def __make_block(self, position, color=choice(color.LIST), special=False): ''' @param position: Position to release the Block (it'll snap to the grid) @param color: Color of the Block that will be released ''' if not special: #If we're not adding a special block... BLOCKS.add(block.get_block([position, 0.0], color)) else: UFO.BLOCK_GROUP.add(block.get_block([position, 0.0], special=True))
def die(self): ''' Vanish and release a special Block that clears lots of other Blocks. ''' self.emitter.rect = self.rect self.emitter.burst(30) UFO.BLOCK_GROUP.add(get_block((self.rect.centerx, 0), special=True)) gamedata.score += 90 self.change_state(UFO.STATES.LEAVING)