def prePackage(): # extra other files for item in gv.EXTRA_FILES: file = os.path.basename(item) if not os.path.exists(gv.EXTRA_PATH + '/' + file): func.errorReport(gv.EXTRA_PATH + '/' + file + ' not exists') # build number check cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(); currentNum = cfg.get(gv.BUILD_INI_SEC, gv.CURRENT_BUILDNUM) revision = cfg.get(gv.BUILD_INI_SEC, gv.CURRENT_REVISION) lastRevision = cfg.get(gv.BUILD_INI_SEC, 'build' + currentNum) if int(lastRevision) > int(revision): func.errorReport('No need to package\nNow Revison: ' + revision + ', Last:' +lastRevision + '(Build' + currentNum + ')') # conf / files / package outputs = [gv.PACK_CONF_PATH, gv.PACK_FILE_PATH, gv.PACK_PACK_PATH] for item in outputs: if os.path.exists(item): shutil.rmtree(item) os.makedirs(item) # delete old package if os.path.exists(gv.ITM_PACKAGE_NAME): os.remove(gv.ITM_PACKAGE_NAME) func.tip('Prepare for Package Finish.', '32'); func.tip('-------------------------------------');
def generateCfgIni(): for branch in gv.SVN_EACH_BRANCH: if os.path.exists(gv.FILE_INI_PATH + '/' + branch + '.ini'): _getSvnList(branch); _updateCfgIni(branch); func.tip('++++ update ini ' + branch + ' \t++++'); else: func.errorReport(item + " origin ini miss") func.tip('Generate Latest Ini Config', '32');
def checkUninited(): for branch in gv.SVN_EACH_BRANCH: _checkByAct(branch, 'add'); func.tip('++++ check uninited ' + branch + ' \t++++'); if uninit_items > 0: func.tip('\033[40;32mUninitialied Files: ' + str(uninit_items)); func.tip('Go to ' + gv.FILE_INI_PATH + ' REWRITE INI Files', '32'); func.tip('Run\'./ uninited\' to check after rewrite', '32'); func.errorReport(); func.tip('No-Uninited Sections Exists', '32');
def updateBranch(branch = ''): # code update cmd = 'svn update ' + gv.LOCAL_CODE_PATH + '/' + branch os.system(cmd) # new revision update cmd = 'svn info ' + gv.LOCAL_CODE_PATH + '/' + branch + ' | awk \'{if($1=="Revision:")print $NF}\'' revision = commands.getoutput(cmd).strip(); cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(); if cfg.has_section(gv.BUILD_INI_SEC): last = cfg.get(gv.BUILD_INI_SEC, gv.CURRENT_REVISION); if (not last.isdigit()) or (not revision.isdigit()): func.errorReport(gv.CURRENT_BUILDNUM + ' or Revision Not Number') _int_last = int(last) _int_revi = int(revision) if _int_last > _int_revi: func.errorReport('Last Build revision after Current Revision, Check ' + gv.BUILD_INI_FILE) else: cfg.set(gv.BUILD_INI_SEC, gv.CURRENT_REVISION, revision) cfg.write(open(gv.BUILD_INI_FILE, 'w')) _curbuild = cfg.get(gv.BUILD_INI_SEC, gv.CURRENT_BUILDNUM); _curbuild = 'build' + _curbuild; _curRevi = cfg.get(gv.BUILD_INI_SEC, _curbuild); if not _curRevi < revision: func.errorReport('No Update against Last Build, Not Need to Package') else: func.errorReport(gv.BUILD_INI_FILE + ' miss section:' + gv.BUILD_INI_SEC)
def checkCfgIni(): illegals = 0; if os.path.exists(gv.CHECK_CONF_PATH): os.system('rm -rf ' + gv.CHECK_CONF_PATH) os.makedirs(gv.CHECK_CONF_PATH) for branch in gv.SVN_EACH_BRANCH: # diff list file_diff = gv.DIFF_LIST_PATH + '/' + branch + '.txt' file_inis = gv.FILE_INI_PATH + '/' + branch + '.ini' cfgPsr = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() _cfgStr = '' _errStr = '' # read each line Of diff.txt file_reader = open(file_diff) for line in file_reader: line = line.strip(); # comment line & null line, skip; if line.find('#') == 0 or line.strip() == '': continue; (act, codepath) = line.split(' '); if _checkInSkipDirs(codepath) == 1: _cfgStr += codepath + '\n [action]: IGNORE [reason]: belong to SVN_SKIP_DIRS\n'; continue; # errorReport if not cfgPsr.has_section(codepath): if cfgPsr.has_section(codepath + '/'): codepath += '/'; else: _errStr += codepath + '\n [reason]: NOT EXSITS\n' continue; dictIni = _parserInfo(cfgPsr.items(codepath)); if dictIni['typ'] == '' and dictIni['act'] == '' and dictIni['src'] == '' and dictIni['dst'] == '' and dictIni['mod'] == '' and dictIni['own'] == '' and dictIni['grp'] == '': _errStr += codepath + '\n [reason]: PROPERTIES UNDEFINED\n'; continue; # Dirs, src & dst not allow multi if dictIni['typ'] == 'd': if (len(dictIni['src'].strip()) > 1) or (len(dictIni['dst'].strip()) > 1): _errStr += codepath + '\n [reason]: Dirs src/dst UnALLOWED MULTI'; continue; if dictIni['act'] == 'i': _cfgStr += codepath + '\n [act]: IGNORE\n [reason]: defined by '+ branch +'.ini\n'; continue; elif dictIni['act'] == 'z': _errStr += codepath + '\n [reason]: UNINITIALIEZED\n' continue; # check srcNums & dstNums _srcNums = str.count(dictIni['src'], '|') _dstNums = str.count(dictIni['dst'], '|') if not _srcNums == _dstNums: _errStr += codepath + '\n [reason]: SRC & DST NUMBERS NOT EQUAL\n' continue; # check src whether exist or not # exist 1 at least!! _srcCount = 0; _srcS = dictIni['src'].split('|'); for each in _srcS: if os.path.exists(gv.LOCAL_CODE_PATH + '/' + each): _srcCount += 1; if _srcCount == 0: if not act == 'D': _errStr += codepath + '\n [reason]: NOT FOUND SRC, BUT CHANGED\n' continue; # check dst, if not start with '/', error _dstCount = 0; _dstS = dictIni['dst'].split('|'); for each in _dstS: if not each.find('/') == 0: _errStr += codepath + '\n [reason]: DST PATH NOT START WITH \'/\'\n' # check finish _cfgStr += codepath + '\n [act]: ' + dictIni['act'] + ' \t[type]: ' + dictIni['typ'] + '\n' _cfgStr += ' [src]: ' + dictIni['src'] + '\n [dst]: ' + dictIni['dst'] + '\n' _cfgStr += ' [mod]: ' + dictIni['mod'] + ' \t[own]: ' + dictIni['own'] + ' \t[grp]: ' + dictIni['grp'] + '\n' func.writeFile(gv.CHECK_CONF_PATH + '/' + branch + '-cfg.txt', _cfgStr, 'w'); func.writeFile(gv.CHECK_CONF_PATH + '/' + branch + '-err.txt', _errStr, 'w'); if not len(_errStr) == 0: illegals += 1; func.tip(branch + '.ini EXISTS ERRORS', '31') if gv.DEBUG_SWITCH == 1: if not len(_errStr) == 0: func.tip(_errStr, '31'); func.tip('++++ check ini ' + branch + ' \t++++'); if not illegals == 0: func.errorReport('INI Config Illegal, Go "' + gv.CHECK_CONF_PATH + '" to check') func.tip('INI Config Check Finished.', '32')