def plot_tsp3d(): fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) pp = np.logspace(-3,3,20) ss = np.linspace(0.,10., 40) xdata,ydata = np.meshgrid(pp, ss) zdata = np.zeros(xdata.shape) for i, p in enumerate(pp): for j, s in enumerate(ss): T = None if not freesteam.bounds_ps(p*1e5,s*1e3,0): try: T = freesteam.steam_ps(p*1e5,s*1e3).T except: pass zdata[j, i]= T ax.plot_wireframe(xdata, ydata, zdata, rstride=1, cstride=1) ax.set_xlabel('Pressure / [bar]') ax.set_ylabel('Entropy / [kJ/kgK]') ax.set_zlabel('Temperature / [K]') TT0 = np.linspace(273.15, freesteam.TCRIT, 100) psat = [freesteam.psat_T(T)/1e5 for T in TT0] sf = [freesteam.region4_Tx(T,0).s/1e3 for T in TT0] sg = [freesteam.region4_Tx(T,1).s/1e3 for T in TT0] ax.plot(psat, sf, TT0,'k-') ax.plot(psat, sg, TT0,'r-')
def plot_tsp3d(): fig = plt.figure() ax = Axes3D(fig) pp = np.logspace(-3, 3, 20) ss = np.linspace(0., 10., 40) xdata, ydata = np.meshgrid(pp, ss) zdata = np.zeros(xdata.shape) for i, p in enumerate(pp): for j, s in enumerate(ss): T = None if not freesteam.bounds_ps(p * 1e5, s * 1e3, 0): try: T = freesteam.steam_ps(p * 1e5, s * 1e3).T except: pass zdata[j, i] = T ax.plot_wireframe(xdata, ydata, zdata, rstride=1, cstride=1) ax.set_xlabel('Pressure / [bar]') ax.set_ylabel('Entropy / [kJ/kgK]') ax.set_zlabel('Temperature / [K]') TT0 = np.linspace(273.15, freesteam.TCRIT, 100) psat = [freesteam.psat_T(T) / 1e5 for T in TT0] sf = [freesteam.region4_Tx(T, 0).s / 1e3 for T in TT0] sg = [freesteam.region4_Tx(T, 1).s / 1e3 for T in TT0] ax.plot(psat, sf, TT0, 'k-') ax.plot(psat, sg, TT0, 'r-')
psat = array([freesteam.psat_T(T) / 1e6 for T in TT0]) sf = [freesteam.region4_Tx(T, 0).s / 1e3 for T in TT0] sg = [freesteam.region4_Tx(T, 1).s / 1e3 for T in TT0] plot(sf, TT0, 'b-') plot(sg, TT0, 'r-') # LINES OF CONSTANT PRESSURE pp = logspace(-3, 3, 50) * 1e5 ss = arange(0., 10., 0.1) * 1e3 for p in pp: TT = [] for s in ss: T = None if not freesteam.bounds_ps(p, s, 0): try: T = freesteam.steam_ps(p, s).T except: pass TT += [T] plot(ss / 1e3, TT, alpha=0.4) #sys.exit(1) # QUIVER SHOWING PARTIAL DERVIATIVE (dT/ds)p ss1 = arange(0., 10., 0.5) * 1e3 x = [] y = [] u = []
psat = array([freesteam.psat_T(T)/1e6 for T in TT0]) sf = [freesteam.region4_Tx(T,0).s/1e3 for T in TT0] sg = [freesteam.region4_Tx(T,1).s/1e3 for T in TT0] plot(sf,TT0,'b-') plot(sg,TT0,'r-') # LINES OF CONSTANT PRESSURE pp = logspace(-3,3,50)*1e5 ss = arange(0.,10.,0.1)*1e3 for p in pp: TT = [] for s in ss: T = None if not freesteam.bounds_ps(p,s,0): try: T = freesteam.steam_ps(p,s).T except: pass TT += [T] plot(ss/1e3,TT,alpha=0.4) #sys.exit(1) # QUIVER SHOWING PARTIAL DERVIATIVE (dT/ds)p ss1 = arange(0.,10.,0.5)*1e3 x = [] y = [] u = []