def initialize(reportclass, request): if reportclass._attributes_added != 2: reportclass._attributes_added = 2 reportclass.attr_sql = "" # Adding custom operation attributes for f in getAttributeFields( Operation, related_name_prefix="operation", initially_hidden=True ): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,) reportclass.attr_sql += "operation.%s, " %"__")[-1] # Adding custom item attributes for f in getAttributeFields( Item, related_name_prefix="item", initially_hidden=True ): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,) reportclass.attr_sql += "item.%s, " %"__")[-1] # Adding custom location attributes for f in getAttributeFields( Location, related_name_prefix="location", initially_hidden=True ): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,) reportclass.attr_sql += "location.%s, " %"__")[-1]
def initialize(reportclass, request): if reportclass._attributes_added != 2: reportclass._attributes_added = 2 reportclass.attr_sql = "" # Adding custom item attributes for f in getAttributeFields(Item, related_name_prefix="item", initially_hidden=True): reportclass.rows += (f, ) reportclass.attr_sql += "item.%s, " %"__")[-1] # Adding custom location attributes for f in getAttributeFields(Location, related_name_prefix="location", initially_hidden=True): reportclass.rows += (f, ) reportclass.attr_sql += "location.%s, " % "__")[-1] # Adding custom customer attributes for f in getAttributeFields(Customer, related_name_prefix="customer", initially_hidden=True): reportclass.rows += (f, ) reportclass.attr_sql += "customer.%s, " % "__")[-1] # Adding custom demand attributes for f in getAttributeFields(Demand, initially_hidden=True): reportclass.rows += (f, ) reportclass.attr_sql += "demand.%s, " %"__")[-1]
def initialize(reportclass, request): if reportclass._attributes_added != 2: reportclass._attributes_added = 2 reportclass.attr_sql = "" # Adding custom item attributes for f in getAttributeFields( Item, related_name_prefix="item", initially_hidden=True ): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,) t ="__")[-1] reportclass.attr_sql += "item.%s as item__%s, " % (t, t) # Adding custom location attributes for f in getAttributeFields( Location, related_name_prefix="location", initially_hidden=True ): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,) t ="__")[-1] reportclass.attr_sql += "location.%s as location__%s, " % (t, t) # Adding custom supplier attributes for f in getAttributeFields( Supplier, related_name_prefix="supplier", initially_hidden=True ): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,) t ="__")[-1] reportclass.attr_sql += "supplier.%s as supplier__%s, " % (t, t)
def initialize(reportclass, request): if reportclass._attributes_added != 2: reportclass._attributes_added = 2 # Adding custom operation attributes for f in getAttributeFields( Operation, related_name_prefix="operationplan__operation"): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f, ) # Adding custom resource attributes for f in getAttributeFields(Resource, related_name_prefix="resource"): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f, ) # Adding custom item attributes for f in getAttributeFields( Item, related_name_prefix="operationplan__operation__item"): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f, ) # Adding custom operationplan attributes for f in getAttributeFields( OperationPlan, related_name_prefix="operationplan", initially_hidden=True, ): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f, )
def initialize(reportclass, request): if reportclass._attributes_added != 2: reportclass._attributes_added = 2 # Adding custom operation attributes for f in getAttributeFields(Operation, related_name_prefix="operation"): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,) # Adding custom resource attributes for f in getAttributeFields(Resource, related_name_prefix="resource"): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,)
def initialize(reportclass, request): if reportclass._attributes_added != 2: reportclass._attributes_added = 2 reportclass.attr_sql = '' # Adding custom item attributes for f in getAttributeFields(Item, initially_hidden=True): reportclass.rows += (f,) reportclass.attr_sql += 'item.%s, ' %'__')[-1] # Adding custom location attributes for f in getAttributeFields(Location, related_name_prefix="location", initially_hidden=True): reportclass.rows += (f,) reportclass.attr_sql += 'location.%s, ' %'__')[-1]
def initialize(reportclass, request): if reportclass._attributes_added != 2: reportclass._attributes_added = 2 for f in getAttributeFields(PurchaseOrder): reportclass.rows += (f,) for f in getAttributeFields(Item, related_name_prefix="item"): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,) for f in getAttributeFields(Location, related_name_prefix="location"): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,) for f in getAttributeFields(Supplier, related_name_prefix="supplier"): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,)
def initialize(reportclass, request): if reportclass._attributes_added != 2: reportclass._attributes_added = 2 reportclass.attr_sql = '' # Adding custom resource attributes for f in getAttributeFields(Resource, initially_hidden=True): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,) reportclass.attr_sql += 'res.%s, ' %'__')[-1] # Adding custom location attributes for f in getAttributeFields(Location, related_name_prefix="location", initially_hidden=True): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,) reportclass.attr_sql += 'location.%s, ' %'__')[-1]
def initialize(reportclass, request): if reportclass._attributes_added != 2: reportclass._attributes_added = 2 for f in getAttributeFields(DistributionOrder): reportclass.rows += (f,) for f in getAttributeFields(Item, related_name_prefix="item"): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,) for f in getAttributeFields(Location, related_name_prefix="origin"): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,) for f in getAttributeFields(Location, related_name_prefix="destination"): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,)
def initialize(reportclass, request): if reportclass._attributes_added != 2: reportclass._attributes_added = 2 reportclass.attr_sql = '' # Adding custom item attributes for f in getAttributeFields(Item, initially_hidden=True): reportclass.attr_sql += 'item.%s, ' %'__')[-1]
def initialize(reportclass, request): if reportclass._attributes_added != 2: reportclass._attributes_added = 2 reportclass.attr_sql = "" # Adding custom item attributes for f in getAttributeFields(Item, initially_hidden=False): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,) reportclass.attr_sql += "parent.%s, " %"__")[-1]
def initialize(reportclass, request): if reportclass._attributes_added != 2: reportclass._attributes_added = 2 reportclass.attr_sql = '' # Adding custom item attributes for f in getAttributeFields(Item, initially_hidden=True): f.editable = False reportclass.rows += (f,) reportclass.attr_sql += 'parent.%s, ' %'__')[-1]
def initialize(reportclass, request): if reportclass._attributes_added != 2: reportclass._attributes_added = 2 for f in getAttributeFields(DeliveryOrder): reportclass.rows += (f, ) for f in getAttributeFields(Item, related_name_prefix="item"): f.editable = False f.initially_hidden = True reportclass.rows += (f, ) for f in getAttributeFields(Location, related_name_prefix="location"): f.editable = False f.initially_hidden = True reportclass.rows += (f, ) for f in getAttributeFields( Customer, related_name_prefix="demand__customer"): f.editable = False f.initially_hidden = True reportclass.rows += (f, )
def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql='1 asc'): basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler( basequery.db).as_sql(with_col_aliases=False) # Get the time units units = OverviewReport.getUnits(request) # Assure the item hierarchy is up to date Resource.rebuildHierarchy(database=basequery.db) # Execute the query cursor = connections[request.database].cursor() query = ''' select, res.description, res.category, res.subcategory, res.type, res.maximum, res.maximum_calendar_id, res.cost, res.maxearly, res.setupmatrix_id, res.setup,, location.description, location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, coalesce(max(plan_summary.avg_util),0) as avgutil, res.available_id available_calendar, %s d.bucket as col1, d.startdate as col2, coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.available),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as available, coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.unavailable),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as unavailable, coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.load),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as loading, coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.setup),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as setup from (%s) res left outer join location on res.location_id = -- Multiply with buckets cross join ( select name as bucket, startdate, enddate from common_bucketdetail where bucket_id = '%s' and enddate > '%s' and startdate < '%s' ) d -- Utilization info left join out_resourceplan on = out_resourceplan.resource and d.startdate <= out_resourceplan.startdate and d.enddate > out_resourceplan.startdate and out_resourceplan.startdate >= '%s' and out_resourceplan.startdate < '%s' -- Average utilization info left join ( select resource, ( coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.load),0) + coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.setup),0) ) * 100.0 / coalesce(greatest(sum(out_resourceplan.available), 0.0001),1) as avg_util from out_resourceplan where out_resourceplan.startdate >= '%s' and out_resourceplan.startdate < '%s' group by resource ) plan_summary on = plan_summary.resource -- Grouping and sorting group by, res.description, res.category, res.subcategory, res.type, res.maximum, res.maximum_calendar_id, res.available_id, res.cost, res.maxearly, res.setupmatrix_id, res.setup,, location.description, location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, %s d.bucket, d.startdate order by %s, d.startdate ''' % (reportclass.attr_sql, units[0], units[0], units[0], units[0], basesql, request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, reportclass.attr_sql, sortsql) cursor.execute(query, baseparams) # Build the python result for row in cursor.fetchall(): numfields = len(row) if row[numfields - 4] != 0: util = row[numfields - 2] * 100 / row[numfields - 4] else: util = 0 result = { 'resource': row[0], 'description': row[1], 'category': row[2], 'subcategory': row[3], 'type': row[4], 'maximum': row[5], 'maximum_calendar': row[6], 'cost': row[7], 'maxearly': row[8], 'setupmatrix': row[9], 'setup': row[10], 'location__name': row[11], 'location__description': row[12], 'location__category': row[13], 'location__subcategory': row[14], 'location__available': row[15], 'avgutil': round(row[16], 2), 'available_calendar': row[17], 'bucket': row[numfields - 6], 'startdate': row[numfields - 5].date(), 'available': round(row[numfields - 4], 1), 'unavailable': round(row[numfields - 3], 1), 'load': round(row[numfields - 2], 1), 'setup': round(row[numfields - 1], 1), 'utilization': round(util, 2) } idx = 17 for f in getAttributeFields(Resource): result[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 for f in getAttributeFields(Location): result[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 yield result
def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql='1 asc'): basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler(basequery.db).as_sql(with_col_aliases=False) # Assure the item hierarchy is up to date Item.rebuildHierarchy(database=basequery.db) # Execute a query to get the backlog at the start of the horizon startbacklogdict = {} query = ''' select name, sum(qty) from ( select, sum(demand.quantity) qty from (%s) item inner join item parent on item.lft between parent.lft and parent.rght inner join demand on demand.item_id = and demand.status in ('open','quote') and due < %%s group by union all select, sum(operationplanmaterial.quantity) qty from operationplanmaterial inner join operationplan on operationplan.reference = operationplanmaterial.operationplan_id and operationplan.type = 'DLVR' and operationplan.enddate < %%s inner join (%s) item on operationplanmaterial.item_id = inner join item parent on item.lft between parent.lft and parent.rght group by ) t group by name ''' % (basesql, basesql) with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked: cursor_chunked.execute(query, baseparams + (request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate) + baseparams) for row in cursor_chunked: if row[0]: startbacklogdict[row[0]] = float(row[1]) # Execute the query query = ''' select, parent.description, parent.category, parent.subcategory, parent.owner_id, parent.cost, parent.source, parent.lastmodified, %s d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate, sum(coalesce((select sum(quantity) from demand where demand.item_id = and status in ('open','quote') and due >= greatest(%%s,d.startdate) and due < d.enddate),0)) orders, sum(coalesce((select sum(-operationplanmaterial.quantity) from operationplanmaterial inner join operationplan on operationplan.reference = operationplanmaterial.operationplan_id and operationplan.type = 'DLVR' where operationplanmaterial.item_id = and operationplanmaterial.flowdate >= greatest(%%s,d.startdate) and operationplanmaterial.flowdate < d.enddate),0)) planned from (%s) parent inner join item child on child.lft between parent.lft and parent.rght cross join ( select name as bucket, startdate, enddate from common_bucketdetail where bucket_id = %%s and enddate > %%s and startdate < %%s ) d group by, parent.description, parent.category, parent.subcategory, parent.owner_id, parent.cost, parent.source, parent.lastmodified, %s d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate order by %s, d.startdate ''' % (reportclass.attr_sql, basesql, reportclass.attr_sql, sortsql) # Build the python result with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked: cursor_chunked.execute( query, (request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate) + # orders planned baseparams + (request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate) # buckets ) previtem = None for row in cursor_chunked: numfields = len(row) if row[0] != previtem: backlog = startbacklogdict.get(row[0], 0) previtem = row[0] backlog += float(row[numfields - 2]) - float(row[numfields - 1]) res = { 'item': row[0], 'description': row[1], 'category': row[2], 'subcategory': row[3], 'owner': row[4], 'cost': row[5], 'source': row[6], 'lastmodified': row[7], 'bucket': row[numfields - 5], 'startdate': row[numfields - 4].date(), 'enddate': row[numfields - 3].date(), 'demand': row[numfields - 2], 'supply': row[numfields - 1], 'backlog': backlog, } idx = 8 for f in getAttributeFields(Item): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 yield res
def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql='1 asc'): cursor = connections[request.database].cursor() basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler(basequery.db).as_sql(with_col_aliases=False) # Execute the actual query query = ''' with opplanmat as ( %s ), ss_buckets as ( -- Buffer min cal entries select buffer.item_id, buffer.location_id, 2 priority_1, calendarbucket.priority priority_2, calendarbucket.value ssvalue, coalesce(calendarbucket.startdate, '1971-01-01'::timestamp) startdate, coalesce(calendarbucket.enddate, '2030-12-31'::timestamp) enddate from buffer inner join opplanmat on buffer.item_id = opplanmat.item_id and buffer.location_id = opplanmat.location_id inner join calendarbucket on calendarbucket.calendar_id = buffer.minimum_calendar_id union all -- Buffer min cal default value + Buffer min select opplanmat.item_id, opplanmat.location_id, 2 priority_1, 99999999, coalesce(calendar.defaultvalue, buffer.minimum), '1971-01-01'::timestamp, '2030-12-31'::timestamp from buffer inner join opplanmat on buffer.item_id = opplanmat.item_id and buffer.location_id = opplanmat.location_id left outer join calendar on = buffer.minimum_calendar_id ) select invplan.item_id || ' @ ' || invplan.location_id, invplan.item_id, invplan.location_id, item.description, item.category, item.subcategory, item.owner_id, item.source, item.lastmodified, location.description, location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, location.owner_id, location.source, location.lastmodified, %s invplan.startoh, invplan.startoh + invplan.produced - invplan.consumed as endoh, coalesce(( select extract (epoch from case when initial_onhand <= 0 then interval '0 day' else min(flowdate) - greatest(invplan.startdate, %%s) end)/(3600*24) days_of_cover from ( select item_id, location_id, flowdate, onhand - quantity onhand_before, onhand onhand_after, first_value(onhand - quantity) over(partition by item_id, location_id order by item_id, location_id, flowdate,id) initial_onhand, sum(case when quantity < 0 then -quantity else 0 end) over(partition by item_id, location_id order by item_id, location_id, flowdate,id) total_consumed from operationplanmaterial where flowdate >= greatest(invplan.startdate, %%s) and item_id = invplan.item_id and location_id = invplan.location_id ) t where total_consumed >= initial_onhand group by item_id, location_id, initial_onhand ), case when invplan.startoh <= 0 then 0 else 999 end) startohdoc, invplan.bucket, invplan.startdate, invplan.enddate, ( select ssvalue from ss_buckets where ss_buckets.item_id = invplan.item_id and ss_buckets.startdate <= greatest(invplan.startdate, %%s) and ss_buckets.enddate > greatest(invplan.startdate, %%s) and ssvalue is not null order by ss_buckets.priority_1, ss_buckets.priority_2 limit 1 ) safetystock, invplan.consumed, invplan.consumedMO, invplan.consumedDO, invplan.consumedSO, invplan.produced, invplan.producedMO, invplan.producedDO, invplan.producedPO from ( select opplanmat.item_id, opplanmat.location_id, d.bucket as bucket, d.startdate as startdate, d.enddate as enddate, coalesce(sum(greatest(operationplanmaterial.quantity, 0)),0) as produced, coalesce(sum(greatest(case when operationplan.type = 'MO' then operationplanmaterial.quantity else 0 end, 0)),0) as producedMO, coalesce(sum(greatest(case when operationplan.type = 'DO' then operationplanmaterial.quantity else 0 end, 0)),0) as producedDO, coalesce(sum(greatest(case when operationplan.type = 'PO' then operationplanmaterial.quantity else 0 end, 0)),0) as producedPO, coalesce(-sum(least(operationplanmaterial.quantity, 0)),0) as consumed, coalesce(-sum(least(case when operationplan.type = 'MO' then operationplanmaterial.quantity else 0 end, 0)),0) as consumedMO, coalesce(-sum(least(case when operationplan.type = 'DO' then operationplanmaterial.quantity else 0 end, 0)),0) as consumedDO, coalesce(-sum(least(case when operationplan.type = 'DLVR' then operationplanmaterial.quantity else 0 end, 0)),0) as consumedSO, coalesce(initial_on_hand.onhand,0) startoh from opplanmat -- Multiply with buckets cross join ( select name as bucket, startdate, enddate from common_bucketdetail where bucket_id = %%s and enddate > %%s and startdate < %%s ) d -- Initial on hand left join operationplanmaterial initial_on_hand on initial_on_hand.item_id = opplanmat.item_id and initial_on_hand.location_id = opplanmat.location_id and initial_on_hand.flowdate < greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and not exists (select 1 from operationplanmaterial opm where opm.item_id = initial_on_hand.item_id and opm.location_id = initial_on_hand.location_id and opm.flowdate < greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and > -- Consumed and produced quantities left join operationplanmaterial on opplanmat.item_id = operationplanmaterial.item_id and opplanmat.location_id = operationplanmaterial.location_id and d.startdate <= operationplanmaterial.flowdate and d.enddate > operationplanmaterial.flowdate and operationplanmaterial.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and operationplanmaterial.flowdate < %%s left outer join operationplan on = operationplanmaterial.operationplan_id -- Grouping and sorting group by opplanmat.item_id, opplanmat.location_id, d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate, coalesce(initial_on_hand.onhand,0) ) invplan left outer join item on invplan.item_id = left outer join location on invplan.location_id = order by %s, invplan.startdate ''' % ( basesql, reportclass.attr_sql, sortsql ) cursor.execute( query, baseparams + ( request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate, request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate ) ) # Build the python result prevbuf = None for row in cursor.fetchall(): numfields = len(row) res = { 'buffer': row[0], 'item': row[1], 'location': row[2], 'item__description': row[3], 'item__category': row[4], 'item__subcategory': row[5], 'item__owner': row[6], 'item__source': row[7], 'item__lastmodified': row[8], 'location__description': row[9], 'location__category': row[10], 'location__subcategory': row[11], 'location__available_id': row[12], 'location__owner_id': row[13], 'location__source': row[14], 'location__lastmodified': row[15], 'startoh': round(row[numfields - 15], 1), 'endoh': round(row[numfields - 14], 1), 'startohdoc': int(row[numfields - 13]), 'bucket': row[numfields - 12], 'startdate': row[numfields - 11].date(), 'enddate': row[numfields - 10].date(), 'safetystock': round(row[numfields - 9] or 0, 1), 'consumed': round(row[numfields - 8], 1), 'consumedMO': round(row[numfields - 7], 1), 'consumedDO': round(row[numfields - 6], 1), 'consumedSO': round(row[numfields - 5], 1), 'produced': round(row[numfields - 4], 1), 'producedMO': round(row[numfields - 3], 1), 'producedDO': round(row[numfields - 2], 1), 'producedPO': round(row[numfields - 1], 1), } # Add attribute fields idx = 16 for f in getAttributeFields(Item, related_name_prefix="item"): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 for f in getAttributeFields(Location, related_name_prefix="location"): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 yield res
def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql='1 asc'): cursor = connections[request.database].cursor() basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler(basequery.db).as_sql(with_col_aliases=False) # Execute the actual query query = ''' select||' @ '||, item_id, location_id, item.description, item.category, item.subcategory, item.owner_id, item.source, item.lastmodified, location.description, location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, location.owner_id, location.source, location.lastmodified, %s coalesce((select onhand from operationplanmaterial where item_id = and location_id = and flowdate < greatest(d.startdate,%%s) order by flowdate desc, id desc limit 1),0) startoh, coalesce((select onhand from operationplanmaterial where item_id = and location_id = and flowdate < greatest(d.startdate,%%s) order by flowdate desc, id desc limit 1),0) - coalesce(-sum(least(operationplanmaterial.quantity, 0)),0) + coalesce(sum(greatest(operationplanmaterial.quantity, 0)),0) endoh, case when coalesce((select onhand from operationplanmaterial where item_id = and location_id = and flowdate < greatest(d.startdate,%%s) order by flowdate desc, id desc limit 1),0) = 0 then 0 when (select to_char(flowdate,'YYYY-MM-DD')||' '||round(periodofcover/86400) from operationplanmaterial where item_id = and location_id = and flowdate < greatest(d.startdate,%%s) order by flowdate desc, id desc limit 1) = '1971-01-01 999' then 999 else extract( epoch from (select flowdate from operationplanmaterial where item_id = and location_id = and flowdate < greatest(d.startdate,%%s) order by flowdate desc, id desc limit 1) + coalesce((select periodofcover from operationplanmaterial where item_id = and location_id = and flowdate < greatest(d.startdate,%%s) order by flowdate desc, id desc limit 1),0) * interval '1 second' - greatest(d.startdate,%%s))/86400 end startohdoc, d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate, coalesce((select minimum from operationplanmaterial where item_id = and location_id = and flowdate < greatest(d.startdate,%%s) order by flowdate desc, id desc limit 1),0) safetystock, coalesce(-sum(least(operationplanmaterial.quantity, 0)),0) as consumed, coalesce(-sum(least(case when operationplan.type = 'MO' then operationplanmaterial.quantity else 0 end, 0)),0) as consumedMO, coalesce(-sum(least(case when operationplan.type = 'DO' then operationplanmaterial.quantity else 0 end, 0)),0) as consumedDO, coalesce(-sum(least(case when operationplan.type = 'DLVR' then operationplanmaterial.quantity else 0 end, 0)),0) as consumedSO, coalesce(sum(greatest(operationplanmaterial.quantity, 0)),0) as produced, coalesce(sum(greatest(case when operationplan.type = 'MO' then operationplanmaterial.quantity else 0 end, 0)),0) as producedMO, coalesce(sum(greatest(case when operationplan.type = 'DO' then operationplanmaterial.quantity else 0 end, 0)),0) as producedDO, coalesce(sum(greatest(case when operationplan.type = 'PO' then operationplanmaterial.quantity else 0 end, 0)),0) as producedPO from (%s) opplanmat inner join item on = opplanmat.item_id inner join location on = opplanmat.location_id -- Multiply with buckets cross join ( select name as bucket, startdate, enddate from common_bucketdetail where bucket_id = %%s and enddate > %%s and startdate < %%s ) d -- Consumed and produced quantities left join operationplanmaterial on opplanmat.item_id = operationplanmaterial.item_id and opplanmat.location_id = operationplanmaterial.location_id and d.startdate <= operationplanmaterial.flowdate and d.enddate > operationplanmaterial.flowdate and operationplanmaterial.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and operationplanmaterial.flowdate < d.enddate left outer join operationplan on = operationplanmaterial.operationplan_id group by,, item.description, item.category, item.subcategory, item.owner_id, item.source, item.lastmodified, location.description, location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, location.owner_id, location.source, location.lastmodified, d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate order by %s, d.startdate ''' % ( reportclass.attr_sql, basesql, sortsql ) cursor.execute( query, ( request.report_startdate, # startoh request.report_startdate, # endoh request.report_startdate, # startohdoc request.report_startdate, # startohdoc request.report_startdate, # startohdoc request.report_startdate, # startohdoc request.report_startdate, # startohdoc request.report_startdate,) # safetystock + baseparams + # opplanmat (request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, # bucket d request.report_startdate, # operationplanmaterial ) ) # Build the python result for row in cursor.fetchall(): numfields = len(row) res = { 'buffer': row[0], 'item': row[1], 'location': row[2], 'item__description': row[3], 'item__category': row[4], 'item__subcategory': row[5], 'item__owner': row[6], 'item__source': row[7], 'item__lastmodified': row[8], 'location__description': row[9], 'location__category': row[10], 'location__subcategory': row[11], 'location__available_id': row[12], 'location__owner_id': row[13], 'location__source': row[14], 'location__lastmodified': row[15], 'startoh': round(row[numfields - 15], 1), 'endoh': round(row[numfields - 14], 1), 'startohdoc': int(row[numfields - 13]), 'bucket': row[numfields - 12], 'startdate': row[numfields - 11].date(), 'enddate': row[numfields - 10].date(), 'safetystock': round(row[numfields - 9] or 0, 1), 'consumed': round(row[numfields - 8], 1), 'consumedMO': round(row[numfields - 7], 1), 'consumedDO': round(row[numfields - 6], 1), 'consumedSO': round(row[numfields - 5], 1), 'produced': round(row[numfields - 4], 1), 'producedMO': round(row[numfields - 3], 1), 'producedDO': round(row[numfields - 2], 1), 'producedPO': round(row[numfields - 1], 1), } # Add attribute fields idx = 16 for f in getAttributeFields(Item, related_name_prefix="item"): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 for f in getAttributeFields(Location, related_name_prefix="location"): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 yield res
def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql='1 asc'): cursor = connections[request.database].cursor() basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler(basequery.db).as_sql(with_col_aliases=False) # Execute a query to get the onhand value at the start of our horizon startohdict = {} query = ''' select opplanmat.item_id, opplanmat.location_id, sum(oh.onhand) from (%s) opplanmat inner join ( select operationplanmaterial.item_id, operationplanmaterial.location_id, operationplanmaterial.onhand as onhand from operationplanmaterial, (select item_id, location_id, max(id) as id from operationplanmaterial where flowdate < '%s' group by item_id, location_id ) maxid where maxid.item_id = operationplanmaterial.item_id and maxid.location_id = operationplanmaterial.location_id and = ) oh on oh.item_id = opplanmat.item_id and oh.location_id = opplanmat.location_id group by opplanmat.item_id, opplanmat.location_id ''' % (basesql, request.report_startdate) cursor.execute(query, baseparams) for row in cursor.fetchall(): startohdict[ "%s @ %s" % (row[0], row[1]) ] = float(row[2]) # Execute the actual query query = ''' select invplan.item_id || ' @ ' || invplan.location_id, invplan.item_id, invplan.location_id, item.description, item.category, item.subcategory, item.owner_id, item.source, item.lastmodified, location.description, location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, location.owner_id, location.source, location.lastmodified, %s invplan.bucket, invplan.startdate, invplan.enddate, invplan.consumed, invplan.produced from ( select opplanmat.item_id, opplanmat.location_id, d.bucket as bucket, d.startdate as startdate, d.enddate as enddate, coalesce(sum(greatest(operationplanmaterial.quantity, 0)),0) as consumed, coalesce(-sum(least(operationplanmaterial.quantity, 0)),0) as produced from (%s) opplanmat -- Multiply with buckets cross join ( select name as bucket, startdate, enddate from common_bucketdetail where bucket_id = %%s and enddate > %%s and startdate < %%s ) d -- Consumed and produced quantities left join operationplanmaterial on opplanmat.item_id = operationplanmaterial.item_id and opplanmat.location_id = operationplanmaterial.location_id and d.startdate <= operationplanmaterial.flowdate and d.enddate > operationplanmaterial.flowdate and operationplanmaterial.flowdate >= %%s and operationplanmaterial.flowdate < %%s -- Grouping and sorting group by opplanmat.item_id, opplanmat.location_id, d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate ) invplan left outer join item on invplan.item_id = left outer join location on invplan.location_id = order by %s, invplan.startdate ''' % ( reportclass.attr_sql, basesql, sortsql ) cursor.execute( query, baseparams + ( request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate ) ) # Build the python result prevbuf = None for row in cursor.fetchall(): numfields = len(row) if row[0] != prevbuf: prevbuf = row[0] startoh = startohdict.get(prevbuf, 0) endoh = startoh + float(row[numfields - 2] - row[numfields - 1]) else: startoh = endoh endoh += float(row[numfields - 2] - row[numfields - 1]) res = { 'buffer': row[0], 'item': row[1], 'location': row[2], 'item__description': row[3], 'item__category': row[4], 'item__subcategory': row[5], 'item__owner': row[6], 'item__source': row[7], 'item__lastmodified': row[8], 'location__description': row[9], 'location__category': row[10], 'location__subcategory': row[11], 'location__available_id': row[12], 'location__owner_id': row[13], 'location__source': row[14], 'location__lastmodified': row[15], 'bucket': row[numfields - 5], 'startdate': row[numfields - 4].date(), 'enddate': row[numfields - 3].date(), 'startoh': round(startoh, 1), 'produced': round(row[numfields - 2], 1), 'consumed': round(row[numfields - 1], 1), 'endoh': round(endoh, 1), } # Add attribute fields idx = 16 for f in getAttributeFields(Item, related_name_prefix="item"): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 for f in getAttributeFields(Location, related_name_prefix="location"): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 yield res
def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql='1 asc'): cursor = connections[request.database].cursor() basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler(basequery.db).as_sql(with_col_aliases=False) # Execute the actual query query = ''' select||' @ '||, item_id, location_id, item.description, item.category, item.subcategory, item.cost, item.owner_id, item.source, item.lastmodified, location.description, location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, location.owner_id, location.source, location.lastmodified, %s (select jsonb_build_object('onhand', onhand, 'flowdate', to_char(flowdate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), 'periodofcover', periodofcover) from operationplanmaterial where item_id = and location_id = and flowdate < greatest(d.startdate,%%s) order by flowdate desc, id desc limit 1) startoh, d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate, (select safetystock from ( select 1 as priority, coalesce((select value from calendarbucket where calendar_id = 'SS for '||||' @ '|| and greatest(d.startdate,%%s) >= startdate and greatest(d.startdate,%%s) < enddate order by priority limit 1), (select defaultvalue from calendar where name = 'SS for '||||' @ '|| as safetystock union all select 2 as priority, coalesce((select value from calendarbucket where calendar_id = (select minimum_calendar_id from buffer where name =||' @ '|| and greatest(d.startdate,%%s) >= startdate and greatest(d.startdate,%%s) < enddate order by priority limit 1), (select defaultvalue from calendar where name = (select minimum_calendar_id from buffer where name =||' @ '|| as safetystock union all select 3 as priority, minimum as safetystock from buffer where name =||' @ '|| ) t where t.safetystock is not null order by priority limit 1) safetystock, (select jsonb_build_object( 'work_in_progress_mo', sum(case when (startdate < d.enddate and enddate >= d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 and operationplan.type = 'MO' then opm.quantity else 0 end), 'on_order_po', sum(case when (startdate < d.enddate and enddate >= d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 and operationplan.type = 'PO' then opm.quantity else 0 end), 'in_transit_do', sum(case when (startdate < d.enddate and enddate >= d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 and operationplan.type = 'DO' then opm.quantity else 0 end), 'total_in_progress', sum(case when (startdate < d.enddate and enddate >= d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 then opm.quantity else 0 end), 'consumed', sum(case when (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity < 0 then -opm.quantity else 0 end), 'consumedMO', sum(case when operationplan.type = 'MO' and (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity < 0 then -opm.quantity else 0 end), 'consumedDO', sum(case when operationplan.type = 'DO' and (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity < 0 then -opm.quantity else 0 end), 'consumedSO', sum(case when operationplan.type = 'DLVR' and (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity < 0 then -opm.quantity else 0 end), 'produced', sum(case when (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 then opm.quantity else 0 end), 'producedMO', sum(case when operationplan.type = 'MO' and (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 then opm.quantity else 0 end), 'producedDO', sum(case when operationplan.type = 'DO' and (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 then opm.quantity else 0 end), 'producedPO', sum(case when operationplan.type = 'PO' and (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 then opm.quantity else 0 end) ) from operationplanmaterial opm inner join operationplan on = opm.operationplan_id and ((startdate < d.enddate and enddate >= d.enddate) or (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate)) where opm.item_id = and opm.location_id = ongoing from (%s) opplanmat inner join item on = opplanmat.item_id inner join location on = opplanmat.location_id -- Multiply with buckets cross join ( select name as bucket, startdate, enddate from common_bucketdetail where bucket_id = %%s and enddate > %%s and startdate < %%s ) d group by,, item.description, item.category, item.subcategory, item.cost, item.owner_id, item.source, item.lastmodified, location.description, location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, location.owner_id, location.source, location.lastmodified, d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate order by %s, d.startdate ''' % ( reportclass.attr_sql, basesql, sortsql ) # Build the python result with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked: cursor_chunked.execute( query, ( request.report_startdate, # startoh request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate, # safetystock ) + (request.report_startdate, ) * 9 + # ongoing baseparams + # opplanmat (request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate), # bucket d ) for row in cursor_chunked: numfields = len(row) res = { 'buffer': row[0], 'item': row[1], 'location': row[2], 'item__description': row[3], 'item__category': row[4], 'item__cost': row[6], 'item__owner': row[7], 'item__source': row[8], 'item__lastmodified': row[9], 'location__description': row[10], 'location__category': row[11], 'location__subcategory': row[12], 'location__available_id': row[13], 'location__owner_id': row[14], 'location__source': row[15], 'location__lastmodified': row[16], 'startoh': round(row[numfields - 6]['onhand'] if row[numfields - 6] else 0, 1), 'startohdoc': 0 if (row[numfields - 6]['onhand'] if row[numfields - 6] else 0) <= 0\ else (999 if row[numfields - 6]['periodofcover'] == 86313600\ else (datetime.strptime(row[numfields - 6]['flowdate'],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') +\ timedelta(seconds=row[numfields - 6]['periodofcover']) - row[numfields - 4]).days if row[numfields - 6]['periodofcover'] else 999), 'bucket': row[numfields - 5], 'startdate': row[numfields - 4].date(), 'enddate': row[numfields - 3].date(), 'safetystock': round(row[numfields - 2] or 0, 1), 'consumed': round(row[numfields - 1]['consumed'] or 0, 1), 'consumedMO': round(row[numfields - 1]['consumedMO'] or 0, 1), 'consumedDO': round(row[numfields - 1]['consumedDO'] or 0, 1), 'consumedSO': round(row[numfields - 1]['consumedSO'] or 0, 1), 'produced': round(row[numfields - 1]['produced'] or 0, 1), 'producedMO': round(row[numfields - 1]['producedMO'] or 0, 1), 'producedDO': round(row[numfields - 1]['producedDO'] or 0, 1), 'producedPO': round(row[numfields - 1]['producedPO'] or 0, 1), 'total_in_progress': round(row[numfields - 1]['total_in_progress'] or 0, 1), 'work_in_progress_mo': round(row[numfields - 1]['work_in_progress_mo'] or 0, 1), 'on_order_po': round(row[numfields - 1]['on_order_po'] or 0, 1), 'in_transit_do': round(row[numfields - 1]['in_transit_do'] or 0, 1), 'endoh': round(float(round(row[numfields - 6]['onhand'] if row[numfields - 6] else 0, 1)) + float(round(row[numfields - 1]['produced'] or 0, 1)) - float(round(row[numfields - 1]['consumed'] or 0, 1)), 1), } # Add attribute fields idx = 16 for f in getAttributeFields(Item, related_name_prefix="item"): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 for f in getAttributeFields(Location, related_name_prefix="location"): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 yield res
def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql='1 asc'): basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler( basequery.db).as_sql(with_col_aliases=False) # Assure the item hierarchy is up to date Item.rebuildHierarchy(database=basequery.db) # Execute a query to get the backlog at the start of the horizon startbacklogdict = {} query = ''' select, coalesce(req.qty, 0) - coalesce(pln.qty, 0) from (%s) items left outer join ( select, sum(quantity) qty from demand inner join item on demand.item_id = inner join item parent on item.lft between parent.lft and parent.rght where status in ('open', 'quote') and due < %%s group by ) req on = left outer join ( select, sum(operationplan.quantity) qty from operationplan inner join demand on operationplan.demand_id = and operationplan.owner_id is null and operationplan.enddate < %%s inner join item on demand.item_id = inner join item parent on item.lft between parent.lft and parent.rght group by ) pln on = ''' % basesql with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked: cursor_chunked.execute( query, baseparams + (request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate)) for row in cursor_chunked: if row[0]: startbacklogdict[row[0]] = float(row[1]) # Execute the query query = ''' select, %s d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate, sum(coalesce((select sum(quantity) from demand where demand.item_id = and status in ('open','quote') and due >= greatest(%%s,d.startdate) and due < d.enddate),0)) orders, sum(coalesce((select sum(-operationplanmaterial.quantity) from operationplanmaterial inner join operationplan on = operationplanmaterial.operationplan_id and operationplan.type = 'DLVR' where operationplanmaterial.item_id = and operationplanmaterial.flowdate >= greatest(%%s,d.startdate) and operationplanmaterial.flowdate < d.enddate),0)) planned from (%s) parent inner join item child on child.lft between parent.lft and parent.rght cross join ( select name as bucket, startdate, enddate from common_bucketdetail where bucket_id = %%s and enddate > %%s and startdate < %%s ) d group by, %s d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate order by %s, d.startdate ''' % (reportclass.attr_sql, basesql, reportclass.attr_sql, sortsql) # Build the python result with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked: cursor_chunked.execute( query, baseparams + ( request.report_startdate, #orders request.report_startdate, #planned request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate #buckets )) previtem = None for row in cursor_chunked: numfields = len(row) if row[0] != previtem: backlog = startbacklogdict.get(row[0], 0) previtem = row[0] backlog += float(row[numfields - 2]) - float( row[numfields - 1]) res = { 'item': row[0], 'bucket': row[numfields - 5], 'startdate': row[numfields - 4].date(), 'enddate': row[numfields - 3].date(), 'demand': round(row[numfields - 2], 1), 'supply': round(row[numfields - 1], 1), 'backlog': round(backlog, 1), } idx = 1 for f in getAttributeFields(Item): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 yield res
def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql='1 asc'): cursor = connections[request.database].cursor() basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler( basequery.db).as_sql(with_col_aliases=False) # Assure the item hierarchy is up to date Buffer.rebuildHierarchy(database=basequery.db) # Execute a query to get the onhand value at the start of our horizon startohdict = {} query = ''' select, sum(oh.onhand) from (%s) buffers inner join buffer on buffer.lft between buffers.lft and buffers.rght inner join ( select operationplanmaterial.buffer as buffer, operationplanmaterial.onhand as onhand from operationplanmaterial, (select buffer, max(id) as id from operationplanmaterial where flowdate < '%s' group by buffer ) maxid where maxid.buffer = operationplanmaterial.buffer and = ) oh on oh.buffer = group by ''' % (basesql, request.report_startdate) cursor.execute(query, baseparams) for row in cursor.fetchall(): startohdict[row[0]] = float(row[1]) # Execute the actual query query = ''' select invplan.buffer_id,,, %s invplan.bucket, invplan.startdate, invplan.enddate, invplan.consumed, invplan.produced from ( select as buffer_id, d.bucket as bucket, d.startdate as startdate, d.enddate as enddate, coalesce(sum(greatest(operationplanmaterial.quantity, 0)),0) as consumed, coalesce(-sum(least(operationplanmaterial.quantity, 0)),0) as produced from (%s) buf -- Multiply with buckets cross join ( select name as bucket, startdate, enddate from common_bucketdetail where bucket_id = %%s and enddate > %%s and startdate < %%s ) d -- Include child buffers inner join buffer on buffer.lft between buf.lft and buf.rght -- Consumed and produced quantities left join operationplanmaterial on = operationplanmaterial.buffer and d.startdate <= operationplanmaterial.flowdate and d.enddate > operationplanmaterial.flowdate and operationplanmaterial.flowdate >= %%s and operationplanmaterial.flowdate < %%s -- Grouping and sorting group by, buf.item_id, buf.location_id, buf.onhand, d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate ) invplan left outer join buffer on invplan.buffer_id = left outer join item on buffer.item_id = left outer join location on buffer.location_id = order by %s, invplan.startdate ''' % (reportclass.attr_sql, basesql, sortsql) cursor.execute( query, baseparams + (request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate)) # Build the python result prevbuf = None for row in cursor.fetchall(): numfields = len(row) if row[0] != prevbuf: prevbuf = row[0] startoh = startohdict.get(prevbuf, 0) endoh = startoh + float(row[numfields - 2] - row[numfields - 1]) else: startoh = endoh endoh += float(row[numfields - 2] - row[numfields - 1]) res = { 'buffer': row[0], 'item': row[1], 'location': row[2], 'bucket': row[numfields - 5], 'startdate': row[numfields - 4].date(), 'enddate': row[numfields - 3].date(), 'startoh': round(startoh, 1), 'produced': round(row[numfields - 2], 1), 'consumed': round(row[numfields - 1], 1), 'endoh': round(endoh, 1), } # Add attribute fields idx = 3 for f in getAttributeFields(Item, related_name_prefix="item"): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 for f in getAttributeFields(Location, related_name_prefix="location"): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 yield res
def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql="1 asc"): basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler( basequery.db).as_sql(with_col_aliases=False) # Get the time units units = OverviewReport.getUnits(request) # Assure the item hierarchy is up to date Resource.rebuildHierarchy(database=basequery.db) # Execute the query query = """ select, res.description, res.category, res.subcategory, res.type, res.constrained, res.maximum, res.maximum_calendar_id, res.cost, res.maxearly, res.setupmatrix_id, res.setup,, location.description, location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, res.avgutil, res.available_id available_calendar, res.owner_id, %s d.bucket as col1, d.startdate as col2, coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.available),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as available, coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.unavailable),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as unavailable, coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.load),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as loading, coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.setup),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as setup from (%s) res left outer join location on res.location_id = -- Multiply with buckets cross join ( select name as bucket, startdate, enddate from common_bucketdetail where bucket_id = '%s' and enddate > '%s' and startdate < '%s' ) d -- Utilization info left join out_resourceplan on = out_resourceplan.resource and d.startdate <= out_resourceplan.startdate and d.enddate > out_resourceplan.startdate and out_resourceplan.startdate >= '%s' and out_resourceplan.startdate < '%s' -- Grouping and sorting group by, res.description, res.category, res.subcategory, res.type, res.maximum, res.maximum_calendar_id, res.available_id, res.cost, res.maxearly, res.setupmatrix_id, res.setup,, location.description, location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, res.avgutil, res.owner_id, res.constrained, %s d.bucket, d.startdate order by %s, d.startdate """ % ( reportclass.attr_sql, units[0], units[0], units[0], units[0], basesql, request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, reportclass.attr_sql, sortsql, ) # Build the python result with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked: cursor_chunked.execute(query, baseparams) for row in cursor_chunked: numfields = len(row) if row[numfields - 4] != 0: util = round(row[numfields - 2] * 100 / row[numfields - 4], 2) else: util = 0 result = { "resource": row[0], "description": row[1], "category": row[2], "subcategory": row[3], "type": row[4], "constrained": row[5], "maximum": row[6], "maximum_calendar": row[7], "cost": row[8], "maxearly": row[9], "setupmatrix": row[10], "setup": row[11], "location__name": row[12], "location__description": row[13], "location__category": row[14], "location__subcategory": row[15], "location__available": row[16], "avgutil": round(row[17], 2), "available_calendar": row[18], "owner": row[19], "bucket": row[numfields - 6], "startdate": row[numfields - 5], "available": row[numfields - 4], "unavailable": row[numfields - 3], "load": row[numfields - 2], "setuptime": row[numfields - 1], "utilization": util, } idx = 20 for f in getAttributeFields(Resource): result[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 for f in getAttributeFields(Location): result[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 yield result
def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql="1 asc"): basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler(basequery.db).as_sql( with_col_aliases=False ) # Assure the item hierarchy is up to date Item.rebuildHierarchy(database=basequery.db) # Execute a query to get the backlog at the start of the horizon startbacklogdict = {} query = """ select name, sum(qty) from ( select, sum(demand.quantity) qty from (%s) item inner join item child on child.lft between item.lft and item.rght inner join demand on demand.item_id = and demand.status in ('open','quote') and due < %%s group by union all select, sum(operationplanmaterial.quantity) qty from (%s) item inner join item child on child.lft between item.lft and item.rght inner join operationplanmaterial on operationplanmaterial.item_id = inner join operationplan on operationplan.reference = operationplanmaterial.operationplan_id and operationplan.demand_id is not null and operationplan.enddate < %%s group by ) t group by name """ % ( basesql, basesql, ) with transaction.atomic(using=request.database): with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked: cursor_chunked.execute( query, baseparams + (request.report_startdate,) + baseparams + (request.report_startdate,), ) for row in cursor_chunked: if row[0]: startbacklogdict[row[0]] = max(float(row[1]), 0) # Execute the query query = """ select, parent.description, parent.category, parent.subcategory, parent.owner_id, parent.cost, parent.volume, parent.weight, parent.uom, parent.periodofcover, parent.source, parent.lastmodified, %s d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate, sum(coalesce(( select sum(quantity) from demand inner join item child on child.lft between parent.lft and parent.rght where demand.item_id = and status in ('open','quote') and due >= greatest(%%s,d.startdate) and due < d.enddate ),0)) orders, sum(coalesce(( select sum(operationplan.quantity) from operationplan inner join item child on child.lft between parent.lft and parent.rght where operationplan.item_id = and operationplan.demand_id is not null and operationplan.enddate >= greatest(%%s,d.startdate) and operationplan.enddate < d.enddate ),0)) planned, (select json_agg(json_build_array(f1,f2)) from (select distinct as f1, out_constraint.owner as f2 from out_constraint inner join item child on child.lft between parent.lft and parent.rght inner join operationplan on operationplan.demand_id = out_constraint.demand and operationplan.due is not null and out_constraint.item = and operationplan.enddate >= greatest(%%s,d.startdate) and ( not in ('before current', 'before fence') or out_constraint.enddate > d.enddate ) and operationplan.due < d.enddate limit 20 ) cte_reasons ) reasons from (%s) parent cross join ( select name as bucket, startdate, enddate from common_bucketdetail where bucket_id = %%s and enddate > %%s and startdate < %%s ) d group by, parent.description, parent.category, parent.subcategory, parent.owner_id, parent.cost, parent.volume, parent.weight, parent.uom, parent.periodofcover, parent.source, parent.lastmodified, parent.lft, parent.rght, %s d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate order by %s, d.startdate """ % ( reportclass.attr_sql, basesql, reportclass.attr_sql, sortsql, ) # Build the python result with transaction.atomic(using=request.database): with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked: cursor_chunked.execute( query, (request.report_startdate,) * 3 # orders + planned + constraints + baseparams # orders planned + ( request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, ), # buckets ) previtem = None itemattributefields = getAttributeFields(Item) for row in cursor_chunked: numfields = len(row) if row[0] != previtem: backlog = startbacklogdict.get(row[0], 0) previtem = row[0] backlog += float(row[numfields - 3]) - float(row[numfields - 2]) res = { "item": row[0], "description": row[1], "category": row[2], "subcategory": row[3], "owner": row[4], "cost": row[5], "volume": row[6], "weight": row[7], "uom": row[8], "periodofcover": row[9], "source": row[10], "lastmodified": row[11], "bucket": row[numfields - 6], "startdate": row[numfields - 5].date(), "enddate": row[numfields - 4].date(), "demand": row[numfields - 3], "supply": row[numfields - 2], "reasons": json.dumps(row[numfields - 1]), "backlog": max(backlog or 0, 0), } idx = 12 for f in itemattributefields: res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 yield res
def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql='1 asc'): basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler( basequery.db).as_sql(with_col_aliases=False) # Assure the item hierarchy is up to date Item.rebuildHierarchy(database=basequery.db) # Execute a query to get the backlog at the start of the horizon startbacklogdict = {} query = ''' select name, sum(qty) from ( select, sum(demand.quantity) qty from (%s) item inner join item parent on item.lft between parent.lft and parent.rght inner join demand on demand.item_id = and demand.status in ('open','quote') and due < %%s group by union all select, sum(operationplanmaterial.quantity) qty from operationplanmaterial inner join operationplan on operationplan.reference = operationplanmaterial.operationplan_id and operationplan.type = 'DLVR' and operationplan.enddate < %%s inner join (%s) item on operationplanmaterial.item_id = inner join item parent on item.lft between parent.lft and parent.rght group by ) t group by name ''' % (basesql, basesql) with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked: cursor_chunked.execute( query, baseparams + (request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate) + baseparams) for row in cursor_chunked: if row[0]: startbacklogdict[row[0]] = float(row[1]) # Execute the query query = ''' select, parent.description, parent.category, parent.subcategory, parent.owner_id, parent.cost, parent.source, parent.lastmodified, %s d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate, sum(coalesce((select sum(quantity) from demand where demand.item_id = and status in ('open','quote') and due >= greatest(%%s,d.startdate) and due < d.enddate),0)) orders, sum(coalesce((select sum(-operationplanmaterial.quantity) from operationplanmaterial inner join operationplan on operationplan.reference = operationplanmaterial.operationplan_id and operationplan.type = 'DLVR' where operationplanmaterial.item_id = and operationplanmaterial.flowdate >= greatest(%%s,d.startdate) and operationplanmaterial.flowdate < d.enddate),0)) planned from (%s) parent inner join item child on child.lft between parent.lft and parent.rght cross join ( select name as bucket, startdate, enddate from common_bucketdetail where bucket_id = %%s and enddate > %%s and startdate < %%s ) d group by, parent.description, parent.category, parent.subcategory, parent.owner_id, parent.cost, parent.source, parent.lastmodified, %s d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate order by %s, d.startdate ''' % (reportclass.attr_sql, basesql, reportclass.attr_sql, sortsql) # Build the python result with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked: cursor_chunked.execute( query, (request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate) + # orders planned baseparams + (request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate) # buckets ) previtem = None for row in cursor_chunked: numfields = len(row) if row[0] != previtem: backlog = startbacklogdict.get(row[0], 0) previtem = row[0] backlog += float(row[numfields - 2]) - float( row[numfields - 1]) res = { 'item': row[0], 'description': row[1], 'category': row[2], 'subcategory': row[3], 'owner': row[4], 'cost': row[5], 'source': row[6], 'lastmodified': row[7], 'bucket': row[numfields - 5], 'startdate': row[numfields - 4].date(), 'enddate': row[numfields - 3].date(), 'demand': row[numfields - 2], 'supply': row[numfields - 1], 'backlog': backlog, } idx = 8 for f in getAttributeFields(Item): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 yield res
def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql='1 asc'): basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler(basequery.db).as_sql(with_col_aliases=False) # Get the time units units = OverviewReport.getUnits(request) # Assure the item hierarchy is up to date Resource.rebuildHierarchy(database=basequery.db) # Execute the query query = ''' select, res.description, res.category, res.subcategory, res.type, res.maximum, res.maximum_calendar_id, res.cost, res.maxearly, res.setupmatrix_id, res.setup,, location.description, location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, res.avgutil, res.available_id available_calendar, res.owner_id, %s d.bucket as col1, d.startdate as col2, coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.available),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as available, coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.unavailable),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as unavailable, coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.load),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as loading, coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.setup),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as setup from (%s) res left outer join location on res.location_id = -- Multiply with buckets cross join ( select name as bucket, startdate, enddate from common_bucketdetail where bucket_id = '%s' and enddate > '%s' and startdate < '%s' ) d -- Utilization info left join out_resourceplan on = out_resourceplan.resource and d.startdate <= out_resourceplan.startdate and d.enddate > out_resourceplan.startdate and out_resourceplan.startdate >= '%s' and out_resourceplan.startdate < '%s' -- Grouping and sorting group by, res.description, res.category, res.subcategory, res.type, res.maximum, res.maximum_calendar_id, res.available_id, res.cost, res.maxearly, res.setupmatrix_id, res.setup,, location.description, location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, res.avgutil, res.owner_id, %s d.bucket, d.startdate order by %s, d.startdate ''' % ( reportclass.attr_sql, units[0], units[0], units[0], units[0], basesql, request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, reportclass.attr_sql, sortsql ) # Build the python result with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked: cursor_chunked.execute(query, baseparams) for row in cursor_chunked: numfields = len(row) if row[numfields - 4] != 0: util = round(row[numfields - 2] * 100 / row[numfields - 4], 2) else: util = 0 result = { 'resource': row[0], 'description': row[1], 'category': row[2], 'subcategory': row[3], 'type': row[4], 'maximum': row[5], 'maximum_calendar': row[6], 'cost': row[7], 'maxearly': row[8], 'setupmatrix': row[9], 'setup': row[10], 'location__name': row[11], 'location__description': row[12], 'location__category': row[13], 'location__subcategory': row[14], 'location__available': row[15], 'avgutil': round(row[16], 2), 'available_calendar': row[17], 'owner': row[18], 'bucket': row[numfields - 6], 'startdate': row[numfields - 5].date(), 'available': row[numfields - 4], 'unavailable': row[numfields - 3], 'load': row[numfields - 2], 'setup': row[numfields - 1], 'utilization': util } idx = 19 for f in getAttributeFields(Resource): result[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 for f in getAttributeFields(Location): result[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 yield result
def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql='1 asc'): basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler( basequery.db).as_sql(with_col_aliases=False) # Assure the item hierarchy is up to date Item.rebuildHierarchy(database=basequery.db) # Execute a query to get the backlog at the start of the horizon startbacklogdict = {} query = ''' select, coalesce(req.qty, 0) - coalesce(pln.qty, 0) from (%s) items left outer join ( select, sum(quantity) qty from demand inner join item on demand.item_id = inner join item parent on item.lft between parent.lft and parent.rght where status in ('open', 'quote') and due < %%s group by ) req on = left outer join ( select, sum(operationplan.quantity) qty from operationplan inner join demand on operationplan.demand_id = and operationplan.owner_id is null and operationplan.enddate < %%s inner join item on demand.item_id = inner join item parent on item.lft between parent.lft and parent.rght group by ) pln on = ''' % basesql with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked: cursor_chunked.execute( query, baseparams + (request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate)) for row in cursor_chunked: if row[0]: startbacklogdict[row[0]] = float(row[1]) # Execute the query query = ''' select, %s y.bucket, y.startdate, y.enddate, min(y.orders), min(y.planned) from ( select as name, x.lft as lft, x.rght as rght, x.bucket as bucket, x.startdate as startdate, x.enddate as enddate, coalesce(sum(demand.quantity),0) as orders, min(x.planned) as planned from ( select as name, items.lft as lft, items.rght as rght, d.bucket as bucket, d.startdate as startdate, d.enddate as enddate, coalesce(sum(operationplan.quantity),0) as planned from (%s) items -- Multiply with buckets cross join ( select name as bucket, startdate, enddate from common_bucketdetail where bucket_id = %%s and enddate > %%s and startdate < %%s ) d -- Include hierarchical children inner join item on item.lft between items.lft and items.rght -- Planned quantity left outer join operationplan on operationplan.type = 'DLVR' and operationplan.item_id = and d.startdate <= operationplan.enddate and d.enddate > operationplan.enddate and operationplan.enddate >= %%s and operationplan.enddate < %%s -- Grouping group by, items.lft, items.rght, d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate ) x -- Requested quantity inner join item on item.lft between x.lft and x.rght left join demand on = demand.item_id and x.startdate <= demand.due and x.enddate > demand.due and demand.due >= %%s and demand.due < %%s and demand.status in ('open', 'quote') -- Grouping group by, x.lft, x.rght, x.bucket, x.startdate, x.enddate ) y -- Ordering and grouping group by %s, y.lft, y.rght, y.bucket, y.startdate, y.enddate order by %s, y.startdate ''' % (reportclass.attr_sql, basesql, reportclass.attr_sql, sortsql) # Build the python result with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked: cursor_chunked.execute( query, baseparams + (request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate)) previtem = None for row in cursor_chunked: numfields = len(row) if row[0] != previtem: backlog = startbacklogdict.get(row[0], 0) previtem = row[0] backlog += float(row[numfields - 2]) - float( row[numfields - 1]) res = { 'item': row[0], 'bucket': row[numfields - 5], 'startdate': row[numfields - 4].date(), 'enddate': row[numfields - 3].date(), 'demand': round(row[numfields - 2], 1), 'supply': round(row[numfields - 1], 1), 'backlog': round(backlog, 1), } idx = 1 for f in getAttributeFields(Item): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 yield res
def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql="1 asc"): basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler( basequery.db).as_sql(with_col_aliases=False) # Execute the actual query query = """ select opplanmat.buffer, item_id, location_id, item.description, item.type, item.category, item.subcategory, item.cost, item.owner_id, item.source, item.lastmodified, location.description, location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, location.owner_id, location.source, location.lastmodified, opplanmat.opplan_batch, %s (select jsonb_build_object( 'onhand', onhand, 'flowdate', to_char(flowdate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), 'periodofcover', periodofcover ) from operationplanmaterial inner join operationplan on operationplanmaterial.operationplan_id = operationplan.reference where operationplanmaterial.item_id = and operationplanmaterial.location_id = and (item.type is distinct from 'make to order' or operationplan.batch is not distinct from opplanmat.opplan_batch) and flowdate < greatest(d.startdate,%%s) order by flowdate desc, id desc limit 1) startoh, d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate, (select safetystock from ( select 1 as priority, coalesce( (select value from calendarbucket where calendar_id = 'SS for ' || opplanmat.buffer and greatest(d.startdate,%%s) >= startdate and greatest(d.startdate,%%s) < enddate order by priority limit 1), (select defaultvalue from calendar where name = 'SS for ' || opplanmat.buffer) ) as safetystock union all select 2 as priority, coalesce( (select value from calendarbucket where calendar_id = ( select minimum_calendar_id from buffer where item_id = and location_id = and (item.type is distinct from 'make to order' or buffer.batch is not distinct from opplanmat.opplan_batch) ) and greatest(d.startdate,%%s) >= startdate and greatest(d.startdate,%%s) < enddate order by priority limit 1), (select defaultvalue from calendar where name = ( select minimum_calendar_id from buffer where item_id = and location_id = and (item.type is distinct from 'make to order' or buffer.batch is not distinct from opplanmat.opplan_batch) ) ) ) as safetystock union all select 3 as priority, minimum as safetystock from buffer where item_id = and location_id = and (item.type is distinct from 'make to order' or buffer.batch is not distinct from opplanmat.opplan_batch) ) t where t.safetystock is not null order by priority limit 1) safetystock, (select jsonb_build_object( 'work_in_progress_mo', sum(case when (startdate < d.enddate and enddate >= d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 and operationplan.type = 'MO' then opm.quantity else 0 end), 'on_order_po', sum(case when (startdate < d.enddate and enddate >= d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 and operationplan.type = 'PO' then opm.quantity else 0 end), 'in_transit_do', sum(case when (startdate < d.enddate and enddate >= d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 and operationplan.type = 'DO' then opm.quantity else 0 end), 'total_in_progress', sum(case when (startdate < d.enddate and enddate >= d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 then opm.quantity else 0 end), 'consumed', sum(case when (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity < 0 then -opm.quantity else 0 end), 'consumedMO', sum(case when operationplan.type = 'MO' and (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity < 0 then -opm.quantity else 0 end), 'consumedDO', sum(case when operationplan.type = 'DO' and (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity < 0 then -opm.quantity else 0 end), 'consumedSO', sum(case when operationplan.type = 'DLVR' and (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity < 0 then -opm.quantity else 0 end), 'produced', sum(case when (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 then opm.quantity else 0 end), 'producedMO', sum(case when operationplan.type = 'MO' and (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 then opm.quantity else 0 end), 'producedDO', sum(case when operationplan.type = 'DO' and (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 then opm.quantity else 0 end), 'producedPO', sum(case when operationplan.type = 'PO' and (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate) and opm.quantity > 0 then opm.quantity else 0 end) ) from operationplanmaterial opm inner join operationplan on operationplan.reference = opm.operationplan_id and ((startdate < d.enddate and enddate >= d.enddate) or (opm.flowdate >= greatest(d.startdate,%%s) and opm.flowdate < d.enddate)) where opm.item_id = and opm.location_id = and (item.type is distinct from 'make to order' or operationplan.batch is not distinct from opplanmat.opplan_batch) ) ongoing from (%s) opplanmat inner join item on = opplanmat.item_id inner join location on = opplanmat.location_id -- Multiply with buckets cross join ( select name as bucket, startdate, enddate from common_bucketdetail where bucket_id = %%s and enddate > %%s and startdate < %%s ) d group by opplanmat.buffer,,, item.description, item.type, item.category, item.subcategory, item.cost, item.owner_id, item.source, item.lastmodified, location.description, location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, location.owner_id, location.source, location.lastmodified, opplanmat.opplan_batch, d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate order by %s, d.startdate """ % ( reportclass.attr_sql, basesql, sortsql, ) # Build the python result with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked: cursor_chunked.execute( query, ( request.report_startdate, # startoh request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate, request.report_startdate, # safetystock ) + (request.report_startdate, ) * 9 + baseparams # ongoing + ( # opplanmat request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, ), # bucket d ) for row in cursor_chunked: numfields = len(row) res = { "buffer": row[0], "item": row[1], "location": row[2], "item__description": row[3], "item__type": row[4], "item__category": row[5], "item__subcategory": row[6], "item__cost": row[7], "item__owner": row[8], "item__source": row[9], "item__lastmodified": row[10], "location__description": row[11], "location__category": row[12], "location__subcategory": row[13], "location__available_id": row[14], "location__owner_id": row[15], "location__source": row[16], "location__lastmodified": row[17], "batch": row[18], "startoh": row[numfields - 6]["onhand"] if row[numfields - 6] else 0, "startohdoc": max( 0, 0 if (row[numfields - 6]["onhand"] if row[numfields - 6] else 0) <= 0 else (999 if row[numfields - 6]["periodofcover"] == 86313600 else (datetime.strptime(row[numfields - 6]["flowdate"], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + timedelta(seconds=row[numfields - 6]["periodofcover"]) - row[numfields - 4]).days if row[numfields - 6]["periodofcover"] else 999), ), "bucket": row[numfields - 5], "startdate": row[numfields - 4], "enddate": row[numfields - 3], "safetystock": row[numfields - 2] or 0, "consumed": row[numfields - 1]["consumed"] or 0, "consumedMO": row[numfields - 1]["consumedMO"] or 0, "consumedDO": row[numfields - 1]["consumedDO"] or 0, "consumedSO": row[numfields - 1]["consumedSO"] or 0, "produced": row[numfields - 1]["produced"] or 0, "producedMO": row[numfields - 1]["producedMO"] or 0, "producedDO": row[numfields - 1]["producedDO"] or 0, "producedPO": row[numfields - 1]["producedPO"] or 0, "total_in_progress": row[numfields - 1]["total_in_progress"] or 0, "work_in_progress_mo": row[numfields - 1]["work_in_progress_mo"] or 0, "on_order_po": row[numfields - 1]["on_order_po"] or 0, "in_transit_do": row[numfields - 1]["in_transit_do"] or 0, "endoh": float(row[numfields - 6]["onhand"] if row[numfields - 6] else 0) + float(row[numfields - 1]["produced"] or 0) - float(row[numfields - 1]["consumed"] or 0), } # Add attribute fields idx = 17 for f in getAttributeFields(Item, related_name_prefix="item"): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 for f in getAttributeFields(Location, related_name_prefix="location"): res[f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 yield res
def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql="1 asc"): basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler(basequery.db).as_sql( with_col_aliases=False ) # Build the query query = """ select,, operation.item_id, operation.description, operation.category, operation.subcategory, operation.type, operation.duration, operation.duration_per, operation.fence, operation.posttime, operation.sizeminimum, operation.sizemultiple, operation.sizemaximum, operation.priority, operation.effective_start, operation.effective_end, operation.cost,, operation.source, operation.lastmodified, location.description, location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, location.lastmodified, item.description, item.category, item.subcategory, item.cost, item.volume, item.weight, item.periodofcover, item.owner_id, item.source, item.lastmodified, %s res.bucket, res.startdate, res.enddate, res.proposed_start, res.total_start, res.proposed_end, res.total_end, res.proposed_production, res.total_production from operation left outer join item on operation.item_id = left outer join location on operation.location_id = inner join ( select as operation_id, d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate, coalesce(sum( case when operationplan.status = 'proposed' and d.startdate <= operationplan.startdate and d.enddate > operationplan.startdate then operationplan.quantity else 0 end ), 0) proposed_start, coalesce(sum( case when d.startdate <= operationplan.startdate and d.enddate > operationplan.startdate then operationplan.quantity else 0 end ), 0) total_start, coalesce(sum( case when operationplan.status = 'proposed' and d.startdate < operationplan.enddate and d.enddate >= operationplan.enddate then operationplan.quantity else 0 end ), 0) proposed_end, coalesce(sum( case when d.startdate < operationplan.enddate and d.enddate >= operationplan.enddate then operationplan.quantity else 0 end ), 0) total_end, coalesce(sum( case when operationplan.status = 'proposed' then ( -- Total overlap extract (epoch from least(operationplan.enddate, d.enddate) - greatest(operationplan.startdate, d.startdate)) -- Minus the interruptions - coalesce(( select sum(greatest(0, extract (epoch from least(to_timestamp(value->>1, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), d.enddate) - greatest(to_timestamp(value->>0, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), d.startdate) ))) from ( select * from jsonb_array_elements(plan->'interruptions')) breaks ), 0) ) / greatest(1, extract(epoch from operationplan.enddate - operationplan.startdate) - coalesce((plan#>>'{unavailable}')::numeric, 0)) * operationplan.quantity else 0 end ), 0) proposed_production, coalesce(sum( ( -- Total overlap extract (epoch from least(operationplan.enddate, d.enddate) - greatest(operationplan.startdate, d.startdate)) -- Minus the interruptions - coalesce(( select sum(greatest(0, extract (epoch from least(to_timestamp(value->>1, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), d.enddate) - greatest(to_timestamp(value->>0, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), d.startdate) ))) from ( select * from jsonb_array_elements(plan->'interruptions')) breaks ), 0) ) / greatest(1, extract(epoch from operationplan.enddate - operationplan.startdate) - coalesce((plan#>>'{unavailable}')::numeric, 0)) * operationplan.quantity ), 0) total_production from (%s) oper -- Multiply with buckets cross join ( select name as bucket, startdate, enddate from common_bucketdetail where bucket_id = '%s' and enddate > '%s' and startdate < '%s' ) d -- Match overlapping operationplans left outer join operationplan on operationplan.operation_id = and (operationplan.startdate, operationplan.enddate) overlaps (d.startdate, d.enddate) group by, d.bucket, d.startdate, d.enddate ) res on res.operation_id = order by %s, res.startdate """ % ( reportclass.attr_sql, basesql, request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, sortsql, ) # Convert the SQl results to Python with transaction.atomic(using=request.database): with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked: cursor_chunked.execute(query, baseparams) for row in cursor_chunked: numfields = len(row) result = { "operation": row[0], "location": row[1], "item": row[2], "description": row[3], "category": row[4], "subcategory": row[5], "type": row[6], "duration": row[7], "duration_per": row[8], "fence": row[9], "posttime": row[10], "sizeminimum": row[11], "sizemultiple": row[12], "sizemaximum": row[13], "priority": row[14], "effective_start": row[15], "effective_end": row[16], "cost": row[17], "search": row[18], "source": row[19], "lastmodified": row[20], "location__description": row[21], "location__category": row[22], "location__subcategory": row[23], "location__available": row[24], "location__lastmodified": row[25], "item__description": row[26], "item__category": row[27], "item__subcategory": row[28], "item__cost": row[29], "item__volume": row[30], "item__weight": row[31], "item__periodofcover": row[32], "item__owner": row[33], "item__source": row[34], "item__lastmodified": row[35], "bucket": row[numfields - 9], "startdate": row[numfields - 8].date(), "enddate": row[numfields - 7].date(), "proposed_start": row[numfields - 6], "total_start": row[numfields - 5], "proposed_end": row[numfields - 4], "total_end": row[numfields - 3], "production_proposed": row[numfields - 2], "production_total": row[numfields - 1], } idx = 36 for f in getAttributeFields(Operation): result["operation__%s" % f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 for f in getAttributeFields(Item): result["item__%s" % f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 for f in getAttributeFields(Location): result["location__%s" % f.field_name] = row[idx] idx += 1 yield result