def optimality(characters):
    # Generate a prism file to represent SMG of game between both teams
    sys.stdout = open("smg.prism", "w")
    free_strat.run(characters, 1)
    free_strat.run(characters, 2)
    suffix.run(characters, False)
    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
    # run prism-games with lots of memory, hardcoded prism-games location on SAND
        "../../../../../../usr/local/prism-games-2.0.beta3-linux64/bin/prism -cuddmaxmem 100g -javamaxmem 100g smg.prism smg_props.props -prop 4 -s > log.txt"
    p1_opt = find_prev_result()
        "../../../../../../usr/local/prism-games-2.0.beta3-linux64/bin/prism -cuddmaxmem 100g -javamaxmem 100g smg.prism smg_props.props -prop 5 -s > log.txt"
    p2_opt = find_prev_result()
    return p1_opt, p2_opt
def optimality(characters):

    print "Calculating optimal values..."

    sys.stdout = open("smg.prism", "w")
    free_strat.run(characters, 1)
    free_strat.run(characters, 2)
    suffix.run(characters, False)

    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
        "~/../../usr/prism-games/prism-games-2.0.beta3-linux64/bin/prism -cuddmaxmem 4g smg.prism smg_props.props -prop 4 -s > log.txt"
    p1_opt = find_prev_result()
    print "Optimal strategy for player one guarentees:", p1_opt
        "~/../../usr/prism-games/prism-games-2.0.beta3-linux64/bin/prism -cuddmaxmem 4g smg.prism smg_props.props -prop 5 -s > log.txt"
    p2_opt = find_prev_result()
    print "Optimal strategy for player two guarentees:", p2_opt
    return p1_opt, p2_opt
def flip_and_run(it, opponent):
    print opponent, "is opponent team in iteration:", str(it)
    best_pair = None
    best_score = 0.0
    # build model for each opponent
    for i in range(len(possible_pairs)):
        pair_A = possible_pairs[i]
        pair_B = [possible_pairs[i][1]] + [possible_pairs[i][0]]
        pair_result_a = 0.0
        pair_result_b = 0.0
        # Calculate it forwards
        sys.stdout = open(
            "it" + str(it) + "vs" + possible_pairs[i][0] +
            possible_pairs[i][1] + ".prism", "w")
        if it % 2 == 1:
            matchup = possible_pairs[i] + opponent
            prefix.run(matchup, "mdp", False)  # False as |I| = 1
            free_strat.run(matchup, 1)
            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
            os.system("cat adversarial_strategy_" + str(it - 1) +
                      ".txt >> it" + str(it) + "vs" + possible_pairs[i][0] +
                      possible_pairs[i][1] + ".prism")
            sys.stdout = open(
                "it" + str(it) + "vs" + possible_pairs[i][0] +
                possible_pairs[i][1] + ".prism", "a")
            matchup = opponent + possible_pairs[i]
            prefix.run(matchup, "mdp", False)
            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
            os.system("cat adversarial_strategy_" + str(it - 1) +
                      ".txt >> it" + str(it) + "vs" + possible_pairs[i][0] +
                      possible_pairs[i][1] + ".prism")
            sys.stdout = open(
                "it" + str(it) + "vs" + possible_pairs[i][0] +
                possible_pairs[i][1] + ".prism", "a")
            free_strat.run(matchup, 2)
        suffix.run(matchup, False)  # False as |I| = 1
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
        os.system("prism -javamaxmem 100g -s it" + str(it) + "vs" +
                  possible_pairs[i][0] + possible_pairs[i][1] +
                  ".prism props.props -prop " + str(2 - it % 2) + " > log.txt")
        pair_result_a = find_prev_result()
        print "ProbAdv_" + str(2 - (it % 2)) + "(" + str(
            matchup) + ") = " + str(pair_result_a)

        # calculate it backwards
        sys.stdout = open(
            "it" + str(it) + "vs" + possible_pairs[i][1] +
            possible_pairs[i][0] + ".prism", "w")
        if it % 2 == 1:
            matchup = [possible_pairs[i][1]] + [possible_pairs[i][0]
                                                ] + opponent
            prefix.run(matchup, "mdp", False)  # False as |I| = 1
            free_strat.run(matchup, 1)
            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
            os.system("cat adversarial_strategy_" + str(it - 1) +
                      ".txt >> it" + str(it) + "vs" + possible_pairs[i][1] +
                      possible_pairs[i][0] + ".prism")
            sys.stdout = open(
                "it" + str(it) + "vs" + possible_pairs[i][1] +
                possible_pairs[i][0] + ".prism", "a")
            matchup = opponent + [possible_pairs[i][1]
                                  ] + [possible_pairs[i][0]]
            prefix.run(matchup, "mdp", False)
            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
            os.system("cat adversarial_strategy_" + str(it - 1) +
                      ".txt >> it" + str(it) + "vs" + possible_pairs[i][1] +
                      possible_pairs[i][0] + ".prism")
            sys.stdout = open(
                "it" + str(it) + "vs" + possible_pairs[i][1] +
                possible_pairs[i][0] + ".prism", "a")
            free_strat.run(matchup, 2)
        suffix.run(matchup, False)  # False as |I| = 1
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
        os.system("prism -javamaxmem 100g -s it" + str(it) + "vs" +
                  possible_pairs[i][1] + possible_pairs[i][0] +
                  ".prism props.props -prop " + str(2 - it % 2) + " > log.txt")
        pair_result_b = find_prev_result()
        print "ProbAdv_" + str(2 - (it % 2)) + "(" + str(
            matchup) + ") = " + str(pair_result_b)

        # forwards or backwards?
        pair_result = pair_result_a
        possible_pair = pair_A
        if pair_result_b < pair_result_a:
            pair_result = pair_result_b
            possible_pair = pair_B

        # find max
        if pair_result > best_score:
            best_score = pair_result
            best_pair = possible_pair
    print best_pair, "found as adversarial team, generating strategy..."
    # Write old_adv VS best_opp to file with multiple i in I for adversary calculation
    sys.stdout = open("it" + str(it) + "_adv.prism", "w")
    if it % 2 == 1:
        matchup = best_pair + opponent
        prefix.run(matchup, "mdp", True)  # True as |I| > 1
        free_strat.run(matchup, 1)
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
        os.system("cat adversarial_strategy_" + str(it - 1) + ".txt >> it" +
                  str(it) + "_adv.prism")
        sys.stdout = open("it" + str(it) + "_adv.prism", "a")
        suffix.run(matchup, True)  # True as |I| > 1
        matchup = opponent + best_pair
        prefix.run(matchup, "mdp", True)
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
        os.system("cat adversarial_strategy_" + str(it - 1) + ".txt >> it" +
                  str(it) + "_adv.prism")
        sys.stdout = open("it" + str(it) + "_adv.prism", "a")
        free_strat.run(matchup, 2)
        suffix.run(matchup, True)
    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
    os.system("prism -s -javamaxmem 100g it" + str(it) +
              "_adv.prism props.props -prop " + str(2 - it % 2) +
              " -s -exportadvmdp tmp.tra -exportstates tmp.sta > log.txt")
    sys.stdout = open("adversarial_strategy_" + str(it) + ".txt", "w")
    # Write adversary to file (adversarial_strategy_it)
    educate_strat.run(matchup, "tmp", 2 - (it % 2))
    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
    return best_pair, best_score
print chosen_seed_team, "chosen as the seed, calculating adversaries..."

# Find adversary of seed strategy:
# generate file: seed_v_free for all opponents
# calculate probAdv_2 and find_max() for greatest probAdv and 'best' opponent pair
sys.stdout = open("random_seed.txt", "w")
random_seed_strat.run(chosen_seed_team + ["K", "W"], 1, "none")
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
for i in range(len(possible_pairs)):
    sys.stdout = open("seed" + str(i) + ".prism", "w")
    matchup = chosen_seed_team + possible_pairs[i]
    prefix.run(matchup, "mdp", False)
    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
    os.system("cat random_seed.txt >> seed" + str(i) + ".prism")
    sys.stdout = open("seed" + str(i) + ".prism", "a")
    free_strat.run(matchup, 2)
    suffix.run(matchup, False)
    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
    os.system("prism -s -javamaxmem 100g seed" + str(i) +
              ".prism props.props -prop 2 > log.txt")
    pair_result = find_prev_result()
    print "ProbAdv_2(" + str(matchup) + ") = " + str(pair_result)
    if pair_result > best_score:
        best_score = pair_result
        best_pair = possible_pairs[i]

# Generate first adversary (adversarial_strategy_0.txt)
# Create model with multiple i in I
# write adversary to file using tmp files generated by PRISM calculation
print best_pair, "found as adversarial team, generating strategy..."
matchup = chosen_seed_team + best_pair
    for i in range(len(f)-1,0,-1):
        if "Result:" in f[i]:
            return f[i].split("ult: ")[1].split(" (value")[0]

config = sys.argv[1]
output_destination = sys.argv[2]
on_sand = sys.argv[3]

pairs = ["KA","KW","AW"]                # All material choices for a player
for pair in pairs:                      # For each pair
    print("Pair: " + pair + " generating optimal strategy, this can take up to 5 minutes ...")
    characters = pair+pair              # Generate the optimal strategy for a symmetric setup from the full initial set
    sys.stdout = open(output_destination + "/" + characters + "_smg_mul.prism", "w+")
    prefix.run(characters, 1, 1, config)
    free_strat.run(characters, 1)
    free_strat.run(characters, 2)
    suffix.run(characters, 1)
    sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
    if on_sand == "1":
    # Usually takes 2-3 seconds to build the model and 2.5 minutes to calculate the adversary
        # "on sand"
        os.system("/scratch/gethin/prism-william/prism/bin/prism " + output_destination + "/" + characters + "_smg_mul.prism \
        properties/smg.props -prop 1 -exportstates " + output_destination + "/tmp.sta -exportadvmdp " + output_destination + "/tmp.tra -javamaxmem 400g \
        > " + output_destination + "/log.txt")
        # "not on sand"
        os.system("prism " + output_destination + "/" + characters + "_smg_mul.prism properties/smg.props -prop 1 -javamaxmem 4g -exportstates " + output_destination + "/tmp.sta -exportadvmdp " + output_destination + "/tmp.tra > " + output_destination + "/log.txt")
    print("Strategy generated, calculating adversaries..")
    # Strategy is encoded in tmp.sta and tmp.tra files.
    sys.stdout = open(output_destination + "/" + pair + "_optimal_strategy.txt", "w+")