async def check_clan_tracker(self, ctx, name, *stat): try: name = name.lower() clan_tracker_names = get_players_in_tracker(self.cur) if name in clan_tracker_names: if stat: stat = ("_").join(stat).lower() pretty_stat = get_stat(stat) stat = coded_string(pretty_stat) else: stat = "overall" pretty_stat = "Overall" skill = is_skill(stat) if skill: stat_delta, time_delta = xp_gained_clan( self.cur, name, stat, skill) hours, mins = seconds_to_hours_mins(time_delta.seconds) response = f"{name} has gained {str(stat_delta)} {pretty_stat} xp in the last {time_delta.days}d {hours}h {mins}m." else: if tracker_starting_stat(self.cur, name, stat, 0, 'clan_tracker') == -1: response = f"{name} starting {pretty_stat} was not ranked in the hs." else: stat_delta, time_delta = xp_gained_clan( self.cur, name, stat, skill) hours, mins = seconds_to_hours_mins(time_delta.seconds) response = f"{name} has done {str(stat_delta)} {pretty_stat} kills in the last {time_delta.days}d {hours}h {mins}m." #self.conn.commit() else: response = f"{name} is not in the clan tracker." except Exception as e: response = str(e) finally: await ctx.send(response)
def is_skill(stat): """ checks if a stat is a skill return 1 if it is 0 if it isnt""" stat = coded_string(stat) stat_clean = get_stat(stat) if stat_clean in SKILLS: return 1 elif stat_clean in BOSSES + CLUES: return 0 else: raise Exception(f"{stat} is not a valid stat.")
async def toptracker10(self, ctx, *stat): if stat: stat = ("_").join(stat).lower() pretty_stat = get_stat(stat) stat = coded_string(pretty_stat) else: stat = "overall" pretty_stat = "Overall" skill = is_skill(stat) top = top_stat_to_string(top_tracked(self.cur, stat, skill, 10)) response = f'```\n{top}```' await ctx.send(response)
async def my_hs(self,ctx, *stat): try: stat = ("_").join(stat).lower() name = coded_string( stat = coded_string(get_stat(stat)) skill = is_skill(stat) result = get_player_stat(self.cur,name,stat,skill,stats_col_names)[0] if skill: response = f"{name}'s {stat} level: {result[1]} with {result[2]} xp." else: response = f"{name}'s {stat} kc: {result[1]}." except Exception as e: response = e finally: await ctx.send(response)
async def top10_hs(self,ctx, *stat): try: response = "```\n" stat = ("_").join(stat).lower() stat_pretty = get_stat(stat) stat = coded_string(stat_pretty) response += f"{stat_pretty}\n" skill = is_skill(stat) result = sql_top_stat(self.cur,stat,10,skill,stats_col_names) response += top_stat_to_string(result) response += "```" except Exception as e: response = str(e) finally: await ctx.send(response)
async def ranks(self,ctx,stat,name): try: name = name.lower() stat_pretty = get_stat(stat.lower()) stat = coded_string(stat_pretty) names = get_players_in_hs(self.cur) if name in names: skill = is_skill(stat) rank = get_player_rank(self.cur,name,stat,skill) response = f"{name} is rank {rank} in {stat_pretty}" else: response = f"{name} is not on the clan's hiscores." except Exception as e: response = str(e) finally: await ctx.send(response)
async def my_tracker(self, ctx, *stat): try: name = coded_string( personal_tracker_names = get_players_in_personal_tracker(self.cur) if name in personal_tracker_names: if stat: stat = ("_").join(stat).lower() pretty_stat = get_stat(stat) stat = coded_string(pretty_stat) else: stat = "overall" pretty_stat = "Overall" skill = is_skill(stat) if skill: stat_delta, time_delta = xp_gained(self.cur, name, stat, skill) hours, mins = seconds_to_hours_mins(time_delta.seconds) response = f"{name} has gained {str(stat_delta)} {pretty_stat} xp in the last {time_delta.days}d {hours}h {mins}m." else: if tracker_starting_stat(self.cur, name, stat, 0, 'personal_tracker') == -1: response = f"Your starting {pretty_stat} was not ranked in the hs, if it is now you could do !hs resetmytracker to reset your tracker." else: stat_delta, time_delta = xp_gained( self.cur, name, stat, skill) hours, mins = seconds_to_hours_mins(time_delta.seconds) response = f"{name} has done {str(stat_delta)} {pretty_stat} kills in the last {time_delta.days}d {hours}h {mins}m." else: response = "You are not being tracked, to start your tracker do !hs startmytracker" except Exception as e: response = str(e) finally: await ctx.send(response)