def runTagCheckDouble(api_value, web_page_data1, web_page_data2, tag):
    """ Using the provided web page data sources, find the content for the tag.
        Then compare the content values with the expected api value. Return True
        or False. This function expects a content value and a two web page data
        sources. Use runTagCheck if expecting only one content value and one web
        page data source. Use runTagListCheck if expecting multiple content
        values (in a list). Use runTagListCheckDouble if there are two web page
        data sources AND content values are in a list.

    # Function returns string in upper case
    branch_io_tag_from_html_url1 = functions.get_meta_tag_content(
        web_page_data1, "", tag)
    branch_io_tag_from_html_url2 = functions.get_meta_tag_content(
        web_page_data2, "", tag)

    # Comparison time
    match1 =, branch_io_tag_from_html_url1)
    match2 =, branch_io_tag_from_html_url2)

    if match1 == True and match2 == True:
        message = "   TEST for %s: %s\n" % (tag, PASSED)
        return True
        message = "   TEST for %s: %s\n" % (tag, FAILED)
        return False
def checkEpisodePodcastList(list):
    """ If the Episode Podcast List has more than 1 dictionary, this function
        will iterate through and create a list for podcast_title,podcast_id, and
        categories_list. If it has only 1 dictionary, this function will get the
        single value for podcast_title, podcast_id, and categories_list. This
        function returns podcast_title, podcast_id, and categories_list.
    # If there is more than 1 dictionary in this list...
    if len(list) > 1:
        message = "Podcast has more than one dictionary in the list!"
        list_of_podcast_titles = []
        list_of_podcast_ids = []
        list_of_categories = []
        for item_dict in episode_podcast_list:  # <-- iterate through
            title = item_dict["title"]
            id = item_dict["id"]
            category = item_dict["categories"]
        podcast_title = list_of_podcast_titles
        podcast_id = list_of_podcast_ids
        categories_list = list_of_categories
        podcast_title = episode_podcast_list[0]["title"]
        podcast_id = episode_podcast_list[0]["id"]
        categories_list = episode_podcast_list[0]["categories"]

    return podcast_title, podcast_id, categories_list
def runTagListCheck(api_value, web_page_data, tag):
    """ Using the provided web page data source, find the listed content for the
        tag. Then compare that listed value with the expected api listed value.
        Return True or False. This function expects a list of content values and
        a single web page data source. Use runTagCheck if expecting only one
        content value and one web page data source. Use runTagCheckDouble if
        there are two web page data sources but only one content value. Use
        runTagListCheckDouble if there are two web page data sources AND content
        values are in a list.

    # Function returns string in upper case
    branch_io_tag_from_html_url = functions.get_meta_tag_content_list(
        web_page_data, "", tag)

    # Comparison time
    match =, branch_io_tag_from_html_url)

    if match == True:
        message = "   TEST for %s: %s\n" % (tag, PASSED)
        message = "   TEST for %s: %s\n" % (tag, FAILED)

    return match
def compareAndPrint(expected, actual):
    """ This function simply makes a compare, prints PASSED/FAILED, and
        returns True/False.
    match =, actual)
    if match:
        message = "   TEST: %s\n" % PASSED
        message = "   TEST: %s\n" % FAILED
    return match
def isNone(param, descriptor):
    """ Checks if the param value is None. If yes, prints a message using the
        descriptor and returns True. If not, prints a message and returns
    if param is None:
        message = "%s -> %s is of type None" % (FAILED, descriptor)
        return True
        message = "%s -> %s is: %s" % (PASSED, descriptor, param)
        return False
def runTagCheck(api_value, web_page_data, tag):
    """ Using the provided web page data source, find the content for the tag.
        Then compare that content value with the expected api value. Return True
        or False. This function expects a single content value and a single web
        page data source.

    # Function returns string in upper case
    branch_io_tag_from_html_url = functions.get_meta_tag_content(web_page_data, "", tag)

    # Comparison time
    match =, branch_io_tag_from_html_url)

    if match == True:
        message = "   TEST for %s: %s\n" % (tag, PASSED)
        message = "   TEST for %s: %s\n" % (tag, FAILED)

    return match
def checkCategoryList(list):
    """ If there is more than 1 dictionary in the categories_list, this function
        will iterate through and put all the category names into a new list. if
        there is only 1 dictionary, this function will get the category name out
        of it. This function returns category_name.
    # **********************************************************************
    # This will be used in test 6 - if code is ever adjusted to handle more
    # than one category
    # **********************************************************************
    if len(list) > 1:
        message = "Categories has more than one dictionary in the list!"
        list_of_category_names = []
        for item_dict in categories_list:  # <-- iterate through
            name = item_dict["name"].upper()
        category_name = list_of_category_names  # <-- FYI variable not in use yet
        category_name = categories_list[0]["name"].upper(
        )  # <-- FYI not in use yet

    return category_name
def do_they_match(prod_value, preprod_value):
    """ Takes two boolean values. Assumes the first value is from PROD
        and the second value is from PREPROD. Prints and logs a message
        depending on which is true and which is not. Returns True if both
        values are True. Returns False if either or both are not True.

    # If both values are True, return True. If not, return False. Print and Log a message either way.
    if prod_value and preprod_value == True:
        functions.show_message("Yes! Prod and Preprod are True.")
        return True
        if prod_value == True:
            functions.show_message("Passed on Prod Only.")
        elif preprod_value == True:
            functions.show_message("Passed on PreProd Only.")
            functions.show_message("Both Prod and PreProd Failed.")
        return False
def check_url(url, descriptor):
    """ Call a url and return True if the status code is 200 OK. Else return
        False. If there are any problems, then return an error.
    functions.show_message("Calling: %s" % url)
    response_object = requests.get(
        url, timeout=30)  #time out if 30 seconds passes with no response
    code = response_object.status_code

    if code != 200:
        functions.show_message("   %s. %s returned %d \n" %
                               (FAILED, descriptor, code))
        return False
        functions.show_message("   %s, %s returned 200 \n" %
                               (PASSED, descriptor))
        return True
    # Add to the counters if there wasn't a match
    if match == False:
        meta_tag_og_description_failed += 1
        tests_failed += 1

    # -----------------------------
    # End of Loop tally
    # -----------------------------

    # If a test failed, the station is marked as failed
    if tests_failed != 0:
        stations_failed += 1

    # Makes the console printout easier to read
    message = "\n"

# ------------------------------------------
# Outside the for loop, print the results
# ------------------------------------------

print("metaTitle failed      = %d of %d" %
      (clay_meta_title_failed, total_calls))
print("og.title failed       = %d of %d" %
      (meta_tag_og_title_failed, total_calls))
print("og.description failed = %d of %d" %
      (meta_tag_og_description_failed, total_calls))
print("Stations failed      = %d of %d" % (stations_failed, total_calls))
def singleTest(page_urls):
    """ This is the test for all the Stage only AdOps NMC Tag verification scripts.
        This function accepts 1 argument: page_urls. This function returns the
        number of pages failed so that the main test script can report to Google Sheets.

    failed_pid_test = 0
    failed_tag_test = 0

    pages_passed = 0
    pages_failed = 0
    total_calls = 0

    for url in page_urls:
        tests_passed_for_this_page = 0
        total_calls += 1

        stg_url = url["url"]
        expected_pid = url["expected_pid"].upper()
        expected_tag = url["expected_tag"].upper()

        # Call for the web page data once and use the data for the tests
        web_page_data = functions.call_url(stg_url)[:PAGE_BUFFER]

        # TEST 1 of 2: Compare HTML nmc:pid with expected

        # Send web page data to AdOps_HTML_NMCTagTest
        # Check to see if it matches the expected value
        # Get back true/false
        status = runTest.test_nmc_pid_single(web_page_data, expected_pid)

        if status == True:
            message = "   TEST 1 of 2: %s\n" % PASSED
            tests_passed_for_this_page += 1
            message = "   TEST 1 of 2: %s\n" % FAILED
            failed_pid_test += 1

        # TEST 2 of 2: Compare HTML nmc:tag with expected

        # Send web page data to AdOps_HTML_NMCTagTest
        # Check to see if it matches the expected value
        # Get back true/false
        status = runTest.test_nmc_tag_single(web_page_data, expected_tag)

        if status == True:
            message = "   TEST 2 of 2: %s\n" % PASSED
            tests_passed_for_this_page += 1
            message = "   TEST 2 of 2: %s\n" % FAILED
            failed_tag_test += 1

        # Print and tally results before going to the next url for testing
        print("\n****\nThis page Passed = %d of 2\n****\n" %
        if tests_passed_for_this_page == 2:
            pages_passed += 1
            pages_failed += 1

    # Printing test results
    print("%d of %d pages PASSED" % (pages_passed, total_calls))
    print("%d of %d NMC:PID Tests FAILED" % (failed_pid_test, total_calls))
    print("%d of %d NMC:TAG Tests FAILED" % (failed_tag_test, total_calls))

    return (pages_failed)
def baseTest(page_urls, html, html2=""):
    """ All the Branch IO Test scripts have the same base test set for Station URLs.
        This function tests the Station Market, Logo, Name, ID, Category, and Genre
        Name for a given list of page urls. This function accepts 3 arguments:
        1) The list of page_urls to test
        2) The HTML page under test (example: the article_url or the contest_url)
        3) A second HTML page under test which is optional (example: the script
        for section fronts tests both the primary section front url and the secondary
        section front url at the same time).
    # Counters for tallying test results
    total_calls = 0
    pages_passed = 0
    pages_failed = 0

    marketFail = 0
    logoFail = 0
    nameFail = 0
    idFail = 0
    categoryFail = 0
    genreFail = 0

    # Start a loop to go through the given page_urls list
    for url in page_urls:
        total_calls += 1

        #  API Variable SECTION

        api_url = url[
            "api_url"]  # <-- URL is given to us in the page_urls list

        # Get all of the station data from the core API as a list of dictionaries
        station_data_text = functions.call_url(api_url)
        station_data = json.loads(
            station_data_text)  # <-- List of dictionaries
        station_dictionary = station_data[
            "data"]  # <-- We ALWAYS want variables from the data section

        # Set variables for API comparison testing later
        station_id = station_dictionary["id"]
        station_market = station_dictionary["attributes"]["market"][
        station_name = station_dictionary["attributes"]["name"]
        station_logo = station_dictionary["attributes"]["square_logo_small"]

        # Category is a LIST (of ONLY ONE dictionary) that is nested inside of "attributes"
        station_category = station_dictionary["attributes"]["category"]

        # Genre is a LIST (of AT LEAST ONE dictionary) that is nested inside of "attributes"
        station_genre = station_dictionary["attributes"]["genre"]

        # Check if there is more than one dictionary in this list
        # Separate out the genre names from the other dictionary values
        if len(station_genre) > 1:
            message = "Station has more than one genre dictionary in the list!"
            list_of_genre_names = []
            for item_dict in station_genre:
                name = item_dict["name"]
            station_genre_name = list_of_genre_names
            print("There is more than one genre name!! API returns: %s" %
            station_genre_name = station_genre[0]["name"]

        # If any variables are empty, log them
        station_market = functions.isNoneOrEmpty(station_market,
                                                 "Station Market")
        station_logo = functions.isNoneOrEmpty(station_logo, "Station Logo")
        station_name = functions.isNoneOrEmpty(station_name, "Station Name")
        station_category = functions.isCategoryOrGenreEmpty(
            station_category, "Station Category")
        station_genre = functions.isCategoryOrGenreEmpty(
            station_genre, "Station Genre")
        station_id = functions.isIDEmpty(station_id)

        # Check if Genre Name is a list (the list we made earlier or just a single value)
        # Make uppercase for comparison testing
        if type(station_genre_name) is list:
            message = "The API Genre is a list."
            station_genre_name = [item.upper() for item in station_genre_name]
            message = "The API Genre is a single value."
            station_genre_name = station_genre_name.upper()

        # Check if category (the value not the section) is a list
        # Make uppercase for comparison testing
        if type(station_category) is list:
            message = "The API Category is a list."
            station_category = [item.upper() for item in station_category]
            message = "The API Category is a single value."
            station_category = station_category.upper()

        #  HTML Variable SECTION

        html_url1 = url[html]  # <-- URL is given to us in the page_urls list
        url1_web_page_data = functions.call_url(html_url1)[:PAGE_BUFFER]

        # Some scripts have 2 HTML URLs to verify against. Some have only one.
        if html2 != "":
            html_url2 = url[html2]
            url2_web_page_data = functions.call_url(html_url2)[:PAGE_BUFFER]
            url2_web_page_data = ""

        #  TEST SECTION

        # Tests with 1 HTML URL
        if url2_web_page_data == "":
            market_test = test.runTagCheck(station_market, url1_web_page_data,
            logo_test = test.runTagCheck(station_logo, url1_web_page_data,
            name_test = test.runTagCheck(station_name, url1_web_page_data,
            id_test = test.runTagCheck(str(station_id), url1_web_page_data,
            # If there is a list of categories to compare against
            if type(station_category) is list:
                category_test = test.runTagListCheck(
                    station_category, url1_web_page_data,
            elif type(station_category) is str:
                category_test = test.runTagCheck(station_category,
            # If there is a list of genre names to compare against
            if type(station_genre_name) is list:
                genre_test = test.runTagListCheck(station_genre_name,
            elif type(station_genre_name) is str:
                genre_test = test.runTagCheck(station_genre_name,

        # Tests with 2 HTML URLs
            market_test = test.runTagCheckDouble(station_market,
            logo_test = test.runTagCheckDouble(station_logo,
            name_test = test.runTagCheckDouble(station_name,
            id_test = test.runTagCheckDouble(str(station_id),
            # If there is a list of genre names to compare against
            if type(station_category) is list:
                category_test = test.runTagListCheckDouble(
                    station_category, url1_web_page_data, url2_web_page_data,
            elif type(station_category) is str:
                category_test = test.runTagCheckDouble(
                    station_category, url1_web_page_data, url2_web_page_data,
            # If there is a list of genre names to compare against
            if type(station_genre_name) is list:
                genre_test = test.runTagListCheckDouble(
                    station_genre_name, url1_web_page_data, url2_web_page_data,
            elif type(station_genre_name) is str:
                genre_test = test.runTagCheckDouble(station_genre_name,


        # Counter for how many of the 6 tests that this set of urls failed
        urlFailCount = 0

        # Check if all are truthy
        if market_test and logo_test and name_test and id_test and category_test and genre_test:
            message = "\nAll tests passed for this URL set.\n\n"
            pages_passed += 1
        # If at least one is not True, gotta count what failed and how many of them
            pages_failed += 1  # <-- Increment the overall/total URL Failure count
            if market_test == False:
                urlFailCount += 1
                marketFail += 1
            if logo_test == False:
                urlFailCount += 1
                logoFail += 1
            if name_test == False:
                urlFailCount += 1
                nameFail += 1
            if id_test == False:
                urlFailCount += 1
                idFail += 1
            if category_test == False:
                urlFailCount += 1
                categoryFail += 1
            if genre_test == False:
                urlFailCount += 1
                genreFail += 1

        # Print and tally results before going to the next url for testing
        message = "\n%d of 6 Tests Failed!!\n\n" % urlFailCount

    # Finally outside the for loop
    # Printing test results
    print("\n-------STATION BASE TEST RESULTS----------")
    print("%d of %d Total Calls PASSED" % (pages_passed, total_calls))
    print("%d of %d Market Tests FAILED" % (marketFail, total_calls))
    print("%d of %d Logo Tests FAILED" % (logoFail, total_calls))
    print("%d of %d Name Tests FAILED" % (nameFail, total_calls))
    print("%d of %d ID Tests FAILED" % (idFail, total_calls))
    print("%d of %d Category Tests FAILED" % (categoryFail, total_calls))
    print("%d of %d Genre Name Tests FAILED" % (genreFail, total_calls))
    print("-------STATION BASE TEST RESULTS----------\n\n")

    # Return how many total URL failures there were
    return pages_failed