def test_parking_creation(self):
     checking the parking is creating or not, IF Creating then instance of class should be same
     parking = Parking()
     assert isinstance(parking, Parking)
    def test_check_registration_numbers_for_cars_with_colour(self):
        give registration number of car with a specified color
        parking_lot = Parking()
        user_commands = [
            'create_parking_lot 5', 'park mh-01-01 white',
            'park  a1-01-01 blue', 'park aa-bb-cc blue', 'park aa-ff-01 red',
            'registration_numbers_for_cars_with_colour blue',
            'registration_numbers_for_cars_with_colour purple'

        assert command(user_commands[0],
                       parking_lot) == 'Created a parking lot with 5 slots'
        assert command(user_commands[1],
                       parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 1'
        assert command(user_commands[2],
                       parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 2'
        assert command(user_commands[3],
                       parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 3'
        assert command(user_commands[4],
                       parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 4'
        assert command(user_commands[5], parking_lot) == 'a1-01-01, aa-bb-cc'
        assert command(user_commands[6], parking_lot) == 'Not Found'
def run():
    parking = Parking()

    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        file_path = sys.argv[1]
        if os.path.exists(file_path):
            parking_lot = Parking()
            with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
                for line in file.readlines():
                    result = command(line, parking_lot)
        while True:
            cmd = input()
            if cmd:
                result = command(cmd, parking)
 def test_parking_lot_creation(self):
     create a parking lot with  specified number
     parking_lot = Parking()
     user_command = 'create_parking_lot 4'
     x = command(user_command, parking_lot)
     assert x == 'Created a parking lot with 4 slots'
    def test_invalid_commands(self):
        adding  a invalid command to check if it work or not

        parking_lot = Parking()
        invalid_command = 'this is invalid command'
        assert command(invalid_command, parking_lot) == 'invalid command'
    def test_exit_condition(self):
        """test if exit condition is working ord not"""
        parking_lot = Parking()
        user_command = 'exit'

        with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as pytest_wrapped_e:
            command(user_command, parking_lot)
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.type == SystemExit
        assert pytest_wrapped_e.value.code == 0
 def test_adding_car_to_parking_lot(self):
     adding a car to parking lot
     parking_lot = Parking()
     user_commands = [
         'create_parking_lot 2', 'park mh-01-01 white', 'park ho'
     assert command(user_commands[0],
                    parking_lot) == 'Created a parking lot with 2 slots'
     assert command(user_commands[1],
                    parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 1'
     assert command(user_commands[2], parking_lot) == 'invalid arguments'
 def test_checking_status_of_parking_lot(self):
     give out the list of car and there color present in the system
     parking_lot = Parking()
     user_commands = [
         'create_parking_lot 2', 'park mh-01-01 white', 'status',
         'status kjs'
     assert command(user_commands[0],
                    parking_lot) == 'Created a parking lot with 2 slots'
     assert command(user_commands[1],
                    parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 1'
     assert len(command(user_commands[2], parking_lot)) > 0
     assert command(user_commands[3],
                    parking_lot) == 'please enter the right command'
 def test_check_leave_of_parking_lot(self):
     check if leave function is good or not
     parking_lot = Parking()
     user_commands = [
         'create_parking_lot 2', 'park mh-01-01 white',
         'park  a1-01-01 blue', 'leave 1', 'leave 101'
     assert command(user_commands[0],
                    parking_lot) == 'Created a parking lot with 2 slots'
     assert command(user_commands[1],
                    parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 1'
     assert command(user_commands[2],
                    parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 2'
     assert command(user_commands[3],
                    parking_lot) == 'slot number 1 is free'
     assert command(
         user_commands[4], parking_lot
     ) == 'invalid slot number: either empty or doesnot exit.'
    def test_slot_number_for_registration_number(self):
        """ test the slot no of regisration number"""

        parking_lot = Parking()
        user_commands = [
            'create_parking_lot 5', 'park mh-01-01 white',
            'park  a1-01-01 blue', 'park aa-bb-cc blue', 'park aa-ff-01 red',
            'slot_number_for_registration_number mh-01-01',
            'slot_number_for_registration_number a-a-a'
        assert command(user_commands[0],
                       parking_lot) == 'Created a parking lot with 5 slots'
        assert command(user_commands[1],
                       parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 1'
        assert command(user_commands[2],
                       parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 2'
        assert command(user_commands[3],
                       parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 3'
        assert command(user_commands[4],
                       parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 4'
        assert command(user_commands[5], parking_lot) == '1'
        assert command(user_commands[6], parking_lot) == 'Not Found'
 def test_slot_numbers_for_cars_with_colour(self):
     test slot no of car with a spectific color
     parking_lot = Parking()
     user_commands = [
         'create_parking_lot 5', 'park mh-01-01 white',
         'park  a1-01-01 blue', 'park aa-bb-cc blue', 'park aa-ff-01 red',
         'slot_numbers_for_cars_with_colour blue',
         'slot_numbers_for_cars_with_colour purple'
     assert command(user_commands[0],
                    parking_lot) == 'Created a parking lot with 5 slots'
     assert command(user_commands[1],
                    parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 1'
     assert command(user_commands[2],
                    parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 2'
     assert command(user_commands[3],
                    parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 3'
     assert command(user_commands[4],
                    parking_lot) == 'Allocated Slot Number: 4'
     assert command(user_commands[5], parking_lot) == '2, 3'
     assert command(user_commands[6], parking_lot) == 'Not Found'