def linear_trans_opt(param, *args):
    Computes the Log Marginal Likelihood using standard GP regression by first performing transformation of the data set
    :param param: transform_mat
    :param args:
    # Define arguments
    x_scatter = args[0]
    y_scatter = args[1]
    c = args[2]
    kernel = args[3]

    # Define parameters to be optimized - the matrix variables
    transform_mat = param

    # Begin transformation of the regression window
    xy_scatter = np.vstack(
        (x_scatter, y_scatter))  # Create the sample points to be rotated
    xy_scatter_transformed = fn.transform_array(transform_mat, xy_scatter, c)
    x_points_trans = xy_scatter_transformed[0]
    y_points_trans = xy_scatter_transformed[1]

    # 1. Obtain the maximum range in x and y in the transformed space - to define the regression window
    x_down = min(x_points_trans)
    x_up = max(x_points_trans)
    y_down = min(y_points_trans)
    y_up = max(y_points_trans)

    # --------------------- Conduct binning into transformed space - the x and y quad lengths will be different

    # ChangeParam
    quads_on_side = 20  # define the number of quads along each dimension
    k_mesh, y_edges, x_edges = np.histogram2d(y_points_trans,
                                              range=[[y_down, y_up],
                                                     [x_down, x_up]])
    x_mesh_plot, y_mesh_plot = np.meshgrid(
        x_edges, y_edges)  # creating mesh-grid for use
    x_mesh = x_mesh_plot[:-1, :
                         -1]  # Removing extra rows and columns due to edges
    y_mesh = y_mesh_plot[:-1, :-1]
    x_quad = fn.row_create(x_mesh)  # Creating the rows from the mesh
    y_quad = fn.row_create(y_mesh)
    xy_quad = np.vstack((x_quad, y_quad))
    k_quad = fn.row_create(k_mesh)

    # Start Optimization
    arguments = (xy_quad, k_quad, kernel)

    # Initialise kernel hyper-parameters - arbitrary value but should be as close to actual value as possible
    initial_hyperparameters = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1])

    # An optimization process is embedded within another optimization process
    solution = scopt.minimize(fun=short_log_integrand_data,
                                  'xatol': 1,
                                  'fatol': 100,
                                  'disp': True,
                                  'maxfev': 500

    print('Last function evaluation is ',
          solution.fun)  # This will be a negative value
    neg_log_likelihood = solution.fun  # We want to minimize the mirror image
    return neg_log_likelihood
def linear_trans_skinny_opt(param, *args):
    Computes the Log Marginal Likelihood using standard GP regression by first performing transformation of the data set
    This finds the average log marginal likelihood instead of the combined log_likelhood, and will find this average
    while adapting to the number of quadrats in the regression window after transformation
    :param param: transform_mat - matrix variables to be optimized
    :param args: x and y coordinates of scatter points,, center, kernel type, and array containing vertices
    the right order
    :return: the average log likelihood by dividing total log likelihood with number of selected quadrats
    # Define original required arguments
    xy_scatter = args[0]
    c = args[1]
    kernel = args[2]
    vertex_array = args[
        3]  # Have to be in the right order in the original mathematical space

    # Define parameters to be optimized - the matrix variables
    transform_mat = param

    # Begin transformation of the regression window
    xy_scatter_transformed = fn.transform_array(transform_mat, xy_scatter, c)
    x_points_trans = xy_scatter_transformed[0]
    y_points_trans = xy_scatter_transformed[1]

    # 1. Obtain the maximum range in x and y in the transformed space - to define the regression window
    x_down = min(x_points_trans)
    x_up = max(x_points_trans)
    y_down = min(y_points_trans)
    y_up = max(y_points_trans)

    # Conduct binning into transformed space - the x and y quad lengths will be different

    # ChangeParam
    quads_on_side = 20  # define the number of quads along each dimension
    k_mesh, y_edges, x_edges = np.histogram2d(y_points_trans,
                                              range=[[y_down, y_up],
                                                     [x_down, x_up]])
    x_mesh_plot, y_mesh_plot = np.meshgrid(
        x_edges, y_edges)  # creating mesh-grid for use
    x_mesh = x_mesh_plot[:-1, :
                         -1]  # Removing extra rows and columns due to edges
    y_mesh = y_mesh_plot[:-1, :-1]
    x_quad = fn.row_create(x_mesh)  # Creating the rows from the mesh
    y_quad = fn.row_create(y_mesh)
    xy_quad = np.vstack((x_quad, y_quad))
    k_quad = fn.row_create(k_mesh)

    # Selection of quadrats that fall inside the polygon

    # Transform the vertices using the same transformation matrix
    transformed_vertices = fn.transform_array(transform_mat, vertex_array,

    # Create polygon and
    polygon = mpath.Path(np.transpose(transformed_vertices))
    polygon_indicator = polygon.contains_points(np.transpose(xy_quad),

    x_quad_polygon = x_quad[polygon_indicator]
    y_quad_polygon = y_quad[polygon_indicator]
    xy_quad_polygon = np.vstack((x_quad_polygon, y_quad_polygon))
    k_quad_polygon = k_quad[polygon_indicator]

    # Begin Optimization using selected quadrats
    arguments = (xy_quad_polygon, k_quad_polygon, kernel)

    # Initialise kernel hyper-parameters - arbitrary value but should be as close to actual value as possible
    initial_hyperparameters = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1])

    # An optimization process is embedded within another optimization process
    solution = scopt.minimize(fun=short_log_integrand_data,
                                  'xatol': 1,
                                  'fatol': 100,
                                  'disp': True,
                                  'maxfev': 1000

    positive_log_likelihood = solution.fun  # We want to minimize the mirror image
    selected_quadrats_n = k_quad_polygon.size
    avg_positive_log_likelihood = positive_log_likelihood / selected_quadrats_n
    print('Last function evaluation is ',
          solution.fun)  # This will be a negative value
    print('The number of selected quadrats inside polygon is',
    return avg_positive_log_likelihood
y = np.ravel(df.values[1])
"""Specify rotation matrix for data set"""
theta = 0 * np.pi  # Specify degree of rotation in a clockwise direction in radians
mat_transform = np.matrix([[np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)],
                           [-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
df_matrix = np.vstack((x, y))
df_transform = mat_transform * df_matrix
x_transform = np.ravel(df_transform[0])
y_transform = np.ravel(df_transform[1])
"""Bin point process data"""
histo, x_edges, y_edges = np.histogram2d(x_transform, y_transform, bins=10)
xv_trans_data, yv_trans_data = np.meshgrid(x_edges, y_edges)
xv_trans_data = xv_trans_data[:-1, :
                              -1]  # Removing the last bin edge and zero points to make dimensions consistent
yv_trans_data = yv_trans_data[:-1, :-1]  # Contains a square matrix
xv_trans_row = fn.row_create(
    xv_trans_data)  # Creates a row from the square matrix
yv_trans_row = fn.row_create(yv_trans_data)
histo = fn.row_create(histo)
# xv_transform_row = xv_transform_row[histo != 0]  # Remove data point at histogram equal 0
# yv_transform_row = yv_transform_row[histo != 0]
# histo = histo[histo != 0]  # This is after putting them into rows
xy_data_coord = np.vstack(
    (xv_trans_row, yv_trans_row))  # location of all the data points
Data point coordinates are now at bottom-left hand corner, coordinates of data points have
to be centralised to the centre of each quadrat

"""Note the above relates to obtaining the data set first"""
"""Generate Gaussian Surface which forms the basis of the latent intensity function"""
    y_down = min(transformed_vertices[1])
    y_up = max(transformed_vertices[1])

    # ChangeParam - create histogram in transformed space before quadrat selection
    quads_on_side = 20  # define the number of quads along each dimension
    k_mesh, y_edges, x_edges = np.histogram2d(y_points_trans,
                                              range=[[y_down, y_up],
                                                     [x_down, x_up]])
    x_mesh_plot, y_mesh_plot = np.meshgrid(
        x_edges, y_edges)  # creating mesh-grid for use
    x_mesh = x_mesh_plot[:-1, :
                         -1]  # Removing extra rows and columns due to edges
    y_mesh = y_mesh_plot[:-1, :-1]
    x_quad = fn.row_create(x_mesh)  # Creating the rows from the mesh
    y_quad = fn.row_create(y_mesh)

    k_quad = fn.row_create(k_mesh)

    # Realign the quad coordinates to the centers - shift centers by half a quad length on either dimension
    quad_length_x = (x_upper - x_lower) / quads_on_side
    quad_length_y = (y_upper - y_lower) / quads_on_side
    x_quad = x_quad + (0.5 * quad_length_x)
    y_quad = y_quad + (0.5 * quad_length_y)
    xy_quad = np.vstack((x_quad, y_quad))

    # Create Polygon using the transformed_vertices
    polygon = mpath.Path(np.transpose(transformed_vertices))

    # Create Boolean array which is the polygon indicator
y = np.ravel(df.values[1])
"""Specify rotation matrix for data set"""
theta = 0  # Specify degree of rotation
mat_transform = np.matrix([[np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)],
                           [-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
df_matrix = np.vstack((x, y))
df_transform = mat_transform * df_matrix
x_transform = np.ravel(df_transform[0])
y_transform = np.ravel(df_transform[1])
"""Bin point process data"""
histo, x_edges, y_edges = np.histogram2d(x_transform, y_transform, bins=10)
xv_transform, yv_transform = np.meshgrid(x_edges, y_edges)
xv_transform = xv_transform[:-1, :
                            -1]  # Removing the last bin edge and zero points to make dimensions consistent
yv_transform = yv_transform[:-1, :-1]  # Contains a square matrix
xv_transform_row = fn.row_create(
    xv_transform)  # Creates a row from the square matrix
yv_transform_row = fn.row_create(yv_transform)
histo = fn.row_create(histo)
xv_transform_row = xv_transform_row[
    histo != 0]  # Remove data point at histogram equal 0
yv_transform_row = yv_transform_row[histo != 0]
xy_data_coord = np.vstack((xv_transform_row, yv_transform_row))
histo = histo[histo != 0]  # This is after putting them into rows
"""Calculate optimal hyper-parameters"""
xyz_data = (xy_data_coord, histo)
initial_param = np.array(
    [10, 2,
     3])  # sigma, length and noise - find a good one to reduce iterations
# No bounds needed for Nelder-Mead
solution = scopt.minimize(fun=log_model_evidence,
# ------------------------------------------ Start of Histogram Generation from Box

# First conduct a regression on the 2014 data set
# ChangeParam
quads_on_side = 20  # define the number of quads along each dimension
# Note the range is already specified using the boolean variables above
k_mesh, y_edges, x_edges = np.histogram2d(y_within_window,
                                          range=[[y_lower, y_upper],
                                                 [x_lower, x_upper]])
x_mesh_plot, y_mesh_plot = np.meshgrid(x_edges,
                                       y_edges)  # creating mesh-grid for use
x_mesh = x_mesh_plot[:-1, :-1]  # Removing extra rows and columns due to edges
y_mesh = y_mesh_plot[:-1, :-1]
x_quad = fn.row_create(x_mesh)  # Creating the rows from the mesh
y_quad = fn.row_create(y_mesh)

# ------------------------------------------ End of Histogram Generation from Box

# ------------------------------------------ Start of Realignment of Quad Centers
# Have to shift up the centres by half a quad length
# Measure quad length and correct for quad centers
quad_length_x = (x_upper - x_lower) / quads_on_side
quad_length_y = (y_upper - y_lower) / quads_on_side
x_quad = x_quad + (0.5 * quad_length_x)
y_quad = y_quad + (0.5 * quad_length_y)

# Stack x and y coordinates together - the box version is not used
xy_quad_box = np.vstack((x_quad, y_quad))
# Generate Histogram Array - Histo is in a mesh form
aedes_brazil_2014 = aedes_df[brazil & year_2014]
aedes_brazil_2013 = aedes_df[brazil & year_2013]
aedes_brazil_2012 = aedes_df[brazil & year_2012]
x_2014 = aedes_brazil_2014.values[:, 5].astype('float64')
y_2014 = aedes_brazil_2014.values[:, 4].astype('float64')
x_2013 = aedes_brazil_2013.values[:, 5].astype('float64')
y_2013 = aedes_brazil_2013.values[:, 4].astype('float64')

# First conduct a regression on the 2014 data set
quads_on_side = 10  # define the number of quads along each dimension
# histo, x_edges, y_edges = np.histogram2d(theft_x, theft_y, bins=quads_on_side)  # create histogram
histo, y_edges, x_edges = np.histogram2d(y_2013, x_2013, bins=quads_on_side)
x_mesh, y_mesh = np.meshgrid(x_edges, y_edges)  # creating mesh-grid for use
x_mesh = x_mesh[:-1, :-1]  # Removing extra rows and columns due to edges
y_mesh = y_mesh[:-1, :-1]
x_quad = fn.row_create(x_mesh)  # Creating the rows from the mesh
y_quad = fn.row_create(y_mesh)

# *** Centralising the coordinates to be at the centre of the quads
# Note that the quads will not be of equal length, depending on the data set
quad_length_x = (x_quad[-1] - x_quad[0]) / quads_on_side
quad_length_y = (y_quad[-1] - y_quad[0]) / quads_on_side
x_quad = x_quad + 0.5 * quad_length_x
y_quad = y_quad + 0.5 * quad_length_y
xy_quad = np.vstack(
    (x_quad, y_quad))  # stacking the x and y coordinates vertically together
k_quad = fn.row_create(histo)  # histogram array
"""Generate auto-covariance matrix with noise - using arbitrary hyper-parameters first"""
sigma_arb = 3
length_arb = 5
noise_arb = 2
y_window = (y_values > y_lower) & (y_values < y_upper)
x_within_window = x_values[x_window & y_window]
y_within_window = y_values[x_window & y_window]

print('Number of scatter points = ', x_within_window.shape)
print('Number of scatter points = ', y_within_window.shape)

# First conduct a regression on the 2014 data set
# ChangeParam
quads_on_side = 20  # define the number of quads along each dimension
# histo, x_edges, y_edges = np.histogram2d(theft_x, theft_y, bins=quads_on_side)  # create histogram
histo, y_edges, x_edges = np.histogram2d(y_within_window, x_within_window, bins=quads_on_side)
x_mesh, y_mesh = np.meshgrid(x_edges, y_edges)  # creating mesh-grid for use
x_mesh = x_mesh[:-1, :-1]  # Removing extra rows and columns due to edges
y_mesh = y_mesh[:-1, :-1]
x_quad_all = fn.row_create(x_mesh)  # Creating the rows from the mesh
y_quad_all = fn.row_create(y_mesh)

# *** Centralising the coordinates to be at the centre of the quads
# Note that the quads will not be of equal length, depending on the data set
quad_length_x = (x_quad_all[-1] - x_quad_all[0]) / quads_on_side
quad_length_y = (y_quad_all[-1] - y_quad_all[0]) / quads_on_side
x_quad_all = x_quad_all + 0.5 * quad_length_x
y_quad_all = y_quad_all + 0.5 * quad_length_y
xy_quad_all = np.vstack((x_quad_all, y_quad_all))  # stacking the x and y coordinates vertically together
k_quad_all = fn.row_create(histo)  # histogram array

# For graphical plotting
x_mesh_centralise_all = x_quad_all.reshape(x_mesh.shape)
y_mesh_centralise_all = y_quad_all.reshape(y_mesh.shape)
df_transform = mat_transform * df_matrix
x_transform = np.ravel(df_transform[0])
y_transform = np.ravel(df_transform[1])

"""Bin point process data"""
bins_number = 10
histo, x_edges, y_edges = np.histogram2d(x_transform,

xv_trans_data, yv_trans_data = np.meshgrid(x_edges, y_edges)
xv_trans_data = xv_trans_data[:-1, :
                              -1]  # Removing the last bin edge and zero points to make dimensions consistent
yv_trans_data = yv_trans_data[:-1, :-1]  # Contains a square matrix
xv_trans_row = fn.row_create(
    xv_trans_data)  # Creates a row from the square matrix
yv_trans_row = fn.row_create(yv_trans_data)
histo_k_array = fn.row_create(histo)  # this is the k array
# xv_transform_row = xv_transform_row[histo != 0]  # Remove data point at histogram equal 0
# yv_transform_row = yv_transform_row[histo != 0]
# histo = histo[histo != 0]  # This is after putting them into rows
Data point coordinates are now at bottom-left hand corner, coordinates of data points have
to be centralised to the centre of each quadrat
# Centralizing coordinates for each quadrat - taking the last minus first value
xv_trans_row = xv_trans_row + 0.5 * ((x_edges[-1] - x_edges[0]) / bins_number)
yv_trans_row = yv_trans_row + 0.5 * ((y_edges[-1] - y_edges[0]) / bins_number)

# Stack into 2 rows of many columns
xy_data_coord = np.vstack(
        print('y range is', y_max -
              y_min)  # Display regression window size at each iteration

        # ChangeParam
        quads_on_side = 10  # define the number of quads along each dimension
        k_mesh, y_edges, x_edges = np.histogram2d(y_points_trans,
                                                  range=[[y_min, y_max],
                                                         [x_min, x_max]])
        x_mesh_plot, y_mesh_plot = np.meshgrid(
            x_edges, y_edges)  # creating mesh-grid for use
        x_mesh = x_mesh_plot[:-1, :
                             -1]  # Removing extra rows and columns due to edges
        y_mesh = y_mesh_plot[:-1, :-1]
        x_quad = fn.row_create(x_mesh)  # Creating the rows from the mesh
        y_quad = fn.row_create(y_mesh)
        xy_quad = np.vstack((x_quad, y_quad))

        k_quad = fn.row_create(k_mesh)

        # Kernel Optimization
        ker = 'matern1'

        # Start Optimization
        arguments = (xy_quad, k_quad, ker)

        # Check time taken for the optimization
        start_opt = time.clock()

        solution = scopt.minimize(fun=short_log_integrand_data,
"""Specify rotation matrix for data set"""
theta = 0 * np.pi  # Specify degree of rotation in a clockwise direction in radians
mat_transform = np.matrix([[np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)], [-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
df_matrix = np.vstack((x, y))
df_transform = mat_transform * df_matrix
x_transform = np.ravel(df_transform[0])
y_transform = np.ravel(df_transform[1])

"""Bin point process data"""
histo, x_edges, y_edges = np.histogram2d(x_transform, y_transform, bins=10)
xv_transform, yv_transform = np.meshgrid(x_edges, y_edges)
xv_transform = xv_transform[:-1, :-1]  # Removing the last bin edge and zero points to make dimensions consistent
yv_transform = yv_transform[:-1, :-1]  # Contains a square matrix
xv_transform_row = fn.row_create(xv_transform)  # Creates a row from the square matrix
yv_transform_row = fn.row_create(yv_transform)
histo = fn.row_create(histo)
xv_transform_row = xv_transform_row[histo != 0]  # Remove data point at histogram equal 0
yv_transform_row = yv_transform_row[histo != 0]
xy_data_coord = np.vstack((xv_transform_row, yv_transform_row))
histo = histo[histo != 0]  # This is after putting them into rows

"""Optimization using Latin Hypercube Sampling - Differential Evolution"""
matern_v = 3/2  # Define matern_v
xyz_data = (xy_data_coord, histo, matern_v)
# No initial parameters needed as latin hypercube sampling is used - to get the global optimum
boundary = [(0, 30), (0, 3), (0, 3)]
solution = scopt.differential_evolution(func=log_model_evidence, bounds=boundary, args=xyz_data, init='latinhypercube')
sigma_optimal = solution.x[0]
def rotation_likelihood_opt(param, *args):
    Objective is to find the angle of rotation that gives the greatest log-likelihood, based on a
    standard GP regression. It would be a same assumption that the same optimal angle will be obtained using both
    standard GP regression and the LGCP. Over here, we do not need to tabulate the posterior so that saves time.

    We are taking the xy_data which is already boxed and a single year will be taken

    :param param: angle of rotation in degrees - note there is only one parameter to optimize
    :param args: xy_data, center, kernel form (this is a tuple), regression window
    :return: log marginal likelihood based on the standard GP process
    angle = param

    # convert angle to radians
    radians = (angle / 180) * np.pi

    # Unpack Param Tuple
    center = args[0]
    kernel = args[1]
    n_quads = args[2]
    xy_coordinates = args[3]  # Make this a tuple, so it will be a tuple within a tuple
    regression_window = args[4]  # This is an array - x_upper, x_lower, y_upper and y_lower

    # Define regression window
    x_upper_box = regression_window[0]
    x_lower_box = regression_window[1]
    y_upper_box = regression_window[2]
    y_lower_box = regression_window[3]

    # Break up xy_coordinates into x and y
    x_coordinates = xy_coordinates[0]
    y_coordinates = xy_coordinates[1]

    # Define Boolean Variable for Scatter Points Selection
    x_range_box = (x_coordinates > x_lower_box) & (x_coordinates < x_upper_box)
    y_range_box = (y_coordinates > y_lower_box) & (y_coordinates < y_upper_box)

    # Obtain data points within the regression window
    x_coordinates = x_coordinates[x_range_box & y_range_box]
    y_coordinates = y_coordinates[x_range_box & y_range_box]

    # Stack x and y coordinates
    xy_within_box = np.vstack((x_coordinates, y_coordinates))

    # Perform rotation using simple steps
    rotation_mat = np.array([[np.cos(radians), - np.sin(radians)], [np.sin(radians), np.cos(radians)]])
    rotation_mat = np.hstack((rotation_mat[0], rotation_mat[1]))
    x_within_box = xy_within_box[0] - center[0]
    y_within_box = xy_within_box[1] - center[1]
    xy_within_box = np.vstack((x_within_box, y_within_box))
    xy_within_box = np.matmul(rotation_mat, xy_within_box)
    rotated_x = xy_within_box[0] + center[0]
    rotated_y = xy_within_box[1] + center[1]

    # Create boolean variable
    x_window_w = (rotated_x > x_lower_box) & (rotated_x < x_upper_box)
    y_window_w = (rotated_y > y_lower_box) & (rotated_y < y_upper_box)
    x_window = rotated_x[x_window_w & y_window_w]
    y_window = rotated_y[x_window_w & y_window_w]

    # First conduct a regression on the 2014 data set
    # ChangeParam
    histo_f, y_edges_f, x_edges_f = np.histogram2d(y_window, x_window, bins=n_quads)
    x_mesh_plot_f, y_mesh_plot_f = np.meshgrid(x_edges_f, y_edges_f)  # creating mesh-grid for use
    x_mesh_f = x_mesh_plot_f[:-1, :-1]  # Removing extra rows and columns due to edges
    y_mesh_f = y_mesh_plot_f[:-1, :-1]
    x_quad_f = fn.row_create(x_mesh_f)  # Creating the rows from the mesh
    y_quad_f = fn.row_create(y_mesh_f)

    # Note that over here, we do not have to consider the alignment of quad centers

    # Stack x and y coordinates together
    xy_quad = np.vstack((x_quad_f, y_quad_f))
    # Create histogram array
    k_quad = fn.row_create(histo_f)

    # Being tabulating log marginal likelihood after optimizing for kernel hyper-parameters

    initial_hyperparam = np.array([3, 2, 1, 1])  # Note that this initial condition should be close to actual
    # Set up tuple for arguments
    args_hyperparam = (xy_quad, k_quad, kernel)

    # Start Optimization Algorithm
    hyperparam_solution = scopt.minimize(fun=short_log_integrand_data, args=args_hyperparam, x0=initial_hyperparam,
                                         options={'xatol': 1, 'fatol': 1, 'disp': True, 'maxfev': 10000})

    # Extract Log_likelihood value
    neg_log_likelihood = hyperparam_solution.fun  # Eventually, we will have to minimize the negative log likelihood
    # Hence, this is actually an optimization nested within another optimization algorithm
    return neg_log_likelihood
print('The number of scatter points is', x_taiwan_selected.size)

# Create array for 3-D histogram clustering
xy_taiwan_selected = np.vstack((x_taiwan_selected, y_taiwan_selected))
xyt_taiwan_selected = np.vstack((xy_taiwan_selected, t_taiwan_selected))

vox_on_side = 10
k_mesh, xyt_edges = np.histogramdd(
    bins=(vox_on_side, vox_on_side, vox_on_side),
    range=((x_lower, x_upper), (y_lower, y_upper), (year_lower, year_upper)))
x_edges = xyt_edges[0][:-1]
y_edges = xyt_edges[1][:-1]
t_edges = xyt_edges[2][:-1]
x_mesh, y_mesh, t_mesh = np.meshgrid(x_edges, y_edges, t_edges)
x_vox = fn.row_create(x_mesh)
y_vox = fn.row_create(y_mesh)
t_vox = fn.row_create(t_mesh)
k_vox = fn.row_create(k_mesh)
print('k_vox shape is', k_vox.shape)
print("Initial Data Points are ", k_vox)

# Initialise arguments and parameters for optimization
# Arbitrary vector for optimization using the Newton-CG optimization algorithm
initial_p_array = np.ones_like(k_vox)

# Choose appropriate starting point for the optimization
# Initialise array for optimization start
initial_v_scalar = np.arange(0, 10, 1)

initial_v_array = fn.log_special(k_vox)