    def init_keys(self, my_term, script_path, mod):

        return [
            # Window manager controls
            Key([mod, 'control'], 'r', lazy.restart()),
            # Key([mod, 'control'], 'q', lazy.shutdown()),
            Key([mod], 'r', lazy.spawn(script_path + 'dmenu_recent.sh')),
            Key([mod, "mod1"], 'r',
                lazy.spawn(script_path + 'dmenu_removeRecent.sh')),
            Key([mod], 'Return', lazy.spawn(my_term)),
            Key([mod], 'q', lazy.window.kill()),
            Key([mod], 'Tab', lazy.layout.next()),
            #Key([mod], 'Left', lazy.screen.prev_group()),
            #Key([mod], 'Right', lazy.screen.next_group()),
            Key([mod], "Left", lazy.prev_screen()),
            Key([mod], "Right", lazy.next_screen()),
            Key([mod, "shift"], "Left", Function.window_to_prev_screen()),
            Key([mod, "shift"], "Right", Function.window_to_next_screen()),

            # Layout modification
            Key([mod, 'control'], 'f', lazy.window.toggle_floating()),

            # Switch between windows in current stack pane
            Key([mod], 'k', lazy.layout.down()),
            Key([mod], 'j', lazy.layout.up()),

            # Move windows up or down in current stack
            Key([mod, 'shift'], 'k', lazy.layout.shuffle_down()),
            Key([mod, 'shift'], 'j', lazy.layout.shuffle_up()),

            # Switch window focus to other pane(s) of stack
            # Key([mod], 'space', lazy.layout.next()),
            Key([mod], 'space', lazy.spawn(script_path + 'dmenu_recent.sh')),

            # Toggle between different layouts as defined below
            Key([mod], 'Tab', lazy.next_layout()),

            # Own shortcuts                                                             #
            # # emacs
            Key(['control', 'mod1'], 'e', lazy.spawn('emacs')),
            # pcmanfm
            Key([mod], 'e', lazy.spawn(script_path + 'dmenu_filemanager.sh')),
            # firefox
            Key([mod, 'control'], 'Return', lazy.spawn('firefox')),
            # logout
            Key([mod, 'shift'], 'q',
                lazy.spawn(script_path + 'dmenu_exit.sh')),
            Key([mod], 'l', lazy.spawn(script_path + 'lockscreen.sh')),
            # brightness control
            Key([], 'XF86MonBrightnessDown',
                lazy.spawn(script_path + 'brightness.sh -')),
            Key([], 'XF86MonBrightnessUp',
                lazy.spawn(script_path + 'brightness.sh +')),
            # volume control
            Key([], 'XF86AudioRaiseVolume',
                lazy.spawn(script_path + 'adjust_volume.sh +')),
            Key([], 'XF86AudioLowerVolume',
                lazy.spawn(script_path + 'adjust_volume.sh -')),
            Key([], 'XF86AudioMute',
                lazy.spawn(script_path + 'adjust_volume.sh m')),
            # screenshots
            Key([mod], 's', lazy.spawn(script_path + 'screenshot_full.sh')),
            Key([mod, 'shift'], 's',
                lazy.spawn(script_path + 'screenshot_region.sh')),
            Key([], 'XF86AudioPlay',
                lazy.spawn(script_path + 'mpc_playpause.sh')),
            Key([], 'XF86AudioNext', lazy.spawn('mpc next')),
            Key([], 'XF86AudioPrev', lazy.spawn('mpc prev')),
            # screens and monitors
            Key([mod], 'p',
                lazy.spawn(script_path + 'dmenu_displayselect.sh')),
    def init_keys(self):

        # Key alias
        mod = "mod4"
        alt = "mod1"
        altgr = "mod5"

        return [
            # On root
            Key([mod, altgr], "Insert", lazy.restart()),  # Restart Qtile
            Key([mod, altgr], "Delete", lazy.shutdown()),  # Shutdown Qtile
            Key([mod, altgr], "p", lazy.spawncmd()),  # Launch Qtile prompt

            # On window
            Key([mod], "Home",
                lazy.window.bring_to_front()),  # Bring window to front
            Key([mod], "End",
                lazy.group[""].toscreen()),  # Go to minimized windows gruop
            Key([mod, "shift"], "End",
                lazy.window.togroup("")),  # Move to minimized windows group
            Key([mod, "control"], "End", lazy.window.togroup(""), lazy.
                group[""].toscreen()),  # Move with to minimized windows group
            # Key([mod, alt], "End",
            # 	lazy.window.toggle_minimize()),				# Toogle minimize
            Key([mod], "j", lazy.layout.down()),  # Switch to next window
            Key([mod], "k", lazy.layout.up()),  # Switch to previous window
            Key([mod, "shift"], "j", lazy.layout.shuffle_down()
                ),  # Move windows down in current stack
            Key([mod, "shift"], "k",
                lazy.layout.shuffle_up()),  # Move windows up in current stack
            Key([mod, "control"], "j", lazy.layout.client_to_previous()
                ),  # Move window to previous stack side
            Key([mod, "control"], "k", lazy.layout.client_to_next()
                ),  # Move window to next stack side
            Key([alt], "Tab",
                lazy.group.next_window()),  # Switch focus to other window
            Key([alt, "shift"], "Tab",
                lazy.group.prev_window()),  # Switch focus to other window
            Key([mod, altgr], "Tab", lazy.group.next_window(),
                ),  # Switch focus to other window + front
            Key([mod, altgr, "shift"], "Tab", lazy.group.prev_window(),
                ),  # Switch focus to other window + front
            Key([mod], "w", lazy.window.kill()),  # Kill active window
            Key([mod, alt], "w", lazy.spawn("xkill")),  # Terminate program
            Key([mod, "shift"], "w", Function.kill_all_windows_minus_current()
                ),  # Kill all windows except current
            Key([mod, "control"], "w",
                Function.kill_all_windows()),  # Kill all windows
            Key([mod, "control"], "Return",
                lazy.window.toggle_floating()),  # Toggle floating

            # On layout
            Key([mod], "backslash", lazy.layout.swap_main()
                ),  # Swap current window to main pane (Xmonad)
            Key([mod], "m",
                lazy.layout.next()),  # Move focus to another stack (Stack)
            Key([mod], "h",
                lazy.layout.shrink()),  # Shrink size of window (Xmonad)
            Key([mod], "l",
                lazy.layout.grow()),  # Grow size of window (Xmonad)
                [mod, "shift"],
                # lazy.layout.decrease_nmaster(),			# Decrease number in master pane (Tile)
            ),  # Shrink size of main window (Xmonad)
                [mod, "shift"],
                # lazy.layout.increase_nmaster(),			# Increase number in master pane (Tile)
                lazy.layout.grow_main()),  # Grow size of main window (Xmonad)
            Key([mod, "shift"], "n", lazy.layout.normalize()
                ),  # Restore all windows to default size ratios
            Key([mod, "shift"], "m", lazy.layout.maximize()
                ),  # Toggle a window between min and max sizes
                [mod, "shift"],
                lazy.layout.rotate(),  # Swap panes of split stack (Stack)
                lazy.layout.flip()),  # Switch side main pane occupies (Xmonad)
            Key([mod, "shift"], "Return", lazy.layout.toggle_split()
                ),  # Toggle between split and unsplit (Stack)
            Key([mod], "Up", lazy.prev_layout()),  # Toggle through layouts
            Key([mod], "Down", lazy.next_layout()),  # Toggle through layouts

            # On group
            Key([mod], "z",
                lazy.screen.togglegroup()),  # Move to previous visited group
            Key([mod, "shift"], "i",
                lazy.next_urgent()),  # Move to next urgent group
            Key([mod], "Left",
                lazy.screen.prev_group()),  # Move to previous group
            Key([mod], "Right",
                lazy.screen.next_group()),  # Move to next group
            Key([mod, "shift"], "Left", Function.window_to_prev_group()
                ),  # Move window to previous group
            Key([mod, "shift"], "Right",
                Function.window_to_next_group()),  # Move window to next group
            Key([mod, "control"], "Left", Function.window_to_prev_group(),
                ),  # Move with window to previous group
            Key([mod, "control"], "Right", Function.window_to_next_group(),
                lazy.screen.next_group()),  # Move with window to next group

            # On screen
            Key([mod], "Page_Up",
                lazy.prev_screen()),  # Switch to previous screen
            Key([mod], "Page_Down",
                lazy.next_screen()),  # Switch to next screen
            Key([mod, "shift"], "Page_Up", Function.window_to_prev_screen()
                ),  # Move window to previous screen
            Key([mod, "shift"], "Page_Down", Function.window_to_next_screen()
                ),  # Move window to next screen
            Key([mod, "control"], "Page_Up",
                Function.swap_prev_screen()),  # Swap active groups on screens
            Key([mod, "control"], "Page_Down",
                Function.swap_next_screen()),  # Swap active groups on screens

            # On bar
            Key([mod, alt], "slash",
                lazy.hide_show_bar("all")),  # Toggle all screen bars
            # Key([mod, "shift"], "slash",
            # 	lazy.hide_show_bar("top")),					# Toggle top screen bar
            # Key([mod, "control"], "slash",
            # 	lazy.hide_show_bar("bottom"))				# Toggle bottom screen bar