def get_data(table_file='default'):
    if table_file == 'default':
        table_file = snap_src + '/tables/ancients_0.1_0.2_galaxies.dat'
    ags = sfh_tests_multi_proc.AncientGalaxies()
    data_dict = {}
    for i, target in enumerate(ags.data.target):
        for band in ['opt', 'ir']:
            ratio = ags.data[i]['n%s_agb' % band] / \
                    ags.data[i]['n%s_rgb' % band]
            data_dict['%s_%s' % (target, band)] = ratio
            data_dict['%s_%s_err' % (target, band)] = \
                galaxy_tests.count_uncert_ratio(ags.data[i]['n%s_agb' % band],
                                                ags.data[i]['n%s_rgb' % band])
    return data_dict
def data_table(targets, table_file='default'):
    # target, av, dist, [opt: frac comp, trgb, nrgb, nagb ratio] [ir: ..]
    if table_file == 'default':
        table_file = snap_src + '/tables/ancients_0.1_0.2_galaxies.dat'
    ags = sfh_tests_multi_proc.AncientGalaxies()
    data_dict = get_data(table_file=table_file)
    comp_data = tables.read_completeness_table()
    row = ''
    row2 = ''
    ts = list(set([t.lower() for t in targets]) & set(ags.data.target))
    assert len(ts) == len(targets), 'cant find all targets in ags.data'
    inds = list([np.where(t.lower() == ags.data.target)[0][0] for t in targets])
    opt_agb_tot = np.sum(ags.data.nopt_agb[inds])
    opt_rgb_tot = np.sum(ags.data.nopt_rgb[inds])
    ir_agb_tot = np.sum(ags.data.nir_agb[inds])
    ir_rgb_tot = np.sum(ags.data.nir_rgb[inds])

    totfmt = 'Total & %i & %i & $%.3f\\pm%.3f$ &  %i & %i & $%.3f\\pm%.3f$ \\\\'
    total = totfmt % (opt_agb_tot, opt_rgb_tot, opt_agb_tot/opt_rgb_tot,
                      galaxy_tests.count_uncert_ratio(opt_agb_tot, opt_rgb_tot),
                      ir_agb_tot, ir_rgb_tot, ir_agb_tot/ir_rgb_tot,
                      galaxy_tests.count_uncert_ratio(ir_agb_tot, ir_rgb_tot))

    for target in targets:
        if target.upper() == 'NGC2976-DEEP':
        (Av, dmod) = [angst_data.get_item(target, i, extra_key=extra_key)
                      for i in ['Av', 'dmod']]
        comp_row = rsp.fileIO.get_row(comp_data, 'target', target)
        nstars_row = rsp.fileIO.get_row(ags.data, 'target', target)
        sub_dict  = {}
        opt_err_pct = []
        ir_err_pct = []
        for (k,v) in data_dict.items():
            if '404' in target:
                target = target.lower().replace('-deep', '')
            if target in k or target.lower() in k:
                sub_dict[k] = v
        opt_err_pct.append(sub_dict['%s_opt_err' % target.lower()] /
                           sub_dict['%s_opt' % target.lower()])
        ir_err_pct.append(sub_dict['%s_ir_err' % target.lower()] /
                          sub_dict['%s_ir' % target.lower()])

        row += '%s & %.2f & %.2f & ' % (target, Av, dmod)
        row += '%(opt_filter2).2f & ' % comp_row
        row += '%(opt_trgb).2f & ' % nstars_row
        row += '%(ir_filter2).2f & ' % comp_row
        row += '%(ir_trgb).2f \\\\ \n' % nstars_row

        row2 += '%s & ' % target
        row2 += '%(nopt_agb)i & %(nopt_rgb)i & ' % nstars_row
        row2 += '$%.3f\\pm%.3f$ & ' % (sub_dict['%s_opt' % target.lower()],
                                       sub_dict['%s_opt_err' % target.lower()])
        row2 += '%(nir_agb)i & %(nir_rgb)i & ' % nstars_row
        row2 += '$%.3f\\pm%.3f$ \\\\ \n' % (sub_dict['%s_ir' % target.lower()],
                                            sub_dict['%s_ir_err' % target.lower()])

    with open('data_table.tex', 'w') as out:

        out.write('# max err pct. opt: %.3f ir: %.3f \n' % \
                  (np.max(opt_err_pct), np.max(ir_err_pct)))
    return total
def narratio_table(narratio_files, table_file='default'):
    '''write the latex table'''
    data_dict = get_data(table_file=table_file)
    nar_dict = result2dict(narratio_files)
    targets = list(np.unique([k.split('_')[0] for k in nar_dict.keys()]))
    agb_mods = list(np.unique(['_'.join(k.split('_')[1:4])
                               for k in nar_dict.keys()]))
    # table columns: target, data ratio, (ratio, frac diff) per agb mod
    ir_table = np.empty(shape=(len(targets) + 1, len(agb_mods)*2 + 1),
    ir_table[:, :] = ''
    opt_table = np.empty(shape=(len(targets) + 1, len(agb_mods)*2 + 1),
    opt_table[:, :] = ''

    fmt = r'$%.3f\pm%.3f$ & '
    fmt2 = r'$%.3f\pm%.3f$ \\'
    for key, val in nar_dict.items():
        # go through half the dict (see below)
        if 'err' in key:

        # choose which table
        if 'ir' in key:
            table = ir_table
            band = 'ir'

        if 'opt' in key:
            table = opt_table
            band = 'opt'

        # choose the correct row and column placement in the table
        target = key.split('_')[0]
        agb_mod = '_'.join(key.split('_')[1:4])
        row = targets.index(target)
        # column 0 is target, columns 1, 3, 5 have ratios
        column = (agb_mods.index(agb_mod) * 2) + 1
        #print row, column
        # target
        table[row, 0] = '%s &' % target.upper()

        # data
        dnarr = data_dict['%s_%s' % (target.lower(), band)]
        derr = data_dict['%s_%s_err' % (target.lower(), band)]
        #dstr = fmt % (dnarr, derr)
        #table[row, 1] = dstr

        # model
        mnarr = val
        # grab the error from the dict
        err_key = key.replace('mean', 'err_mean')
        mnerr = nar_dict[err_key]
        mstr = fmt % (mnarr, mnerr)
        table[row, column] = mstr

        # frac difference
        #pct_diff = (mnarr - dnarr) / dnarr
        #pct_diff_err = np.abs(pct_diff * (mnerr/mnarr + derr/dnarr))
        pct_diff = (mnarr / dnarr)
        pct_diff_err = np.abs(pct_diff * (mnerr/mnarr + derr/dnarr))

        f = fmt
        # if final column, put \\ not &
        if column + 1 == table.shape[1] - 1:
            f = fmt2
        pdstr = f % (pct_diff, pct_diff_err)
        table[row, column + 1] = pdstr

    # totals:
    nar_dict = result2dict(narratio_files, search='all')
    data_total = data_table(targets)
    data_total = np.array(data_total.translate(None, '\\$Total&').replace('pm', ' ').split(), dtype=float)

    for i, agb_mod in enumerate(agb_mods):
        for band, table in zip(['ir', 'opt'], [ir_table, opt_table]):
            f = fmt
            column = (i * 2) + 1
            nrgb = np.sum([v for k, v in nar_dict.items()
                           if agb_mod in k and band in k and 'rgb' in k])
            nagb = np.sum([v for k, v in nar_dict.items()
                           if agb_mod in k and band in k and 'agb' in k])
            ratio = nagb / nrgb
            err = galaxy_tests.count_uncert_ratio(nagb, nrgb)
            table[-1, column] = f % (ratio, err)
            column += 1
            if column == table.shape[1] - 1:
                f = fmt2
            # frac difference
            if band == 'ir':
                j = 6
            if band == 'opt':
                j = 2
            dratio = data_total[j]
            derr = data_total[j+1]
            pct_diff = (ratio / dratio)
            pct_diff_err = np.abs(pct_diff * (err/ratio + derr/dratio))
            #table[-1, column] = f % (pct_diff, pct_diff_err)
            #table[-1, 0] = 'Total & '
    # mean

    for i, agb_mod in enumerate(agb_mods):
        for table in [ir_table, opt_table]:
            f = fmt
            column = (i * 2) + 1
            val, err = \
                np.mean(np.array([l.translate(None, ' $&\\').split('pm')
                    for l in table[:, column][:-1]], dtype=float), axis=0)
            print agb_mod, err/val
            table[-1, column] = f % (val, err)
            column += 1
            if column == table.shape[1] - 1:
                f = fmt2
            val, err = \
                np.mean(np.array([l.translate(None, ' $&\\').split('pm')
                    for l in table[:, column][:-1]], dtype=float), axis=0)
            table[-1, column] = f % (val, err)
            table[-1, 0] = 'Mean & '

    # write the file
    ratio_str = '$\\frac{N_{\\rm TP-AGB}}{N_{\\rm RGB}}$'
    header = 'Target & '
    for i in range(len(agb_mods)):
        header += '%s %s & Frac. Difference & ' % (ratio_str,
    header = header[:-2] + '\\\\ \n \\hline \n'

    outfile_dir = os.path.split(narratio_files[0])[0]
    for band, table in zip(['opt', 'ir'], [opt_table, ir_table]):
        outfile = os.path.join(outfile_dir, '%s_narratio_table.tex' % band)
        with open(outfile, 'w') as out:
            np.savetxt(out, table, fmt='%s')
    return ir_table, opt_table