 def test_build_graph(self):
     test_patches = get_test_patches()
     show_image(assemble_patches(test_patches, 2))
     matrix = build_graph(test_patches)
     self.assertTupleEqual(matrix.shape, (4, 4, 16), "matrix wrong shape")
     # show_image(combine_patches(test_patches[0], test_patches[1], 0))
         matrix[0, 1, 0], matrix[0, 1, 2],
         "black with rotated red should score better than black with just red"
         matrix[0, 1, 2], matrix[0, 1, 10],
         "rotated black with rotated red should score better than just black with rotated red"
         matrix[0, 1, 2], matrix[1, 0, 2],
         "black with red should get the same score regardless of which is listed first"
         matrix[2, 3, 7], matrix[1, 3, 11],
         "similar shades should have a better score then blatantly different colors"
     # self.assertLess(matrix[2, 3, 13], matrix[3, 2, 0], "identical interesting edges should give a lower score than identical boring edges")
         np.amin(matrix), matrix[2, 3, 13],
         "identical and interesting edges should give the lowest score")
def compare_images(image1: np.ndarray, image2: np.ndarray):
	takes two rgb images and displays a red/green image of where the two input images have the same pixel values; green pixels mean identical, red pixels mean they differ
	:param image1: the first image for comparison as a numpy array of shape (m, n, 3)
	:param image2: the second image for comparison as a numpy array of shape (r, c, 3)
	:return: None
	red_pixel = np.array([205, 0, 0])
	green_pixel = np.array([0, 205, 40])
	full_height = max(image1.shape[0], image2.shape[0])
	inner_height = min(image1.shape[0], image2.shape[0])
	full_width = max(image1.shape[1], image2.shape[1])
	inner_width = min(image1.shape[1], image2.shape[1])
	to_show = np.empty((full_height, full_width, 3), dtype=int)
	for i in range(to_show.shape[0]):
		for j in range(to_show.shape[1]):
			if i >= inner_height or j >= inner_width:
				to_show[i, j, :] = red_pixel
			identical = True
			for c in range(3):
				if image1[i, j, c] != image2[i, j, c]:
					identical = False
			if identical:
				to_show[i, j, :] = green_pixel
				to_show[i, j, :] = red_pixel
 def test_assemble_image(self):
     original = load_image_from_disk("TestImages/TestPatches.png")
     test_patches = get_test_patches()
     # cycle black, red, and dark blue clockwise
     # rotate black by 180, rotate red by 90
     test_patches_shuffled = [
         np.rot90(test_patches[0], 2),
         np.rot90(test_patches[1], 1), test_patches[3]
     # make the reconstruction matrix
     reconstruction = np.array([[[1, 2], [2, 3]], [[0, 0], [3, 0]]])
     actual = assemble_image(test_patches_shuffled, reconstruction)
     show_image(assemble_patches(test_patches_shuffled, 2))
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(original, actual),
                     "reconstructed image is not the same as the original")
			identical = True
			for c in range(3):
				if image1[i, j, c] != image2[i, j, c]:
					identical = False
			if identical:
				to_show[i, j, :] = green_pixel
				to_show[i, j, :] = red_pixel

if __name__ == "__main__":
	original_image = load_image_from_disk("TestImages/Giraffe.jpg ")
	show_image(original_image, "original")
	# ps = original_image.shape[1] // 2
	ps = 28
	original_patched, dimensions = patch_image(original_image, ps)
	patch_list, shuffle_dictionary = scramble_image(original_patched, 4)
	show_image(assemble_patches(patch_list, original_image.shape[1] // ps), "scrambled")
	# hypothetical_min = 85 + (15.038 * math.log(ps))
	# hypothetical_max = 255 - (14.235 * math.log(ps))
	print(f"algorithm start time: {datetime.datetime.now()}")
	reconstruction_matrix = jigsaw_kruskals(patch_list)
	reconstructed_image = assemble_image_kruskal(patch_list, reconstruction_matrix)
	# reconstructed_image = jigsaw_kruskals(patch_list)
	# reconstructed_image = jigsaw_prims(patch_list)
	print(f"algorithm end time: {datetime.datetime.now()}")
	if reconstructed_image is not None:
		show_image(reconstructed_image, "final answer")
#true_classes_names = (pd.DataFrame({"CategoryId": true_classes})
#                        .merge(categories, on="CategoryId")["CategoryName"].tolist())

true_classes_names = []
for i in true_classes:
    true_classes_names.append(categories['CategoryName'][i - 1])

#target_classes_names = (pd.DataFrame({"CategoryId": target_classes})
#                          .merge(categories, on="CategoryId")["CategoryName"].tolist())

target_classes_names = []
for i in target_classes:
    target_classes_names.append(categories['CategoryName'][i - 1])

print("Here's an example of one of the images in the development set")

print(true_classes_names[0].split(',')[0].replace(' ', '_'))

# Saves the image in order for analysis and spit out their correct category
for i in range(len(images)):
        images[i], i,
    correct_label = true_classes_names[i].split(',')[0].replace(
        ' ', '_')  # Convert ['giant panda, panda etc....'] to 'giant_panda'
    with open('true_classes.csv', 'a', newline='') as csvfile:
        spamwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
def jigsaw_prims(patches: list) -> np.ndarray:
	takes a list of square patches and uses prim's algorithm to assemble the patches
	:param patches: a list of numpy arrays representing the scrambled patches of the original image
	:return: the re-assembled image as a numpy array of shape (x, y, 3)
    n = len(patches)
    patches_available = list(range(n))
    # figure out the patch size
    patch_size = patches[0].shape[0]
    # a matrix to store scores already calculated
    scores_matrix = np.empty((3, 3, n, 4), dtype=float)
    scores_matrix[:, :, :, :] = INFINITY
    # a matrix to store which slots have pieces
    construction_matrix = np.array(
    # an array holding the actual pixel values (starts at all black)
    assembled_image = np.zeros((patch_size * 3, patch_size * 3, 3), dtype=int)
    # pull the start patch out and place it in the assembled image
    assembled_image[patch_size:(2 * patch_size),
                    patch_size:(2 * patch_size), :] = patches[0]
    # while the list of remaining patches isn't empty, pull out the next best option and place it
    while len(patches_available) > 0:
        # to place the next best option:
        # for each empty spot adjacent to a placed patch, try putting each unused patch in each possible orientation
        # for each of those options, give it a score accounting for all of its neighbors
        # whichever of all the options has the best score is the one that gets placed
        # -----
        # find places where we could put a patch
        expansion_spaces = find_expansion_spaces(construction_matrix)
        if len(expansion_spaces) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"jigsaw_prims could not find any expansion spaces, but there are more patches to place"
        # make sure they all have scores
        for row, col in expansion_spaces:
            for patch_index in patches_available:
                for r in range(4):
                    if scores_matrix[row, col, patch_index, r] == INFINITY:
                        patch_to_place = np.rot90(patches[patch_index], r)
                        # if row == 0 and col == 1 and patch_index == 3 and r == 3:
                        # 	show_image(patch_to_place)
                        # 	show_image(assembled_image)
                        # 	print(construction_matrix)
                        score = prims_placement_score(construction_matrix,
                                                      patch_to_place, row, col)
                        scores_matrix[row, col, patch_index, r] = score
        # find the placement of the best score
        min_scores = np.where(scores_matrix == np.amin(scores_matrix))
        min_scores = list(
            zip(min_scores[0], min_scores[1], min_scores[2], min_scores[3]))
        # place the best patch
        for row, col, patch_index, r in min_scores:
            # make sure we picked a piece that hasn't been used yet
            if patch_index not in patches_available:
                continue  # shouldn't need this, but just in case
            # mark the space as taken; update its neighbors as available for placement
            construction_matrix[row, col] = YES_PIECE
            # actually place the patch
            rotated_patch = np.rot90(patches[patch_index], r)
            assembled_image[(row * patch_size):((row + 1) * patch_size),
                            (col * patch_size):((col + 1) *
                                                patch_size), :] = rotated_patch
                       str(scores_matrix[row, col, patch_index, r]))
            # set the place's scores and the patch's scores to infinity to mark them as taken/used
            scores_matrix[row, col, :, :] = INFINITY
            scores_matrix[:, :, patch_index, :] = INFINITY
            # check if we've placed a piece at the edge of the available canvas; expand if we did
            if row == 0 or row == construction_matrix.shape[0] - 1:
                new_scores_row = np.empty(
                    (1, scores_matrix.shape[1], scores_matrix.shape[2],
                new_scores_row[:, :, :, :] = INFINITY
                new_construction_row = np.empty(
                    (1, construction_matrix.shape[1]), dtype=int)
                new_construction_row[:, :] = NO_PIECE
                new_image_row = np.zeros((patch_size, assembled_image.shape[1],
                if row == 0:  # we placed one on the top row
                    scores_matrix = np.concatenate(
                        (new_scores_row, scores_matrix), axis=0)
                    construction_matrix = np.concatenate(
                        (new_construction_row, construction_matrix), axis=0)
                    assembled_image = np.concatenate(
                        (new_image_row, assembled_image), axis=0)
                    row += 1
                else:  # we placed one on the bottom row
                    scores_matrix = np.concatenate(
                        (scores_matrix, new_scores_row), axis=0)
                    construction_matrix = np.concatenate(
                        (construction_matrix, new_construction_row), axis=0)
                    assembled_image = np.concatenate(
                        (assembled_image, new_image_row), axis=0)
            if col == 0 or col == construction_matrix.shape[1] - 1:
                new_scores_col = np.empty(
                    (scores_matrix.shape[0], 1, scores_matrix.shape[2],
                new_scores_col[:, :, :, :] = INFINITY
                new_construction_col = np.empty(
                    (construction_matrix.shape[0], 1), dtype=int)
                new_construction_col[:, :] = NO_PIECE
                new_image_col = np.zeros((assembled_image.shape[0], patch_size,
                if col == 0:  # we placed one on the left column
                    scores_matrix = np.concatenate(
                        (new_scores_col, scores_matrix), axis=1)
                    construction_matrix = np.concatenate(
                        (new_construction_col, construction_matrix), axis=1)
                    assembled_image = np.concatenate(
                        (new_image_col, assembled_image), axis=1)
                    col += 1
                else:  # we placed one on the bottom row
                    scores_matrix = np.concatenate(
                        (scores_matrix, new_scores_col), axis=1)
                    construction_matrix = np.concatenate(
                        (construction_matrix, new_construction_col), axis=1)
                    assembled_image = np.concatenate(
                        (assembled_image, new_image_col), axis=1)
            # check and update the neighbors of the newly placed patch
            # also reset the adjacent places' scores to infinity so they'll be recalculated accounting for the new piece
            for row_shift in [-1, 1]:
                if construction_matrix[row + row_shift, col] == NO_PIECE:
                    construction_matrix[row + row_shift, col] = EXPANSION_SPACE
                if construction_matrix[row + row_shift,
                                       col] == EXPANSION_SPACE:
                    scores_matrix[row + row_shift, col, :, :] = INFINITY
            for col_shift in [-1, 1]:
                if construction_matrix[row, col + col_shift] == NO_PIECE:
                    construction_matrix[row, col + col_shift] = EXPANSION_SPACE
                if construction_matrix[row,
                                       col + col_shift] == EXPANSION_SPACE:
                    scores_matrix[row, col + col_shift, :, :] = INFINITY
    # trim edges
    h, w, _ = assembled_image.shape
    assembled_image = assembled_image[patch_size:(h - patch_size),
                                      patch_size:(w - patch_size), :]
    return assembled_image