def fredbin_add_use_data(filename):
    """Reads in a FREDBIN file, applies modifications, saves the file.
    Returns the filename upon successful modification."""

    print("Upgrading %s" % (filename))

    # Read in the FREDBIN without the
    col_names = fred.fredbin_col_names[:-1]
    col_types = fred.fredbin_col_types[:-1]
    col_fmt = fred.fredbin_col_fmt[:-1]

    dtype = {'names': col_names, 'formats': col_types}
    data = np.fromfile(filename, dtype)

    append_col_names = ['use_data']
    append_col_types = ['bool']
    append_col_fmts = ['%1i']

    num_rows = len(data)
    tmp = np.ones(num_rows)
    data = nprf.append_fields(data,
                              append_col_names, [tmp],

    fred.write_fredbin(filename, data)

    return filename
def purge_nights_from_file(night_names, filename):

    results = []

    if(not os.path.isfile(filename)):

    print("Processing %s" % (filename))

    # At least one common night exists. Load the data.
    data = fred.read_fredbin(filename)
    if data is None:
        return results

    # first determine if this night has been stored in this data file
    data = np.sort(data, order='night_name')

    for night_name in night_names:

        # find the upper and lower bounds for the night
        l = np.searchsorted(data['night_name'], night_name, side='left')
        r = np.searchsorted(data['night_name'], night_name, side='right')

        # delete the entries
        data = np.delete(data, slice(l, r), axis=0)

    # write the remaining data to disk
    with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
        fred.write_fredbin(outfile, data)

    return results
def flag_bad_data(bad_night_file, bad_field_file, filename):
    """Sets the 'use_data' entry to FALSE for any data taken on a known bad night or
    bad night-field combination."""

    global error_filename


        print("Processing %s" % (filename))

        # read in the bad night/field files
        bad_night_names = badfiles.read_bad_nights(bad_night_file)
        bad_fields = badfiles.read_bad_night_fields(bad_field_file)

        # read in the data and sort it by night
        data = fred.read_fredbin(filename)

        # Any given filter should ONLY set 'use_data' flags to False to avoid
        # impacting other filters.
        data = np.sort(data, order='night_name')
        data = filter_bad_nights(data, bad_night_names)
        data = np.sort(data, order='night')
        data = filter_bad_night_fields(data, bad_fields)
        data = filter_non_photometric_nights(data)

        # restore the original order of the data
        data = np.sort(data, order=['zone_id', 'node_id', 'container_id'])

        # write the data
        outfile = open(filename, 'w')
        fred.write_fredbin(outfile, data)

        message = "ERROR: Failed to flag %s. Re-run in debug mode\n" % (filename)

        tb = traceback.format_exc()

        with FileLock(error_filename, timeout=100, delay=0.05):
            with open(error_filename, 'a') as error_file:
                error_file.write(message + "\n" + str(tb) + "\n")
def upgrade_fredbin(filename):

    # first try reading using standard methods
    data = fred.read_fredbin(filename)
    if data is not None:
        print("%s is up to date" % (filename))
        return None

    # read using other techniques
    data = read_old_fredbin(filename)

    if data is None:
        print("Cannot read %s " % (filename))
        return None

    # save the file
    with open(filename, 'wb') as outfile:
        print("Upgrading %s" % (filename))
        fred.write_fredbin(outfile, data)

    return filename
def add_fred(save_dir, filename):
    """Processes an APASS FRED file into zones using data contained in the tree"""
    print("Processing FRED file " + filename)

    impacted_zones = []
    data_dict = build_data_dict(filename)

    # if there isn't any data, bail out early.
    if data_dict is None:
        return impacted_zones

    # write the input data to zone mapping information to a file
    write_mapping_info(save_dir, filename, data_dict, mode="add")

    # remove any data that is not for a zone
    del data_dict['num_fred_data']

    # Write out the data being sure to lock all related files prior to opening
    for zone_id, data in data_dict.iteritems():

        # skip zones with no data
        if len(data) == 0:

        zone_filename = save_dir + '/' + name_zone_file(zone_id)
        contrib_filename = save_dir + '/' + name_zone_contrib_file(zone_id)

        with FileLock(zone_filename, timeout=100, delay=0.05):
            with open(zone_filename, 'a+b') as outfile:
                write_fredbin(outfile, data)

            with open(contrib_filename, 'a+') as outfile:
                outfile.write(filename + "\n")


    print("Completed FRED file " + filename)

    return impacted_zones
def save_zone_data(tree, directory):
    """Saves zone data from the tree to the specified directory"""

    leaves = tree.get_leaves()
    zone_id = leaves[0].zone_id
    filename = directory + '/' + apass.name_zone_container_file(zone_id)

    # Extract the data from the tree
    data = []
    for leaf in leaves:
        # leaf is a RectTree instance
        for container in leaf.containers:
            # container is a RectContainer instance
            temp = container.get_data()


    # convert the data to a fredbin and write to file
    data = fred.to_fredbin(data)
    with open(filename, 'wb') as outfile:
        fred.write_fredbin(outfile, data)