def run_adversarial_training(cfg): ''' Algorithm 1 in the paper ''' def run_validation(input_op_list, summary_file, summary_info): ''' Validation during training. Validation can be run on any set: training, validating or testing. Input: sess: run oprations in this session. input_op_list: list. For example, when validating on training set, it is [tr_videos_op, tr_action_labels_op, tr_actor_labels_op] other_op_list: list. Always [accuracy_utility, accuracy_budget, loss_utility_op, loss_budget_op] summary_file: put the validation summary in this file. summary_info: string. Summary content. Output: print and write summary. Return: acc_util_lst, acc_budget_lst ''' # initialize timer and lists: start_time = time.time() acc_util_lst, acc_budget_lst, loss_utility_lst, loss_budget_lst = [], [], [], [] # late update: for _ in itertools.repeat(None, FLAGS.n_minibatches_eval): tr_videos, tr_action_labels, tr_actor_labels = input_op_list) acc_util, acc_budget, loss_utility_value, loss_budget_value = [ accuracy_utility, accuracy_budget, loss_utility_op, loss_budget_op ], feed_dict={ videos_placeholder: tr_videos, utility_labels_placeholder: tr_action_labels, budget_labels_placeholder: tr_actor_labels, dropout_placeholder: 1.0, }) acc_util_lst.append(acc_util) acc_budget_lst.append(acc_budget) loss_utility_lst.append(loss_utility_value) loss_budget_lst.append(loss_budget_value) # Writing and printing summary part: summary = summary_info.format(time.time() - start_time, np.mean(acc_util_lst), np.mean(acc_budget_lst), np.mean(loss_utility_lst), np.mean(loss_budget_lst)) print(summary) summary_file.write(summary + '\n') print('\n') # End writing and printing summary part. return acc_util_lst, acc_budget_lst # initialize multiplier_lst, logits_budget_lst_dct, loss_budget_lst_dct, which are used in both the graph and the session: # The depth multiplier list for creating different budget models ensemble (MobileNet with different depth.) multiplier_lst = [0.60 - i * 0.02 for i in range(FLAGS.NBudget)] # The dict of logits and loss for each different budget model to get accuracy logits_budget_lst_dct = { str(multiplier): [] for multiplier in multiplier_lst } loss_budget_lst_dct = { str(multiplier): [] for multiplier in multiplier_lst } # end initializing multiplier_lst, logits_budget_lst_dct, loss_budget_lst_dct. # mkdir for saving ckpt of the adversarial training process: if not os.path.exists(ckpt_dir): os.makedirs(ckpt_dir) # define graph graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): # global step: global_step = tf.get_variable('global_step', [], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) # placeholder inputs: videos_placeholder, utility_labels_placeholder, budget_labels_placeholder, dropout_placeholder, _ = \ placeholder_inputs(cfg['TRAIN']['BATCH_SIZE'] * FLAGS.GPU_NUM, cfg) tower_grads_degrad, tower_grads_utility, tower_grads_budget = [], [], [] # Compute Acc (fT, fb logits output) logits_utility_lst, logits_budget_lst = [], [] # Compute Loss (LT, Lb_cross_entropy, Ld=LT+Lb_entropy?) loss_utility_lst, loss_budget_lst, loss_degrad_lst = [], [], [] # Compute prediction with min entropy (most confident) # Use max uniform loss instead argmax_adverse_budget_loss_lst = [] # Optimizer for the 3 components respectively opt_degrad = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(FLAGS.degradation_lr) opt_utility = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(FLAGS.utility_lr) opt_budget = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(FLAGS.budget_lr) with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope()): for gpu_index in range(0, FLAGS.GPU_NUM): with tf.device('/gpu:%d' % gpu_index): print('/gpu:%d' % gpu_index) with tf.name_scope('%s_%d' % ('gpu', gpu_index)) as scope: videos = videos_placeholder[gpu_index * cfg['TRAIN']['BATCH_SIZE']: (gpu_index + 1) * cfg['TRAIN']['BATCH_SIZE']] utility_labels = utility_labels_placeholder[ gpu_index * cfg['TRAIN']['BATCH_SIZE']:(gpu_index + 1) * cfg['TRAIN']['BATCH_SIZE']] budget_labels = budget_labels_placeholder[ gpu_index * cfg['TRAIN']['BATCH_SIZE']:(gpu_index + 1) * cfg['TRAIN']['BATCH_SIZE']] loss_degrad, loss_budget, loss_utility, logits_budget, logits_utility, argmax_adverse_budget_loss = \ create_architecture_adversarial(cfg, cfg['TRAIN']['BATCH_SIZE'], multiplier_lst, logits_budget_lst_dct, loss_budget_lst_dct, scope, videos, utility_labels, budget_labels, dropout_placeholder) # Reuse variables for the next tower. tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() loss_degrad_lst.append(loss_degrad) loss_budget_lst.append(loss_budget) loss_utility_lst.append(loss_utility) logits_budget_lst.append(logits_budget) logits_utility_lst.append(logits_utility) argmax_adverse_budget_loss_lst.append( argmax_adverse_budget_loss) # varlist: varlist_degrad = [ v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if any(x in for x in ["DegradationModule"]) ] varlist_utility = [ v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if any(x in for x in ["UtilityModule"]) ] varlist_budget = [ v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if any(x in for x in ["BudgetModule"]) ] grads_degrad = opt_degrad.compute_gradients( loss_degrad, varlist_degrad) grads_budget = opt_budget.compute_gradients( loss_budget, varlist_budget) grads_utility = opt_utility.compute_gradients( loss_utility, varlist_utility + varlist_degrad) tower_grads_degrad.append(grads_degrad) tower_grads_budget.append(grads_budget) tower_grads_utility.append(grads_utility) # argmax_adverse_budget_loss_op = tf.concat(argmax_adverse_budget_loss_lst, 0) # Average losses over each GPU: loss_utility_op = tf.reduce_mean(loss_utility_lst, name='softmax') # LT loss_budget_op = tf.reduce_mean(loss_budget_lst, name='softmax') # Lb loss_degrad_op = tf.reduce_mean(loss_degrad_lst, name='softmax') # Ld = -Lb # Concatenate the logits over all GPU: logits_utility = tf.concat(logits_utility_lst, 0) logits_budget = tf.concat(logits_budget_lst, 0) # acc accuracy_utility = accuracy(logits_utility, utility_labels_placeholder) accuracy_budget = accuracy(logits_budget, budget_labels_placeholder) # count how many testing samples are classified correctly: right_count_utility_op = correct_num(logits_utility, utility_labels_placeholder) right_count_budget_op = correct_num(logits_budget, budget_labels_placeholder) # operations on each budget model: loss_budget_op_lst = [] accuracy_budget_list = [] right_count_budget_op_lst = [] # for each mobile-net: for multiplier in multiplier_lst: # multiplier_lst has M elements -> each is the channel depth of a mobile net. # loss of each model: loss_budget_op_each_model = tf.reduce_mean( loss_budget_lst_dct[str(multiplier)] ) # mean loss over multi-gpu of a certain mobile-net. loss_budget_op_lst.append(loss_budget_op_each_model) # logits of each model: budget_logits_each_model = tf.concat( logits_budget_lst_dct['{}'.format(multiplier)], 0) # same budget model, concatenate over GPUs. # acc of each model accuracy_budget_each_model = accuracy(budget_logits_each_model, budget_labels_placeholder) accuracy_budget_list.append(accuracy_budget_each_model) # right count of each model: right_count_op = correct_num(budget_logits_each_model, budget_labels_placeholder) right_count_budget_op_lst.append(right_count_op) ''' The only thing changed here is tower_grads_degrad, the second parameter of the create_grad_accum_for_late_update function. The trainable variable list needn't be changed, it is still varlist_degrad, which is the variables in fd network. The loss is changed: zero_ops_degrad, accum_ops_degrad, apply_gradient_op_degrad <- tower_grads_degrad <- grads_degrade <- loss_degrad So, we only need to change the definition of 'loss_degrad' in 'create_architecture_adversarial' function in ''' zero_ops_degrad, accum_ops_degrad, apply_gradient_op_degrad = create_grad_accum_for_late_update( opt_degrad, tower_grads_degrad, varlist_degrad, global_step, decay_with_global_step=True) zero_ops_budget, accum_ops_budget, apply_gradient_op_budget = create_grad_accum_for_late_update( opt_budget, tower_grads_budget, varlist_budget, global_step, decay_with_global_step=False) zero_ops_utility, accum_ops_utility, apply_gradient_op_utility = create_grad_accum_for_late_update( opt_utility, tower_grads_utility, varlist_utility + varlist_degrad, global_step, decay_with_global_step=False) tr_videos_op, tr_action_labels_op, tr_actor_labels_op = create_videos_reading_ops( is_train=True, is_val=False, cfg=cfg) val_videos_op, val_action_labels_op, val_actor_labels_op = create_videos_reading_ops( is_train=False, is_val=True, cfg=cfg) # session config: config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # run session: with tf.Session(graph=graph, config=config) as sess: coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) init_op =, tf.global_variables_initializer()) # load ckpts: if use_pretrained_model: # load ckpts from pretrained fd and fT.(By run_pretraining_degrad and run_pretraining_utility functions.) # fT and fd part: restore_model_ckpt( sess, FLAGS.deg_target_models, varlist_utility + varlist_degrad ) # FLAGS.deg_target_models is the dir storing ckpt of theta_T and theta_d # fb part: restore_model_ckpt(sess, FLAGS.budget_models, varlist_budget) else: # load ckpts from previous training stage of this run_adversarial_training function. saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.trainable_variables()) ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir=ckpt_dir) if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) print('Session restored from trained model at {}!'.format( ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)) else: raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), ckpt_dir) # saver and summary files: saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=tf.trainable_variables(), max_to_keep=10) loss_summary_file, validation_train_set_summary_file, validation_val_set_summary_file, model_restarting_summary_file = create_summary_files( summary_dir) # Adversarial training loop: for step in xrange(cfg['TRAIN']['TOP_MAXSTEP']): # Part 0: Model restarting if (step != 0 and (FLAGS.use_restarting and step % FLAGS.restarting_step == 0)): # reinitialize fb: budget_varlist = [ v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if any(x in for x in ["BudgetModule"]) ] init_budget_op = tf.variables_initializer(budget_varlist) # finish reinitializing fb # Train theta_B using Lb(X,Y_B) for FLAGS.retraining_step steps: for Restarting_step in range(0, FLAGS.retraining_step): start_time = time.time() acc_util_lst, acc_budget_lst, loss_degrad_lst, loss_utility_lst, loss_budget_lst = [], [], [], [], [] # accumulating gradient for late update: for _ in itertools.repeat(None, 20): # placeholder inputs: tr_videos, tr_action_labels, tr_actor_labels = [ tr_videos_op, tr_action_labels_op, tr_actor_labels_op ]) # run operations: _, acc_util, acc_budget, loss_degrad_value, loss_utility_value, loss_budget_value = [ accum_ops_budget, accuracy_utility, accuracy_budget, loss_degrad_op, loss_utility_op, loss_budget_op ], feed_dict={ videos_placeholder: tr_videos, utility_labels_placeholder: tr_action_labels, budget_labels_placeholder: tr_actor_labels, dropout_placeholder: 1.0, }) # append: acc_util_lst.append(acc_util) acc_budget_lst.append(acc_budget) loss_degrad_lst.append(loss_degrad_value) loss_utility_lst.append(loss_utility_value) loss_budget_lst.append(loss_budget_value) # finish accumulating gradient for late update # after accumulating gradient, do the update on fb: # finish update on fb assert not np.isnan(np.mean( loss_degrad_lst)), 'Model diverged with loss = NaN' # loss summary: loss_summary = 'Restarting (Budget), Step: {:4d}, Restarting_step: {:4d}, time: {:.4f}, budget loss: {:.8f}, ' \ 'training budget accuracy: {:.5f}, utility loss: {:.8f}, training utility accuracy: {:.5f}'.format( step, Restarting_step, time.time() - start_time, np.mean(loss_budget_lst), np.mean(acc_budget_lst), np.mean(loss_utility_lst), np.mean(acc_util_lst)) model_restarting_summary_file.write(loss_summary + '\n') print(loss_summary) # end of loss summary # finish training theta_B using Lb(X,Y_B) for FLAGS.retraining_step steps. print('') loss_summary_file.write('\n') # End part 0 # Part 3: train Fb using L_b (cross entropy) for L_b_step in range(0, cfg['TRAIN']['L_B_MAXSTEP']): # max step: optimize theta_d using L_b(X,Y_B) for L_b_max_step in range(0, cfg['TRAIN']['L_B_MAX_PART_STEP']): start_time = time.time() acc_util_lst, acc_budget_lst, loss_utility_lst, loss_budget_lst = [], [], [], [] # accumulating gradient for late update: for _ in itertools.repeat(None, FLAGS.n_minibatches): # placeholder inputs: tr_videos, tr_action_labels, tr_actor_labels = [ tr_videos_op, tr_action_labels_op, tr_actor_labels_op ]) # run operations: _, acc_util, acc_budget, loss_utility_value, loss_budget_value = [ accum_ops_degrad, accuracy_utility, accuracy_budget, loss_utility_op, loss_budget_op ], feed_dict={ videos_placeholder: tr_videos, utility_labels_placeholder: tr_action_labels, budget_labels_placeholder: tr_actor_labels, dropout_placeholder: 1.0, }) # append loss and acc for budget model: acc_util_lst.append(acc_util) acc_budget_lst.append(acc_budget) loss_utility_lst.append(loss_utility_value) loss_budget_lst.append(loss_budget_value) # finish accumulating gradient for late update # after accumulating gradient, do the update on fd: _ =[apply_gradient_op_degrad]) # finish update on fd assert not np.isnan(np.mean( loss_budget_value)), 'Model diverged with loss = NaN' # loss summary: if L_b_max_step % cfg['TRAIN']['L_B_MAX_PRINT_STEP'] == 0: loss_summary = 'Alternating Training (Budget L_b MAX), Step: {:4d}, L_b_step: {:4d}, L_b_max_step: {:4d} time: {:.4f}, ' \ 'training utility accuracy: {:.5f}, training budget accuracy: {:.5f}, ' \ 'utility loss: {:.8f}, budget loss: {:.8f}'.format( step, L_b_step, L_b_max_step, time.time() - start_time, np.mean(acc_util_lst), np.mean(acc_budget_lst), np.mean(loss_utility_lst), np.mean(loss_budget_lst) ) print(loss_summary) loss_summary_file.write(loss_summary + '\n') # end loss summary print() # End max step # min step: optimize theta_b using L_b(X,Y_B) for L_b_min_step in range(0, cfg['TRAIN']['L_B_MIN_PART_STEP']): start_time = time.time() acc_budget_lst, loss_budget_lst = [], [] # accumulating gradient for late update: for _ in itertools.repeat(None, FLAGS.n_minibatches): # placeholder inputs: tr_videos, tr_actor_labels = [tr_videos_op, tr_actor_labels_op]) # run operations: _, acc_budget, loss_budget_value = [ accum_ops_budget, accuracy_budget, loss_budget_op ], feed_dict={ videos_placeholder: tr_videos, # utility_labels_placeholder: tr_action_labels, budget_labels_placeholder: tr_actor_labels, dropout_placeholder: 1.0, }) # append loss and acc for budget model: acc_budget_lst.append(acc_budget) loss_budget_lst.append(loss_budget_value) # finish accumulating gradient for late update assert not np.isnan(np.mean( loss_budget_lst)), 'Model diverged with loss = NaN' # Monitoring fb using training set if L_b_min_step % cfg['TRAIN']['MONITOR_STEP'] == 0: if np.mean(acc_budget_lst ) >= FLAGS.highest_budget_acc_val: print(bcolors.OKGREEN + 'pass budget acc bar!\n' + bcolors.ENDC) loss_summary_file.write('pass budget acc bar!\n') break # End monitoring fb on training set. # after accumulating gradient, do the update on fb, if it didn't pass the budget acc bar:[apply_gradient_op_budget]) # finish update on fb # loss summary: if L_b_min_step % cfg['TRAIN']['MONITOR_STEP'] == 0: loss_summary = 'Alternating Training (Budget L_b MIN), Step: {:4d}, L_b_step: {:4d}, L_b_min_step: {:4d} time: {:.4f}, ' \ 'training budget accuracy: {:.5f}, budget loss: {:.8f}'.format( step, L_b_step, L_b_min_step, time.time() - start_time, np.mean(acc_budget_lst), np.mean(loss_budget_lst) ) print(loss_summary) loss_summary_file.write(loss_summary + '\n') # end loss summary print('') loss_summary_file.write('\n') # End part 3 # Part 2: End-to-end train Ft and Fd using L_T for L_T_step in range(0, cfg['TRAIN']['L_T_MAXSTEP']): # Monitoring LT using validation set: if L_T_step % cfg['TRAIN']['MONITOR_STEP'] == 0: acc_util_lst, _ = run_validation(input_op_list=[val_videos_op, val_action_labels_op, val_actor_labels_op], summary_file=loss_summary_file, summary_info="Monitoring L_T:\n" \ "Step: %d, L_T_step: %d, time: {:.4f}, " \ "validation utility accuracy: {:.5f}, validation budget accuracy: {:.5f}, " \ "utility loss: {:.8f}, budget loss: {:.8f}" % (step, L_T_step)) # breaking condition: (if performance on L_T is still good) if np.mean(acc_util_lst) >= FLAGS.highest_util_acc_val: print(bcolors.OKGREEN + 'pass utility acc bar!\n' + bcolors.ENDC) loss_summary_file.write('pass utility acc bar!\n') break # End of monitoring LT # Optimizing LT (if necessary) using training set: (This is one batch=FLAGS.n_minibatches, each minibatch has FLAGS.GPU_NUM*cfg['TRAIN']['BATCH_SIZE'] video clips.) start_time = time.time() acc_util_lst, acc_budget_lst, loss_utility_lst, loss_budget_lst = [], [], [], [] # accumulating gradient for late update: for _ in itertools.repeat(None, FLAGS.n_minibatches): tr_videos, tr_action_labels, tr_actor_labels =[ tr_videos_op, tr_action_labels_op, tr_actor_labels_op ]) _, acc_util, acc_budget, loss_utility_value, loss_budget_value = [ accum_ops_utility, accuracy_utility, accuracy_budget, loss_utility_op, loss_budget_op ], feed_dict={ videos_placeholder: tr_videos, utility_labels_placeholder: tr_action_labels, budget_labels_placeholder: tr_actor_labels, dropout_placeholder: 0.5, }) acc_util_lst.append(acc_util) acc_budget_lst.append(acc_budget) loss_utility_lst.append(loss_utility_value) loss_budget_lst.append(loss_budget_value) # finish accumulating gradient for late update # after accumulating gradient, do the update on fT and fd:[apply_gradient_op_utility]) # finish update on fT and fd assert not np.isnan(np.mean( loss_utility_lst)), 'Model diverged with loss = NaN' # loss summary: loss_summary = 'Alternating Training (Utility), Step: {:4d}, L_T_step: {:4d}, time: {:.4f}, ' \ 'training utility accuracy: {:.5f}, training budget accuracy: {:.5f}, ' \ 'utility loss: {:.8f}, budget loss: {:.8f}'.format( step, L_T_step, time.time() - start_time, np.mean(acc_util_lst), np.mean(acc_budget_lst), np.mean(loss_utility_lst), np.mean(loss_budget_lst) ) print(loss_summary) loss_summary_file.write(loss_summary + '\n') # end of loss summary # End of optimizing LT. print('') loss_summary_file.write('\n') # End part 2 # Do validation (on training set and validation set): if step % cfg['TRAIN']['VAL_STEP'] == 0: run_validation(input_op_list=[tr_videos_op, tr_action_labels_op, tr_actor_labels_op], summary_file=validation_train_set_summary_file, summary_info="Validation train_set summary\n" \ "Step: %d, time: {:.4f}, " \ "training utility accuracy: {:.5f}, training budget accuracy: {:.5f}, " \ "utility loss: {:.8f}, budget loss: {:.8f}" % step) run_validation(input_op_list=[val_videos_op, val_action_labels_op, val_actor_labels_op], summary_file=validation_val_set_summary_file, summary_info="Validation val_set summary\n" \ "Step: %d, time: {:.4f}, " \ "validation utility accuracy: {:.5f}, validation budget accuracy: {:.5f}, " \ "utility loss: {:.8f}, budget loss: {:.8f}" % step) # End evaluation # Save ckpt for kb_adversarial learning: if step % cfg['TRAIN']['SAVE_STEP'] == 0 or ( step + 1) == cfg['TRAIN']['TOP_MAXSTEP']: checkpoint_path = os.path.join(ckpt_dir, 'model.ckpt'), checkpoint_path, global_step=step) # End evaluation loss_summary_file.close() validation_train_set_summary_file.close() validation_val_set_summary_file.close() coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) print("done")
def run_adversarial_testing(cfg): ''' Run testing of the trained model (direct test without any retraining, different from the two-fold-evaluation proposed in the paper) It will give the utility task accuracy and the privacy budget task accuracy ''' # initialize multiplier_lst, logits_budget_lst_dct, loss_budget_lst_dct, which are used in both the graph and the session: # The depth multiplier list for creating different budget models ensemble (MobileNet with different depth.) multiplier_lst = [0.60 - i * 0.02 for i in range(FLAGS.NBudget)] # The dict of logits and loss for each different budget model to get accuracy logits_budget_lst_dct = { str(multiplier): [] for multiplier in multiplier_lst } loss_budget_lst_dct = { str(multiplier): [] for multiplier in multiplier_lst } # end initializing multiplier_lst, logits_budget_lst_dct, loss_budget_lst_dct. graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): # placeholder inputs: videos_placeholder, utility_labels_placeholder, budget_labels_placeholder, dropout_placeholder, _ = placeholder_inputs( cfg['TEST']['BATCH_SIZE'] * FLAGS.GPU_NUM, cfg) # Compute Acc logits_utility_lst, logits_budget_lst = [], [] with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope()) as scope: # get the logits_budget and logits_utility on each gpu: for gpu_index in range(0, FLAGS.GPU_NUM): with tf.device('/gpu:%d' % gpu_index): print('/gpu:%d' % gpu_index) with tf.name_scope('%s_%d' % ('gpu', gpu_index)) as scope: videos = videos_placeholder[gpu_index * cfg['TEST']['BATCH_SIZE']: (gpu_index + 1) * cfg['TEST']['BATCH_SIZE']] utility_labels = utility_labels_placeholder[ gpu_index * cfg['TEST']['BATCH_SIZE']:(gpu_index + 1) * cfg['TEST']['BATCH_SIZE']] budget_labels = budget_labels_placeholder[ gpu_index * cfg['TEST']['BATCH_SIZE']:(gpu_index + 1) * cfg['TEST']['BATCH_SIZE']] _, _, _, logits_budget, logits_utility, _ = create_architecture_adversarial( cfg, cfg['TEST']['BATCH_SIZE'], multiplier_lst, logits_budget_lst_dct, loss_budget_lst_dct, scope, videos, utility_labels, budget_labels, dropout_placeholder) logits_budget_lst.append(logits_budget) logits_utility_lst.append(logits_utility) # print('len(logits_utility_lst):', len(logits_utility_lst)) tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() # concatnate the logits of each gpu: logits_utility = tf.concat(logits_utility_lst, 0) logits_budget = tf.concat(logits_budget_lst, 0) # count how many testing samples are classified correctly: right_count_utility_op = correct_num(logits_utility, utility_labels_placeholder) right_count_budget_op = correct_num(logits_budget, budget_labels_placeholder) # operations on each budget model: right_count_budget_op_lst = [] for multiplier in multiplier_lst: # right count of each model: budget_logits_each_model = tf.concat( logits_budget_lst_dct['{}'.format(multiplier)], 0) # same budget model, concatenate over GPUs. right_count_op = correct_num(budget_logits_each_model, budget_labels_placeholder) right_count_budget_op_lst.append(right_count_op) videos_op, action_labels_op, actor_labels_op = create_videos_reading_ops( is_train=False, is_val=False, cfg=cfg) # session config: config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # run session: with tf.Session(graph=graph, config=config) as sess: # initialization: init_op =, tf.global_variables_initializer()) # initialization part should be put outside the multi-threads part! But why? # multi-threads: coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord) # Create a saver for loading trained checkpoints: saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.trainable_variables()) ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir=ckpt_dir) # load trained checkpoints: if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path: saver.restore(sess, ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) print('Session restored from trained model at {}!'.format( ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)) else: raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), ckpt_dir) total_v = 0.0 # total number of testing samples test_correct_num_utility = 0.0 # how many testing samples get correct utility label prediction. test_correct_num_budget = 0.0 # how many testing samples get correct budget label prediction. test_correct_num_budget_lst = [0.0] * FLAGS.NBudget print('coord.should_stop():', coord.should_stop()) try: c = 0 batch_size = cfg['TEST']['BATCH_SIZE'] * FLAGS.GPU_NUM while not coord.should_stop(): c += 1 print('in while loop ', str(c)) # input operations: test_videos, test_action_labels, test_actor_labels = [videos_op, action_labels_op, actor_labels_op]) total_v += test_action_labels.shape[0] # padding: if test_videos.shape[ 0] < batch_size: # the last batch of testing data test_videos = np.pad( test_videos, ((0, batch_size - test_videos.shape[0]), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=0) test_actor_labels = np.pad( test_actor_labels, ((0, batch_size - test_actor_labels.shape[0])), 'constant', constant_values=-1) test_action_labels = np.pad( test_action_labels, ((0, batch_size - test_action_labels.shape[0])), 'constant', constant_values=-1) # the padded videos will never be true, since it can never be classified as -1 print('test_videos:', test_videos.shape) print('test_action_labels:', test_action_labels.shape) print('test_actor_labels:', test_actor_labels.shape) # placeholders: feed_dict = { videos_placeholder: test_videos, budget_labels_placeholder: test_actor_labels, utility_labels_placeholder: test_action_labels, dropout_placeholder: 1.0 } # feed dorward: right_counts = [right_count_utility_op, right_count_budget_op] + right_count_budget_op_lst, feed_dict=feed_dict) print('right_counts:', right_counts) test_correct_num_utility += right_counts[0] test_correct_num_budget += right_counts[1] # testing acc for each one of N budget models: for i in range(FLAGS.NBudget): test_correct_num_budget_lst[i] += right_counts[i + 2] # end testing acc for each one of N budget models. # end try except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError: print('Done testing on all the examples') finally: coord.request_stop() # print and write file: test_result_str = ( 'test_acc_utility: {}, test_correct_num_utility: {}, total_v: {}\n' 'test_acc_budget: {}, test_correct_num_budget: {}, total_v: {}\n' ).format(test_correct_num_utility / total_v, test_correct_num_utility, total_v, test_correct_num_budget / total_v, test_correct_num_budget, total_v) print(test_result_str) if not os.path.exists(test_result_dir): os.makedirs(test_result_dir) test_result_file = open(test_result_dir + '/EvaluationResuls.txt', 'w') # write testing result to file: test_result_file.write(test_result_str) for i in range(FLAGS.NBudget): test_result_file.write( 'Budget{} test acc: {},\ttest_correct_num: {}\t: total_v: {}\n' .format(multiplier_lst[i], test_correct_num_budget_lst[i] / total_v, test_correct_num_budget_lst[i], total_v)) # finish writing testing result to file. coord.join(threads) sess.close()
def build_graph(model_name): ''' Returns: graph, init_op, train_op, logits_op, acc_op, correct_count_op, loss_op, tr_videos_op, tr_actor_labels_op, val_videos_op, val_actor_labels_op, test_videos_op, test_actor_labels_op, videos_placeholder, labels_placeholder, varlist_budget, varlist_degrad ''' graph = tf.Graph() with graph.as_default(): # global step: global_step = tf.get_variable('global_step', [], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) # placholder inputs for graph: videos_placeholder, labels_placeholder, istraining_placeholder = placeholder_inputs(cfg['TRAIN']['BATCH_SIZE'] * FLAGS.GPU_NUM, cfg) # degradation models: network_fn = nets_factory.get_network_fn(model_name, num_classes=cfg['DATA']['NUM_CLASSES'], weight_decay=cfg['TRAIN']['WEIGHT_DECAY'], is_training=istraining_placeholder) # grads, logits, loss list: tower_grads = [] logits_lst = [] losses_lst = [] # operation method: opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4) with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope()) as scope: for gpu_index in range(0, FLAGS.GPU_NUM): with tf.device('/gpu:%d' % gpu_index): print('/gpu:%d' % gpu_index) with tf.name_scope('%s_%d' % ('gpu', gpu_index)) as scope: videos = videos_placeholder[gpu_index * cfg['TRAIN']['BATCH_SIZE']:(gpu_index + 1) * cfg['TRAIN']['BATCH_SIZE']] budget_labels = labels_placeholder[gpu_index * cfg['TRAIN']['BATCH_SIZE']:(gpu_index + 1) * cfg['TRAIN']['BATCH_SIZE']] degrad_videos = residualNet(videos, is_video=True) degrad_videos = tf.reshape(degrad_videos, [cfg['TRAIN']['BATCH_SIZE'] * cfg['DATA']['DEPTH'], cfg['DATA']['CROP_HEIGHT'], cfg['DATA']['CROP_WIDTH'], cfg['DATA']['NCHANNEL']]) # logits: logits, _ = network_fn(degrad_videos) logits = tf.reshape(logits, [-1, cfg['DATA']['DEPTH'], cfg['DATA']['NUM_CLASSES']]) logits = tf.reduce_mean(logits, axis=1, keep_dims=False) # loss: loss = tower_loss_xentropy_sparse(scope, logits, budget_labels) # append list: logits_lst.append(logits) losses_lst.append(loss) # varible list of budget model: varlist_budget = [v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if any(x in for x in ["InceptionV1", "InceptionV2", "resnet_v1_50", "resnet_v1_101", "resnet_v2_50", "resnet_v2_101", 'MobilenetV1'])] # varible list of degrade model: varlist_degrad = [v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if v not in varlist_budget] # append grads: tower_grads.append(opt.compute_gradients(loss, varlist_budget)) # reuse variables: tf.get_variable_scope().reuse_variables() # loss tensor: loss_op = tf.reduce_mean(losses_lst) # acc tensor: logits_op = tf.concat(logits_lst, 0) acc_op = accuracy(logits_op, labels_placeholder) # how many is correctly classified: correct_count_op = tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.argmax(tf.nn.softmax(logits_op), axis=1), labels_placeholder), tf.int32)) # grads tensor: grads = average_gradients(tower_grads) # average gradient over all GPUs # apply gradients operation: with tf.control_dependencies([*tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS))]): train_op = opt.apply_gradients(grads, global_step=global_step) # input operations: tr_videos_op, _, tr_actor_labels_op = create_videos_reading_ops(is_train=True, is_val=False, cfg=cfg) val_videos_op, _, val_actor_labels_op = create_videos_reading_ops(is_train=False, is_val=True, cfg=cfg) test_videos_op, _, test_actor_labels_op = create_videos_reading_ops(is_train=False, is_val=False, cfg=cfg) # initialize operations: init_op =, tf.global_variables_initializer()) return (graph, init_op, train_op, logits_op, acc_op, correct_count_op, loss_op, tr_videos_op, tr_actor_labels_op, val_videos_op, val_actor_labels_op, test_videos_op, test_actor_labels_op, videos_placeholder, labels_placeholder, istraining_placeholder, varlist_budget, varlist_degrad)