def evaluate(cvae, testLoader, exDir, e=1, classifier=None): #e is the epoch cvae.eval() #Load test data xTest, yTest = prep_data(iter(testLoader).next(), cvae.useCUDA) print 'saving a set of samples' if cvae.useCUDA: z = Variable(torch.randn(xTest.size(0), else: z = Variable(torch.randn(xTest.size(0), ySmile = Variable(torch.Tensor(yTest.size()).fill_(1)).type_as(yTest) samples = cvae.decode(ySmile, z).cpu() save_image(, join(exDir, 'smile_epoch' + str(e) + '.png')) yNoSmile = Variable(torch.Tensor(yTest.size()).fill_(0)).type_as(yTest) samples = cvae.decode(yNoSmile, z).cpu() save_image(, join(exDir, 'no_smile_epoch' + str(e) + '.png')) #check reconstructions after each 10 epochs outputs, outMu, outLogVar, outY = cvae(xTest) bceLossTest, klLossTest = cvae.loss(rec_x=outputs, x=xTest, mu=outMu, logVar=outLogVar) predLabel = torch.floor(outY) classScoreTest = binary_class_score(predLabel, yTest, thresh=0.5) print 'classification test:',[0] save_image(, join(exDir, 'input.png')) save_image(, join(exDir, 'output_' + str(e) + '.png')) rec1, rec0 = label_switch(, yTest, cvae, exDir=exDir) # for further eval if e == 'evalMode' and classer is not None: classer.eval() yPred0 = classer(rec0) y0 = Variable(torch.LongTensor(yPred0.size()).fill_(0)).type_as(yTest) class0 = binary_class_score(yPred0, y0, thresh=0.5) yPred1 = classer(rec1) y1 = Variable(torch.LongTensor(yPred1.size()).fill_(1)).type_as(yTest) class1 = binary_class_score(yPred1, y1, thresh=0.5) f = open(join(exDir, 'eval.txt'), 'w') f.write('Test MSE:' + str(F.mse_loss(outputs, xTest).data[0])) f.write('Class0:' + str([0])) f.write('Class1:' + str([0])) f.close() return (bceLossTest).data[0] / xTest.size(0),[0]
#check reconstructions after each 10 epochs outputs, outMu, outLogVar, outY = cvae(Variable(xTest)) bceLossTest, klLossTest = vae_loss_fn(, x=xTest, mu=outMu, logVar=outLogVar) maxVal, predLabel = torch.max(outY, 1) classScoreTest = torch.eq(predLabel, yTest).float().sum() / yTest.size(0) print 'classification test:',[0] save_image(xTest, join(exDir, 'input.png')) save_image(, join(exDir, 'output_' + str(e) + '.png')) label_switch(xTest, yTest, cvae, exDir=exDir) cvae.save_params(exDir=exDir) losses['total'].append(epochLoss / Ns) losses['kl'].append(epochLoss_kl / Ns) losses['bce'].append(epochLoss_bce / Ns) losses['test_bce'].append( (bceLossTest).data[0] / xTest.size(0)) #append every epoch losses['dis'].append(epochLoss_dis / Ns) losses['gen'].append(epochLoss_gen / Ns) losses['class'].append(epochLoss_class / Ns) losses['test_class'].append([0]) if e > 1: plot_losses(losses, exDir, epochs=e + 1)