def writeToRAWIMAGE_andNMS(data_dir, image_name, category): raw_image_name = image_name nms_pts = {cat: [] for cat in category} # bbox的结果 nms_scores = {cat: [] for cat in category} # nms对应的scores with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'result', raw_image_name + '.txt'), 'r') as f: # 读raw_image_name对应的图片 pres = f.readlines() if pres == "": return # 为空则返回 for pre in pres: # 逆时针(不改变顺序) pre = pre.strip('\n').split(" ") # 以换行切断,以空格分割 pre[4], pre[8] = pre[8], pre[4] pre[5], pre[9] = pre[9], pre[5] nms_pts[pre[0]].append(pre[2:]) # 更新当前类别的bbox结果 nms_scores[pre[0]].append(pre[1]) # 记录当前类别的置信度 nms_result = {cat: [] for cat in category} # NMS后的结果 for cat in category: if cat in nms_pts: nms_pts_cat = np.asarray(nms_pts[cat], np.float32).reshape(-1, 4, 2) # 转换为4个点 nms_score_cat = np.asarray(nms_scores[cat], np.float32) # scores nms_item = func_utils.non_maximum_suppression(nms_pts_cat, nms_score_cat) # NMS操作(阈值可改!!!!!!!!!) if nms_item.shape[0] != 0: nms_result[cat].extend(nms_item) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_dir, 'After_nms_result')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(data_dir, 'After_nms_result')) with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'After_nms_result', raw_image_name + '.txt'), 'w+') as f: for cat in nms_result.keys(): for predict in nms_result[cat]: # 又转成顺时针(???????????????) predict[2], predict[6] = predict[6], predict[2] predict[3], predict[7] = predict[7], predict[3] location = [str(pre) for pre in predict[:8]] f.write(cat + " " + str(predict[-1]) + " " + " ".join(location) + '\n')
def test(self, args, down_ratio): save_path = 'weights_' + args.dataset # 检查点位置 self.model = self.load_model(self.model, os.path.join(save_path, args.resume)) self.model = self.model.eval() dataset_module = self.dataset[args.dataset] dsets = dataset_module(data_dir=args.data_dir, phase='test', input_h=args.input_h, input_w=args.input_w, down_ratio=down_ratio) data_loader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=1, pin_memory=True) total_time = [] LT_dict = getLT(args.data_dir) # 切片与大图之间的位置映射 for cnt, data_dict in enumerate(data_loader): image = data_dict['image'][0].to(self.device) img_id = data_dict['img_id'][0] print('processing {}/{} image ...'.format(cnt, len(data_loader))) begin_time = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): pr_decs = self.model(image) torch.cuda.synchronize(self.device) decoded_pts = [] decoded_scores = [] predictions = self.decoder.ctdet_decode(pr_decs) pts0, scores0 = func_utils.decode_prediction(predictions, dsets, args, img_id, down_ratio) decoded_pts.append(pts0) decoded_scores.append(scores0) # 切片中的nms results = {cat: [] for cat in dsets.category} for cat in dsets.category: if cat == 'background': continue pts_cat = [] scores_cat = [] for pts0, scores0 in zip(decoded_pts, decoded_scores): pts_cat.extend(pts0[cat]) scores_cat.extend(scores0[cat]) pts_cat = np.asarray(pts_cat, np.float32) scores_cat = np.asarray(scores_cat, np.float32) if pts_cat.shape[0]: nms_results = func_utils.non_maximum_suppression(pts_cat, scores_cat) results[cat].extend(nms_results) end_time = time.time() total_time.append(end_time - begin_time) # 切片bbox映射到大图 for cat in dsets.category: if cat == 'background': continue result = results[cat] if result != []: result = np.array(result).astype(np.float32) writeToRAWIMAGE(result, cat, args.data_dir, img_id, LT_dict) else: # 没有目标写入空的txt raw_image_name, _ = img_id.split('_') with open(os.path.join(args.data_dir, 'result', raw_image_name + '.txt'), 'a+') as f: pass # 对大图上的结果进行NMS txt_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(args.data_dir, 'result', '*.txt')) # 查找符合条件的文档 for txt in txt_list: nms_image_name, _ = os.path.basename(txt).split(".") nms_and_write.writeToRAWIMAGE_andNMS(args.data_dir, nms_image_name, dsets.category) # NMS total_time = total_time[1:] print('avg time is {}'.format(np.mean(total_time))) print('FPS is {}'.format(1. / np.mean(total_time)))
def test(self, args, down_ratio): save_path = 'weights_' + args.dataset self.model = self.load_model(self.model, os.path.join(save_path, args.resume)) self.model = self.model.eval() dataset_module = self.dataset[args.dataset] dsets = dataset_module(data_dir=args.data_dir, phase='test', input_h=args.input_h, input_w=args.input_w, down_ratio=down_ratio) data_loader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=1, pin_memory=True) total_time = [] for cnt, data_dict in enumerate(data_loader): image = data_dict['image'][0].to(self.device) img_id = data_dict['img_id'][0] print('processing {}/{} image ...'.format(cnt + 1, len(data_loader))) begin_time = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): pr_decs = self.model(image) # self.imshow_heatmap(pr_decs, image) torch.cuda.synchronize(self.device) decoded_pts = [] decoded_scores = [] decoded_directions = [] predictions = self.decoder.ctdet_decode(pr_decs) pts0, scores0, directions0 = func_utils.decode_prediction( predictions, dsets, args, img_id, down_ratio) decoded_pts.append(pts0) decoded_scores.append(scores0) decoded_directions.append(directions0) #nms results = {cat: [] for cat in dsets.category} for cat in dsets.category: if cat == 'background': continue pts_cat = [] scores_cat = [] directions_cat = [] for pts0, scores0, directions0 in zip(decoded_pts, decoded_scores, decoded_directions): pts_cat.extend(pts0[cat]) scores_cat.extend(scores0[cat]) directions_cat.extend(directions0[cat]) pts_cat = np.asarray(pts_cat, np.float32) scores_cat = np.asarray(scores_cat, np.float32) directions_cat = np.asarray(directions_cat, np.float32) if pts_cat.shape[0]: nms_results = func_utils.non_maximum_suppression( pts_cat, scores_cat, directions_cat) results[cat].extend(nms_results) end_time = time.time() total_time.append(end_time - begin_time) #""" ori_image = dsets.load_image(cnt) height, width, _ = ori_image.shape # ori_image = cv2.resize(ori_image, (args.input_w, args.input_h)) # ori_image = cv2.resize(ori_image, (args.input_w//args.down_ratio, args.input_h//args.down_ratio)) #nms for cat in dsets.category: if cat == 'background': continue result = results[cat] for pred in result: score = pred[8] direction = pred[9] theta = pred[10] tr = np.asarray([pred[0], pred[1]], np.float32) br = np.asarray([pred[2], pred[3]], np.float32) bl = np.asarray([pred[4], pred[5]], np.float32) tl = np.asarray([pred[6], pred[7]], np.float32) tt = (np.asarray(tl, np.float32) + np.asarray(tr, np.float32)) / 2 rr = (np.asarray(tr, np.float32) + np.asarray(br, np.float32)) / 2 bb = (np.asarray(bl, np.float32) + np.asarray(br, np.float32)) / 2 ll = (np.asarray(tl, np.float32) + np.asarray(bl, np.float32)) / 2 box = np.asarray([tl, tr, br, bl], np.float32) cen_pts = np.mean(box, axis=0) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(tt[0]), int(tt[1])), (0,0,255),1,1) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(rr[0]), int(rr[1])), (0,255,255),1,1) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(bb[0]), int(bb[1])), (0,255,0),1,1) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(ll[0]), int(ll[1])), (255,0,0),1,1) ori_image = cv2.drawContours(ori_image, [np.int0(box)], -1, (255, 0, 255), 1, 1) # draw main direction if direction == 0: # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(tt[0]), int(tt[1])), (0,255,0),1,1) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(tl[0]), int(tl[1])), (int(tr[0]), int(tr[1])), (0, 255, 0), 1, 1) elif direction == 1: # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(rr[0]), int(rr[1])), (0,255,0),1,1) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(tr[0]), int(tr[1])), (int(br[0]), int(br[1])), (0, 255, 0), 1, 1) elif direction == 2: # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(bb[0]), int(bb[1])), (0,255,0),1,1) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(bl[0]), int(bl[1])), (int(br[0]), int(br[1])), (0, 255, 0), 1, 1) elif direction == 3: # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(ll[0]), int(ll[1])), (0,255,0),1,1) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(tl[0]), int(tl[1])), (int(bl[0]), int(bl[1])), (0, 255, 0), 1, 1) # draw main direction vector of directional BBA vectors # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(ll[0]), int(ll[1])), (0,255,0),1,1) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(tl[0]), int(tl[1])), (0,0,255),1,1) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(tr[0]), int(tr[1])), (255,0,255),1,1) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(br[0]), int(br[1])), (0,255,0),1,1) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(bl[0]), int(bl[1])), (255,0,0),1,1) # box = cv2.boxPoints(cv2.minAreaRect(box)) # ori_image = cv2.drawContours(ori_image, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0,255,0),1,1) # cv2.putText(ori_image, '{:.2f} {}'.format(score, cat), (box[1][0], box[1][1]), # cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (255,255,0), 1,1) if args.dataset == 'hrsc': gt_anno = dsets.load_annotation(cnt) for pts_4 in gt_anno['pts']: bl = pts_4[0, :] tl = pts_4[1, :] tr = pts_4[2, :] br = pts_4[3, :] cen_pts = np.mean(pts_4, axis=0) box = np.asarray([bl, tl, tr, br], np.float32) box = np.int0(box) cv2.drawContours(ori_image, [box], 0, (255, 255, 255), 1) # show result # cv2.imshow('pr_image', ori_image) # k = cv2.waitKey(0) & 0xFF # if k == ord('q'): # cv2.destroyAllWindows() # exit() # save result if not os.path.exists('result_img_dota'): os.mkdir('result_img_dota') cv2.imwrite( 'result_img_dota/' + str(cnt + 1).zfill(len(str(len(data_loader)))) + '.png', ori_image) #""" total_time = total_time[1:] print('avg time is {}'.format(np.mean(total_time))) print('FPS is {}'.format(1. / np.mean(total_time)))
def test(self, args, down_ratio): save_path = 'weights_' + args.dataset self.model = self.load_model(self.model, os.path.join(save_path, args.resume)) # 根据指定位置恢复模型 self.model = self.model.eval() total_time = [] images = os.listdir( 'datasets/test/images') # 读取images文件夹下面的图片,通过滑框形式检测大图 for i in range(0, len(images)): print('processing {}/{} image ...'.format(i, len(images))) current_img = cv2.imread(images[i]) w, h, _ = current_img.shape # 获取当前图片的大小 # 获取最佳的重叠率 if (w < 500): sx = 0 else: for t in range(0, 500): if (w - t) % 500: sx = t if (h < 500): sy = 0 else: for t in range(0, 500): if (w - t) % 500: sy = t begin_time = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): pr_decs = self.model(image) torch.cuda.synchronize(self.device) decoded_pts = [] decoded_scores = [] predictions = self.decoder.ctdet_decode(pr_decs) pts0, scores0 = func_utils.decode_prediction( predictions, dsets, args, img_id, down_ratio) decoded_pts.append(pts0) # 检测结果的bbox信息 decoded_scores.append(scores0) # 检测结果的scores信息 # 根据类别进行NMS操作 results = {cat: [] for cat in dsets.category} for cat in dsets.category: if cat == 'background': continue pts_cat = [] scores_cat = [] for pts0, scores0 in zip(decoded_pts, decoded_scores): pts_cat.extend(pts0[cat]) scores_cat.extend(scores0[cat]) pts_cat = np.asarray(pts_cat, np.float32) scores_cat = np.asarray(scores_cat, np.float32) if pts_cat.shape[0]: nms_results = func_utils.non_maximum_suppression( pts_cat, scores_cat) results[cat].extend(nms_results) end_time = time.time() total_time.append(end_time - begin_time) ori_image = dsets.load_image(cnt) height, width, _ = ori_image.shape # 根据检测结果进行可视化操作 for cat in dsets.category: if cat == 'background': continue result = results[cat] for pred in result: score = pred[-1] tl = np.asarray([pred[0], pred[1]], np.float32) tr = np.asarray([pred[2], pred[3]], np.float32) br = np.asarray([pred[4], pred[5]], np.float32) bl = np.asarray([pred[6], pred[7]], np.float32) tt = (np.asarray(tl, np.float32) + np.asarray(tr, np.float32)) / 2 rr = (np.asarray(tr, np.float32) + np.asarray(br, np.float32)) / 2 bb = (np.asarray(bl, np.float32) + np.asarray(br, np.float32)) / 2 ll = (np.asarray(tl, np.float32) + np.asarray(bl, np.float32)) / 2 box = np.asarray([tl, tr, br, bl], np.float32) cen_pts = np.mean(box, axis=0) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(tt[0]), int(tt[1])), (0, 0, 255), 1, 1) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(rr[0]), int(rr[1])), (255, 0, 255), 1, 1) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(bb[0]), int(bb[1])), (0, 255, 0), 1, 1) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(ll[0]), int(ll[1])), (255, 0, 0), 1, 1) ori_image = cv2.drawContours(ori_image, [np.int0(box)], -1, (255, 0, 255), 1, 1) cv2.putText(ori_image, '{:.2f} {}'.format(score, cat), (box[1][0], box[1][1]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 255), 1, 1) cv2.imshow('pr_image', ori_image) k = cv2.waitKey(0) & 0xFF if k == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() exit() total_time = total_time[1:] print('avg time is {}'.format(np.mean(total_time))) print('FPS is {}'.format(1. / np.mean(total_time)))
def test(self, args, down_ratio): save_path = 'weights_' + args.dataset self.model = self.load_model(self.model, os.path.join(save_path, args.resume)) # 根据指定位置恢复模型 self.model = self.model.eval() dataset_module = self.dataset[args.dataset] # DOTA类 dsets = dataset_module(data_dir=args.data_dir, phase='test', input_h=args.input_h, input_w=args.input_w, down_ratio=down_ratio) data_loader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=1, pin_memory=True) total_time = [] for cnt, data_dict in enumerate(data_loader): image = data_dict['image'][0].to(self.device) img_id = data_dict['img_id'][0] print('processing {}/{} image ...'.format(cnt, len(data_loader))) begin_time = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): pr_decs = self.model(image) torch.cuda.synchronize(self.device) decoded_pts = [] decoded_scores = [] predictions = self.decoder.ctdet_decode(pr_decs) pts0, scores0 = func_utils.decode_prediction( predictions, dsets, args, img_id, down_ratio) decoded_pts.append(pts0) # 检测结果的bbox信息 decoded_scores.append(scores0) # 检测结果的scores信息 # 根据类别进行NMS操作 results = {cat: [] for cat in dsets.category} for cat in dsets.category: if cat == 'background': continue pts_cat = [] scores_cat = [] for pts0, scores0 in zip(decoded_pts, decoded_scores): pts_cat.extend(pts0[cat]) scores_cat.extend(scores0[cat]) pts_cat = np.asarray(pts_cat, np.float32) scores_cat = np.asarray(scores_cat, np.float32) if pts_cat.shape[0]: nms_results = func_utils.non_maximum_suppression( pts_cat, scores_cat) results[cat].extend(nms_results) end_time = time.time() total_time.append(end_time - begin_time) ori_image = dsets.load_image(cnt) height, width, _ = ori_image.shape # 根据检测结果进行可视化操作 for cat in dsets.category: if cat == 'background': continue result = results[cat] for pred in result: score = pred[-1] tl = np.asarray([pred[0], pred[1]], np.float32) tr = np.asarray([pred[2], pred[3]], np.float32) br = np.asarray([pred[4], pred[5]], np.float32) bl = np.asarray([pred[6], pred[7]], np.float32) tt = (np.asarray(tl, np.float32) + np.asarray(tr, np.float32)) / 2 rr = (np.asarray(tr, np.float32) + np.asarray(br, np.float32)) / 2 bb = (np.asarray(bl, np.float32) + np.asarray(br, np.float32)) / 2 ll = (np.asarray(tl, np.float32) + np.asarray(bl, np.float32)) / 2 box = np.asarray([tl, tr, br, bl], np.float32) cen_pts = np.mean(box, axis=0) #cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(tt[0]), int(tt[1])), (0,0,255),1,1) #cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(rr[0]), int(rr[1])), (255,0,255),1,1) #cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(bb[0]), int(bb[1])), (0,255,0),1,1) #cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(ll[0]), int(ll[1])), (255,0,0),1,1) ori_image = cv2.drawContours(ori_image, [np.int0(box)], -1, (255, 0, 255), 1, 1) cv2.putText(ori_image, '{:.2f} {}'.format(score, cat), (box[1][0], box[1][1]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 255, 255), 1, 1) ''' cv2.imshow('pr_image', ori_image) k = cv2.waitKey(0) & 0xFF if k == ord('q'): cv2.destroyAllWindows() exit() ''' cv2.imwrite('results/{}.png'.format(cnt), ori_image) total_time = total_time[1:] print('avg time is {}'.format(np.mean(total_time))) print('FPS is {}'.format(1. / np.mean(total_time)))
def test(self, args, down_ratio): save_path = 'weights_'+args.dataset predict_path = './predict_fpt' mkdir(predict_path) self.model = self.load_model(self.model, os.path.join(save_path, args.resume)) self.model = self.model.eval() dataset_module = self.dataset[args.dataset] dsets = dataset_module(data_dir=args.data_dir, phase='test', input_h=args.input_h, input_w=args.input_w, down_ratio=down_ratio) data_loader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=1, pin_memory=True) total_time = [] for cnt, data_dict in enumerate(data_loader): image = data_dict['image'][0].to(self.device) img_id = data_dict['img_id'][0] print('processing {}/{} image ...'.format(cnt, len(data_loader))) begin_time = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): pr_decs = self.model(image) #self.imshow_heatmap(pr_decs[2], image) torch.cuda.synchronize(self.device) decoded_pts = [] decoded_scores = [] predictions = self.decoder.ctdet_decode(pr_decs) pts0, scores0 = func_utils.decode_prediction(predictions, dsets, args, img_id, down_ratio) decoded_pts.append(pts0) decoded_scores.append(scores0) #nms results = {cat: [] for cat in dsets.category} for cat in dsets.category: if cat == 'background': continue pts_cat = [] scores_cat = [] for pts0, scores0 in zip(decoded_pts, decoded_scores): pts_cat.extend(pts0[cat]) scores_cat.extend(scores0[cat]) pts_cat = np.asarray(pts_cat, np.float32) scores_cat = np.asarray(scores_cat, np.float32) if pts_cat.shape[0]: nms_results = func_utils.non_maximum_suppression(pts_cat, scores_cat) results[cat].extend(nms_results) end_time = time.time() total_time.append(end_time-begin_time) #""" ori_image = dsets.load_image(cnt) height, width, _ = ori_image.shape # ori_image = cv2.resize(ori_image, (args.input_w, args.input_h)) # ori_image = cv2.resize(ori_image, (args.input_w//args.down_ratio, args.input_h//args.down_ratio)) #nms final_result = [] for cat in dsets.category: if cat == 'background': continue result = results[cat] for pred in result: final_result.append([pred[0], pred[1], pred[2], pred[3], pred[4], pred[5], pred[6], pred[7], cat]) for ann in final_result: with open(f"{predict_path}/{img_id}.txt", 'a+') as f: f.write(f"{ann[0]:.2f} {ann[1]:.2f} {ann[2]:.2f} {ann[3]:.2f} {ann[4]:.2f} {ann[5]:.2f} {ann[6]:.2f} {ann[7]:.2f} {ann[8]} \n") score = pred[-1] tl = np.asarray([pred[0], pred[1]], np.float32) tr = np.asarray([pred[2], pred[3]], np.float32) br = np.asarray([pred[4], pred[5]], np.float32) bl = np.asarray([pred[6], pred[7]], np.float32) tt = (np.asarray(tl, np.float32) + np.asarray(tr, np.float32)) / 2 rr = (np.asarray(tr, np.float32) + np.asarray(br, np.float32)) / 2 bb = (np.asarray(bl, np.float32) + np.asarray(br, np.float32)) / 2 ll = (np.asarray(tl, np.float32) + np.asarray(bl, np.float32)) / 2 box = np.asarray([tl, tr, br, bl], np.float32) cen_pts = np.mean(box, axis=0) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(tt[0]), int(tt[1])), (0,0,255),1,1) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(rr[0]), int(rr[1])), (255,0,255),1,1) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(bb[0]), int(bb[1])), (0,255,0),1,1) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(ll[0]), int(ll[1])), (255,0,0),1,1) ori_image = cv2.drawContours(ori_image, [np.int0(box)], -1, (255,0,255),1,1) cv2.putText(ori_image, '{:.2f} {}'.format(score, cat), (box[1][0], box[1][1]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (0,255,255), 1,1) if args.dataset == 'hrsc': gt_anno = dsets.load_annotation(cnt) for pts_4 in gt_anno['pts']: bl = pts_4[0, :] tl = pts_4[1, :] tr = pts_4[2, :] br = pts_4[3, :] cen_pts = np.mean(pts_4, axis=0) box = np.asarray([bl, tl, tr, br], np.float32) box = np.int0(box) cv2.drawContours(ori_image, [box], 0, (255, 255, 255), 1) plt.imshow(ori_image) total_time = total_time[1:] print('avg time is {}'.format(np.mean(total_time))) print('FPS is {}'.format(1./np.mean(total_time)))
def test(self, args, down_ratio): save_path = 'weights_' + args.dataset self.model = self.load_model(self.model, os.path.join(save_path, args.resume)) self.model = self.model.eval() dataset_module = self.dataset[args.dataset] dsets = dataset_module(data_dir=args.data_dir, phase='test', input_h=args.input_h, input_w=args.input_w, down_ratio=down_ratio) data_loader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=1, pin_memory=True) total_time = [] for cnt, data_dict in enumerate(data_loader): image = data_dict['image'][0].to(self.device) img_id = data_dict['img_id'][0] print('processing {}/{} image ...'.format(cnt, len(data_loader))) begin_time = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): pr_decs = self.model(image) #self.imshow_heatmap(pr_decs[2], image) torch.cuda.synchronize(self.device) decoded_pts = [] decoded_scores = [] decoded_bd_pts = [] ##!!## # (batch, num_targets, ) predictions = self.decoder.ctdet_decode(pr_decs) pts0, scores0, bd_pts0 = func_utils.decode_prediction( predictions, dsets, args, img_id, down_ratio) ##!!## decoded_pts.append(pts0) decoded_scores.append(scores0) decoded_bd_pts.append(bd_pts0) ##!!## #nms results = {cat: [] for cat in dsets.category} bd_results = {cat: [] for cat in dsets.category} ##!!## for cat in dsets.category: if cat == 'background': continue pts_cat = [] scores_cat = [] bd_pts_cat = [] ##!!## for pts0, scores0, bd_pts0 in zip(decoded_pts, decoded_scores, decoded_bd_pts): ##!!## pts_cat.extend(pts0[cat]) scores_cat.extend(scores0[cat]) bd_pts_cat.extend(bd_pts0[cat]) ##!!## pts_cat = np.asarray(pts_cat, np.float32) scores_cat = np.asarray(scores_cat, np.float32) bd_pts_cat = np.asarray(bd_pts_cat, np.float32) ##!!## if pts_cat.shape[0]: nms_results, nms_bds = func_utils.non_maximum_suppression( pts_cat, scores_cat, bd_pts_cat) results[cat].extend(nms_results) bd_results[cat].extend(nms_bds) end_time = time.time() total_time.append(end_time - begin_time) #""" ori_image = dsets.load_image(cnt) height, width, _ = ori_image.shape # ori_image = cv2.resize(ori_image, (args.input_w, args.input_h)) # ori_image = cv2.resize(ori_image, (args.input_w//args.down_ratio, args.input_h//args.down_ratio)) #nms for cat in dsets.category: if cat == 'background': continue result = results[cat] bd = bd_results[cat] for pred, bds in zip(result, bd): score = pred[-1] tl = np.asarray([pred[0], pred[1]], np.float32) tr = np.asarray([pred[2], pred[3]], np.float32) br = np.asarray([pred[4], pred[5]], np.float32) bl = np.asarray([pred[6], pred[7]], np.float32) tt = (np.asarray(tl, np.float32) + np.asarray(tr, np.float32)) / 2 rr = (np.asarray(tr, np.float32) + np.asarray(br, np.float32)) / 2 bb = (np.asarray(bl, np.float32) + np.asarray(br, np.float32)) / 2 ll = (np.asarray(tl, np.float32) + np.asarray(bl, np.float32)) / 2 box = np.asarray([tl, tr, br, bl], np.float32) cen_pts = np.mean(box, axis=0) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(tt[0]), int(tt[1])), (0,0,255),1,1) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(rr[0]), int(rr[1])), (255,0,255),1,1) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(bb[0]), int(bb[1])), (0,255,0),1,1) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(ll[0]), int(ll[1])), (255,0,0),1,1) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(tl[0]), int(tl[1])), (0,0,255),1,1) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(tr[0]), int(tr[1])), (255,0,255),1,1) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(br[0]), int(br[1])), (0,255,0),1,1) # cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(bl[0]), int(bl[1])), (255,0,0),1,1) ######## 画绿色粗矩形框 ######### ori_image = cv2.drawContours(ori_image, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0, 255, 0), 4, 1) ################################### ############## 边界点 ############### # bds (2, 2N) points = [] for i in range(bds.shape[1]): points.append([bds[0, i], bds[1, i]]) for point in points: point = tuple([int(i) for i in point]) ori_image =, point, 3, (0, 0, 255), 4) #################################### # box = cv2.boxPoints(cv2.minAreaRect(box)) # ori_image = cv2.drawContours(ori_image, [np.int0(box)], -1, (0,255,0),1,1) # cv2.putText(ori_image, '{:.2f} {}'.format(score, cat), (box[1][0], box[1][1]), # cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (0,255,255), 1,1) # if args.dataset == 'ssdd': # # gt_anno = dsets.load_annotation(cnt) # for pts_4 in gt_anno['pts']: # bl = pts_4[0, :] # tl = pts_4[1, :] # tr = pts_4[2, :] # br = pts_4[3, :] # cen_pts = np.mean(pts_4, axis=0) # box = np.asarray([bl, tl, tr, br], np.float32) # box = np.int0(box) # cv2.drawContours(ori_image, [box], 0, (255, 0, 255), 4) cv2.imwrite('./result_images/{}_det.jpg'.format(img_id), ori_image) # # cv2.imshow('pr_image', ori_image) # k = cv2.waitKey(0) & 0xFF # if k == ord('q'): # cv2.destroyAllWindows() # exit() #""" total_time = total_time[1:] print('avg time is {}'.format(np.mean(total_time))) print('FPS is {}'.format(1. / np.mean(total_time)))
def test(self, args, down_ratio): save_path = 'weights_'+args.dataset self.model = self.load_model(self.model, os.path.join(save_path, args.resume)) # 根据指定位置恢复模型 self.model = self.model.eval() dataset_module = self.dataset[args.dataset] # DOTA类 dsets = dataset_module(data_dir=args.data_dir, phase='test', input_h=args.input_h, input_w=args.input_w, down_ratio=down_ratio) data_loader =, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=1, pin_memory=True) total_time = [] out_txt = "" txt_dir = os.path.join("txt_results",args.out_dir,"per_image_txt") #txt_dir = "datasets/test_split/result_small_T5_crop_608_e100_c2_big_T5608_c1_3000" if not os.path.exists(txt_dir): os.makedirs(txt_dir) for cnt, data_dict in enumerate(data_loader): image = data_dict['image'][0].to(self.device) img_id = data_dict['img_id'][0] print('processing {}/{} image ...'.format(cnt, len(data_loader))) begin_time = time.time() with torch.no_grad(): pr_decs = self.model(image) torch.cuda.synchronize(self.device) decoded_pts = [] decoded_scores = [] predictions = self.decoder.ctdet_decode(pr_decs) pts0, scores0 = func_utils.decode_prediction(predictions, dsets, args, img_id, down_ratio) decoded_pts.append(pts0) # 检测结果的bbox信息 decoded_scores.append(scores0) # 检测结果的scores信息 # 根据类别进行NMS操作 results = {cat:[] for cat in dsets.category} for cat in dsets.category: if cat == 'background': continue pts_cat = [] scores_cat = [] for pts0, scores0 in zip(decoded_pts, decoded_scores): pts_cat.extend(pts0[cat]) scores_cat.extend(scores0[cat]) pts_cat = np.asarray(pts_cat, np.float32) scores_cat = np.asarray(scores_cat, np.float32) if pts_cat.shape[0]: nms_results = func_utils.non_maximum_suppression(pts_cat, scores_cat) results[cat].extend(nms_results) end_time = time.time() total_time.append(end_time-begin_time) ori_image = dsets.load_image(cnt) height, width, _ = ori_image.shape per_image_txt="" # 根据检测结果进行可视化操作 for cat in dsets.category: if cat == 'background': continue result = results[cat] result.sort(key=(lambda x:x[-1]),reverse=True) # 按照置信度降序排序 #result = result[:30] for pred in result: score = pred[-1] tl = np.asarray([pred[0], pred[1]], np.float32) tr = np.asarray([pred[2], pred[3]], np.float32) br = np.asarray([pred[4], pred[5]], np.float32) bl = np.asarray([pred[6], pred[7]], np.float32) # add 5 为了输出到txt pred = list(pred) pred.insert(0,pred.pop()) pred[1:] = [int(pos) for pos in pred[1:]] pred.insert(0,int(cat)) pred.insert(0,str(img_id)+'.tif') box = np.asarray([tl, tr, br, bl], np.float32) if min(pred[3:])<0 or max(pred[3:])>1023: result = inter_poly(pred[3:]) if result==None: continue else: pred[3:]=result rect = cv2.minAreaRect(np.array(pred[3:]).reshape(4,2)) # 卡10000 if rect[1][0]*rect[1][1]>=1000: per_image_txt+=" ".join(map(str,pred))+'\n' """ tt = (np.asarray(tl, np.float32) + np.asarray(tr, np.float32)) / 2 rr = (np.asarray(tr, np.float32) + np.asarray(br, np.float32)) / 2 bb = (np.asarray(bl, np.float32) + np.asarray(br, np.float32)) / 2 ll = (np.asarray(tl, np.float32) + np.asarray(bl, np.float32)) / 2 cen_pts = np.mean(box, axis=0) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(tt[0]), int(tt[1])), (0,0,255),1,1) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(rr[0]), int(rr[1])), (255,0,255),1,1) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(bb[0]), int(bb[1])), (0,255,0),1,1) cv2.line(ori_image, (int(cen_pts[0]), int(cen_pts[1])), (int(ll[0]), int(ll[1])), (255,0,0),1,1) """ ori_image = cv2.drawContours(ori_image, [np.int0(box)], -1, (255,0,255),1,1) cv2.putText(ori_image, '{:.2f} {}'.format(score, cat), (box[1][0], box[1][1]), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (0,255,255), 1,1) #cv2.imshow('pr_image', ori_image) #cv2.imwrite('results/{}.png'.format(img_id),ori_image) out_txt+=per_image_txt with open(os.path.join(txt_dir,str(img_id)+'.txt'),'a+') as f: f.write(per_image_txt) #k = cv2.waitKey(0) & 0xFF #if k == ord('q'): # cv2.destroyAllWindows() # exit() total_time = total_time[1:] print('avg time is {}'.format(np.mean(total_time))) print('FPS is {}'.format(1./np.mean(total_time))) """ with open('final_result.txt','a+') as f: f.write(out_txt) """ total_txt = "" i = 0 print(len(os.listdir(txt_dir))) for txt in os.listdir(txt_dir): with open(os.path.join(txt_dir,txt),'r') as f: total_txt+="".join(f.readlines()) with open(os.path.join("txt_results",args.out_dir,'total_result_'+args.out_dir+'.txt'),'w+') as f: f.write(total_txt)