def building_order(the_line, groups, debug=False):
	results = order_block.default_line_results(the_line)
	building_dict			= the_line.the_world.buildings()
	city_dict				= the_line.the_world.cities()
	buildings_lookup		= the_line.the_world.buildings_lookup(lower=True)
	buildings_requirements	= the_line.the_world.building_requirements()
	cities_lookup			= the_line.the_world.cities_lookup(lower=True)
	the_team				= the_line.the_world.teams()[the_line.block.team]
	# DB checks
	# _find_building
	if groups['building'].lower() not in buildings_lookup:
		if debug:
			results['debug'].append("Failed at _find_building")
		return order_block.fail(results, "there is no building by the name of '%s'" % groups['building'])
		the_building = building_dict[buildings_lookup[groups['building'].lower()]]
	# _find_city
	if groups['city'].lower() not in cities_lookup:
		if debug:
			results['debug'].append("Failed at _find_city")
		return order_block.fail(results, "there is no city by the name of '%s'" % groups['city'])
		the_city = city_dict[cities_lookup[groups['city'].lower()]]
	# _dead_city
	if the_city.dead > 0:
		if debug:
			results['debug'].append("Failed at _dead_city")
		return order_block.fail(results, "there is no living city by the name of '%s' (found id of %d)" % (groups['city'], the_city.id))
	# if the_line.the_world._cities[974].buildings != {'0':None}:
	# 	print(the_line.content, the_line.block.team, the_line.block.title_name)
	# if the_city.id == 974:
	# 	print("")
	# 	print(the_line.content)
	# 	# for k, v in city_dict.items():
	# 	# 	if not v.dead:
	# 	# 		print(v.name, v.buildings)
	# 	print("XXYYZZ")
	# 	the_line.the_world.cursor.execute("ROLLBACK")
	# 	the_line.the_world.cursor.execute("ROLLBACK")
	# 	exit()
	# Rule checks
	results = order_block.default_line_results(the_line, "%s could not be built at %s because" % (the_building.name, the_city.name))
	# _swamp
	if the_city.terrain == map_data.terrain.index("swamp"):
		if the_building.wall or the_building.name == "Castle":
			if debug:
				results['debug'].append("Failed at _swamp")
			return order_block.fail(results, "%s is on a swamp" % the_city.name)
	# _ownership
	if the_city.team != the_line.block.team:
		if debug:
			results['debug'].append("Failed at _ownership")
		return order_block.fail(results, "%s is not your city" % the_city.name)
	# _nomadic
	if the_city.nomadic:
		if debug:
			results['debug'].append("Failed at _nomadic")
		return order_block.fail(results, "%s is nomadic" % the_city.name)
	amount		= the_city.buildings_amount.get(the_building.id, 0)
	completion	= the_city.buildings.get(the_building.id, 0)
	# _wall_points
	if the_building.wall and the_city.wall_points_used >= 1:
		if debug:
			results['debug'].append("Failed at _wall_points")
		return order_block.fail(results, "%s is already constructing a wall this year" % the_city.name)
	# _economy_points
	if the_building.economy and the_city.economy_points_used >= 1:
		if debug:
			results['debug'].append("Failed at _economy_points")
		return order_block.fail(results, "%s is already constructing an economic building this year" % the_city.name)
	# _building_points
	if not the_building.wall and not the_building.economy and the_city.building_points_used >= 1:
		if debug:
			results['debug'].append("Failed at _building_points")
		return order_block.fail(results, "%s is already constructing a building this year" % the_city.name)
	# _build_limit
	if completion == 0 and the_building.limit_per_city > 0:
		instances = amount
		# Is it used for an upgrade?
		if the_building.id in buildings_requirements:
			for b in buildings_requirements[the_building.id]:
				if b in the_city.buildings_amount:
					instances += the_city.buildings_amount[b]
				if b in the_city.buildings and the_city.buildings[b] > 0:
					instances += 1
		if instances >= the_building.limit_per_city:
			if debug:
				results['debug'].append("Failed at _build_limit")
			return order_block.fail(results, "you have reached the limit allowed in one city")
	# _upgrade_requirements
	if completion == 0 and the_building.upgrades > -1:
		if the_city.buildings_amount.get(the_building.upgrades, 0) < 1:
			if debug:
				results['debug'].append("Failed at _upgrade_requirements")
				results['debug'].append("Required {building} (id: {id})".format(
				results['debug'].append("the_city.buildings_amount: %s" % str(the_city.buildings_amount))
				results['debug'].append("the_city.buildings: %s" % str(the_city.buildings))
			return order_block.fail(results, "the required building (%s) is not complete there" % building_dict[the_building.upgrades].name)
	# Get cost
	results['cost'] = res_dict.Res_dict(the_building.cost_per_turn)
	if completion == 0:
		results['cost'] += res_dict.Res_dict(the_building.cost_up_front)
	# Check affordability
	affordability = the_team.resources.affordable(results['cost'])[0]
	if not affordability:
		if debug:
			results['debug'].append("Failed at _affordability")
			results['debug'].append("Cost: %s" % str(results['cost']))
			results['debug'].append("Team resources: %s" % str(the_team.resources))
		return order_block.fail_cost(results)
	# Check we've got a DB row ready to update
	if completion == 0 and amount == 0:
		the_line.try_query(building_f.check_row_exists(building_id=the_building.id, city_id=the_city.id))
	# Completion
	if the_team.resources.get("Stone") > 0:
		new_completion = completion + 100
		new_completion = completion + 50
	new_completion = min(new_completion, the_building.build_time)
	# Completion percentage
	completion_percentage = int(100 * (new_completion/the_building.build_time))
	completion_percentage = min(completion_percentage, 100)
	# Queries
	results['queries'].append("-- Building %s at %s for team:%d" % (the_building.name, the_city.name, the_team.id))
	results['queries'].extend(building_f.completion_query(the_city, the_building, new_completion))
	# Apply cost
	the_team.resources -= results['cost'].discrete()
	# Result
	results['results'].append("%s is %s%% of the way through it's %s" % (the_city.name, completion_percentage, the_building.name))
	# Update city points
	if the_building.wall:	the_city.wall_points_used += 1
	else:					the_city.building_points_used += 1	
	return order_block.success(results)
	def test_check_row_exists(self):
		for city_id, building_id, expected in self.check_row_exists_sets:
			r = building_f.check_row_exists(city_id=city_id, building_id=building_id)
			self.assertEqual(expected, r)