def users(): "Users" if 'username' not in session: return goto_login(fname(), fparms()) if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form.get('name') if username: return redirect(url_for('user_details', username=request.form.get('name'))) else: return redirect(url_for('users')) info = return render_template('users.html', navigation=get_navi(fname()), info=info)
def properties(): "Properties" if 'username' not in session: return goto_login(fname(), fparms()) if request.method == 'POST': flash('Properties saved. <span class="halflink" onclick="document.getElementById(\'restartform\').submit();">Restart</span> the server to apply your changes.', 'success') return redirect(url_for('properties')) sproperties = [] serverprops = props.load() for item in props.tpl: item['value'] = serverprops.get(item['key'], item['default']) sproperties.append(item) return render_template('properties.html', navigation=get_navi(fname()), properties=sproperties)
def lists_edit(name=None): if 'username' not in session: return goto_login(fname(), fparms()) action = 'delete' if request.args.get('action', request.form.get('action')) == 'delete' else 'add' item = request.args.get('item', request.form.get('item')) if not name or not action or not item: return redirect(url_for('lists')) listname = getattr(userlists, name).printedname if request.method == 'POST': if name == 'whitelist': restartstring = '<span class="halflink" onclick="document.getElementById(\'restartform\').submit();">Restart</span> the server to apply your changes.' else: restartstring = '' if action == 'add': if getattr(userlists, name).add(item): flash('<i>%s</i> added to %s. %s' % (Markup.escape(item), listname, restartstring), 'success') else: flash('<i>%s</i> is already in %s.' % (Markup.escape(item), listname), 'info') elif action == 'delete': if getattr(userlists, name).remove(item): flash('<i>%s</i> deleted from %s. %s' % (Markup.escape(item), listname, restartstring), 'success') else: flash('<i>%s</i> is not in %s.' % (Markup.escape(item), listname), 'info') returnpage = request.form.get('returnpage', 'lists') return redirect(url_for(returnpage, username=item)) return render_template('lists_delete.html', navigation=get_navi('lists'), name=name, action=action, item=item, listname=listname)
def user_details(username): if 'username' not in session: return goto_login(fname(), fparms()) user_info = userlists.get_user_info(username, check_online=True) items_json = {} for item in items.get(): items_json[item['id']] = item['name'] items_json = json.dumps(items_json) mcs.prepare_nbt() try: pxp = mcs.get_player_xp(username) except mcserver.NBT_IO_Exception: pxp = None return render_template('user_details.html', navigation=get_navi('users'), info=user_info, name=username, items=items.get(), items_json=items_json, pxp=pxp)
def login(): "Login" if request.method == 'POST': username = request.form.get('username') password = request.form.get('password') if webadm.auth(username, password): funcname = session.pop('fname', 'server') args = session.pop('args', {}) session['username'] = username flash('Login successfull.', 'success') return redirect(url_for(funcname, **args)) else: flash('Login failed.', 'error') return render_template('login.html', navigation=get_navi(fname()))
def admins_edit(name=None): action = 'delete' if request.args.get('action', request.form.get('action')) == 'delete' else 'edit' if 'username' not in session: return goto_login(fname(), fparms()) if not name: return redirect(url_for('admins')) if request.method == 'POST': if action == 'edit': password = request.form.get('new_password') if password: webadm.set(name, password) flash('User <i>%s</i> updated.' % Markup.escape(name), 'success') else: flash('Password must not be empty.', 'error') return redirect(url_for('admins_edit', name=name)) elif action == 'delete': if len(webadm.list()) == 1: flash('You can\'t delete the last user.', 'error') return redirect(url_for('admins')) webadm.remove(name) flash('User <i>%s</i> deleted.' % Markup.escape(name), 'success') return redirect(url_for('admins')) return render_template('admins_edit.html', navigation=get_navi('admins'), admin=name, action=action)
def server(action=None): "Server" if 'username' not in session: return goto_login(fname(), fparms()) if request.method == 'POST': if action == 'power': task = request.form.get('task') if task == 'start': if mcs.start(): flash('Server started.', 'success') else: flash('Server already running.', 'info') elif task == 'stop': if mcs.stop(): flash('Server stopped.', 'success') else: flash('Server not running.', 'info') elif task == 'restart': mcs.stop() if mcs.start(): flash('Server restarted.', 'success') else: flash('Server did not start.', 'error') elif action == 'memory': memory = int(request.form.get('mem', 512)) if 512 <= memory <= 64000: config.update(server_memory=memory) flash('Server memory updated. <span class="halflink" onclick="document.getElementById(\'restartform\').submit();">Restart</span> the server to apply your changes.', 'success') else: flash('Memory value out of range: %d.' % memory, 'error') elif action == 'autos': autostart = (request.form.get('auto') == 'on') flash('Server autostart %s.' % ('enabled' if autostart else 'disabled'), 'success') config.update(server_autostart=bool(autostart)) elif action == 'update': old_version = mcs.get_version() update_server_binary() new_version = mcs.get_version() if old_version != new_version: flash('Server updated. <span class="halflink" onclick="document.getElementById(\'restartform\').submit();">Restart</span> the server to apply your changes.', 'success') else: flash('Server version unchanged. You already have the current version.', 'info') elif action == 'announce': message = request.form.get('message').replace("\n", '') try: mcs.cmd('say %s' % message) flash('Announcement sent.', 'success') except mcserver.NotRunning: flash('Announcement impossible when server is not running.', 'error') elif action == 'timeset': newtime = int(request.form.get('time', '1')) % 24000 try: mcs.cmd('time set %d' % newtime) flash('Time set to value <i>%s</i>.' % newtime, 'success') except mcserver.NotRunning: flash('Time setting impossible when server is not running.', 'error') return redirect(url_for('server')) info = mem = config.get('server_memory') autos = config.get('server_autostart') username = request.args.get('username', 'default') mcs.prepare_nbt() return render_template('server.html', navigation=get_navi(fname()), info=info, mem=mem, autos=autos, username=username, servertime=mcs.get_time())
def logs(): "Logs" if 'username' not in session: return goto_login(fname(), fparms()) return render_template('log.html', navigation=get_navi(fname()), log=mcs.log())
def admins(): "Admins" if request.method == 'POST': return redirect(url_for('admins_edit', name=request.form.get('newname'))) admin_list = webadm.list() return render_template('admins.html', navigation=get_navi(fname()), admin_list=admin_list)
def lists(): "Lists" if 'username' not in session: return goto_login(fname(), fparms()) return render_template('lists.html', navigation=get_navi(fname()), userlists=userlists.getall())
def users_json(name): if 'username' not in session: return goto_login(fname(), fparms()) return jsonify(**userlists.get_user_info(name))
def user_action(): if 'username' not in session: return goto_login(fname(), fparms()) if request.method == 'GET': return redirect(url_for('users')) elif request.method == 'POST': username = request.form.get('username') action = request.form.get('action') try: if action == 'kick': mcs.cmd('kick %s' % username) flash('<i>%s</i> kicked.' % Markup.escape(username), 'success') elif action == 'tell': message = request.form.get('message') mcs.cmd('tell %s %s' % (username, message)) flash('Message sent to <i>%s</i>.' % Markup.escape(username), 'success') elif action == 'xp': try: amount = int(request.form.get('amount')) if not 0 < amount <= 5000: raise ValueError mcs.cmd('xp %s %s' % (amount, username)) flash('Gave %d XP\'s to <i>%s</i>.' % (amount, Markup.escape(username)), 'success') except ValueError: flash('Amount of XP\'s out of range of 1 - 5000.', 'error') elif action == 'teleport': try: target = request.form.get('target') if target == 'user': destuser = request.form.get('destuser') if userlists.get_user_info(destuser, check_online=True)['online']: mcs.cmd('tp %s %s' % (username, destuser)) flash('Teleported <i>%s</i> to <i>%s</i>.' % (Markup.escape(username), Markup.escape(destuser)), 'success') else: flash('Destination user <i>%s</i> is not online.' % Markup.escape(destuser), 'error') elif target == 'position': x = int(request.form.get('dest_x')) y = int(request.form.get('dest_y')) z = int(request.form.get('dest_z')) mcs.cmd('tp %s %d %d %d' % (username, x, y, z)) flash('Teleported <i>%s</i> to x:<i>%d</i>, y:<i>%d</i>, z:<i>%d</i>.' % (Markup.escape(username), x, y, z), 'success') # server needs some time to answer after tp except ValueError: flash('Invalid target position.', 'error') elif action == 'give': try: amount = int(request.form.get('amount')) itemid = request.form.get('itemid') if not 0 < amount <= 64: raise ValueError if itemid.find(':') != -1: item, data = itemid.split(':') mcs.cmd('give %s %d %d %d' % (username, int(item), amount, int(data))) else: mcs.cmd('give %s %d %d' % (username, int(itemid), amount)) try: itemname = items.get_by_id(itemid)['name'] except KeyError: itemname = idemid flash('Gave %d <i>%s</i> to <i>%s</i>.' % (amount, Markup.escape(itemname), Markup.escape(username)), 'success') except ValueError: flash('Amount of item\'s out of range of 1 - 64.', 'error') except mcserver.NotRunning: flash('User interaction impossible when server is not running.', 'error') returnpage = request.form.get('returnpage', 'user_details') return redirect(url_for(returnpage, username=username))