文件: notifier.py 项目: MrYHM/freenas
    def winacl_reset(self, path, owner=None, group=None, exclude=None, recursive=True):
        if exclude is None:
            exclude = []

        if isinstance(owner, bytes):
            owner = owner.decode('utf-8')

        if isinstance(group, bytes):
            group = group.decode('utf-8')

        if isinstance(path, bytes):
            path = path.decode('utf-8')

        aclfile = os.path.join(path, ACL_WINDOWS_FILE)
        if not os.path.exists(aclfile):
            open(aclfile, 'a').close()

        winacl = "/usr/local/bin/winacl"
        args = "-a reset"
        if owner is not None:
            args = "%s -O '%s'" % (args, owner)
        if group is not None:
            args = "%s -G '%s'" % (args, group)
        apply_paths = exclude_path(path, exclude)
        apply_paths = [(y, f' {"-r " if recursive else ""}') for y in apply_paths]
        if len(apply_paths) > 1:
            apply_paths.insert(0, (path, ''))
        for apath, flags in apply_paths:
            fargs = args + "%s -p '%s'" % (flags, apath)
            cmd = "%s %s" % (winacl, fargs)
            log.debug("winacl_reset: cmd = %s", cmd)
    def winacl_reset(self, path, owner=None, group=None, exclude=None, recursive=True):
        if exclude is None:
            exclude = []

        if isinstance(owner, bytes):
            owner = owner.decode('utf-8')

        if isinstance(group, bytes):
            group = group.decode('utf-8')

        if isinstance(path, bytes):
            path = path.decode('utf-8')

        aclfile = os.path.join(path, ACL_WINDOWS_FILE)
        if not os.path.exists(aclfile):
            open(aclfile, 'a').close()

        winacl = "/usr/local/bin/winacl"
        args = "-a reset"
        if owner is not None:
            args = "%s -O '%s'" % (args, owner)
        if group is not None:
            args = "%s -G '%s'" % (args, group)
        apply_paths = exclude_path(path, exclude)
        apply_paths = [(y, f' {"-r " if recursive else ""}') for y in apply_paths]
        if len(apply_paths) > 1:
            apply_paths.insert(0, (path, ''))
        for apath, flags in apply_paths:
            fargs = args + "%s -p '%s'" % (flags, apath)
            cmd = "%s %s" % (winacl, fargs)
            log.debug("winacl_reset: cmd = %s", cmd)
文件: notifier.py 项目: MrYHM/freenas
    def mp_change_permission(self, path='/mnt', user=None, group=None,
                             mode=None, recursive=False, acl='unix',

        if exclude is None:
            exclude = []

        if isinstance(group, bytes):
            group = group.decode('utf-8')

        if isinstance(user, bytes):
            user = user.decode('utf-8')

        if isinstance(mode, bytes):
            mode = mode.decode('utf-8')

        if isinstance(path, bytes):
            path = path.decode('utf-8')

        winacl = os.path.join(path, ACL_WINDOWS_FILE)
        macacl = os.path.join(path, ACL_MAC_FILE)
        winexists = os.path.exists(winacl)
        with libzfs.ZFS() as zfs:
            zfs_dataset_name = zfs.get_dataset_by_path(path).name

        if acl == 'windows':
            if not winexists:
                open(winacl, 'a').close()
                winexists = True
            if os.path.isfile(macacl):
        elif acl == 'mac':
            if winexists:
            if not os.path.isfile(macacl):
                open(macacl, 'a').close()
        elif acl == 'unix':
            if winexists:
                winexists = False
            if os.path.isfile(macacl):

        if winexists:
            self.zfs_set_option(zfs_dataset_name, "aclmode", "restricted", recursive)
            script = "/usr/local/bin/winacl"
            args = ''
            if user is not None:
                args += " -O '%s'" % user
            if group is not None:
                args += " -G '%s'" % group
            args += " -a reset "
            if recursive:
                apply_paths = exclude_path(path, exclude)
                apply_paths = [(y, ' -r ') for y in apply_paths]
                if len(apply_paths) > 1:
                    apply_paths.insert(0, (path, ''))
                apply_paths = [(path, '')]
            for apath, flags in apply_paths:
                fargs = args + "%s -p '%s'" % (flags, apath)
                cmd = "%s %s" % (script, fargs)
                log.debug("XXX: CMD = %s", cmd)

            self.zfs_set_option(zfs_dataset_name, "aclmode", "passthrough", recursive)
            if recursive:
                apply_paths = exclude_path(path, exclude)
                apply_paths = [(y, '-R') for y in apply_paths]
                if len(apply_paths) > 1:
                    apply_paths.insert(0, (path, ''))
                apply_paths = [(path, '')]
            for apath, flags in apply_paths:
                if user is not None and group is not None:
                    self._system("/usr/sbin/chown %s '%s':'%s' '%s'" % (flags, user, group, apath))
                elif user is not None:
                    self._system("/usr/sbin/chown %s '%s' '%s'" % (flags, user, apath))
                elif group is not None:
                    self._system("/usr/sbin/chown %s :'%s' '%s'" % (flags, group, apath))
                if mode is not None:
                    self._system("/bin/chmod %s %s '%s'" % (flags, mode, apath))
    def mp_change_permission(self, path='/mnt', user=None, group=None,
                             mode=None, recursive=False, acl='unix',

        if exclude is None:
            exclude = []

        if isinstance(group, bytes):
            group = group.decode('utf-8')

        if isinstance(user, bytes):
            user = user.decode('utf-8')

        if isinstance(mode, bytes):
            mode = mode.decode('utf-8')

        if isinstance(path, bytes):
            path = path.decode('utf-8')

        winacl = os.path.join(path, ACL_WINDOWS_FILE)
        macacl = os.path.join(path, ACL_MAC_FILE)
        winexists = os.path.exists(winacl)
        with libzfs.ZFS() as zfs:
            zfs_dataset_name = zfs.get_dataset_by_path(path).name

        if acl == 'windows':
            if not winexists:
                open(winacl, 'a').close()
                winexists = True
            if os.path.isfile(macacl):
        elif acl == 'mac':
            if winexists:
            if not os.path.isfile(macacl):
                open(macacl, 'a').close()
        elif acl == 'unix':
            if winexists:
                winexists = False
            if os.path.isfile(macacl):

        if winexists:
            self.zfs_set_option(zfs_dataset_name, "aclmode", "restricted", recursive)
            script = "/usr/local/bin/winacl"
            args = ''
            if user is not None:
                args += " -O '%s'" % user
            if group is not None:
                args += " -G '%s'" % group
            args += " -a reset "
            if recursive:
                apply_paths = exclude_path(path, exclude)
                apply_paths = [(y, ' -r ') for y in apply_paths]
                if len(apply_paths) > 1:
                    apply_paths.insert(0, (path, ''))
                apply_paths = [(path, '')]
            for apath, flags in apply_paths:
                fargs = args + "%s -p '%s'" % (flags, apath)
                cmd = "%s %s" % (script, fargs)
                log.debug("XXX: CMD = %s", cmd)

            self.zfs_set_option(zfs_dataset_name, "aclmode", "passthrough", recursive)
            if recursive:
                apply_paths = exclude_path(path, exclude)
                apply_paths = [(y, '-R') for y in apply_paths]
                if len(apply_paths) > 1:
                    apply_paths.insert(0, (path, ''))
                apply_paths = [(path, '')]
            for apath, flags in apply_paths:
                if user is not None and group is not None:
                    self._system("/usr/sbin/chown %s '%s':'%s' '%s'" % (flags, user, group, apath))
                elif user is not None:
                    self._system("/usr/sbin/chown %s '%s' '%s'" % (flags, user, apath))
                elif group is not None:
                    self._system("/usr/sbin/chown %s :'%s' '%s'" % (flags, group, apath))
                if mode is not None:
                    self._system("/bin/chmod %s %s '%s'" % (flags, mode, apath))