    def save(self, trans, id, content, annotations):
        id = self.decode_id(id)
        page = trans.sa_session.query(model.Page).get(id)
        assert page.user == trans.user

        # Sanitize content
        content = sanitize_html(content)
        processor = _PageContentProcessor(trans, _placeholderRenderForSave)
        # Output is string, so convert to unicode for saving.
        content = unicodify(processor.output(), 'utf-8')

        # Add a new revision to the page with the provided content.
        page_revision = model.PageRevision()
        page_revision.title = page.title
        page_revision.page = page
        page.latest_revision = page_revision
        page_revision.content = content

        # Save annotations.
        annotations = loads(annotations)
        for annotation_dict in annotations:
            item_id = self.decode_id(annotation_dict['item_id'])
            item_class = self.get_class(annotation_dict['item_class'])
            item = trans.sa_session.query(item_class).filter_by(
            if not item:
                raise RuntimeError("cannot find annotated item")
            text = sanitize_html(annotation_dict['text'])

            # Add/update annotation.
            if item_id and item_class and text:
                # Get annotation association.
                annotation_assoc_class = eval("model.%sAnnotationAssociation" %
                annotation_assoc = trans.sa_session.query(
                if item_class == model.History.__class__:
                    annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by(history=item)
                elif item_class == model.HistoryDatasetAssociation.__class__:
                    annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by(hda=item)
                elif item_class == model.StoredWorkflow.__class__:
                    annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by(
                elif item_class == model.WorkflowStep.__class__:
                    annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.filter_by(
                annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc.first()
                if not annotation_assoc:
                    # Create association.
                    annotation_assoc = annotation_assoc_class()
                    annotation_assoc.user = trans.get_user()
                # Set annotation user text.
                annotation_assoc.annotation = text
 def create(self, trans, payload=None, **kwd):
     Create a new page.
     if trans.request.method == 'GET':
         return {
             'title'  : 'Create a new page',
             'inputs' : [{
                 'name'      : 'title',
                 'label'     : 'Name'
             }, {
                 'name'      : 'slug',
                 'label'     : 'Identifier',
                 'help'      : 'A unique identifier that will be used for public links to this page. This field can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes (-).'
             }, {
                 'name'      : 'annotation',
                 'label'     : 'Annotation',
                 'help'      : 'A description of the page. The annotation is shown alongside published pages.'
         user = trans.get_user()
         p_title = payload.get('title')
         p_slug = payload.get('slug')
         p_annotation = payload.get('annotation')
         if not p_title:
             return self.message_exception(trans, 'Please provide a page name is required.')
         elif not p_slug:
             return self.message_exception(trans, 'Please provide a unique identifier.')
         elif not self._is_valid_slug(p_slug):
             return self.message_exception(trans, 'Page identifier can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes (-).')
         elif trans.sa_session.query(model.Page).filter_by(user=user, slug=p_slug, deleted=False).first():
             return self.message_exception(trans, 'Page id must be unique.')
             # Create the new stored page
             p = model.Page()
             p.title = p_title
             p.slug = p_slug
             p.user = user
             if p_annotation:
                 p_annotation = sanitize_html(p_annotation, 'utf-8', 'text/html')
                 self.add_item_annotation(trans.sa_session, user, p, p_annotation)
             # And the first (empty) page revision
             p_revision = model.PageRevision()
             p_revision.title = p_title
             p_revision.page = p
             p.latest_revision = p_revision
             p_revision.content = ""
             # Persist
         return {'message': 'Page \'%s\' successfully created.' % p.title, 'status': 'success'}
 def create( self, trans, page_title="", page_slug="", page_annotation="" ):
     Create a new page
     user = trans.get_user()
     page_title_err = page_slug_err = page_annotation_err = ""
     if trans.request.method == "POST":
         if not page_title:
             page_title_err = "Page name is required"
         elif not page_slug:
             page_slug_err = "Page id is required"
         elif not self._is_valid_slug( page_slug ):
             page_slug_err = "Page identifier must consist of only lowercase letters, numbers, and the '-' character"
         elif trans.sa_session.query( model.Page ).filter_by( user=user, slug=page_slug, deleted=False ).first():
             page_slug_err = "Page id must be unique"
             # Create the new stored page
             page = model.Page()
             page.title = page_title
             page.slug = page_slug
             page_annotation = sanitize_html( page_annotation, 'utf-8', 'text/html' )
             self.add_item_annotation( trans.sa_session, trans.get_user(), page, page_annotation )
             page.user = user
             # And the first (empty) page revision
             page_revision = model.PageRevision()
             page_revision.title = page_title
             page_revision.page = page
             page.latest_revision = page_revision
             page_revision.content = ""
             # Persist
             session = trans.sa_session
             session.add( page )
             # Display the management page
             ## trans.set_message( "Page '%s' created" % page.title )
             return trans.response.send_redirect( web.url_for(controller='page', action='list' ) )
     return trans.show_form(
         web.FormBuilder( web.url_for(controller='page', action='create'), "Create new page", submit_text="Submit" )
             .add_text( "page_title", "Page title", value=page_title, error=page_title_err )
             .add_text( "page_slug", "Page identifier", value=page_slug, error=page_slug_err,
                        help="""A unique identifier that will be used for
                             public links to this page. A default is generated
                             from the page title, but can be edited. This field
                             must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and
                             the '-' character.""" )
             .add_text( "page_annotation", "Page annotation", value=page_annotation, error=page_annotation_err,
                         help="A description of the page; annotation is shown alongside published pages."),
             template="page/create.mako" )