文件: force.py 项目: ajk77/capstone
def _compute_natural_frequencies(freqs, n, t, avg = False):
    Computes the natural frequencies omega_0 of a matrix of frequencies. In 
    this calculation, we assume the natural frequency is that which is maximal.

    freqs: The M x N frequency data matrix.
    n: Number of frames.
    t: Framerate.
    avg: Boolean flag indicating whether we want to average the columns of "freqs"
        together into a single vector, or compute the parameters for all the rows.

    natural_frequencies: Natural frequencies of each pixel (either length M or 1)
    nu: Indices at which the natural frequencies are found in the FFT data. (M or 1)
    # Do some indexing voodoo to prevent the 0th index from ever being
    # the maximum frequency of the entire dataset (since it never should be!).
    nu = None
    if avg:
        nu = np.argmax(frequency.average_frequencies(np.absolute(freqs))[1:])
        nu = np.argmax(np.absolute(freqs[:, 1:]), axis = 1)
    nu += 1
    natural_frequencies = 2 * np.pi * (nu / (n * t))
    return [natural_frequencies, nu]
文件: force.py 项目: ajk77/capstone
def _compute_force_avg(freqs, n, t):
    Averages the frequencies of each component together before performing
    the force analysis.

    frequencies: Frequency embedding of the original displacement data. M x N.
    n: Number of frames.
    t: Framerate.

    natural_frequencies: 1 natural frequency.
    damping_coefficients: 1 damping coefficient.
    F_mvs: N force/mass ratios (freq domain).
    phase: N force/mass phase angles.    
    f_mvs: N force/mass ratios (time domain).
    # First, compute the natural frequency.
    natural_frequency, index = _compute_natural_frequencies(freqs, n, t, avg = True)

    # Next, compute the damping coefficient.
    avg_freqs = frequency.average_frequencies(freqs)
    damping_coefficient = _compute_damping_coefficient(avg_freqs, index, n, t)

    # Then, compute the force for each point in the dataset.
    F_mv = _force_equation(avg_freqs, natural_frequency, damping_coefficient, n, t)

    # Compute the phase angle associated with each force in the dataset.
    phase = _phase_angle_equation(avg_freqs, natural_frequency, damping_coefficient, n, t)

    # Finally, compute the time domain representation of force of contractility
    f_mv = _time_domain(F_mv, phase, n)

    # All done.
    return [natural_frequency, damping_coefficient, F_mv, phase, f_mv]