def get_realtime_stock_data(self, args): def _data_notify(resp): # close = resp['close'][0] # volume = float(resp['volume'][0]) pass def _handle_K_1M_data(resp): if self.low == 9999999 or self.high == 0: return close = resp['close'][0] volume = float(resp['volume'][0]) tz = timezone('EST') cur_datetime = self.rt_data.append((time.time(), float('%.3f' % close), float('%.3f' % volume))) rt_data_p = list(map(lambda x: x[1], self.rt_data)) rt_data_v = list(map(lambda x: x[2], self.rt_data)) prev_percent = (close / rt_data_p[-2] - 1) * 100 if len(self.rt_data) > 1 else 0 cur_time = cur_datetime.strftime('%H:%M:%S') move_avg = sum(rt_data_p[-50:]) / min(50, len(rt_data_p)) if rt_data_p else 0 move_avg_volume = sum(rt_data_v[-50:]) / min(50, len(rt_data_v)) if rt_data_v else 0 print('\n%s min:%.3f(+%.4f%%), max:%f(-%.4f%%), open:%.3f(%s%.4f%%), ' 'today:(%s%.4f%%), cur:%.3f\nmove_avg:%.3f(%s%.4f%%), prev:(%s%.4f%%), volume:%.3f(%s%.4f%%)' % ( cur_time, self.low, (close / self.low - 1) * 100, self.high, (self.high / close - 1) * 100,, '+' if close > != -1 else '', (close / - 1) * 100 if != -1 else 0, '+' if close > self.yesterday_close != -1 else '', (close / self.yesterday_close - 1) * 100 if self.yesterday_close != -1 else 0, move_avg, close, '+' if close > move_avg > 0 else '', (close / move_avg - 1) * 100 if move_avg > 0 else 0, '+' if prev_percent > 0 else '', prev_percent, volume, '+' if volume > move_avg_volume > 0 else '', (volume / move_avg_volume - 1) * 100 )) _data_notify(resp) def _handle_K_DAY_data(resp): self.high = max(self.high, list(resp['high'])[-1]) self.low = min(self.low, list(resp['low'])[-1]) = list(resp['open'])[-1] self.close = list(resp['close'])[-1] def _handle_data(resp): k_type = resp['k_type'][0] if k_type == 'K_1M': _handle_K_1M_data(resp) elif k_type == 'K_DAY': _handle_K_DAY_data(resp) api.subscribe(args.stocks, args.ktype, True) api.subscribe(args.stocks, 'K_DAY', True) cur_data = api.get_cur_kline(args.stocks, 2) self.yesterday_close = cur_data[1]['close'][0] api.get_cur_kline(args.stocks, 1, ktype=args.ktype, async_handler=_handle_data) api.get_cur_kline(args.stocks, 2, ktype='K_DAY', async_handler=_handle_data) api.start()
def sync_futu_premarket(): import futu_api as api cur_date = timezone('America/New_York')).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").split()[0] with open('stock_sync_codes.txt') as f: symbols = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), f.readlines())) loggers = { symbol: setup_logger('%s_order_book' % symbol, 'order_book/%s_%s_order_book.log' % (symbol, cur_date)) for symbol in symbols } def _handle_order_book(param): current_dt ='America/New_York')) time = current_dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") loggers[param['stock_code']].info( '%s~%s~%s' % (str(time), param['Ask'][0], param['Bid'][0])) for code in symbols: api.subscribe(code, 'ORDER_BOOK', True) api.get_order_book(code, _handle_order_book) api.start()
def sync_rt_data(): import futu_api as api cur_date = timezone('America/New_York')).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").split()[0] with open('stock_sync_codes.txt') as f: symbols = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), f.readlines())) loggers = { symbol: setup_logger('%s_rt_data' % symbol, 'rt_data/%s_%s_rt_data.log' % (symbol, cur_date)) for symbol in symbols } def _handle_rt_data(param): currentDT ='America/New_York')) time = currentDT.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") symbol = param.values[0][0] dt = param.values[0][1] status = param.values[0][2] cur_price = param.values[0][4] last_close = param.values[0][5] avg_price = param.values[0][6] turn_over = param.values[0][7] volume = param.values[0][8] loggers[symbol].info( '%s~%s~%s~%s~%s~%s' % (time, cur_price, last_close, avg_price, turn_over, volume)) for code in symbols: api.subscribe(code, 'RT_DATA', True) api.get_rt_data(code, _handle_rt_data) api.start()
def stream(): code = request.args.get('code') ktype = request.args.get('ktype') api.subscribe(code, ktype, True) api.get_cur_kline(code, 1000, ktype=ktype, async_handler=get_cur_kline_handler) api.start() return Response(get_cur_kline_stream(), mimetype="text/event-stream")
def azero(): # quote_ctx = OpenQuoteContext(host='', port=11111) # quote_ctx.subscribe('US.IQ', 'K_1M') # quote_ctx.subscribe('US.IQ', 'TICKER') # print(quote_ctx.get('US.IQ', 500)) def _handler(param): param = param.values[0] if 'TT_BUY' == param[5]: Mine.BUY += [(param[1], param[2], int(param[3]), param[4])] elif 'TT_SELL' == param[5]: Mine.SELL += [(param[1], param[2], int(param[3]), param[4])] buy_total = sum(map(lambda x: x[3], Mine.BUY)) sell_total = sum(map(lambda x: x[3], Mine.SELL)) tip = "" if buy_total > sell_total: tip = '<*>(%.2fx)' % (( (buy_total / sell_total) if sell_total != 0 else 1) - 1) else: tip = '<*>(%.2fx)' % (( (sell_total / buy_total) if buy_total != 0 else 1) - 1) print( ((tip if buy_total > sell_total else '') + 'BUY[%s] %f %d total: (%d)-----SELL[%s] %f %d total: (%d)' + (tip if sell_total >= buy_total else '')) % (Mine.BUY[-1][0], Mine.BUY[-1][1], Mine.BUY[-1][2], buy_total, Mine.SELL[-1][0], Mine.SELL[-1][1], Mine.SELL[-1][2], sell_total)) def _handle_rt(param): param = param.values[0] print(param) code = 'US.IQ' print(api.subscribe(code, 'K_1M', True)) # print(api.subscribe('US.IQ', 'ORDER_BOOK', True)) # print(api.subscribe('US.IQ', 'BROKER', True)) print(api.subscribe(code, 'TICKER', True)) print(api.subscribe(code, 'RT_DATA', True)) # print(api.subscribe('US.IQ', 'QUOTE', True)) # print(api.get_cur_kline('US.IQ', 1000, ktype='K_1M')) # print(api.get_broker_queue('US.IQ', async_handler=_handler)) # print(api.get_order_book('US.IQ', async_handler=_handler)) print(api.get_rt_ticker(code, num=1000, async_handler=_handler)) print(api.get_rt_data(code, async_handler=_handle_rt)) # print(api.get_stock_quote(['US.IQ'], async_handler=_handler)) api.start()