文件: primitive.py 项目: guaje/fury
def prim_triangularprism():
    """Return vertices and triangle for a regular triangular prism.

    vertices: ndarray
        vertices coords that compose our prism
    triangles: ndarray
        triangles that compose our prism

    # Local variable to represent the square root of three rounded
    # to 7 decimal places
    three = float('{:.7f}'.format(math.sqrt(3)))
    vertices = np.array([[0, -1/three, 1/2],
                        [-1/2, 1/2/three, 1/2],
                        [1/2, 1/2/three, 1/2],
                        [-1/2, 1/2/three, -1/2],
                        [1/2, 1/2/three, -1/2],
                        [0, -1/three, -1/2]])
    triangles = np.array([[0, 1, 2],
                         [2, 1, 3],
                         [2, 3, 4],
                         [1, 0, 5],
                         [1, 5, 3],
                         [0, 2, 4],
                         [0, 4, 5],
                         [5, 4, 3]])
    triangles = fix_winding_order(vertices, triangles, clockwise=True)
    return vertices, triangles
文件: primitive.py 项目: guaje/fury
def prim_frustum():
    """Return vertices and triangle for a square frustum prism.

    vertices: ndarray
        vertices coords that compose our prism
    triangles: ndarray
        triangles that compose our prism

    vertices = np.array([[-.5, -.5, .5],
                         [.5, -.5, .5],
                         [.5, .5, .5],
                         [-.5, .5, .5],
                         [-1, -1, -.5],
                         [1, -1, -.5],
                         [1, 1, -.5],
                         [-1, 1, -.5]])
    triangles = np.array([[4, 6, 5],
                          [6, 4, 7],
                          [0, 2, 1],
                          [2, 0, 3],
                          [4, 3, 0],
                          [3, 4, 7],
                          [7, 2, 3],
                          [2, 7, 6],
                          [6, 1, 2],
                          [1, 6, 5],
                          [5, 0, 1],
                          [0, 5, 4]], dtype='u8')
    vertices /= 2
    triangles = fix_winding_order(vertices, triangles, clockwise=True)
    return vertices, triangles
def prim_octagonalprism():
    """Return vertices and triangle for an octagonal prism.

    vertices: ndarray
        vertices coords that compose our prism
    triangles: ndarray
        triangles that compose our prism

    # Local variable to represent the square root of two rounded
    # to 7 decimal places
    two = float('{:.7f}'.format(math.sqrt(2)))

    vertices = np.array([[-1, -(1 + two), -1], [1, -(1 + two), -1],
                         [1, (1 + two), -1], [-1, (1 + two), -1],
                         [-(1 + two), -1, -1], [(1 + two), -1, -1],
                         [(1 + two), 1, -1], [-(1 + two), 1, -1],
                         [-1, -(1 + two), 1], [1, -(1 + two), 1],
                         [1, (1 + two), 1], [-1, (1 + two), 1],
                         [-(1 + two), -1, 1], [(1 + two), -1, 1],
                         [(1 + two), 1, 1], [-(1 + two), 1, 1]])
    triangles = np.array(
        [[0, 8, 9], [9, 1, 0], [5, 13, 9], [9, 1, 5], [3, 11, 10], [10, 2, 3],
         [2, 10, 14], [14, 6, 2], [5, 13, 14], [14, 6, 5], [7, 15, 11],
         [11, 3, 7], [7, 15, 12], [12, 4, 7], [0, 8, 12], [12, 4, 0], [
             0, 3, 4
         ], [3, 4, 7], [0, 3, 1], [1, 2, 3], [2, 5, 6], [5, 2, 1], [8, 11, 12],
         [11, 12, 15], [8, 11, 9], [9, 10, 11], [10, 13, 14], [13, 10, 9]],
    vertices /= 4
    triangles = fix_winding_order(vertices, triangles, clockwise=True)
    return vertices, triangles
def prim_pentagonalprism():
    """Return vertices and triangles for a pentagonal prism.

    vertices: ndarray
        vertices coords that compose our prism
    triangles: ndarray
        triangles that compose our prism

    # Local variable to represent the square root of five
    five = math.sqrt(5)
    onec = (five - 1) / 4.0
    twoc = (five + 1) / 4.0
    sone = (math.sqrt(10 + (2 * five))) / 4.0
    stwo = (math.sqrt(10 - (2 * five))) / 4.0

    vertices = np.array([[stwo / 2,
                          twoc / 2, -0.5], [sone / 2, -onec / 2, -0.5],
                         [0, -1 / 2, -0.5], [-sone / 2, -onec / 2, -0.5],
                         [-stwo / 2, twoc / 2, -0.5],
                         [stwo / 2, twoc / 2, 0.5], [sone / 2, -onec / 2, 0.5],
                         [0, -1 / 2, 0.5], [-sone / 2, -onec / 2, 0.5],
                         [-stwo / 2, twoc / 2, 0.5]])
    triangles = np.array([[9, 5, 4], [4, 5, 0], [5, 6, 0], [0, 6,
                                                            1], [6, 7, 1],
                          [1, 7, 2], [7, 8, 2], [2, 8, 3], [8, 9,
                                                            3], [3, 9, 4],
                          [0, 1, 4], [1, 4, 3], [1, 3, 2], [5, 6, 9],
                          [6, 8, 9], [6, 7, 8]])
    triangles = fix_winding_order(vertices, triangles, clockwise=True)
    return vertices, triangles
def test_winding_order():

    vertices = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0], [3, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0]])

    triangles = np.array([[0, 1, 3], [2, 1, 0]])

    expected_triangles = np.array([[0, 1, 3], [2, 1, 0]])

                     utils.fix_winding_order(vertices, triangles))
def prim_sphere(name='symmetric362', gen_faces=False):
    """Provide vertices and triangles of the spheres.

    name : str
        which sphere - one of:
        * 'symmetric362'
        * 'symmetric642'
        * 'symmetric724'
        * 'repulsion724'
        * 'repulsion100'
        * 'repulsion200'
    gen_faces : bool, optional
        If True, triangulate a set of vertices on the sphere to get the faces.
        Otherwise, we load the saved faces from a file. Default: False

    vertices: ndarray
        vertices coords that composed our sphere
    triangles: ndarray
        triangles that composed our sphere

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from fury.primitive import prim_sphere
    >>> verts, faces = prim_sphere('symmetric362')
    >>> verts.shape == (362, 3)
    >>> faces.shape == (720, 3)

    fname = SPHERE_FILES.get(name)
    if fname is None:
        raise ValueError('No sphere called "%s"' % name)
    res = np.load(fname)

    verts = res['vertices'].copy()
    faces = faces_from_sphere_vertices(verts) if gen_faces else res['faces']
    faces = fix_winding_order(res['vertices'], faces, clockwise=True)
    return res['vertices'], faces
文件: primitive.py 项目: guaje/fury
def prim_rhombicuboctahedron():
    """Return vertices and triangles for rhombicuboctahedron.

    vertices: numpy.ndarray
        24 vertices coordinates to the rhombicuboctahedron
    triangles: numpy.ndarray
        44 triangles representing the rhombicuboctahedron

    phi = (math.sqrt(2) - 1) / 2.0

    vertices = np.array([[0.5, phi, phi],
                         [0.5, phi, -phi],
                         [0.5, -phi, phi],
                         [0.5, -phi, -phi],
                         [phi, 0.5, phi],
                         [phi, 0.5, -phi],
                         [-phi, 0.5, phi],
                         [-phi, 0.5, -phi],
                         [phi, phi, 0.5],
                         [phi, -phi, 0.5],
                         [-phi, phi, 0.5],
                         [-phi, -phi, 0.5],
                         [-0.5, phi, phi],
                         [-0.5, phi, -phi],
                         [-0.5, -phi, phi],
                         [-0.5, -phi, -phi],
                         [phi, -0.5, phi],
                         [phi, -0.5, -phi],
                         [-phi, -0.5, phi],
                         [-phi, -0.5, -phi],
                         [phi, phi, -0.5],
                         [phi, -phi, -0.5],
                         [-phi, phi, -0.5],
                         [-phi, -phi, -0.5]])

    triangles = np.array([[0, 1, 2],
                          [1, 3, 2],
                          [0, 4, 5],
                          [0, 5, 1],
                          [6, 4, 7],
                          [4, 5, 7],
                          [0, 8, 4],
                          [0, 2, 8],
                          [2, 9, 8],
                          [8, 9, 10],
                          [9, 11, 10],
                          [6, 8, 10],
                          [6, 8, 4],
                          [6, 10, 12],
                          [6, 12, 7],
                          [7, 12, 13],
                          [10, 11, 14],
                          [10, 14, 12],
                          [12, 14, 15],
                          [12, 15, 13],
                          [2, 3, 16],
                          [3, 17, 16],
                          [2, 16, 9],
                          [9, 16, 11],
                          [11, 16, 18],
                          [18, 16, 19],
                          [16, 17, 19],
                          [11, 18, 14],
                          [14, 18, 19],
                          [14, 19, 15],
                          [1, 21, 3],
                          [1, 20, 21],
                          [3, 21, 17],
                          [17, 21, 23],
                          [17, 23, 19],
                          [21, 20, 23],
                          [23, 20, 22],
                          [19, 23, 15],
                          [15, 23, 13],
                          [13, 23, 22],
                          [13, 22, 7],
                          [22, 7, 5],
                          [22, 20, 5],
                          [20, 1, 5]], dtype='i8')

    triangles = fix_winding_order(vertices, triangles, clockwise=True)

    return vertices, triangles
文件: primitive.py 项目: guaje/fury
def prim_sphere(name='symmetric362', gen_faces=False, phi=None, theta=None):
    """Provide vertices and triangles of the spheres.

    name : str, optional
        which sphere - one of:
        * 'symmetric362'
        * 'symmetric642'
        * 'symmetric724'
        * 'repulsion724'
        * 'repulsion100'
        * 'repulsion200'
    gen_faces : bool, optional
        If True, triangulate a set of vertices on the sphere to get the faces.
        Otherwise, we load the saved faces from a file. Default: False
    phi : int, optional
        Set the number of points in the latitude direction
    theta : int, optional
        Set the number of points in the longitude direction
    vertices: ndarray
        vertices coords that composed our sphere
    triangles: ndarray
        triangles that composed our sphere

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from fury.primitive import prim_sphere
    >>> verts, faces = prim_sphere('symmetric362')
    >>> verts.shape == (362, 3)
    >>> faces.shape == (720, 3)

    if phi is None or theta is None:
        fname = SPHERE_FILES.get(name)
        if fname is None:
            raise ValueError('No sphere called "%s"' % name)
        res = np.load(fname)

        verts = res['vertices'].copy()
        faces = faces_from_sphere_vertices(
            verts) if gen_faces else res['faces']
        faces = fix_winding_order(res['vertices'], faces, clockwise=True)
        return verts, faces
        phi = phi if phi >= 3 else 3
        theta = theta if theta >= 3 else 3

        phi_indices, theta_indices = np.arange(0, phi), np.arange(1, theta-1)

        # phi and theta angles are same as standard physics convention
        phi_angles = 2*np.pi*phi_indices / phi
        theta_angles = np.pi*theta_indices / (theta-1)

        # combinations of all phi and theta angles
        mesh = np.array(np.meshgrid(phi_angles, theta_angles))
        combs = mesh.T.reshape(-1, 2)

        _angles = np.array([[1, 1], [0, np.pi], [np.pi/2, -np.pi/2]])
        _points = np.array(sphere2cart(_angles[0],
                                       _angles[1], _angles[2])).T

        x, y, z = sphere2cart(1, combs[:, 1:], combs[:, :1])

        x = np.reshape(np.append(x, _points[:, :1]), (-1, ))
        y = np.reshape(np.append(y, _points[:, 1:2]), (-1, ))
        z = np.reshape(np.append(z, _points[:, -1:]), (-1, ))

        verts = np.vstack([x, y, z]).T
        faces = faces_from_sphere_vertices(verts)
        faces = fix_winding_order(verts, faces, clockwise=True)
        return verts, faces

line_slider_x = ui.LineSlider2D(min_value=0,
                                max_value=grid_shape[0] - 1,
                                initial_value=grid_shape[0] / 2,

# We also define a high resolution sphere to demonstrate the capability to
# dynamically change the sphere used for SH to SF projection.
sphere_high = get_sphere('symmetric362')

# We fix the order of the faces' three vertices to a clockwise winding. This
# ensures all faces have a normal going away from the center of the sphere.
sphere_high.faces = fix_winding_order(sphere_high.vertices,
                                      sphere_high.faces, True)
B_high = sh_to_sf_matrix(sphere_high, 8, return_inv=False)

# We add a combobox for choosing the sphere resolution during execution.
sphere_dict = {'Low resolution': (sphere_low, B_low),
               'High resolution': (sphere_high, B_high)}
combobox = ui.ComboBox2D(items=list(sphere_dict))

# Here we will write callbacks for the sliders and combo box and register them.

def change_slice_z(slider):
    i = int(np.round(slider.value))