    def evaluate(self, outs):
        print('Evaluation start...')
        annots = self.datalist
        assert len(annots) == len(outs)
        sample_num = len(annots)

        mesh_output_save = []
        joint_output_save = []
        for n in range(sample_num):
            annot = annots[n]
            out = outs[n]

            mesh_coord_out = out['mesh_coord']
            # joint_coord_out = coord_out_cam[self.vertex_num:,:]
            joint_coord_out = np.dot(self.joint_regressor_mano, mesh_coord_out)


            vis = cfg.TEST.vis
            if vis and n % 500 == 0:
                filename = str(n)
                save_obj(mesh_coord_out, self.mesh_model.face, osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, filename + '.obj'))

        output_save_path = osp.join(cfg.output_dir, 'pred.json')
        with open(output_save_path, 'w') as f:
            json.dump([joint_output_save, mesh_output_save], f)
    def evaluate_joint(self, outs):
        print('Evaluation start...')
        annots = self.datalist
        assert len(annots) == len(outs)
        sample_num = len(annots)

        mesh_output_save = []
        joint_output_save = []
        for n in range(sample_num):
            annot = annots[n]
            out = outs[n]

            joint_coord_out = out['joint_coord']
            mesh_coord_out = joint_coord_out  # dummy

            mesh_coord_out = mesh_coord_out - joint_coord_out[:1]
            joint_coord_out = joint_coord_out - joint_coord_out[:1]


            vis = False
            if vis:
                filename = str(n)
                save_obj(mesh_coord_out, self.mano.face, osp.join(cfg.output_dir, filename + '.obj'))

        output_save_path = osp.join(cfg.output_dir, 'pred.json')
        with open(output_save_path, 'w') as f:
            json.dump([joint_output_save, mesh_output_save], f)
    def evaluate(self, outs):
        annots = self.datalist
        assert len(annots) == len(outs)
        sample_num = len(annots)
        eval_result = {'pose_error': [], 'mesh_error': []}
        for n in range(sample_num):
            out = outs[n]
            annot = annots[n]

            # root joint alignment
            mesh_coord_out, mesh_coord_gt = out['mesh_coord'], out[
            joint_coord_out, joint_coord_gt = np.dot(
                mesh_coord_out), np.dot(self.joint_regressor_smpl,
            mesh_coord_out = mesh_coord_out - joint_coord_out[:1]
            mesh_coord_target = mesh_coord_gt - joint_coord_gt[:1]
            joint_coord_out = joint_coord_out - joint_coord_out[:1]
            joint_coord_target = joint_coord_gt - joint_coord_gt[:1]

            # mesh error
                np.sqrt(np.sum((mesh_coord_out - mesh_coord_target)**2,
                               1)))  # meter -> milimeter

            # pose error
                np.sqrt(np.sum((joint_coord_out - joint_coord_target)**2,
                               1)))  # meter -> milimeter

            vis = cfg.TEST.vis
            if vis:
                filename = annot['img_name'].split('/')[-1][:-4]  #str(n)
                save_obj(mesh_coord_out, self.mesh_model.face,
                         osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, filename + '_pred.obj'))
                save_obj(mesh_coord_target, self.mesh_model.face,
                         osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, filename + '_gt.obj'))

        print('Pose error (MPJPE): %.2f mm' %
        print('Mesh error (MPVPE): %.2f mm' %
    def evaluate(self, outs):
        print('Evaluation start...')
        annots = self.datalist
        assert len(annots) == len(outs)
        sample_num = len(annots)
        sample_num = len(outs)

        mpjpe_h36m = np.zeros((sample_num, len(self.human36_eval_joint))) # pose error
        pampjpe_h36m = np.zeros((sample_num, len(self.human36_eval_joint))) # pose error

        mpjpe_smpl = np.zeros((sample_num, self.smpl_joint_num)) # pose error
        mpvpe = np.zeros((sample_num, self.smpl_vertex_num)) # mesh error
        pa_mpvpe = np.zeros((sample_num, self.smpl_vertex_num)) # mesh error

        pred_j3d, gt_j3d = [], []

        for n in range(sample_num):
            out = outs[n]
            annot = annots[n]
            img_path = annot['img_path']

            mesh_coord_out, mesh_coord_gt = out['mesh_coord'], out['mesh_coord_target']
            joint_coord_out, joint_coord_gt = np.dot(self.joint_regressor_smpl, mesh_coord_out), np.dot(self.joint_regressor_smpl, mesh_coord_gt)
            # root joint alignment
            coord_out_cam = np.concatenate((mesh_coord_out, joint_coord_out))
            coord_out_cam = coord_out_cam - coord_out_cam[self.smpl_vertex_num + self.smpl_root_joint_idx]
            coord_gt_cam = np.concatenate((mesh_coord_gt, joint_coord_gt))
            coord_gt_cam = coord_gt_cam - coord_gt_cam[self.smpl_vertex_num + self.smpl_root_joint_idx]
            # pose error calculate
            pose_coord_out = coord_out_cam[self.smpl_vertex_num:,:]
            pose_coord_gt = coord_gt_cam[self.smpl_vertex_num:,:]
            mpjpe_smpl[n] = np.sqrt(np.sum((pose_coord_out - pose_coord_gt)**2,1))

            # mesh error calculate
            mesh_coord_out = coord_out_cam[:self.smpl_vertex_num,:]
            mesh_coord_gt = coord_gt_cam[:self.smpl_vertex_num,:]
            mpvpe[n] = np.sqrt(np.sum((mesh_coord_out - mesh_coord_gt)**2,1))

            mesh_coord_out_aligned, _, _, _ = rigid_align(mesh_coord_out, mesh_coord_gt)
            pa_mpvpe[n] = np.sqrt(np.sum((mesh_coord_out_aligned - mesh_coord_gt)**2,1))

            # pose error of h36m calculate
            pose_coord_out_h36m = np.dot(self.mesh_model.joint_regressor_h36m, mesh_coord_out)
            pose_coord_out_h36m = pose_coord_out_h36m - pose_coord_out_h36m[self.human36_root_joint_idx]
            pose_coord_out_h36m = pose_coord_out_h36m[self.human36_eval_joint, :]
            pose_coord_gt_h36m = np.dot(self.mesh_model.joint_regressor_h36m, mesh_coord_gt)
            pose_coord_gt_h36m = pose_coord_gt_h36m - pose_coord_gt_h36m[self.human36_root_joint_idx]
            pose_coord_gt_h36m = pose_coord_gt_h36m[self.human36_eval_joint, :]

            pred_j3d.append(pose_coord_out_h36m); gt_j3d.append(pose_coord_gt_h36m)

            mpjpe_h36m[n] = np.sqrt(np.sum((pose_coord_out_h36m - pose_coord_gt_h36m)**2,1))
            pose_coord_out_h36m_aligned, _, _, _ = rigid_align(pose_coord_out_h36m, pose_coord_gt_h36m) # perform rigid alignment
            pampjpe_h36m[n] = np.sqrt(np.sum((pose_coord_out_h36m_aligned - pose_coord_gt_h36m)**2,1))

            vis = cfg.TEST.vis
            if vis and (n % 10):
                mesh_to_save = mesh_coord_out / 1000
                obj_path = osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, f'3dpw_{img_path}.obj')
                save_obj(mesh_to_save, self.mesh_model.face, obj_path)

        print("--------Smoothed output errors--------")
        # print smoothed results
        # compute accel
        accel_error = []
        mpjpe_list = []
        pa_mpjpe_list = []
        pred_j3d, gt_j3d = np.array(pred_j3d), np.array(gt_j3d)
        for vid_idx in self.video_indices:
            pred, gt = pred_j3d[vid_idx], gt_j3d[vid_idx]
            pred = smooth_pose(pred, min_cutoff=0.004, beta=0.005)
            vid_acc_err = compute_error_accel(gt, pred)
            vid_acc_err = np.mean(vid_acc_err)

            mpjpe = np.sqrt(np.sum((pred - gt)**2,2))
            for idx in range(len(pred)):
                pa_pred, _, _, _ = rigid_align(pred[idx], gt[idx])
                pa_mpjpe = np.sqrt(np.sum((pa_pred - gt[idx])**2,1))

        accel_error = np.mean(accel_error)
        eval_summary = 'H36M accel error (mm/s^2): tot: %.2f\n' % (accel_error)

        tot_err = np.mean(mpjpe_list)
        eval_summary = 'H36M MPJPE (mm)    >> tot: %.2f\n' % (tot_err)

        tot_err = np.mean(pa_mpjpe_list)
        eval_summary = 'H36M PA-MPJPE (mm) >> tot: %.2f\n' % (tot_err)
        print("--------Original output errors--------")

        # total pose error (H36M joint set)
        tot_err = np.mean(mpjpe_h36m)
        eval_summary = 'H36M MPJPE (mm)    >> tot: %.2f\n' % (tot_err)

        tot_err = np.mean(pampjpe_h36m)
        eval_summary = 'H36M PA-MPJPE (mm) >> tot: %.2f\n' % (tot_err)

        # total pose error (SMPL joint set)
        tot_err = np.mean(mpjpe_smpl)
        eval_summary = 'SMPL MPJPE (mm)    >> tot: %.2f\n' % (tot_err)

        # total mesh error
        tot_err = np.mean(mpvpe)
        eval_summary = 'MPVPE (mm)         >> tot: %.2f\n' % (tot_err)

        # total mesh error
        tot_err = np.mean(pa_mpvpe)
        eval_summary = 'PA-MPVPE (mm)      >> tot: %.2f\n' % (tot_err)
    def evaluate(self, outs):
        print('Evaluation start...')
        annots = self.datalist
        # assert len(annots) == len(outs)
        # sample_num = len(annots)
        sample_num = len(outs)

        mpjpe_h36m = np.zeros(
            (sample_num, len(self.human36_eval_joint)))  # pose error
        pampjpe_h36m = np.zeros(
            (sample_num, len(self.human36_eval_joint)))  # pose error

        mpjpe_smpl = np.zeros((sample_num, self.smpl_joint_num))  # pose error
        mpvpe = np.zeros((sample_num, self.smpl_vertex_num))  # mesh error

        for n in range(sample_num):
            out = outs[n]
            annot = annots[n]

            mesh_coord_out, mesh_coord_gt = out['mesh_coord'], out[
            joint_coord_out, joint_coord_gt = np.dot(
                mesh_coord_out), np.dot(self.joint_regressor_smpl,
            # root joint alignment
            coord_out_cam = np.concatenate((mesh_coord_out, joint_coord_out))
            coord_out_cam = coord_out_cam - coord_out_cam[
                self.smpl_vertex_num + self.smpl_root_joint_idx]
            coord_gt_cam = np.concatenate((mesh_coord_gt, joint_coord_gt))
            coord_gt_cam = coord_gt_cam - coord_gt_cam[
                self.smpl_vertex_num + self.smpl_root_joint_idx]

            # pose error calculate
            pose_coord_out = coord_out_cam[self.smpl_vertex_num:, :]
            pose_coord_gt = coord_gt_cam[self.smpl_vertex_num:, :]
            mpjpe_smpl[n] = np.sqrt(
                np.sum((pose_coord_out - pose_coord_gt)**2, 1))

            # mesh error calculate
            mesh_coord_out = coord_out_cam[:self.smpl_vertex_num, :]
            mesh_coord_gt = coord_gt_cam[:self.smpl_vertex_num, :]
            mpvpe[n] = np.sqrt(np.sum((mesh_coord_out - mesh_coord_gt)**2, 1))

            # pose error of h36m calculate
            pose_coord_out_h36m = np.dot(self.mesh_model.joint_regressor_h36m,
            pose_coord_out_h36m = pose_coord_out_h36m - pose_coord_out_h36m[
            pose_coord_out_h36m = pose_coord_out_h36m[
                self.human36_eval_joint, :]
            pose_coord_gt_h36m = np.dot(self.mesh_model.joint_regressor_h36m,

            pose_coord_gt_h36m = pose_coord_gt_h36m - pose_coord_gt_h36m[
            pose_coord_gt_h36m = pose_coord_gt_h36m[self.human36_eval_joint, :]
            mpjpe_h36m[n] = np.sqrt(
                np.sum((pose_coord_out_h36m - pose_coord_gt_h36m)**2, 1))
            pose_coord_out_h36m = rigid_align(
                pose_coord_gt_h36m)  # perform rigid alignment
            pampjpe_h36m[n] = np.sqrt(
                np.sum((pose_coord_out_h36m - pose_coord_gt_h36m)**2, 1))

            vis = cfg.TEST.vis
            if vis and (n % 500):
                mesh_to_save = mesh_coord_out / 1000
                obj_path = osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, f'3dpw_{n}.obj')
                save_obj(mesh_to_save, self.mesh_model.face, obj_path)

        # total pose error (H36M joint set)
        tot_err = np.mean(mpjpe_h36m)
        eval_summary = 'H36M MPJPE (mm)    >> tot: %.2f\n' % (tot_err)

        tot_err = np.mean(pampjpe_h36m)
        eval_summary = 'H36M PA-MPJPE (mm) >> tot: %.2f\n' % (tot_err)

        # total pose error (SMPL joint set)
        tot_err = np.mean(mpjpe_smpl)
        eval_summary = 'SMPL MPJPE (mm)    >> tot: %.2f\n' % (tot_err)

        # total mesh error
        tot_err = np.mean(mpvpe)
        eval_summary = 'MPVPE (mm)         >> tot: %.2f\n' % (tot_err)
    def evaluate(self, outs):
        print('Evaluation start...')
        annots = self.datalist
        assert len(annots) == len(outs)
        sample_num = len(outs)

        # eval H36M joints
        pose_error_h36m = np.zeros((sample_num, len(self.human36_eval_joint)))  # pose error
        pose_error_action_h36m = [[] for _ in range(len(self.action_name))]  # pose error for each sequence
        pose_pa_error_h36m = np.zeros((sample_num, len(self.human36_eval_joint)))  # pose error
        pose_pa_error_action_h36m = [[] for _ in range(len(self.action_name))]  # pose error for each sequence

        # eval SMPL joints and mesh vertices
        pose_error = np.zeros((sample_num, self.smpl_joint_num))  # pose error
        pose_error_action = [[] for _ in range(len(self.action_name))]  # pose error for each sequence
        mesh_error = np.zeros((sample_num, self.smpl_vertex_num))  # mesh error
        mesh_error_action = [[] for _ in range(len(self.action_name))]  # mesh error for each sequence
        for n in range(sample_num):
            annot = annots[n]
            out = outs[n]

            # render materials
            img_path = annot['img_path']
            obj_name = '_'.join(img_path.split('/')[-2:])[:-4]

            # root joint alignment
            mesh_coord_out, mesh_coord_gt = out['mesh_coord'], out['mesh_coord_target']
            joint_coord_out, joint_coord_gt = np.dot(self.joint_regressor_smpl, mesh_coord_out), np.dot(self.joint_regressor_smpl, mesh_coord_gt)
            mesh_coord_out = mesh_coord_out - joint_coord_out[self.smpl_root_joint_idx:self.smpl_root_joint_idx+1]
            mesh_coord_gt = mesh_coord_gt - joint_coord_gt[self.smpl_root_joint_idx:self.smpl_root_joint_idx+1]
            pose_coord_out = joint_coord_out - joint_coord_out[self.smpl_root_joint_idx:self.smpl_root_joint_idx+1]
            pose_coord_gt = joint_coord_gt - joint_coord_gt[self.smpl_root_joint_idx:self.smpl_root_joint_idx+1]

            # pose error calculate
            pose_error[n] = np.sqrt(np.sum((pose_coord_out - pose_coord_gt) ** 2, 1))
            img_name = annot['img_path']
            action_idx = int(img_name[img_name.find('act') + 4:img_name.find('act') + 6]) - 2

            # mesh error calculate
            mesh_error[n] = np.sqrt(np.sum((mesh_coord_out - mesh_coord_gt) ** 2, 1))
            img_name = annot['img_path']
            action_idx = int(img_name[img_name.find('act') + 4:img_name.find('act') + 6]) - 2

            # pose error of h36m calculate
            pose_coord_out_h36m = np.dot(self.joint_regressor_human36, mesh_coord_out)
            pose_coord_out_h36m = pose_coord_out_h36m - pose_coord_out_h36m[self.human36_root_joint_idx]
            pose_coord_out_h36m = pose_coord_out_h36m[self.human36_eval_joint, :]
            pose_coord_gt_h36m = annot['joint_cam']
            pose_coord_gt_h36m = pose_coord_gt_h36m - pose_coord_gt_h36m[self.human36_root_joint_idx]
            pose_coord_gt_h36m = pose_coord_gt_h36m[self.human36_eval_joint, :]
            pose_error_h36m[n] = np.sqrt(np.sum((pose_coord_out_h36m - pose_coord_gt_h36m) ** 2, 1))
            pose_coord_out_h36m = rigid_align(pose_coord_out_h36m, pose_coord_gt_h36m) # perform rigid alignment
            pose_pa_error_h36m[n] = np.sqrt(np.sum((pose_coord_out_h36m - pose_coord_gt_h36m) ** 2, 1))
            img_name = annot['img_path']
            action_idx = int(img_name[img_name.find('act') + 4:img_name.find('act') + 6]) - 2

            vis = cfg.TEST.vis
            if vis and (n % 500 == 0):
                mesh_to_save = mesh_coord_out / 1000
                obj_path = osp.join(cfg.vis_dir, f'{obj_name}.obj')
                save_obj(mesh_to_save, self.mesh_model.face, obj_path)

        # total pose error (H36M joint set)
        tot_err = np.mean(pose_error_h36m)
        metric = 'MPJPE'
        eval_summary = 'Protocol ' + str(self.protocol) + ' H36M pose error (' + metric + ') >> tot: %.2f\n' % (tot_err)
        # pose error for each action
        for i in range(len(pose_error_action_h36m)):
            err = np.mean(np.array(pose_error_action_h36m[i]))
            eval_summary += (self.action_name[i] + ': %.2f ' % err)

        tot_err = np.mean(pose_pa_error_h36m)
        metric = 'PA-MPJPE'
        eval_summary = 'Protocol ' + str(self.protocol) + ' H36M pose error (' + metric + ') >> tot: %.2f\n' % (tot_err)
        # pose error for each action
        for i in range(len(pose_pa_error_action_h36m)):
            err = np.mean(np.array(pose_pa_error_action_h36m[i]))
            eval_summary += (self.action_name[i] + ': %.2f ' % err)

        # total pose error (SMPL joint set)
        tot_err = np.mean(pose_error)
        metric = 'MPJPE'
        eval_summary = 'Protocol ' + str(self.protocol) + ' SMPL pose error (' + metric + ') >> tot: %.2f\n' % (tot_err)
        # pose error for each action
        for i in range(len(pose_error_action)):
            err = np.mean(np.array(pose_error_action[i]))
            eval_summary += (self.action_name[i] + ': %.2f ' % err)

        # total mesh error
        tot_err = np.mean(mesh_error)
        metric = 'MPVPE'
        eval_summary = 'Protocol ' + str(self.protocol) + ' SMPL mesh error (' + metric + ') >> tot: %.2f\n' % (tot_err)
        # mesh error for each action
        for i in range(len(mesh_error_action)):
            err = np.mean(np.array(mesh_error_action[i]))
            eval_summary += (self.action_name[i] + ': %.2f ' % err)
    # estimate mesh, pose
    pred_mesh, _ = model(joint_img)
    pred_mesh = pred_mesh[:, graph_perm_reverse[:mesh_model.face.max() + 1], :]
    pred_3d_joint = torch.matmul(joint_regressor, pred_mesh)

    out = {}
    # assume batch=1
    for j in range(0, 1500):
        # projection
        pred_2d_joint = project_net(pred_3d_joint.detach())

        loss = criterion(pred_2d_joint, target_joint[:, :17, :])
        if j == 500:
            for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
                param_group['lr'] = 0.05
        if j == 1000:
            for param_group in optimizer.param_groups:
                param_group['lr'] = 0.001

    out['mesh'] = pred_mesh[0].detach().cpu().numpy()
    out['cam_param'] = project_net.cam_param[0].detach().cpu().numpy()
    out['trans'] = trans
    out['pred2d_pose'] = proj_target_joint_img

    render(out, output_path, FOCAL_LENGTH, IMG_RES, mesh_model.face, skeleton)
    save_obj(out['mesh'], mesh_model.face,
             osp.join(output_path, 'demo_output.obj'))
        out = optimize_cam_param(project_net, joint_input, crop_size=virtual_crop_size)

        # vis mesh
        color = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(np.random.rand(), 0.5, 1.0)
        rendered_img = render(out, orig_height, orig_width, orig_img, mesh_model.face, color)  # s[idx])
        cv2.imwrite(output_path + f'demo_mesh.png', rendered_img)

        # vis 2d pose
        tmpkps = np.zeros((3, len(joint_input)))
        tmpkps[0, :], tmpkps[1, :], tmpkps[2, :] = joint_input[:, 0], joint_input[:, 1], 1
        tmpimg = orig_img.copy().astype(np.uint8)
        pose_vis_img = vis_2d_keypoints(tmpimg, tmpkps, skeleton)
        cv2.imwrite(output_path + f'demo_pose2d.png', pose_vis_img)

        save_obj(out['mesh'], mesh_model.face, output_path + f'demo_mesh.obj')

    else:  # demo on CrowdPose dataset samples, dataset paper link: https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.00324
        # only for vis
        vis_joints_name = ('Nose', 'L_Eye', 'R_Eye', 'L_Ear', 'R_Ear', 'L_Shoulder', 'R_Shoulder', 'L_Elbow', 'R_Elbow', 'L_Wrist', 'R_Wrist', 'L_Hip', 'R_Hip', 'L_Knee', 'R_Knee', 'L_Ankle', 'R_Ankle', 'Thorax', 'Pelvis')
        vis_skeleton = ((0, 1), (0, 2), (2, 4), (1, 3), (5, 7), (7, 9), (12, 14), (14, 16), (11, 13), (13, 15), (5, 17), (6, 17), (11, 18), (12, 18), (17, 18), (17, 0), (6, 8), (8, 10),)

        # prepare input image and 2d pose
        coco_joints_name = ('Nose', 'L_Eye', 'R_Eye', 'L_Ear', 'R_Ear', 'L_Shoulder', 'R_Shoulder', 'L_Elbow', 'R_Elbow', 'L_Wrist', 'R_Wrist', 'L_Hip', 'R_Hip', 'L_Knee', 'R_Knee', 'L_Ankle', 'R_Ankle', 'Pelvis', 'Neck')
        pose2d_result_path = './demo/demo_input_2dpose.json'  # coco 2d pose detection detected by HigherHRNet
        with open(pose2d_result_path) as f:
            pose2d_result = json.load(f)
        img_dir = './demo/demo_input_img'
        img_name = '106542.jpg'  # '101570.jpg'
        img_path = osp.join(img_dir, img_name)
        orig_img = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR | cv2.IMREAD_IGNORE_ORIENTATION)