def test_SimlFunction_1(): #IGNORE:C01111
    msg =  \
Test SimlFunction: call user defined function 
User defined functions are created without parser.
    print msg
    from freeode.interpreter import (Interpreter, SimlFunction, 
                                     Signature, IFloat, IString)
    from freeode.ast import NodeFuncArg, NodeReturnStmt, NodeIdentifier
    from freeode.util import UserException

    #create the interpreter
    intp = Interpreter()    #IGNORE:W0612
    lib = intp.built_in_lib
    #create a Siml value as function argument
    val_1 = IFloat(1)
    #create a function without statements (impossible in Siml)
    # func test(a:Float):
    #     ** nothing **
    f1 = SimlFunction('test', Signature([NodeFuncArg('a', IFloat)]), 
                      statements=[], global_scope=lib)
    #call with existing value
    intp.apply(f1, (val_1,))
    #create a function with return statement - uses interpreter for executing the statement
    # func test(a:Float) -> Float:
    #     return a
    f2 = SimlFunction('test', Signature([NodeFuncArg('a', IFloat)], IFloat), 
    #call function and see if value is returned
    ret_val = intp.apply(f2, (val_1,))
    assert ret_val.value == 1. #IGNORE:E1103

    #create a function with wrong return type
    # func test(a:Float) -> String:
    #     return a
    f3= SimlFunction('test', Signature([NodeFuncArg('a', IFloat)], IString), 
    def raise_1():
        intp.apply(f3, (val_1,))
    assert_raises(UserException, 3200320, raise_1)
def test_SimlFunction_3(): #IGNORE:C01111
    msg = \
Test SimlFunction: storage of local variables during code collection.
User defined functions are created without parser.
    print msg
    from freeode.interpreter import (Interpreter, SimlFunction, IModule,
                                     Signature, IFloat)
    from freeode.ast import NodeFuncArg
    from freeode.util import DotName #, aa_make_tree 

    #create the interpreter 
    intp = Interpreter()        
    #create a Siml value as function argument
    val_1 = IFloat(1)

    #create a function without statements (impossible in Siml)
    # func test(a:Float):
    #     ** nothing **
    f1 = SimlFunction('test', Signature([NodeFuncArg('a', IFloat)]), 
                      statements=[], global_scope=intp.built_in_lib, loc=None,
    #create module where the function lives
    mod1 = IModule()
    mod1.test = f1
    #call with existing value
    # and set interpreter up to collect code. In this mode local variables of all 
    # functions must become algebraic variables of the simulation object.
    intp.apply(f1, (val_1,))
    _stmts, fn_locals = intp.stop_collect_code()
    #print aa_make_tree(fn_locals)
    #The function argument 'a' must appear in the storage for local variables
    assert fn_locals.test.i1.a is val_1