def gen_library(path, output, Library=Library): """ This method does the entire generation process for a random SWC. """ if path.endswith(".swc"): L = Library.gen_library_swcdata(SwcData.from_filename(path)) elif path.endswith(".abc"): L = Library.gen_library_abc(AbcFile.from_filename(path)) L.save_pickledb(output)
def get_playerglobal_swc(): """ This downloads and "extracts" the playerglobal SWC from Adobe's official servers. """ URL = "" zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO(urllib.urlopen(URL).read())) filename = next(f for f in zipf.namelist() if \ f.endswith("playerglobal.swc") and not \ f.startswith("__MACOSX")) return SwcData.from_file(StringIO(, "r").read()))