def init(force=False, course_ids=None): """initializes working tree: creates local .mdt/config, with chosen courses""" try: wt = WorkTree(init=True, force=force) except FileExistsError: print( 'already initialized, use --force to overwrite or delete .mdt folder' ) raise SystemExit(1) # ms = MoodleSession(moodle_url=url, token=token) frontend = MoodleFrontend(wt) # wrapped = wrappers.CourseListResponse(ms.get_users_course_list(user_id)) wrapped = frontend.get_course_list() courses = list(wrapped) courses.sort(key=lambda course: course.full_name) saved_data = [] if course_ids is None or force: choices = interaction.input_choices_from_list( courses, '\n choose courses, seperate with space: ') if len(choices) == 0: print('nothing chosen.') raise SystemExit(0) chosen_courses = [courses[c] for c in choices] print('using:\n' + ' '.join([str(c) for c in chosen_courses])) course_ids = [ for c in chosen_courses] saved_data = [c for c in wrapped.raw if c['id'] in course_ids] = saved_data wt.write_local_config('courseids = ' + str(course_ids))
def sync(assignments=False, submissions=False, grades=False, users=False, files=False): frontend = MoodleFrontend() sync_all = True if users or submissions or assignments or grades or files: sync_all = False if assignments or sync_all: print('syncing assignments… ', end='', flush=True) output = frontend.sync_assignments() print('finished. ' + ' '.join(output)) if submissions or sync_all: print('syncing submissions… ', end='', flush=True) output = frontend.sync_submissions() print('finished. ' + ' '.join(output)) if grades or sync_all: print('syncing grades… ', end='', flush=True) output = frontend.sync_grades() print('finished. ' + ' '.join(output)) if users or sync_all: print('syncing users…', end=' ', flush=True) output = frontend.sync_users() print(output + 'finished.') if files: # TODO: when finished, add 'or sync_all' print('syncing files… ', end='', flush=True) frontend.sync_file_meta_data() print('finished')
def auth(url=None, ask=False, username=None, service='moodle_mobile_app'): """ Retreives a Web Service Token for the given user and host and saves it to the global config. :param url: the moodle host :param ask: set this to true, to get asked for input of known values anyway. :param username: the login for which you'd like to retrieve a token for. :param service: the configured Web Service, you'd like the token for. :return: nothing. """ _url = 'url' _user = '******' _service = 'service' cfg = WorkTree.get_global_config_values() settings = { _url: url or cfg.get(_url, None), _user: username or cfg.get(_user, None), _service: service } if ask: settings[_url] = interaction.input_moodle_url(settings[_url]) settings[_user] = interaction.input_user_name(settings[_user]) del ask else: if settings[_url] is None or settings[_url].strip() == '': settings[_url] = interaction.input_moodle_url() if settings[_user] is None or settings[_user].strip() == '': settings[_user] = interaction.input_user_name() password = interaction.input_password() token = MoodleFrontend.get_token(settings[_url], settings[_user], password, settings[_service]) settings[Jn.token] = token del password # Writing values here once, to allow MoodleFrontend to read from it. WorkTree.write_global_config(settings) frontend = MoodleFrontend(True) settings['user_id'] = frontend.get_user_id() WorkTree.write_global_config(settings)
def dump(): frontend = MoodleFrontend() frontend.get_course_content()
def submit(text=None, textfiles=None, files=None, assignment_id=None): """ Bei nur Datei Abgabe, keine File ID angegeben. [ { "item": "Es wurde nichts eingereicht.", "itemid": 4987, "warningcode": "couldnotsavesubmission", "message": "Could not save submission." } ]""" def determine_text_format_id(file_name): ending = file_name.split('.')[-1] if 'md' == ending: return text_format['markdown'] if 'html' == ending: return text_format['html'] if 'txt' == ending: return text_format['plain'] return 0 frontend = MoodleFrontend() file_item_id = 0 if files is not None: file_response = frontend.upload_files(files) if file_response.has_errors: for error in file_response.errors: print(error) answer = input('errors occured, continue anyway? [Y/n]: ') if 'n' == answer: raise SystemExit(0) elif not ('y' == answer.lower() or '' == answer): print('wat') raise SystemExit(1) for file in file_response: file_item_id = file.item_id break text_file_item_id = 0 if textfiles is not None: text_file_response = frontend.upload_files(textfiles) text_file_item_id = text_file_response[0]['itemid'] submission_text = '' submission_text_format = 0 if text is not None: submission_text = submission_text_format = determine_text_format_id( assignments = [] if assignment_id is None: wt = WorkTree() for data in wt.assignments.values(): assignments.append(Assignment(data)) choice = interaction.input_choices_from_list(assignments, 'which assignment? ') assignment_id = assignments[choice[0]].id # print('{:s} {:d} {:d} {:d}'.format(text, submission_text_format, text_file_item_id, file_item_id)) data = frontend.save_submission(assignment_id, submission_text, submission_text_format, text_file_item_id, file_item_id) print(data)
def enrol(keywords): frontend = MoodleFrontend(True) data = frontend.search_courses_by_keywords(keywords) courses = [c for c in data['courses']] courses.sort(key=lambda d: d['fullname']) print('received {} courses'.format(data['total'])) course_strs = [] for course in courses: course_strs.append('{:40} {:5d} {:20} {}'.format( course[Jn.full_name][:39], course[], course[Jn.short_name][:19], str(set(course['enrollmentmethods'])))) choices = interaction.input_choices_from_list(course_strs, '\n choose one course: ') if len(choices) == 0: print('nothing chosen.') raise SystemExit(1) elif len(choices) > 1: print('please choose only one, to enrol in') raise SystemExit(1) chosen_course = courses[choices[0]] # print('using:\n' + ' '.join([str(c[Jn.short_name]) for c in chosen_course])) # reply = ms.get_course_enrolment_methods(chosen_course[]) enrolment_methods = frontend.get_course_enrolment_methods( chosen_course[]) chosen_method_instance_id = None if len(enrolment_methods) > 1: print(json.dumps(enrolment_methods, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) # todo: let user choose enrolment method raise NotImplementedError( 'there are multiple enrolment methods, please send this output as bugreport' ) elif len(enrolment_methods) == 1: if enrolment_methods[0][Jn.status]: chosen_method_instance_id = enrolment_methods[0][] if chosen_method_instance_id is None: # no active enrolment method print('No available enrolment method, sorry') raise SystemExit(0) # todo: if wsfunction in enrolment method, try that. on accessexception, try without password. # todo: if without password fails, possibly warning code 4, then ask for password answer = frontend.enrol_in_course(chosen_course[], instance_id=chosen_method_instance_id) if not answer[Jn.status] and Jn.warnings in answer: warning = answer[Jn.warnings][0] if warning[Jn.warning_code] == '4': # wrong password? unsuccessful = True while unsuccessful: print(warning[Jn.message]) # todo, move to utils.interaction password = getpass.getpass(prompt='enrolment key: ') data = frontend.enrol_in_course( chosen_course[], password=password, instance_id=chosen_method_instance_id) if data[Jn.status]: unsuccessful = False
def upload(files): frontend = MoodleFrontend( True) # TODO: HACK, for not initializing worktree frontend.upload_files(files)
def grade(grading_files): frontend = MoodleFrontend() upload_data = frontend.parse_grade_files(grading_files) frontend.upload_grades(upload_data)
def pull(assignment_ids=None, all=False): frontend = MoodleFrontend() frontend.download_files(assignment_ids)