def normalize(self): try: if not hasattr(self, 'commentid'): self.commentid = 0 # insert new comment elif self.commentid < 0: flask.abort(400, u'Bad comment id.') if not hasattr(self, 'comment'): flask.abort(400, u'Empty comments are not allowed.') if hasattr(self, 'postdate'): if self.postdate < 1104566400: flask.abort(400, u'Comment date before 2005') else: self.whenposted = int(time.time()) if not hasattr(self, 'screenname'): u = current_user if not u.is_authenticated: flask.abort(400, u'A comment must have an owner.') self.screenname = if not gal_utils.legalOwner(self.screenname): flask.abort(400, u'Bad owner.') except HTTPException: raise except: flask.abort(400, u'Cannot instantiate a comment.')
def DesignByDesigner(name, start, num, ccOnly): if not gal_utils.legalOwner(name): flask.abort(400, u'Bad request.') db = gal_utils.get_db() if ccOnly: query = (Design.Query_base + u'WHERE owner=%s AND ' + Design.Query_CC + u' ORDER BY whenuploaded DESC LIMIT %s,%s') else: query = (Design.Query_base + u'WHERE owner=%s ORDER BY whenuploaded ' u'DESC LIMIT %s,%s') with closing(db.cursor(dictionary=True, buffered=True)) as cursor: cursor.execute(query, (name, start, num)) return complete(cursor)
def get(username): if not gal_utils.legalOwner(username): return None db = gal_utils.get_db() with closing(db.cursor(buffered=True)) as cursor: cursor.execute(u'SELECT user_password, user_rank, user_email FROM phpbb3_users ' u'WHERE username=%s', (username,)) data = cursor.fetchone() if data is None or len(data) < 3 or not isinstance(data[1], int): return None if not isinstance(data[0], text) and not isinstance(data[0], bytearray): return None if not isinstance(data[2], text) and not isinstance(data[2], bytearray): return None user = User(username) if hasattr(data[0], 'decode'): user.password_hash = data[0].decode('utf-8') else: user.password_hash = data[0] user.is_admin = data[1] == 1 user.is_tagger = username in ['MtnViewJohn', 'MtnViewMark', 'kipling', 'Guigui'] if hasattr(data[2], 'decode'): = data[2].decode('utf-8') else: = data[2] cursor.execute(u'SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastlogin), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(joinedon), ' u'numposts, numlogins, lastdesign, notify_of_comments, ccURI ' u'FROM gal_users WHERE screenname=%s', (username,)) data = cursor.fetchone() if data is None or len(data) < 7 or not isinstance(data[0], int) or \ not isinstance(data[1], int) or not isinstance(data[2], int) or \ not isinstance(data[3], int) or not isinstance(data[4], int) or \ not isinstance(data[5], int) or not isinstance(data[6], text): return user user.lastlogin = data[0] user.joinedon = data[1] user.numposts = data[2] user.numlogins = data[3] user.lastdesign = data[4] user.notify = data[5] != 0 user.ccURI = data[6] user.inGalUsers = True return user
def canLogin(username, password): if not gal_utils.legalOwner(username) or not isinstance(password, text): return None u = get(username) if u is None: return None try: if not phpbb3_context.verify(password, u.password_hash): return None except ValueError: if not bcrypt.verify(password, u.password_hash): return None except: return None return u
def DesignFavorites(name, start, num, ccOnly): if not gal_utils.legalOwner(name): flask.abort(400, u'Bad request.') db = gal_utils.get_db() if ccOnly: query = ( Design.Query_base_d + ', gal_favorites AS f WHERE ' + Design.Query_CC + ' AND f.screenname=%s AND f.designid = d.designid ORDER BY d.designid ' 'DESC LIMIT %s,%s') else: query = ( Design.Query_base_d + ', gal_favorites AS f WHERE ' 'f.screenname=%s AND f.designid = d.designid ORDER BY d.designid ' 'DESC LIMIT %s,%s') with closing(db.cursor(dictionary=True, buffered=True)) as cursor: cursor.execute(query, (name, start, num)) return complete(cursor)
def init(self, **data): try: if 'screenname' in data: if not gal_utils.legalOwner(data['screenname']): flask.abort(400, u'Bad screenname.') if hasattr(self, 'screenname' ) and self.screenname != data['screenname']: flask.abort(400, u'Comment owner cannot be changed.') self.screenname = data['screenname'] if 'comment' in data: self.comment = data['comment'] if 'postdate' in data: if not isinstance(data['postdate'], int): flask.abort( 400, u'Comment date must be a POSIX timestamp int.') elif data['postdate'] < 1104566400: flask.abort(400, u'Comment date before 2005') elif hasattr(self, 'postdate') and self.postdate != data['postdate']: flask.abort(400, u'Comment post date cannot be changed.') self.postdate = data['postdate'] if 'commentid' in data: id = int(data['commentid']) if id < 0: flask.abort(400, u'Illegal Comment ID.') if hasattr(self, 'commentid') and self.commentid != id: flask.abort(400, u'Comment ID cannot be changed.') self.commentid = id except HTTPException: raise except: flask.abort(400, u'Cannot instantiate a comment.')
def init(self, **data): try: if 'designid' in data: id = int(data['designid']) if id < 0: flask.abort(400, u'Illegal Design ID.') if hasattr(self, 'designid') and self.designid != id: flask.abort(400, u'Design ID cannot be changed.') self.designid = id if 'owner' in data: if not gal_utils.legalOwner(data['owner']): flask.abort(400, u'Bad owner.') if hasattr(self, 'owner') and self.owner != data['owner']: flask.abort(400, u'Design owner cannot be changed.') self.owner = data['owner'] if 'title' in data and len(data['title']) > 0: title = data['title'].strip() if (len(title) < 3 or len(title) > 100): flask.abort( 400, u'The title must be between 3 and 100 characters.') self.title = title if 'variation' in data: var = data['variation'].strip() if not gal_utils.legalVariation(var): flask.abort(400, u'Illegal variation.') self.variation = var if 'tiled' in data: tiled = int(data['tiled']) if tiled < 0 or tiled > 3: flask.abort(400, u'Illegal tile type.') self.tiled = tiled if 'ccURI' in data and 'ccName' in data and 'ccImage' in data: if gal_utils.validateLicense(data): self.ccURI = data['ccURI'] self.ccName = data['ccName'] self.ccImage = data['ccImage'] else: self.ccURI = u'' self.ccName = u'' self.ccImage = u'No license chosen' if 'cclicense' in data and isinstance(data['cclicense'], text): if data['cclicense'] == u'zero': self.ccURI = u'' self.ccName = u'CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication' self.ccImage = u'' elif data['cclicense'] in CC_names: self.ccURI = u'' + data[ 'cclicense'] + u'/4.0/' self.ccName = CC_names[data['cclicense']] self.ccImage = u'' + data[ 'cclicense'] + u'/4.0/88x31.png' elif data['cclicense'] != u'-': self.ccURI = u'' self.ccName = u'' self.ccImage = u'No license chosen' if 'filelocation' in data: if not gal_utils.legalFilePath(data['filelocation'], True): flask.abort(400, u'Illegal cfdg file specification.') self.filelocation = data['filelocation'] if 'S3' in data: if isinstance(data['S3'], bool): self.S3 = data['S3'] elif isinstance(data['S3'], text): if data['S3'] == u'Y': self.S3 = True elif data['S3'] == u'N': self.S3 = False else: flask.abort(400, u'Illegal enum value for S3 flag.') else: flask.abort(400, u'S3 flag must be bool or enum Y/N.') if 'imageversion' in data: v = int(data['imageversion']) if v < 0: flask.abort(400, u'Illegal image version.') self.imageversion = v if 'imagelocation' in data: if not gal_utils.legalFilePath(data['imagelocation'], False): flask.abort(400, u'Illegal image file specification.') self.imagelocation = data['imagelocation'] if 'thumblocation' in data: if not gal_utils.legalFilePath(data['thumblocation'], False): flask.abort(400, u'Illegal image file specification.') self.thumblocation = data['thumblocation'] if 'sm_thumblocation' in data: if not gal_utils.legalFilePath(data['sm_thumblocation'], False): flask.abort(400, u'Illegal image file specification.') self.sm_thumblocation = data['sm_thumblocation'] if 'numvotes' in data: num = int(data['numvotes']) if num < 0: flask.abort(400, u'Illegal vote count.') self.numvotes = num if 'uploaddate' in data: if isinstance(data['uploaddate'], int): if data['uploaddate'] < 1104566400: flask.abort(400, u'Upload date before 2005') else: self.uploaddate = data['uploaddate'] else: flask.abort(400, u'Upload date must be a POSIX timestamp int.') if 'notes' in data: if len(data['notes']) > 1000: flask.abort(400, u'Notes cannot be longer than 1000 bytes.') self.notes = data['notes'] except HTTPException: raise except: if 'wsgi.errors' in os.environ: traceback.print_exc(None, os.environ['wsgi.errors']) else: traceback.print_exc() flask.abort(400, u'Cannot instantiate a design.')
def normalize(self): try: if not hasattr(self, 'designid'): self.designid = 0 # INSERT new design elif self.designid < 0: flask.abort(400, u'Bad design id.') if not hasattr(self, 'owner'): u = current_user if not u.is_authenticated or self.designid > 0: flask.abort(400, u'A design must have an owner.') self.owner = if not gal_utils.legalOwner(self.owner): flask.abort(400, 'Bad owner.') if not hasattr(self, 'title'): flask.abort(400, u'A design must have a title.') elif self.title != self.title.strip() or len( self.title) < 3 or len(self.title) > 100: flask.abort(400, 'Bad title.') if not hasattr(self, 'variation'): self.variation = u'' elif not gal_utils.legalVariation(self.variation): flask.abort(400, u'Bad variation.') if not hasattr(self, 'tiled'): self.tiled = 0 elif self.tiled < 0 or self.tiled > 3: flask.abort(400, u'Bad tiling state.') if not hasattr(self, 'S3'): self.S3 = False elif not isinstance(self.S3, bool): flask.abort(400, u'Bad S3 state.') if not hasattr(self, 'filelocation'): self.filelocation = u'' elif not gal_utils.legalFilePath(self.filelocation, True): flask.abort(400, u'Bad cfdg file path.') if not hasattr(self, 'imagelocation'): self.imagelocation = u'' elif not gal_utils.legalFilePath(self.imagelocation, False): flask.abort(400, u'Bad image file path.') if not hasattr(self, 'thumblocation'): self.thumblocation = u'' elif not gal_utils.legalFilePath(self.thumblocation, False): flask.abort(400, u'Bad image file path.') if not hasattr(self, 'sm_thumblocation'): self.sm_thumblocation = u'' elif not gal_utils.legalFilePath(self.sm_thumblocation, False): flask.abort(400, u'Bad image file path.') if not hasattr(self, 'imageversion'): self.imageversion = 0 elif self.imageversion < 0: flask.abort(400, u'Bad image version.') if not hasattr(self, 'numvotes'): self.numvotes = 0 elif self.numvotes < 0: flask.abort(400, u'Bad vote count.') if not hasattr(self, 'notes'): self.notes = u'' elif len(self.notes) > 1000: flask.abort(400, u'Notes cannot be longer than 1000 bytes.') if hasattr(self, 'ccURI') and hasattr(self, 'ccName') and hasattr( self, 'ccImage'): if not gal_utils.validateLicense(self.__dict__): self.ccURI = u'' self.ccName = u'' self.ccImage = u'No license chosen' else: self.ccURI = u'' self.ccName = u'' self.ccImage = u'No license chosen' if hasattr(self, 'uploaddate'): if self.uploaddate < 1104566400: flask.abort(400, u'Upload date before 2005') else: self.uploaddate = int(time.time()) except HTTPException: raise except: if 'wsgi.errors' in os.environ: traceback.print_exc(None, os.environ['wsgi.errors']) else: traceback.print_exc() flask.abort(400, u'Cannot normalize a design.')