def galaxyGetSecurityHelper(): from import SecurityHelper config = GalaxyConfigParser() id_secret = config.getWithDefault('proto_id_secret', 'USING THE DEFAULT IS ALSO NOT SECURE!', section='galaxy_proto') return SecurityHelper(id_secret=id_secret)
def __init__(self): self.config = bunch.Bunch(tool_secret="awesome_secret", ) self.model = mapping.init("/tmp", "sqlite:///:memory:", create_tables=True) self.toolbox = TestToolbox() self.datatypes_registry = TestDatatypesRegistry() = SecurityHelper(id_secret="testing")
def __init__(self, test_directory, mock_model=True): # The following line is needed in order to create # HistoryDatasetAssociations - ideally the model classes would be # usable without the ORM infrastructure in place. in_memomry_model = mapping.init("/tmp", "sqlite:///:memory:", create_tables=True) self.datatypes_registry = Bunch( integrated_datatypes_configs= '/galaxy/integrated_datatypes_configs.xml', get_datatype_by_extension=lambda ext: Bunch(), ) self.config = Bunch( outputs_to_working_directory=False, commands_in_new_shell=True, new_file_path=os.path.join(test_directory, "new_files"), tool_data_path=os.path.join(test_directory, "tools"), root=os.path.join(test_directory, "galaxy"), admin_users="*****@*****.**", len_file_path=os.path.join('tool-data', 'shared', 'ucsc', 'chrom'), builds_file_path=os.path.join('tool-data', 'shared', 'ucsc', 'builds.txt.sample'), migrated_tools_config=os.path.join(test_directory, "migrated_tools_conf.xml"), ) # Setup some attributes for downstream extension by specific tests. self.job_config = Bunch(dynamic_params=None, ) # Two ways to handle model layer, one is to stub out some objects that # have an interface similar to real model (mock_model) and can keep # track of 'persisted' objects in a map. The other is to use a real # sqlalchemy layer but target an in memory database. Depending on what # is being tested. if mock_model: # Create self.model to mimic app.model. self.model = Bunch(context=MockContext()) for module_member_name in dir(galaxy.model): module_member = getattr(galaxy.model, module_member_name) if type(module_member) == type: self.model[module_member_name] = module_member else: self.model = in_memomry_model self.genome_builds = GenomeBuilds(self) self.toolbox = None self.object_store = None = SecurityHelper(id_secret="testing") from import GalaxyRBACAgent self.job_queue = NoopQueue() self.security_agent = GalaxyRBACAgent(self.model) self.tool_data_tables = {} self.dataset_collections_service = None self.container_finder = NullContainerFinder() = "galaxy"
def run(): #id_secret='cff03377815197df' # 567cc1640266789c' id_secret = '0123456789abcdef' cipher =, mode=Blowfish.MODE_ECB) message = '*****@*****.**' s = smart_str(message) # Pad to a multiple of 8 with leading "!" s = (b"!" * (8 - len(s) % 8)) + s print "S: " + s # Encrypt encrypted = cipher.encrypt(s) print "Encrypted: " + encrypted encoded = codecs.encode(encrypted, "hex") print "Encoded: " + encoded #print unicodify(codecs.encode(cipher.encrypt(s), 'hex')) print unicodify(encoded) security = SecurityHelper(id_secret=id_secret) print security.encode_guid(message)
parser.add_argument('action', metavar='ACTION', type=str, default=None, help='decode|encode') parser.add_argument('value', metavar='VALUE', type=str, default=None, help='value to encode or decode') populate_config_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args() app_properties = app_properties_from_args(args) helper = SecurityHelper(id_secret=app_properties.get('id_secret')) # We need the ID secret for configuring the security helper to decrypt # galaxysession cookies. if "id_secret" not in app_properties: log.warning('No ID_SECRET specified. Please set the "id_secret" in your galaxy.yml.') id_secret = app_properties.get('id_secret', 'dangerous_default') security_helper = SecurityHelper(id_secret=id_secret) # And get access to the models # Login manager to manage current_user functionality if args.action == 'decode': sys.stdout.write(security_helper.decode_guid(args.value.lstrip('F'))) elif args.action == 'encode': sys.stdout.write(security_helper.encode_guid(args.value)) else: sys.stdout.write("Unknown argument") sys.stdout.write('\n')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('action', metavar='ACTION', type=str, default=None, help='decode|encode') parser.add_argument('value', metavar='VALUE', type=str, default=None, help='value to encode or decode') populate_config_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args() app_properties = app_properties_from_args(args) helper = SecurityHelper(id_secret=app_properties.get('id_secret')) # We need the ID secret for configuring the security helper to decrypt # galaxysession cookies. if "id_secret" not in app_properties: log.warning( 'No ID_SECRET specified. Please set the "id_secret" in your galaxy.yml.' ) id_secret = app_properties.get('id_secret', 'dangerous_default') security_helper = SecurityHelper(id_secret=id_secret) # And get access to the models # Login manager to manage current_user functionality if args.action == 'decode':
app_properties = app_properties_from_args(args) config = galaxy.config.Configuration(**app_properties) model = galaxy.config.init_models_from_config(config) sa_session = model.context.current # We need the ID secret for configuring the security helper to decrypt # galaxysession cookies. if "id_secret" not in app_properties: log.warning( 'No ID_SECRET specified. Please set the "id_secret" in your galaxy.ini.' ) id_secret = app_properties.get('id_secret', 'dangerous_default') security_helper = SecurityHelper(id_secret=id_secret) # And get access to the models # Login manager to manage current_user functionality login_manager = flask_login.LoginManager() app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = id_secret login_manager.init_app(app) socketio = SocketIO(app) @login_manager.request_loader def findUserByCookie(request): cookie_value = request.cookies.get('galaxysession') if not cookie_value: return None
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('action', metavar='ACTION', type=str, default=None, help='decode|encode') parser.add_argument('value', metavar='VALUE', type=str, default=None, help='value to encode or decode') populate_config_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args() app_properties = app_properties_from_args(args) # We need the ID secret for configuring the security helper to decrypt # galaxysession cookies. if "id_secret" not in app_properties: log.warning('No ID_SECRET specified. Please set the "id_secret" in your galaxy.yml.') id_secret = app_properties.get('id_secret', 'dangerous_default') security_helper = SecurityHelper(id_secret=id_secret) # And get access to the models # Login manager to manage current_user functionality if args.action == 'decode': sys.stdout.write(security_helper.decode_guid(args.value.lstrip('F'))) elif args.action == 'encode': sys.stdout.write(unicodify(security_helper.encode_guid(args.value))) else: sys.stdout.write("Unknown argument") sys.stdout.write('\n')