def run(self, raw_crash_data): """Fire off pipelines to run the analysis and publish its results. N.B., due to the structure of AppEngine pipelines, this method must accept the same arguments as are passed to ``__init__``; however, because they were already passed to ``__init__`` there's no use in recieving them here. Thus, we discard all the arguments to this method (except for ``self``, naturally). """ predator_client = PredatorForClientID( self._client_id, CachedGitilesRepository.Factory(HttpClientAppengine()), CrashConfig.Get()) crash_data = predator_client.GetCrashData(raw_crash_data) need_analysis = predator_client.NeedsNewAnalysis(crash_data) if need_analysis:'New %s analysis is scheduled for %s', self._client_id, crash_data.identifiers) UpdateCrashAnalysisData(crash_data, predator_client) run_analysis = yield CrashAnalysisPipeline(self._client_id, crash_data.identifiers) with pipeline.After(run_analysis): yield PublishResultPipeline(self._client_id, crash_data.identifiers) else: yield PublishResultPipeline(self._client_id, crash_data.identifiers)
def GetTryJobs(build_ids): """Returns the try-job builds for the given build ids. Args: build_ids (list): a list of build ids returned by Buildbucket. Returns: A list of tuple (error, build) in the same order as given build ids. error: an instance of BuildbucketError. None if no error occurred. build: an instance of BuildbucketBuild. None if error occurred. """ json_results = [] headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + auth_util.GetAuthToken(), 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' } for build_id in build_ids: status_code, content = HttpClientAppengine().Get( _BUILDBUCKET_PUT_GET_ENDPOINT + '/' + build_id, headers=headers) if status_code == 200: # pragma: no cover json_results.append(json.loads(content)) else: error_content = { 'error': { 'reason': status_code, 'message': content } } json_results.append(error_content) return _ConvertFuturesToResults(json_results)
def __init__(self, client_id, crash_identifiers): super(CrashBasePipeline, self).__init__(client_id, crash_identifiers) self._crash_identifiers = crash_identifiers self._findit = FinditForClientID( client_id, CachedGitilesRepository.Factory(HttpClientAppengine()), CrashConfig.Get())
def __init__(self, client_id, crash_identifiers): super(CrashBasePipeline, self).__init__(client_id, crash_identifiers) self._crash_identifiers = crash_identifiers self._predator = PredatorForClientID( client_id, CachedGitilesRepository.Factory(HttpClientAppengine()), CrashConfig.Get()) self._predator.SetLog(self.log)
def _GetSwarmingTaskIdForTryJob(report, revision, step_name, test_name): """Check json output for each task and return id of the one with test result. """ if not report: return None http_client = HttpClientAppengine() step_result = report.get('result', {}).get(revision, {}).get( step_name, {}) pass_fail_counts = step_result.get('pass_fail_counts', {}).get(test_name) task_ids = step_result.get('step_metadata', {}).get('swarm_task_ids', []) if len(task_ids) == 1: return task_ids[0] if not pass_fail_counts: # Test doesn't exist. return task_ids[0] if task_ids else None for task_id in task_ids: output_json = swarming_util.GetIsolatedOutputForTask(task_id, http_client) if output_json: for data in output_json.get('per_iteration_data', []): # If this task doesn't have result, per_iteration_data will look like # [{}, {}, ...] if data: return task_id return None
def _CheckFirstKnownFailureForSwarmingTests(self, master_name, builder_name, build_number, failed_steps, builds): """Uses swarming test results to update first failure info at test level.""" http_client = HttpClientAppengine() # Identifies swarming tests and saves isolated data to them. result = swarming_util.GetIsolatedDataForFailedBuild( master_name, builder_name, build_number, failed_steps, http_client) if not result: return for step_name, failed_step in failed_steps.iteritems(): if not failed_step.get('list_isolated_data'): # Non-swarming step. continue # pragma: no cover. # Checks tests in one step and updates failed_step info if swarming. result = self._StartTestLevelCheckForFirstFailure( master_name, builder_name, build_number, step_name, failed_step, http_client) if result: # pragma: no cover # Iterates backwards to get a more precise failed_steps info. self._UpdateFirstFailureOnTestLevel(master_name, builder_name, build_number, step_name, failed_step, http_client) self._UpdateFailureInfoBuilds(failed_steps, builds)
def TriggerTryJobs(try_jobs): """Triggers try-job in a batch. Args: try_jobs (list): a list of TryJob instances. Returns: A list of tuple (error, build) in the same order as the given try-jobs. error: an instance of BuildbucketError. None if no error occurred. build: an instance of BuildbucketBuild. None if error occurred. """ json_results = [] headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + auth_util.GetAuthToken(), 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' } for try_job in try_jobs: status_code, content = HttpClientAppengine().Put( _BUILDBUCKET_PUT_GET_ENDPOINT, json.dumps(try_job.ToBuildbucketRequest()), headers=headers) if status_code == 200: # pragma: no cover json_results.append(json.loads(content)) else: error_content = { 'error': { 'reason': status_code, 'message': content } } json_results.append(error_content) return _ConvertFuturesToResults(json_results)
def GetPossibleRevertInfoFromRevision(revision): """Parse message to get information of reverting and reverted cls.""" git_repo = CachedGitilesRepository( HttpClientAppengine(), '') change_log = git_repo.GetChangeLog(revision) if not change_log: # pragma: no cover return {} reverted_revision = change_log.reverted_revision if not reverted_revision: return {} reverted_cl_change_log = git_repo.GetChangeLog(reverted_revision) data = { 'action': 'Reverted', 'fixed_revision': reverted_revision, 'fixed_cl_review_url': (reverted_cl_change_log.code_review_url if reverted_cl_change_log else None), 'fixed_cl_commit_position': (reverted_cl_change_log.commit_position if reverted_cl_change_log else None), 'fixing_revision': revision, 'fixing_cl_review_url': change_log.code_review_url, 'fixing_cl_commit_position': change_log.commit_position } return data
def run(self, client_id, crash_keys, publish_to_client=False): """Reruns analysis for a batch of crashes. Args: client_id (CrashClient): The client whose crash we should iterate. crash_keys (list): A list of urlsafe encodings of crash keys. """ client = PredatorForClientID( client_id, CachedGitilesRepository.Factory(HttpClientAppengine()), CrashConfig.Get()) updated = [] for key in crash_keys: key = ndb.Key(urlsafe=key) crash = key.get() crash.ReInitialize(client) updated.append(crash) ndb.put_multi(updated) for crash in updated:'Initialize analysis for crash %s', crash.identifiers) if publish_to_client: run_analysis = yield CrashAnalysisPipeline( client_id, crash.identifiers) with pipeline.After(run_analysis): yield PublishResultPipeline(client_id, crash.identifiers) else: yield CrashAnalysisPipeline(client_id, crash.identifiers)
def FindMatchingWaterfallStep(build_step, test_name): """Finds the matching Waterfall step and checks whether it is supported. Only Swarmed and gtest-based steps are supported at the moment. Args: build_step (BuildStep): A build step on Waterfall or Commit Queue. It will be updated with the matching Waterfall step and whether it is Swarmed and supported. test_name (str): The name of the test. """ build_step.swarmed = False build_step.supported = False http_client = HttpClientAppengine() if build_step.on_cq: wf_master_name, wf_builder_name, wf_build_number, wf_step_name, metadata = ( _GetMatchingWaterfallBuildStep(build_step, http_client)) build_step.wf_master_name = wf_master_name build_step.wf_builder_name = wf_builder_name build_step.wf_build_number = wf_build_number build_step.wf_step_name = wf_step_name if not build_step.has_matching_waterfall_step: return else: build_step.wf_master_name = build_step.master_name build_step.wf_builder_name = build_step.builder_name build_step.wf_build_number = build_step.build_number build_step.wf_step_name = build_step.step_name metadata = buildbot.GetStepLog(build_step.master_name, build_step.builder_name, build_step.build_number, build_step.step_name, http_client, 'step_metadata') if not metadata: logging.error('Couldn\'t get step_metadata') return # Query Swarming for isolated data. build_step.swarmed = True if metadata.get('swarm_task_ids') else False if build_step.swarmed: # Retrieve a sample output from Isolate. task_id = metadata['swarm_task_ids'][0] output = swarming_util.GetIsolatedOutputForTask(task_id, http_client) if output: # Guess from the format. build_step.supported = ( isinstance(output, dict) and isinstance(output.get('all_tests'), list) and test_name in output.get('all_tests', []) and isinstance(output.get('per_iteration_data'), list) and all( isinstance(i, dict) for i in output.get('per_iteration_data')))
def testDEPSDownloaderForChromeVersion(self): def _MockGet(*_): return 200, base64.b64encode('Dummy DEPS content'), {} self.mock(HttpClientAppengine, '_Get', _MockGet) deps_downloader = chrome_dependency_fetcher.DEPSDownloader( gitiles_repository.GitilesRepository.Factory( HttpClientAppengine())) content = deps_downloader.Load('http://chrome-internal', '50.0.1234.0', 'DEPS') self.assertEqual(content, 'Dummy DEPS content')
def HandleGet(self): # Update component_classifier with latest component/team information. new_config_dict = {'component_classifier': GetComponentClassifierConfig( OWNERS_MAPPING_URL, PREDATOR_MAPPING_URL, HttpClientAppengine())} if not new_config_dict.get('component_classifier'): # pragma: no cover. return BaseHandler.CreateError( 'Component Classifier Config Update Fail', 400) crash_config = CrashConfig.Get() crash_config.Update( users.User('*****@*****.**'), True, **new_config_dict)
def _GetGitBlame(repo_info, touched_file_path): """Gets git blames of touched_file. Args: repo_info (dict): The repo_url and revision for the build cycle. touched_file_path (str): Full path of a file in change_log. """ if repo_info: repo_url = repo_info['repo_url'] git_repo = CachedGitilesRepository(HttpClientAppengine(), repo_url) revision = repo_info['revision'] return git_repo.GetBlame(touched_file_path, revision)
def testSendRequestToServerRetryTimeout(self, _): override_swarming_settings = { 'should_retry_server': True, 'server_retry_timeout_hours': -1 } self.UpdateUnitTestConfigSettings('swarming_settings', override_swarming_settings) content, error = swarming_util._SendRequestToServer( '', HttpClientAppengine()) self.assertIsNone(content) self.assertEqual(error['code'], swarming_util.URLFETCH_CONNECTION_CLOSED_ERROR) self.assertTrue(error['retry_timeout'])
def HandleGet(self): """Update the repo_to_dep_path in config from the lastest DEPS.""" # Update repo_to_dep_path to the latest information. dep_fetcher = ChromeDependencyFetcher( CachedGitilesRepository.Factory(HttpClientAppengine())) repo_to_dep_path = GetRepoToDepPath(dep_fetcher) if not repo_to_dep_path: # pragma: no cover. return self.CreateError('Fail to update repo_to_dep_path config.', 400) crash_config = CrashConfig.Get() crash_config.Update(users.User(app_identity.get_service_account_name()), True, repo_to_dep_path=repo_to_dep_path)
def _GetDependencies(chromium_revision, os_platform): """Returns the dependencies used by the specified chromium revision.""" deps = {} dep_fetcher = chrome_dependency_fetcher.ChromeDependencyFetcher( CachedGitilesRepository.Factory(HttpClientAppengine())) for path, dependency in dep_fetcher.GetDependency(chromium_revision, os_platform).iteritems(): deps[path] = { 'repo_url': dependency.repo_url, 'revision': dependency.revision, } return deps
def testFindCulprit(self, mock_find_culprit): mock_find_culprit.return_value = None # TODO(wrengr): would be less fragile to call # PredatorForFracas.CreateAnalysis instead; though if I'm right about # the original purpose of this test, then this is one of the few # places where calling FracasCrashAnalysis directly would actually # make sense. analysis = FracasCrashAnalysis.Create({'signature': 'sig'}) predator_client = _PredatorForChromeCrash( GitilesRepository.Factory(HttpClientAppengine()), CrashConfig.Get()) self.assertIsNone(predator_client.FindCulprit(analysis))
def testFindCulprit(self): self.mock(FinditForChromeCrash, 'FindCulprit', lambda self, *_: None) # TODO(wrengr): would be less fragile to call # FinditForFracas.CreateAnalysis instead; though if I'm right about # the original purpose of this test, then this is one of the few # places where calling FracasCrashAnalysis directly would actually # make sense. analysis = FracasCrashAnalysis.Create({'signature': 'sig'}) findit_client = _FinditForChromeCrash( GitilesRepository.Factory(HttpClientAppengine()), CrashConfig.Get()) self.assertIsNone(findit_client.FindCulprit(analysis))
def _GetChangedLinesForDependencyRepo(roll, file_path_in_log, line_numbers): """Gets changed line numbers for file in failure log. Tests if the same lines mentioned in failure log are changed within the DEPS roll, if so, return those line numbers. """ roll_repo = CachedGitilesRepository(HttpClientAppengine(), roll['repo_url']) old_revision = roll['old_revision'] new_revision = roll['new_revision'] old_change_log = roll_repo.GetChangeLog(old_revision) old_rev_author_time = new_change_log = roll_repo.GetChangeLog(new_revision) new_rev_author_time = file_change_type = None changed_line_numbers = [] if old_rev_author_time >= new_rev_author_time: # If the DEPS roll is downgrade, bail out. return file_change_type, changed_line_numbers commits_in_roll = roll_repo.GetCommitsBetweenRevisions( old_revision, new_revision) file_change_type, culprit_commit = _GetChangeTypeAndCulpritCommit( file_path_in_log, roll_repo, commits_in_roll) if culprit_commit is None: # Bail out if no commits touched the file in the log. return file_change_type, changed_line_numbers if file_change_type == ChangeType.MODIFY: # If the file was modified, use the blame information to determine which # lines were changed. blame = roll_repo.GetBlame(file_path_in_log, culprit_commit) if not blame: return file_change_type, changed_line_numbers for region in blame: if line_numbers: for line_number in line_numbers: if (line_number >= region.start and line_number <= region.start + region.count - 1 and region.revision in commits_in_roll): # One line which appears in the failure log is changed within # the DEPS roll. changed_line_numbers.append(line_number) return file_change_type, changed_line_numbers
def _GetCommitsBetweenRevisions(start_revision, end_revision): """Gets the revisions between start_revision and end_revision. Args: start_revision (str): The revision for which to get changes after. This revision is not included in the returned list. end_revision (str): The last revision in the range to return. Returns: A list of revisions sorted in order by oldest to newest. """ repo = CachedGitilesRepository(HttpClientAppengine(), _CHROMIUM_REPO_URL) commits = repo.GetCommitsBetweenRevisions(start_revision, end_revision) commits.reverse() return commits
def testDEPSDownloaderForChromeVersion(self): def _MockGet(*_): return 200, base64.b64encode('Dummy DEPS content') self.mock(HttpClientAppengine, '_Get', _MockGet) deps_downloader = chrome_dependency_fetcher.DEPSDownloader( gitiles_repository.GitilesRepository.Factory( HttpClientAppengine())) content = deps_downloader.Load('http://chrome-internal', '50.0.1234.0', 'DEPS') self.assertEqual(content, 'Dummy DEPS content') self.assertRaisesRegexp( Exception, 'Failed to pull DEPS file from http://chrome, at revision 50.0.1234.1.', self.deps_downloader.Load, 'http://chrome', '50.0.1234.1', 'DEPS')
def GetCulpritInfo(repo_name, revision): """Returns culprit info of the given revision. Returns commit position, code-review url, host and change_id. """ # TODO(stgao): get repo url at runtime based on the given repo name. # unused arg - pylint: disable=W0612,W0613 repo = CachedGitilesRepository( HttpClientAppengine(), '') change_log = repo.GetChangeLog(revision) return { 'commit_position': change_log.commit_position, 'code_review_url': change_log.code_review_url, 'review_server_host': change_log.review_server_host, 'review_change_id': change_log.review_change_id }
def GetComponentClassifierConfig(config, http_client=HttpClientAppengine()): """Get component mapping information from owners files and convert in Predator input format. The main purpose is to get the latest component/team information from OWNERS files and convert into predator mapping input format. Args: config(dict): Configuration of component classifier. Returns: A dict of {'component_info': data}, where data is a list of dict in the form {'component': component name. 'dirs': a list of directories maps to this component. 'team': the team owns this component.}. """ component_dict = defaultdict(dict) # Mappings from OWNERS files. status_code, owner_mappings = http_client.Get(config['owner_mapping_url']) if status_code != 200: return None try: owner_mappings = json.loads(owner_mappings) except Exception: # pragma: no cover logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) return None for dir_name, component in owner_mappings['dir-to-component'].items(): if component_dict.get(component) == None: component_dict[component]['component'] = component component_dict[component]['dirs'] = [] if owner_mappings['component-to-team'].get(component): component_dict[component]['team'] = ( owner_mappings['component-to-team'].get(component)) component_dict[component]['dirs'].append('src/' + dir_name) components = component_dict.values() component_classifier_config = { 'component_info': components, 'top_n': config['top_n'], 'owner_mapping_url': config['owner_mapping_url'] } return component_classifier_config
def setUp(self): super(StepMapperTest, self).setUp() self.http_client = HttpClientAppengine() self.master_name = 'tryserver.m' self.wf_master_name = 'm' self.builder_name = 'b' self.build_number = 123 self.step_name = 'browser_tests on platform' self.build_step = BuildStep.Create(self.master_name, self.builder_name, self.build_number, self.step_name, None) self.build_step.put() self.wf_build_step = BuildStep.Create(self.wf_master_name, self.builder_name, self.build_number, self.step_name, None) self.wf_build_step.put()
def testUpdateFirstFailureOnTestLevelFlaky(self): master_name = 'm' builder_name = 'b' build_number = 223 step_name = 'abc_test' failed_step = { 'current_failure': 223, 'first_failure': 221, 'tests': { 'Unittest2.Subtest1': { 'current_failure': 223, 'first_failure': 223, 'last_pass': 223, 'base_test_name': 'Unittest2.Subtest1' } } } step = WfStep.Create(master_name, builder_name, 222, step_name) step.isolated = True step.log_data = 'flaky' step.put() pipeline = DetectFirstFailurePipeline() pipeline._UpdateFirstFailureOnTestLevel(master_name, builder_name, build_number, step_name, failed_step, HttpClientAppengine()) expected_failed_step = { 'current_failure': 223, 'first_failure': 223, 'last_pass': 222, 'tests': { 'Unittest2.Subtest1': { 'current_failure': 223, 'first_failure': 223, 'last_pass': 222, 'base_test_name': 'Unittest2.Subtest1' } } } self.assertEqual(expected_failed_step, failed_step)
def _BotsAvailableForTask(self, step_metadata): """Check if there are available bots for this task's dimensions.""" if not step_metadata: return False minimum_number_of_available_bots = ( waterfall_config.GetSwarmingSettings().get( 'minimum_number_of_available_bots', _MINIMUM_NUMBER_BOT)) minimum_percentage_of_available_bots = ( waterfall_config.GetSwarmingSettings().get( 'minimum_percentage_of_available_bots', _MINIMUM_PERCENT_BOT)) dimensions = step_metadata.get('dimensions') bot_counts = swarming_util.GetSwarmingBotCounts( dimensions, HttpClientAppengine()) total_count = bot_counts.get('count') or -1 available_count = bot_counts.get('available', 0) available_rate = float(available_count) / total_count return (available_count > minimum_number_of_available_bots and available_rate > minimum_percentage_of_available_bots)
class PullChangelogPipeline(BasePipeline): """A pipeline to pull change log of CLs.""" # TODO: for files in dependencies(blink, v8, skia, etc), use blame first. GIT_REPO = CachedGitilesRepository( HttpClientAppengine(), '') # Arguments number differs from overridden method - pylint: disable=W0221 def run(self, failure_info): """ Args: failure_info (dict): Output of pipeline Returns: A dict with the following form: { 'git_hash_revision1': common.change_log.ChangeLog.ToDict(), ... } """ change_logs = {} if not failure_info['failed'] or not failure_info['chromium_revision']: # Bail out if no failed step or no chromium revision. return change_logs # Bail out on infra failure if failure_info.get('failure_type') == failure_type.INFRA: return change_logs for build in failure_info.get('builds', {}).values(): for revision in build['blame_list']: change_log = self.GIT_REPO.GetChangeLog(revision) if not change_log: # pragma: no cover raise pipeline.Retry('Failed to get change log for %s' % revision) change_logs[revision] = change_log.ToDict() return change_logs
def HandleGet(self): http_client = HttpClientAppengine() supported_masters = _GetSupportedMasters() main_waterfall_builders = _GetBuildersOnMasters( supported_masters, http_client) trybot_config = FinditConfig.Get().builders_to_trybots covered_builders = _GetCoveredBuilders(trybot_config) missing_builders = _GetDiffBetweenDicts(main_waterfall_builders, covered_builders) deprecated_builders = _GetDiffBetweenDicts(covered_builders, main_waterfall_builders) unused_variable_builders = _GetUnusedVariableBuilders( trybot_config, http_client) return { 'template': 'check_trybot_mapping.html', 'data': { 'missing': missing_builders, 'deprecated': deprecated_builders, 'unused_variable_builders': unused_variable_builders } }
def NeedNewAnalysis(json_crash_data): """Checks if an analysis is needed for this crash. Args: json_crash_data (dict): Crash information from clients. Returns: True if a new analysis is needed; False otherwise. """ if json_crash_data.get('redo'):'Force redo crash %s', repr(json_crash_data['crash_identifiers'])) return True # N.B., must call FinditForClientID indirectly, for mock testing. findit_client = crash_pipeline.FinditForClientID( json_crash_data['client_id'], CachedGitilesRepository.Factory(HttpClientAppengine()), CrashConfig.Get()) crash_data = findit_client.GetCrashData(json_crash_data) # Detect the regression range, and decide if we actually need to # run a new analysis or not. return findit_client.NeedsNewAnalysis(crash_data)
def _DetectDependencyRolls(change_logs, os_platform): """Detect DEPS rolls in the given CL change logs. Args: change_logs (dict): Output of pipeline Returns: A dict in the following form: { 'git_revision': [ { 'path': 'src/path/to/dependency/', 'repo_url': 'https://url/to/dependency/repo.git', 'new_revision': 'git_hash1', 'old_revision': 'git_hash2', }, ... ], ... } """ deps_rolls = {} dep_fetcher = chrome_dependency_fetcher.ChromeDependencyFetcher( CachedGitilesRepository.Factory(HttpClientAppengine())) for revision, change_log in change_logs.iteritems(): # Check DEPS roll only if the chromium DEPS file is changed by the CL. for touched_file in change_log['touched_files']: if touched_file['new_path'] == 'DEPS': # In git, r^ refers to the previous revision of r. old_revision = '%s^' % revision rolls = dep_fetcher.GetDependencyRolls(old_revision, revision, os_platform) deps_rolls[revision] = [roll.ToDict() for roll in rolls] break return deps_rolls