class _Builtin(object):
    """All builtins except 'command' obey this interface.

  Assignment builtins use cmd_value__Assign; others use cmd_value__Argv.
    def Run(self, cmd_val):
        # type: (cmd_value_t) -> int
        raise NotImplementedError()

# Implementation of builtins.

if mylib.PYTHON:
    TIMES_SPEC = arg_def.Register('times')

class Times(_Builtin):
    def Run(self, cmd_val):
        # type: (cmd_value__Argv) -> int
        utime, stime, cutime, cstime, elapsed = posix.times()
        print("%dm%1.3fs %dm%1.3fs" %
              (utime / 60, utime % 60, stime / 60, stime % 60))
        print("%dm%1.3fs %dm%1.3fs" %
              (cutime / 60, cutime % 60, cstime / 60, cstime % 60))

        return 0

# The Read builtin splits using IFS.
from mycpp.mylib import tagswitch
from osh.builtin_misc import _Builtin

import posix_ as posix

from typing import List, Dict, Any, cast, TYPE_CHECKING
  from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import command_t
  from core.ui import ErrorFormatter
  from core.process import JobState, Waiter, SignalState
  from osh.cmd_exec import Executor
  from core.state import Mem

if mylib.PYTHON:
  WAIT_SPEC = arg_def.Register('wait')

class Wait(object):
  wait: wait [-n] [id ...]
      Wait for job completion and return exit status.

      Waits for each process identified by an ID, which may be a process ID or a
      job specification, and reports its termination status.  If ID is not
      given, waits for all currently active child processes, and the return
      status is zero.  If ID is a a job specification, waits for all processes
      in that job's pipeline.

      If the -n option is supplied, waits for the next job to terminate and
from frontend import match
from frontend import reader
from mycpp import mylib
from osh import string_ops
from osh import word_compile

from typing import Dict, List, TYPE_CHECKING

    from frontend.lexer import Lexer
    from frontend.parse_lib import ParseContext
    from core.state import Mem
    from core.ui import ErrorFormatter

if mylib.PYTHON:
    PRINTF_SPEC = arg_def.Register('printf')  # TODO: Don't need this?
    PRINTF_SPEC.ShortFlag('-v', args.Str)

class _FormatStringParser(object):

    fmt           = Format_Percent Flag? Num? (Dot Num)? Type
    part          = Char_* | Format_EscapedPercent | fmt
    printf_format = part* Eof_Real   # we're using the main lexer

  Maybe: bash also supports %(strftime)T
    def __init__(self, lexer):
        # type: (Lexer) -> None
  from core.state import MutableOpts, Mem, SearchPath

class Boolean(_Builtin):
  """For :, true, false."""
  def __init__(self, status):
    # type: (int) -> None
    self.status = status

  def Run(self, cmd_val):
    # type: (cmd_value__Argv) -> int
    return self.status

if mylib.PYTHON:
  ALIAS_SPEC = arg_def.Register('alias')

class Alias(object):
  def __init__(self, aliases, errfmt):
    # type: (Dict, ErrorFormatter) -> None
    self.aliases = aliases
    self.errfmt = errfmt

  def Run(self, cmd_val):
    # type: (cmd_value__Argv) -> int
    argv = cmd_val.argv
    if len(argv) == 1:
      for name in sorted(self.aliases):
        alias_exp = self.aliases[name]
        # This is somewhat like bash, except we use %r for ''.
#from core.util import log
from frontend import args
from frontend import match
from core import state
from mycpp import mylib

from typing import Dict, Tuple, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from core.state import Mem
    from core.ui import ErrorFormatter

if mylib.PYTHON:
    from frontend import arg_def

if mylib.PYTHON:
    EXPORT_SPEC = arg_def.Register('export')
    EXPORT_SPEC.ShortFlag('-f')  # stubbed
    # Instead of Reader?  Or just make everything take a reader/
    # They should check for extra args?

    # Later, use it like:
    # from _devbuild.gen import arg_parse
    # arg = arg_parse.export_cmdval(cmd_val)?
    # arg = arg_parse.echo(arg_r)
    # arg = arg_parse.bin_oil(arg_r)?
    # So from arg_def you generate arg_parse.