def test_briconToDisplayRange():

    tests = list(it.product(np.linspace(0, 1, 5),
                            np.linspace(0, 1, 5)))

    # bricon of 0.5/0.5 should result in a
    # display range equal to the data range
    assert fslcm.briconToDisplayRange((0, 100), 0.5, 0.5) == (0, 100)

    for inbri, incon in tests:
        dmin,   dmax   = fslcm.briconToDisplayRange((0, 100), inbri, incon)
        outbri, outcon = fslcm.displayRangeToBricon((0, 100), (dmin, dmax))
        assert np.all(np.isclose((inbri, incon), (outbri, outcon)))
    def getVectorColours(self):
        """Prepares the colours that represent each direction.

          - a ``numpy`` array of size ``(3, 4)`` containing the
            RGBA colours that correspond to the ``x``, ``y``, and ``z``
            vector directions.

          - A ``numpy`` array of shape ``(4, 4)`` which encodes a scale
            and offset to be applied to the vector value before it
            is combined with the colours, encoding the current
            brightness and contrast settings.
        display = self.display
        opts = self.opts
        bri = display.brightness / 100.0
        con = display.contrast / 100.0
        alpha = display.alpha / 100.0

        colours = np.array([opts.xColour, opts.yColour, opts.zColour])
        colours[:, 3] = alpha

        if opts.suppressMode == 'white': suppress = [1, 1, 1, alpha]
        elif opts.suppressMode == 'black': suppress = [0, 0, 0, alpha]
        elif opts.suppressMode == 'transparent': suppress = [0, 0, 0, 0]

        # Transparent suppression
        if opts.suppressX: colours[0, :] = suppress
        if opts.suppressY: colours[1, :] = suppress
        if opts.suppressZ: colours[2, :] = suppress

        # Scale/offset for brightness/contrast.
        # Note: This code is a duplicate of
        # that found in ColourMapTexture.
        lo, hi = fslcm.briconToDisplayRange((0, 1), bri, con)

        if hi == lo: scale = 0.0000000000001
        else: scale = hi - lo

        xform = np.identity(4, dtype=np.float32)
        xform[0, 0] = 1.0 / scale
        xform[0, 3] = -lo * xform[0, 0]

        return colours, xform
    def __briconChanged(self, *a):
        """Called when the ``brightness``/``contrast`` properties of the
        :class:`.Display` instance change.

        Updates the :attr:`displayRange` property accordingly.

        See :func:`.colourmaps.briconToDisplayRange`.

        dataRange = self.getDataRange()

        dlo, dhi = fslcm.briconToDisplayRange(dataRange,
                                              self.display.brightness / 100.0,
                                              self.display.contrast / 100.0)

        self.displayRange.x = [dlo, dhi]
    def refreshColourMapTexture(self, colourRes=256):
        """Called when the component colour maps need to be updated, when one
        of the :attr:`.VectorOpts.xColour`, ``yColour``, ``zColour``, ``cmap``,
        ``suppressX``, ``suppressY``, or ``suppressZ`` properties change.

        Regenerates the colour map texture.

        display = self.display
        opts = self.opts

        if self.colourImage is not None:
            dmin, dmax = self.colourImage.dataRange

            dmin, dmax = 0.0, 1.0

        dmin, dmax = fslcm.briconToDisplayRange(
            (dmin, dmax), display.brightness / 100.0, display.contrast / 100.0)

                             alpha=display.alpha / 100.0,
                             displayRange=(dmin, dmax))