency=None):
    if df.fieldtype == "Date":
        return formatdate(value)

    elif df.fieldtype == "Currency":
        return fmt_money(value,
                         precision=get_field_precision(df, doc),
                         currency=currency if currency else
                         (get_field_currency(df, doc) if doc else None))

    elif df.fieldtype == "Float":
        return fmt_money(value, precision=get_field_precision(df, doc))

    elif df.fieldtype == "Percent":
        return "{}%".format(flt(value, 2))

    if value is None:
        value = ""

    if df.fieldtype in ("Text", "Small Text"):
        if not re.search("(\<br|\<div|\<p)", value):
            return value.replace("\n", "<br>")

    return value
def format_value(value,
    '''Format value based on given fieldtype, document reference, currency reference.
	If docfield info (df) is not given, it will try and guess based on the datatype of the value'''
    if isinstance(df, str):
        df = frappe._dict(fieldtype=df)

    if not df:
        df = frappe._dict()
        if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
            df.fieldtype = 'Datetime'
        elif isinstance(value, datetime.date):
            df.fieldtype = 'Date'
        elif isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
            df.fieldtype = 'Time'
        elif isinstance(value, int):
            df.fieldtype = 'Int'
        elif isinstance(value, float):
            df.fieldtype = 'Float'
            df.fieldtype = 'Data'

    elif (isinstance(df, dict)):
        # Convert dict to object if necessary
        df = frappe._dict(df)

    if value is None:
        value = ""
    elif translated:
        value = frappe._(value)

    if not df:
        return value

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Date":
        return formatdate(value)

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Datetime":
        return format_datetime(value)

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Time":
        return format_time(value)

    elif value == 0 and df.get("fieldtype") in (
            "Int", "Float", "Currency",
            "Percent") and df.get("print_hide_if_no_value"):
        # this is required to show 0 as blank in table columns
        return ""

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Currency":
        default_currency = frappe.db.get_default("currency")
        currency = currency or get_field_currency(df, doc) or default_currency
        return fmt_money(value,
                         precision=get_field_precision(df, doc),

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Float":
        precision = get_field_precision(df, doc)
        # I don't know why we support currency option for float
        currency = currency or get_field_currency(df, doc)

        # show 1.000000 as 1
        # options should not specified
        if not df.options and value is not None:
            temp = cstr(value).split(".")
            if len(temp) == 1 or cint(temp[1]) == 0:
                precision = 0

        return fmt_money(value, precision=precision, currency=currency)

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Percent":
        return "{}%".format(flt(value, 2))

    elif df.get("fieldtype") in ("Text", "Small Text"):
        if not re.search(r"(<br|<div|<p)", value):
            return frappe.safe_decode(value).replace("\n", "<br>")

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Markdown Editor":
        return frappe.utils.markdown(value)

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Table MultiSelect":
        meta = frappe.get_meta(df.options)
        link_field = [df for df in meta.fields if df.fieldtype == 'Link'][0]
        values = [v.get(link_field.fieldname, 'asdf') for v in value]
        return ', '.join(values)

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Duration":
        hide_days = df.hide_days
        return format_duration(value, hide_days)

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Text Editor":
        return "<div class='ql-snow'>{}</div>".format(value)

    return value
def format_value(value, df=None, doc=None, currency=None, translated=False):
    '''Format value based on given fieldtype, document reference, currency reference.
	If docfield info (df) is not given, it will try and guess based on the datatype of the value'''
    if isinstance(df, string_types):
        df = frappe._dict(fieldtype=df)

    if not df:
        df = frappe._dict()
        if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
            df.fieldtype = 'Datetime'
        elif isinstance(value, datetime.date):
            df.fieldtype = 'Date'
        elif isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
            df.fieldtype = 'Time'
        elif isinstance(value, int):
            df.fieldtype = 'Int'
        elif isinstance(value, float):
            df.fieldtype = 'Float'
            df.fieldtype = 'Data'

    elif (isinstance(df, dict)):
        # Convert dict to object if necessary
        df = frappe._dict(df)

    if value is None:
        value = ""
    elif translated:
        value = frappe._(value)

    if not df:
        return value

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Date":
        return formatdate(value)

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Datetime":
        return format_datetime(value)

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Time":
        return format_time(value)

    elif value == 0 and df.get("fieldtype") in (
            "Int", "Float", "Currency",
            "Percent") and df.get("print_hide_if_no_value"):
        # this is required to show 0 as blank in table columns
        return ""

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Currency" or (df.get("fieldtype") == "Float"
                                               and (df.options or "").strip()):
        return fmt_money(value,
                         precision=get_field_precision(df, doc),
                         currency=currency if currency else
                         (get_field_currency(df, doc) if doc else None))

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Float":
        precision = get_field_precision(df, doc)

        # show 1.000000 as 1
        # options should not specified
        if not df.options and value is not None:
            temp = cstr(value).split(".")
            if len(temp) == 1 or cint(temp[1]) == 0:
                precision = 0

        return fmt_money(value, precision=precision)

    elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Percent":
        precision = get_field_precision(df, doc)
        formatted = fmt_money(value, precision=get_field_precision(df, doc))
        return "{}%".format(formatted)

    elif df.get("fieldtype") in ("Text", "Small Text"):
        if not re.search("(\<br|\<div|\<p)", value):
            return value.replace("\n", "<br>")

    return value
def format_value(value, df=None, doc=None, currency=None, translated=False):
	'''Format value based on given fieldtype, document reference, currency reference.
	If docfield info (df) is not given, it will try and guess based on the datatype of the value'''
	if isinstance(df, string_types):
		df = frappe._dict(fieldtype=df)

	if not df:
		df = frappe._dict()
		if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
			df.fieldtype = 'Datetime'
		elif isinstance(value, datetime.date):
			df.fieldtype = 'Date'
		elif isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta):
			df.fieldtype = 'Time'
		elif isinstance(value, int):
			df.fieldtype = 'Int'
		elif isinstance(value, float):
			df.fieldtype = 'Float'
			df.fieldtype = 'Data'

	elif (isinstance(df, dict)):
		# Convert dict to object if necessary
		df = frappe._dict(df)

	if value is None:
		value = ""
	elif translated:
		value = frappe._(value)

	if not df:
		return value

	elif df.get("fieldtype")=="Date":
		return formatdate(value)

	elif df.get("fieldtype")=="Datetime":
		return format_datetime(value)

	elif df.get("fieldtype")=="Time":
		return format_time(value)

	elif value==0 and df.get("fieldtype") in ("Int", "Float", "Currency", "Percent") and df.get("print_hide_if_no_value"):
		# this is required to show 0 as blank in table columns
		return ""

	elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Currency" or (df.get("fieldtype")=="Float" and (df.options or "").strip()):
		return fmt_money(value, precision=get_field_precision(df, doc),
			currency=currency if currency else (get_field_currency(df, doc) if doc else None))

	elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Float":
		precision = get_field_precision(df, doc)

		# show 1.000000 as 1
		# options should not specified
		if not df.options and value is not None:
			temp = cstr(value).split(".")
			if len(temp)==1 or cint(temp[1])==0:
				precision = 0

		return fmt_money(value, precision=precision)

	elif df.get("fieldtype") == "Percent":
		return "{}%".format(flt(value, 2))

	elif df.get("fieldtype") in ("Text", "Small Text"):
		if not re.search("(\<br|\<div|\<p)", value):
			return value.replace("\n", "<br>")

	return value