def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs) context["can_edit"] = user_can_create_edit_delete( self.request.user, self.get_object() ) return context
def test_glsc_can_edit_uploads(glsc, data_uploads): """the great lakes stocking coordinator should be able edit all data upload events that are associated with all lakes by all agencies. """ for upload in data_uploads: assert user_can_create_edit_delete(glsc, upload) is True
def test_huron_sc_user_can_edit_dict_wrong_agency(huron_mdnr_sc, huron, usfws): """The function user_can_create_edit_delete can accept an object (event) or a dictionary with the keys, 'lake' and 'agency'. Verfy that they function returns FALSE because agency does not match. """ args = {"lake": huron, "agency": usfws} assert user_can_create_edit_delete(huron_mdnr_sc, args) is False
def test_glsc_can_edit_dict(glsc, superior, mdnr): """The function user_can_create_edit_delete can accept an object (event) or a dictionary with the keys, 'lake' and 'agency'. Verfy that they function returns true for great lakes stocking coordinator: """ args = {"lake": superior, "agency": mdnr} assert user_can_create_edit_delete(glsc, args) is True
def test_glsc_can_edit_event(glsc, stocking_events): """the great lakes stocking coordinator should be able edit all stocking events in all lakes by all agencies. """ for event in stocking_events: assert user_can_create_edit_delete(glsc, event) is True
def test_huron_user_user_can_edit_dict_wrong_lake(huron_mdnr_user, superior, mdnr): """The function user_can_create_edit_delete can accept an object (event) or a dictionary with the keys, 'lake' and 'agency'. Verfy that they function returns FALSE when the lake is different. """ args = {"lake": superior, "agency": mdnr} assert user_can_create_edit_delete(huron_mdnr_user, args) is False
def test_huron_user_user_can_edit_dict(huron_mdnr_user, huron, mdnr): """The function user_can_create_edit_delete can accept an object (event) or a dictionary with the keys, 'lake' and 'agency'. Verfy that they function returns false for an agency user even if the lake and agency match their attributes. """ args = {"lake": huron, "agency": mdnr} assert user_can_create_edit_delete(huron_mdnr_user, args) is False
def test_huron_sc_user_can_edit_dict(huron_mdnr_sc, huron, mdnr): """The function user_can_create_edit_delete can accept an object (event) or a dictionary with the keys, 'lake' and 'agency'. Verfy that they function returns true for an agency stocking coordinator if the lake and agency match their attributes. """ args = {"lake": huron, "agency": mdnr} assert user_can_create_edit_delete(huron_mdnr_sc, args) is True
def test_asc_can_edit_their_uploads(huron_mdnr_sc, data_uploads): """our agency stocking coordinator works for MDNR on Lake Huron so she should be able to edit upload 1, but not uploads 2-4 which are in another lake, by another agency, or both. """ shouldbe = [True, False, False, False] for expected, upload in zip(shouldbe, data_uploads): assert user_can_create_edit_delete(huron_mdnr_sc, upload) is expected
def test_asc_can_edit_their_event(huron_mdnr_sc, stocking_events): """our agency stocking coordinator works for MDNR on Lake Huron so she should be able to edit event 1, but not events 2-4 which are in another lake, by another agency, or both. """ shouldbe = [True, False, False, False] for expected, event in zip(shouldbe, stocking_events): assert user_can_create_edit_delete(huron_mdnr_sc, event) is expected
def test_func(self): """Verify that the user can access this element (they are a great lakes coordinator, or the stocking coordinator foe the lake and stocking agency). Arguments: - `self`: """ user = self.request.user item = self.get_object() return user_can_create_edit_delete(user, item)
def edit_stocking_event(request, stock_id): """A view that will present a form that will allow authorized users to edit the attibutes of a stocking event.""" event = get_object_or_404(StockingEvent, stock_id=stock_id) if user_can_create_edit_delete(request.user, event) is False: return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse( "stocking:stocking-event-detail", kwargs={"stock_id": event.stock_id} ) ) has_cwts = True if event.cwt_series.count() else False choices = get_event_model_form_choices(event) CWTSequenceFormSet = formset_factory( CWTSequenceForm, formset=BaseCWTSequenceFormSet, extra=0, max_num=50 ) if request.method == "POST": # for k, v in request.POST.items(): # print("{}={}".format(k, v)) cwt_formset = CWTSequenceFormSet( request.POST, request.FILES, prefix="cwtseries" ) if cwt_formset.is_valid(): formset_data = [x for x in cwt_formset.cleaned_data if not x.get("delete")] form = StockingEventForm( request.POST, choices=choices, cwt_formset=formset_data, has_cwts=has_cwts, user=request.user, ) else: form = StockingEventForm( request.POST, choices=choices, has_cwts=has_cwts, # cwt_formset=cwt_formset.cleaned_data, user=request.user, ) if form.is_valid() and cwt_formset.is_valid(): event = url = event.get_absolute_url() return HttpResponseRedirect(url) else: # covert our event object to a dictionary and add some # additional attributes we will need in the form: event_dict = event.__dict__ event_dict["lake_id"] = event_dict["state_prov_id"] = # add our many-to-many fields too - they aren't included in our dict by default: event_dict["fin_clips"] = [x.abbrev for x in event.fin_clips.all()] event_dict["fish_tags"] = [x.tag_code for x in event.fish_tags.all()] event_dict["physchem_marks"] = [ for x in event.physchem_marks.all()] # cwt_data = {} cwt_dict = get_cwt_sequence_dict(event) cwt_formset = CWTSequenceFormSet(initial=cwt_dict, prefix="cwtseries") form = StockingEventForm( event_dict, choices=choices, has_cwts=has_cwts, cwt_formset=cwt_formset, user=request.user, ) return render( request, "stocking/stocking_event_form.html", { "form": form, "cwt_formset": cwt_formset, "stock_id": stock_id, "lake": event.lake, "has_cwts": has_cwts, }, )
def test_agency_user_can_not_edit_any_uploads(huron_mdnr_user, data_uploads): """our agency user should not be able to edit any of the data upload events""" for upload in data_uploads: assert user_can_create_edit_delete(huron_mdnr_user, upload) is False
def test_agency_user_can_not_edit_any_events(huron_mdnr_user, stocking_events): """our agency user should not be able to edit any of the stocking events""" for event in stocking_events: assert user_can_create_edit_delete(huron_mdnr_user, event) is False