def doGrubCfg(startconf, group, kopts):
    grubcfg = constants.LINBOGRUBDIR + '/' + group + '.cfg'
    rc, content = readTextfile(grubcfg)
    if rc == True and not constants.MANAGEDSTR in content:
        printScript('  > Keeping pxe configuration.')
        return True
    # get grub partition name of cache
    cache = getStartconfOption(startconf, 'LINBO', 'Cache')
    partnr = getStartconfPartnr(startconf, cache)
    systemtype = getStartconfOption(startconf, 'LINBO', 'SystemType')
    cacheroot = getGrubPart(cache, systemtype)
    cachelabel = getStartconfPartlabel(startconf, partnr)
    # if cache is not defined provide a forced netboot cfg
    if cacheroot == None:
        netboottpl = constants.LINBOTPLDIR + '/grub.cfg.forced_netboot'
        printScript('  > Creating minimal pxe configuration. start.conf is incomplete!')
        rc = os.system('cp ' + netboottpl + ' ' + grubcfg)
        printScript('  > Creating pxe configuration.')
    # create gobal part for group cfg
    globaltpl = constants.LINBOTPLDIR + '/'
    rc, content = readTextfile(globaltpl)
    if rc == False:
        return rc
    replace_list = [('@@group@@', group), ('@@cachelabel@@', cachelabel), ('@@cacheroot@@', cacheroot), ('@@kopts@@', kopts)]
    for item in replace_list:
        content = content.replace(item[0], item[1])
    rc = writeTextfile(grubcfg, content, 'w')
    # get os infos from group's start.conf
    oslists = getStartconfOsValues(startconf)
    if oslists == None:
        return False
    # write os parts to grub cfg
    ostpl = constants.LINBOTPLDIR + '/grub.cfg.os'
    for oslist in oslists:
        osname, partition, kernel, initrd, kappend, osnr = oslist
        osroot = getGrubPart(partition, systemtype)
        ostype = getGrubOstype(osname)
        partnr = getStartconfPartnr(startconf, partition)
        oslabel = getStartconfPartlabel(startconf, partnr)
        rc, content = readTextfile(ostpl)
        if rc == False:
            return rc
        replace_list = [('@@group@@', group), ('@@cachelabel@@', cachelabel),
            ('@@cacheroot@@', cacheroot), ('@@osname@@', osname),
            ('@@osnr@@', osnr), ('@@ostype@@', ostype), ('@@oslabel@@', oslabel),
            ('@@osroot@@', osroot), ('@@partnr@@', partnr), ('@@kernel@@', kernel),
            ('@@initrd@@', initrd), ('@@kopts@@', kopts), ('@@append@@', kappend)]
        for item in replace_list:
            content = content.replace(item[0], item[1])
        rc = writeTextfile(grubcfg, content, 'a')
        if rc == False:
            return rc
def doLinboStartconf(group):
    startconf = constants.LINBODIR + '/start.conf.' + group
    # provide simple start.conf if there is none for this group
    if not os.path.isfile(startconf):
        msg = '  > Creating minimal start.conf. Further configuration is necessary!'
        printScript(msg, '', True)
        os.system('cp ' + constants.LINBODIR + '/start.conf ' + startconf)
    # read values from start.conf
    group_s = getStartconfOption(startconf, 'LINBO', 'Group')
    serverip_s = getStartconfOption(startconf, 'LINBO', 'Server')
    kopts_s = getStartconfOption(startconf, 'LINBO', 'KernelOptions')
        serverip_k = re.findall(r'server=[^ ]*', kopts_s, re.IGNORECASE)[0].split('=')[1]
        serverip_k = None
    # determine whether global values from start conf have to changed
    if serverip_k != None and isValidHostIpv4(serverip_k) == True:
        serverip_r = serverip_k
        serverip_r = serverip
    if kopts_s == None:
        kopts_r = 'splash quiet'
        kopts_r = kopts_s
    if group_s != group:
        group_r = group
        group_r = group
    # change global startconf options if necessary
    if serverip_s != serverip_r:
        rc = setGlobalStartconfOption(startconf, 'Server', serverip_r)
        if rc == False:
            return rc
    if kopts_s != kopts_r:
        rc = setGlobalStartconfOption(startconf, 'KernelOptions', kopts_r)
        if rc == False:
            return rc
    if group_s != group_r:
        rc = setGlobalStartconfOption(startconf, 'Group', group_r)
        if rc == False:
            return rc
    # process grub cfgs
    doGrubCfg(startconf, group, kopts_r)
# grub image filename
img = constants.LINBOGRUBDIR + '/hostcfg/' + hostname + '.img'
imgrel = img.replace(constants.LINBOGRUBDIR, 'boot/grub')

# path to host specific cfg
hostcfg = img.replace('.img', '.cfg')

# get other host parameters from hostrow
field1, field2, group, mac, ip, field6, field7, field8, field9, field10, field11 = hostrow

# path to group specific cfg
groupcfg = constants.LINBOGRUBDIR + '/' + group + '.cfg'

# get systemtype specific parameters
startconf = constants.LINBODIR + '/start.conf.' + group
systemtype = getStartconfOption(startconf, 'LINBO', 'SYSTEMTYPE').lower()
normal = '\n'
if systemtype == 'bios' or systemtype == 'bios64':
    platform = 'i386-pc'
    imgtype = platform + '-pxe'
    iface = 'pxe'
    modules = constants.GRUBI386MODS
    normal = 'normal'
elif systemtype == 'efi32':
    platform = 'i386-efi'
    imgtype = platform
    iface = 'efinet0'
    modules = constants.GRUBEFIMODS
elif systemtype == 'efi64':
    platform = 'x86_64-efi'
    imgtype = platform
# grub image filename
img = constants.LINBOGRUBDIR + '/hostcfg/' + hostname + '.img'
imgrel = img.replace(constants.LINBOGRUBDIR, 'boot/grub')

# path to host specific cfg
hostcfg = img.replace('.img', '.cfg')

# get other host parameters from hostrow
field1, field2, group, mac, ip, field6, field7, field8, field9, field10, field11 = hostrow

# path to group specific cfg
groupcfg = constants.LINBOGRUBDIR + '/' + group + '.cfg'

# get systemtype specific parameters
startconf = constants.LINBODIR + '/start.conf.' + group
systemtype = getStartconfOption(startconf, 'LINBO', 'SYSTEMTYPE').lower()
normal = '\n'
if systemtype == 'bios' or systemtype == 'bios64':
    platform = 'i386-pc'
    imgtype = platform + '-pxe'
    iface = 'pxe'
    modules = constants.GRUBI386MODS
    normal = 'normal'
elif systemtype == 'efi32':
    platform = 'i386-efi'
    imgtype = platform
    iface = 'efinet0'
    modules = constants.GRUBEFIMODS
elif systemtype == 'efi64':
    platform = 'x86_64-efi'
    imgtype = platform