    def connect(self, n1, n2, bidirectional=False, capacity=None):
        """Connect two nodes.

        Creates a flow and adds it to
        ``n1.outflows[resource]`` and ``n2.inflows[resource]``,
        if it does not already exist. Calling again makes no difference.

        The flow must be nonnegative. For bidirectional flows, use

            n1: The node the flow goes from.
            n2: The node the flow goes to.
            bidirectional (boolean, optional): Create a two-way flow?
            capacity (float, optional): The maximum amount that can flow
                between the nodes. Creates an upper bound ``ub=capacity``
                on the flow :class:`~friendlysam.opt.Variable` for each index.

        edges = self._graph.edges()
        if not (n1, n2) in edges:
            self._graph.add_edge(n1, n2)
            name = 'flow({}-->{})'.format(n1, n2)
            with namespace(self):
                flow = VariableCollection(name, lb=0, ub=capacity)
            self._flows[(n1, n2)] = flow

        if bidirectional and (n2, n1) not in edges:
            self.connect(n2, n1)
    def __init__(self, resource, capacity=None, maxchange=None, name=None):
        if name is not None:
            self.name = name
        self._resource = resource
        #:The maximum net inflow/outflow the storage
        #:can manage in one time step. In mathematical terms, it requires
        #:``abs(accumulation[resource](index)) <= maxchange`` for each ``index``.
        #:If ``None`` (the default), there is no limit.
        self.maxchange = maxchange

        with namespace(self):
            #:The volume of the storage at any time. Think of it as the
            #:volume at the **start** of a time step. To be concrete,
            #:``accumulation[resource](t) == volume(t+1) - volume(t)`` if
            #:the model is simply indexed in integers representing time.
            #:(And in more general terms,
            #:``accumulation[resource](idx) == volume(step_time(idx, 1)) - volume(idx)``
            #:for any index ``idx``.)
            self.volume = VariableCollection('volume', lb=0., ub=capacity)
        self.accumulation[resource] = self._compute_accumulation

        self.constraints += self._maxchange_constraints