def plot_random_sfhs(targets='ancients'): ''' plot the random sfr arrays with the data sfr arrays. Hard coded file locations. So read the code. ''' targets = galaxy_tests.load_targets(targets) for target in targets: target = target.lower() # it doesn't matter which model so it is hard coded... sfr_file_loc = os.path.join(snap_src, 'models', 'varysfh', target, 'caf09_s_nov13', 'mc') hmc_file_loc = os.path.join(snap_src, 'data', 'sfh_parsec') target = target.replace('-deep', '') outfile = '%s_random_sfr.png' % target hmc_file, = rsp.fileIO.get_files(hmc_file_loc, '%s*sfh' % target) sfh = sfh_tests.StarFormationHistories(hmc_file, 'match-hmc', sfr_file_loc=sfr_file_loc, sfr_file_search_fmt='*sfr') sfh.plot_sfh('sfr', plot_random_arrays_kw={'from_files': True}, outfile=outfile, zoom=True) return
def plot_opt_hess(targets=None, fits_src='default', filter1='F606W'): band = 'opt' ylim = (0.5, -7) if filter1 == 'F110W': band = 'ir' fits_src = 'default' ylim = (-2, -8) targets = galaxy_tests.load_targets(targets) galss = rsp.Galaxies.galaxies([galaxy_tests.load_galaxy(t, band=band, fits_src=fits_src) for t in targets]) gals = rsp.Galaxies.galaxies(galss.select_on_key('filter1', filter1)) gals.squish('Color', 'Mag2', 'Trgb') mean_trgb = np.mean(gals.Trgbs) offset = gals.Trgbs - np.mean(gals.Trgbs) gals.Mag2o = np.concatenate([g.Mag2 - offset[i] for i, g in enumerate(gals.galaxies)]) gals.Colorso = gals.Colors + gals.Mag2s - gals.Mag2o galshess = rsp.astronomy_utils.hess(gals.Colorso, gals.Mag2o, 0.1, cbinsize=0.05) #N, xedges, yedges = binned_statistic_2d(gals.Colors, gals.Mag2s, gals.Mag2s, 'count', bins=2000) fig, ax = plt.subplots() #im = ax.imshow(np.log10(N.T), origin='lower', ## extent=[xedges[0], xedges[-1], yedges[0], # yedges[-1]], # aspect='auto', interpolation='nearest', # extent = [galshess[0][0], galshess[0][-1], galshess[1][-1], galshess[1][0]] imshow_kw={'norm': LogNorm(vmin=None, vmax=galshess[2].max()), 'cmap':, 'interpolation': 'nearest', 'aspect': 'equal', 'extent': extent} ax.plot(gals.Colorso, gals.Mag2o, ',', color='black') ax.autoscale(False) ax.set_xlim(-1, 3) ax.set_ylim(ylim) #ax.imshow(galshess[2], **imshow_kw) ax.set_aspect(1./2.) ax.set_xlabel('$%s-%s$' % (filter1, gals.galaxies[0].filter2), fontsize=fontlarge) ax.set_ylabel('$%s$' % gals.galaxies[0].filter2, fontsize=fontlarge) ax.hlines(mean_trgb, *ax.get_xlim(), lw=2, color='red', zorder=100) #ax.hlines(mean_trgb+1.5, *ax.get_xlim(), lw=2, color='red', zorder=100) #for k, v in poly_dict.items(): # ax.plot(v[:,0], v[:,1]) #plt.colorbar(cs) #plt.savefig('opt_cmd_f606w.png', dpi=150) return fig, ax, gals
def run_match_stats(targets='ancients'): targets = galaxy_tests.load_targets(targets) hmc_file_loc = os.path.join(snap_src, 'data', 'sfh_parsec') cmd_file_loc = os.path.join(hmc_file_loc, 'cmd_files') for target in targets: target = target.lower() try: target = target.replace('-deep', '') hmc_file, = rsp.fileIO.get_files(hmc_file_loc, '%s*sfh' % target) cmd_file, = rsp.fileIO.get_files(cmd_file_loc, '%s*cmd' % target) except: print target, 'cmd file not found.' continue rsp.match_utils.match_stats(hmc_file, cmd_file) return
def completeness_table(targets, comp_val, ast_kw=None, outfile='default'): ''' ex: completeness_table('ancients', 0.9) ''' targets = galaxy_tests.load_targets(targets) if outfile == 'default': outfile = os.path.join(snap_src + '/tables/', 'completeness_%.2f.dat' % comp_val) fmt = '%(target)s %(opt_filter1)s %(opt_filter2)s %(ir_filter1)s %(ir_filter2)s \n' with open(outfile, 'w') as out: out.write('# completeness fraction: %.2f \n' % comp_val) out.write('# '\ + fmt.replace('%(', '').replace(')s', '').replace('\'', '')) for target in targets: print target ast_dict = find_completeness(target, comp_val) ast_dict['target'] = target out.write(fmt % ast_dict)'wrote %s' % outfile)
outfname = '%s_%s_cmd.png' % (target, band) outfile = os.path.join(snap_src, 'plots', outfname) fig.savefig(outfile, dpi=150) def add_color_cuts(filter1, ax=None, vline_kw=None): vline_kw = vline_kw or {} if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() color_cut = sfh_tests.get_color_cut(filter1) ax.vlines(color_cut, *ax.get_ylim(), **vline_kw) return ax if __name__ == '__main__': targets = galaxy_tests.load_targets('ancients') plot_cum_sum_sfr(targets) [[plot_cmd_lf(target, band) for target in targets] for band in ['opt', 'ir']] # below here was thesis spaz def ave_galaxy_cmd(targets=None, filter1=None, filter2=None): if targets is None: targets = galaxy_tests.targets_z002() if filter1 is None: filter1 = 'F160W' if filter2 is None: filter2 = 'F110W'